365 research outputs found

    Tight bounds on the maximum size of a set of permutations with bounded VC-dimension

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    The VC-dimension of a family P of n-permutations is the largest integer k such that the set of restrictions of the permutations in P on some k-tuple of positions is the set of all k! permutation patterns. Let r_k(n) be the maximum size of a set of n-permutations with VC-dimension k. Raz showed that r_2(n) grows exponentially in n. We show that r_3(n)=2^Theta(n log(alpha(n))) and for every s >= 4, we have almost tight upper and lower bounds of the form 2^{n poly(alpha(n))}. We also study the maximum number p_k(n) of 1-entries in an n x n (0,1)-matrix with no (k+1)-tuple of columns containing all (k+1)-permutation matrices. We determine that p_3(n) = Theta(n alpha(n)) and that p_s(n) can be bounded by functions of the form n 2^poly(alpha(n)) for every fixed s >= 4. We also show that for every positive s there is a slowly growing function zeta_s(m) (of the form 2^poly(alpha(m)) for every fixed s >= 5) satisfying the following. For all positive integers n and B and every n x n (0,1)-matrix M with zeta_s(n)Bn 1-entries, the rows of M can be partitioned into s intervals so that at least B columns contain at least B 1-entries in each of the intervals.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, correction of the bound on r_3 in the abstract and other minor change

    Largest Empty Circle Centered on a Query Line

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    The Largest Empty Circle problem seeks the largest circle centered within the convex hull of a set PP of nn points in R2\mathbb{R}^2 and devoid of points from PP. In this paper, we introduce a query version of this well-studied problem. In our query version, we are required to preprocess PP so that when given a query line QQ, we can quickly compute the largest empty circle centered at some point on QQ and within the convex hull of PP. We present solutions for two special cases and the general case; all our queries run in O(log⁥n)O(\log n) time. We restrict the query line to be horizontal in the first special case, which we preprocess in O(nα(n)log⁥n)O(n \alpha(n) \log n) time and space, where α(n)\alpha(n) is the slow growing inverse of the Ackermann's function. When the query line is restricted to pass through a fixed point, the second special case, our preprocessing takes O(nα(n)O(α(n))log⁥n)O(n \alpha(n)^{O(\alpha(n))} \log n) time and space. We use insights from the two special cases to solve the general version of the problem with preprocessing time and space in O(n3log⁥n)O(n^3 \log n) and O(n3)O(n^3) respectively.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Bounding sequence extremal functions with formations

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    An (r,s)(r, s)-formation is a concatenation of ss permutations of rr letters. If uu is a sequence with rr distinct letters, then let Ex(u,n)\mathit{Ex}(u, n) be the maximum length of any rr-sparse sequence with nn distinct letters which has no subsequence isomorphic to uu. For every sequence uu define fw(u)\mathit{fw}(u), the formation width of uu, to be the minimum ss for which there exists rr such that there is a subsequence isomorphic to uu in every (r,s)(r, s)-formation. We use fw(u)\mathit{fw}(u) to prove upper bounds on Ex(u,n)\mathit{Ex}(u, n) for sequences uu such that uu contains an alternation with the same formation width as uu. We generalize Nivasch's bounds on Ex((ab)t,n)\mathit{Ex}((ab)^{t}, n) by showing that fw((12
l)t)=2t−1\mathit{fw}((12 \ldots l)^{t})=2t-1 and Ex((12
l)t,n)=n21(t−2)!α(n)t−2±O(α(n)t−3)\mathit{Ex}((12\ldots l)^{t}, n) =n2^{\frac{1}{(t-2)!}\alpha(n)^{t-2}\pm O(\alpha(n)^{t-3})} for every l≄2l \geq 2 and t≄3t\geq 3, such that α(n)\alpha(n) denotes the inverse Ackermann function. Upper bounds on Ex((12
l)t,n)\mathit{Ex}((12 \ldots l)^{t} , n) have been used in other papers to bound the maximum number of edges in kk-quasiplanar graphs on nn vertices with no pair of edges intersecting in more than O(1)O(1) points. If uu is any sequence of the form avavâ€Čaa v a v' a such that aa is a letter, vv is a nonempty sequence excluding aa with no repeated letters and vâ€Čv' is obtained from vv by only moving the first letter of vv to another place in vv, then we show that fw(u)=4\mathit{fw}(u)=4 and Ex(u,n)=Θ(nα(n))\mathit{Ex}(u, n) =\Theta(n\alpha(n)). Furthermore we prove that fw(abc(acb)t)=2t+1\mathit{fw}(abc(acb)^{t})=2t+1 and Ex(abc(acb)t,n)=n21(t−1)!α(n)t−1±O(α(n)t−2)\mathit{Ex}(abc(acb)^{t}, n) = n2^{\frac{1}{(t-1)!}\alpha(n)^{t-1}\pm O(\alpha(n)^{t-2})} for every t≄2t\geq 2.Comment: 25 page

