47 research outputs found

    Heuristics for Longest Edge Selection in Simplicial Branch and Bound

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    Pre-print de la comunicacion presentada al ICCSA2015Simplicial partitions are suitable to divide a bounded area in branch and bound. In the iterative re nement process, a popular strategy is to divide simplices by their longest edge, thus avoiding needle-shaped simplices. A range of possibilities arises in higher dimensions where the number of longest edges in a simplex is greater than one. The behaviour of the search and the resulting binary search tree depend on the se- lected longest edge. In this work, we investigate different rules to select a longest edge and study the resulting efficiency of the branch and bound algorithm.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Geometric Toolbox for Tetrahedral Finite Element Partitions

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    In this work we present a survey of some geometric results on tetrahedral partitions and their refinements in a unified manner. They can be used for mesh generation and adaptivity in practical calculations by the finite element method (FEM), and also in theoretical finite element (FE) analysis. Special emphasis is laid on the correspondence between relevant results and terminology used in FE computations, and those established in the area of discrete and computational geometry (DCG)

    On global and local mesh refinements by a generalized conforming bisection algorithm

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    We examine a generalized conforming bisection (GCB-)algorithm which allows both global and local nested refinements of the triangulations without generating hanging nodes. It is based on the notion of a mesh density function which prescribes where and how much to refine the mesh. Some regularity properties of generated sequences of refined triangulations are proved. Several numerical tests demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed bisection algorithm. It is also shown how to modify the GCB-algorithm in order to generate anisotropic meshes with high aspect ratios

    Geometric diagram for representing shape quality in mesh refinement

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    summary:We review and discuss a method to normalize triangles by the longest-edge. A geometric diagram is described as a helpful tool for studying and interpreting the quality of triangle shapes during iterative mesh refinements. Modern CAE systems as those implementing the finite element method (FEM) require such tools for guiding the user about the quality of generated triangulations. In this paper we show that a similar method and corresponding geometric diagram in the three-dimensional case do not exist

    On the adjacencies triangular meshes based on skeleton-regular partitions

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    Abstract For any 2D triangulation , the 1-skeleton mesh of is the wireframe mesh deÿned by the edges of , while that for any 3D triangulation , the 1-skeleton and the 2-skeleton meshes, respectively, correspond to the wireframe mesh formed by the edges of and the "surface" mesh deÿned by the triangular faces of . A skeleton-regular partition of a triangle or a tetrahedra, is a partition that globally applied over each element of a conforming mesh (where the intersection of adjacent elements is a vertex or a common face, or a common edge) produce both a reÿned conforming mesh and reÿned and conforming skeleton meshes. Such a partition divides all the edges (and all the faces) of an individual element in the same number of edges (faces). We prove that sequences of meshes constructed by applying a skeleton-regular partition over each element of the preceding mesh have an associated set of di erence equations which relate the number of elements, faces, edges and vertices of the nth and (n − 1)th meshes. By using these constitutive di erence equations we prove that asymptotically the average number of adjacencies over these meshes (number of triangles by node and number of tetrahedra by vertex) is constant when n goes to inÿnity. We relate these results with the non-degeneracy properties of longest-edge based partitions in 2D and include empirical results which support the conjecture that analogous results hold in 3D

    Generalization of the Zlámal condition for simplicial finite elements in Rd{\Bbb R}^d

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    summary:The famous Zlámal's minimum angle condition has been widely used for construction of a regular family of triangulations (containing nondegenerating triangles) as well as in convergence proofs for the finite element method in 2d2d. In this paper we present and discuss its generalization to simplicial partitions in any space dimension

    Generalization of the Zlámal condition for simplicial finite elements in ℝ d

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    The famous Zlámal's minimum angle condition has been widely used for construction of a regular family of triangulations (containing nondegenerating triangles) as well as in convergence proofs for the finite element method in 2d. In this paper we present and discuss its generalization to simplicial partitions in any space dimension

    On the minimum number of simplex shapes in longest edge bisection refinement of a regular n-simplex

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    In several areas like Global Optimization using branch-and-bound methods, the unit n-simplex is refined by bisecting the longest edge such that a binary search tree appears. This process generates simplices belonging to different shape classes. Having less simplex shapes facilitates the prediction of the further workload from a node in the binary tree, because the same shape leads to the same sub-tree. Irregular sub-simplices generated in the refinement process may have more than one longest edge when n\geqslant 3. The question is how to choose the longest edge to be bisected such that the number of shape classes is as small as possible. We develop a Branch-and-Bound (B&B) algorithm to find the minimum number of classes in the refinement process. The developed B&B algorithm provides a minimum number of eight classes for a regular 3-simplex. Due to the high computational cost of solving this combinatorial problem, future research focuses on using high performance computing to derive the minimum number of shapes in higher dimensions