    Sources of Superlinearity in Davenport-Schinzel Sequences

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    A generalized Davenport-Schinzel sequence is one over a finite alphabet that contains no subsequences isomorphic to a fixed forbidden subsequence. One of the fundamental problems in this area is bounding (asymptotically) the maximum length of such sequences. Following Klazar, let Ex(\sigma,n) be the maximum length of a sequence over an alphabet of size n avoiding subsequences isomorphic to \sigma. It has been proved that for every \sigma, Ex(\sigma,n) is either linear or very close to linear; in particular it is O(n 2^{\alpha(n)^{O(1)}}), where \alpha is the inverse-Ackermann function and O(1) depends on \sigma. However, very little is known about the properties of \sigma that induce superlinearity of \Ex(\sigma,n). In this paper we exhibit an infinite family of independent superlinear forbidden subsequences. To be specific, we show that there are 17 prototypical superlinear forbidden subsequences, some of which can be made arbitrarily long through a simple padding operation. Perhaps the most novel part of our constructions is a new succinct code for representing superlinear forbidden subsequences

    Extremal problems for ordered (hyper)graphs: applications of Davenport-Schinzel sequences

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    We introduce a containment relation of hypergraphs which respects linear orderings of vertices and investigate associated extremal functions. We extend, by means of a more generally applicable theorem, the n.log n upper bound on the ordered graph extremal function of F=({1,3}, {1,5}, {2,3}, {2,4}) due to Z. Furedi to the n.(log n)^2.(loglog n)^3 upper bound in the hypergraph case. We use Davenport-Schinzel sequences to derive almost linear upper bounds in terms of the inverse Ackermann function. We obtain such upper bounds for the extremal functions of forests consisting of stars whose all centers precede all leaves.Comment: 22 pages, submitted to the European Journal of Combinatoric

    Reduction of mm-Regular Noncrossing Partitions

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    In this paper, we present a reduction algorithm which transforms mm-regular partitions of [n]={1,2,...,n}[n]=\{1, 2, ..., n\} to (m−1)(m-1)-regular partitions of [n−1][n-1]. We show that this algorithm preserves the noncrossing property. This yields a simple explanation of an identity due to Simion-Ullman and Klazar in connection with enumeration problems on noncrossing partitions and RNA secondary structures. For ordinary noncrossing partitions, the reduction algorithm leads to a representation of noncrossing partitions in terms of independent arcs and loops, as well as an identity of Simion and Ullman which expresses the Narayana numbers in terms of the Catalan numbers

    Disjoint edges in topological graphs and the tangled-thrackle conjecture

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    It is shown that for a constant t∈Nt\in \mathbb{N}, every simple topological graph on nn vertices has O(n)O(n) edges if it has no two sets of tt edges such that every edge in one set is disjoint from all edges of the other set (i.e., the complement of the intersection graph of the edges is Kt,tK_{t,t}-free). As an application, we settle the \emph{tangled-thrackle} conjecture formulated by Pach, Radoi\v{c}i\'c, and T\'oth: Every nn-vertex graph drawn in the plane such that every pair of edges have precisely one point in common, where this point is either a common endpoint, a crossing, or a point of tangency, has at most O(n)O(n) edges
