19 research outputs found


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    In this letter, we analyze the bit error rate (BER) performance of a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) based cognitive radio system in equicorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. The system is assumed to implement energy detection for spectrum sensing and fixed power control for secondary user transmission. We develop an alternate closed form expression of BER when the MIMO link between the secondary users is implemented using orthogonal space time block codes (OSTBC). We also propose a novel infinite series expression of BER when transmit antenna selection with maximal ratio combining (TAS/MRC) is used instead of OSTBC. We observe that the existing work on analyzing the BER of MIMO systems implementing TAS/MRC in correlated fading channels, implicitly or explicitly assumes correlation to be absent on the transmitter side. We overcome this shortcoming by considering correlation on both the transmitter and receiver sides of the MIMO system

    Dependence of Outage Probability of Cooperative Systems with Single Relay Selection on Channel Correlation

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    The relay selection method is a promising technique for improving the performance of cooperative systems. Most of the existing studies assume that wireless channels are statistically independent. However, in reality, channel correlation is more likely to be non-negligible. In this study, we investigate the dependence of the performance of cooperative systems with single relay selection in equally correlated environments. A tight upper bound of the system outage probability is given as a function of the channel correlation coefficients. We show that even though the system performance is considerably degraded in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) region when the channel correlations are sufficiently large, yet less than one, the system still achieves a diversity order equal to the number of available relays

    Performance study of fixed and moving relays for vehicular users with multi-cell handover under co-channel interference

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    In this paper, we investigate the power outage probability (OP) of a vehicular user equipment (VUE) device served by half-duplex decode-and-forward relay nodes (RNs) under co-channel interference. Both moving RNs (MRNs) and fixed RNs (FRNs) are studied, and compared with the baseline, base station (BS) to VUE direct transmission. In order to understand the benefit for vehicular users served by an RN, we consider practical channel models for different involved links as well as the impact of handover (HO) between the BS and the RNs. For an accurate comparison, we present a comprehensive framework to optimize the HO parameters, as well as we numerically optimize the FRN position which minimizes the average power OP at the VUE. FRN shows its advantage to serve its nearby VUEs. However, when vehicular penetration loss is moderate to high, MRN assisted transmission greatly outperforms transmission assisted by an FRN as well as direct transmission. Hence, the use of MRNs is very promising for improving the quality-of-service (QoS) of VUEs in future mobile communication systems

    Distributed Beamforming in Wireless Multiuser Relay-Interference Networks with Quantized Feedback

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    We study quantized beamforming in wireless amplify-and-forward relay-interference networks with any number of transmitters, relays, and receivers. We design the quantizer of the channel state information to minimize the probability that at least one receiver incorrectly decodes its desired symbol(s). Correspondingly, we introduce a generalized diversity measure that encapsulates the conventional one as the first-order diversity. Additionally, it incorporates the second-order diversity, which is concerned with the transmitter power dependent logarithmic terms that appear in the error rate expression. First, we show that, regardless of the quantizer and the amount of feedback that is used, the relay-interference network suffers a second-order diversity loss compared to interference-free networks. Then, two different quantization schemes are studied: First, using a global quantizer, we show that a simple relay selection scheme can achieve maximal diversity. Then, using the localization method, we construct both fixed-length and variable-length local (distributed) quantizers (fLQs and vLQs). Our fLQs achieve maximal first-order diversity, whereas our vLQs achieve maximal diversity. Moreover, we show that all the promised diversity and array gains can be obtained with arbitrarily low feedback rates when the transmitter powers are sufficiently large. Finally, we confirm our analytical findings through simulations.Comment: 41 pages, 14 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, July 2010. This work was presented in part at IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Nov. 200

    Aproximações estatísticas para somas de variáveis aleatórias correlacionadas dos tipos Rayleigh e exponencial com aplicação a esquemas de combinação de diversidade  

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    Orientador: José Cândido Silveira Santos FilhoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Somas de variáveis aleatórias são amplamente aplicadas em sistemas de comunicação sem fio. Exemplos incluem equalização linear, detecção de sinais, fenômenos de interferência e esquemas de combinação de diversidade. No entanto, a formulação exata para as funções estatísticas dessas somas, como a função densidade de probabilidade e a função distribuição acumulada, requer em geral um tratamento matemático complicado, o que tem motivado a busca por soluções aproximadas mais simples. Apesar de haver várias propostas de aproximação disponíveis na literatura, muitas das quais obtidas usando-se a tradicional técnica de casamento de momentos, elas não oferecem um bom ajuste em regime de alta relação sinal-ruído. Sabe-se, porém, que essa é uma região primordial para a análise de desempenho de sistemas de comunicação em termos de métricas importantes como taxa de erro de bit e probabilidade de interrupção. Mais recentemente, com o intuito de contornar essa limitação, foi proposta uma nova técnica promissora conhecida como casamento de assíntotas, capaz de fornecer aproximações para estatísticas de somas de variáveis aleatórias positivas com um ótimo ajuste em regime de alta relação sinal-ruído. Ainda assim, essa técnica foi inicialmente implementada apenas para o caso de somas de variáveis independentes, não sendo até então aplicável para somas de variáveis correlacionadas. Neste trabalho, uma nova análise assintótica é proposta, a partir da qual é possível generalizar o uso do casamento de assíntotas para o caso correlacionado. A análise proposta é ilustrada para somas de variáveis Rayleigh e somas de variáveis exponenciais com correlação e parâmetros de desvanecimento arbitrários. Além disso, deduzem-se expressões assintóticas em forma fechada com o intuito de obter novas aproximações simples e precisas em regime de alta relação sinal-ruído. Como exemplos de aplicação, esquemas práticos de combinação de diversidade são abordados, quais sejam, combinação por ganho igual e combinação por razão máxima. Por fim, resultados numéricos mostram o excelente desempenho das aproximações propostas em comparação com as aproximações obtidas via casamento de momentosAbstract: Sums of random variables are widely applied to wireless communications systems. Examples include linear equalization, signal detection, interference phenomena, and diversity-combining schemes. However, the exact formulation for the statistical functions of these sums, such as the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function, requires in general a complicated mathematical treatment, which has motivated the search for simple approximate solutions. Although there are several approximate proposals available in the literature, many of which obtained through the traditional moment-matching technique, they do not offer a good fit under the regime of high signal-to-noise ratio. It is well-known that this regime is a paramount region for the performance analysis of communications systems in terms of important metrics such as bit error rate and outage probability. More recently, in order to circumvent this limitation, a new promising technique known as asymptotic matching was proposed, capable of providing approximations for statistics of the sum of random variables with an excellent fit under the regime of high signal-to-noise ratio. Even so, this technique was initially proposed for the sum of mutually independent variables only, and thus it has not been applicable to sums of correlated variables. In this work, a novel asymptotic analysis is proposed, from which it is possible to generalize the application of asymptotic matching to the correlated case. The proposed analysis is illustrated for sums of Rayleigh and sums of exponential variables with arbitrary correlation and arbitrary fading parameters. Furthermore, closed-form asymptotic expressions are derived in order to obtain new simple and precise approximations under the regime of high signal-to-noise ratio. As application examples, practical diversity-combining schemes are addressed, namely, equal-gain combining and maximal-ratio combining. Finally, numerical results show the excellent performance of the proposed approximations in comparison to the approximations obtained via moment matchingMestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestre em Engenharia ElétricaCAPE

    An Accurate Sample Rejection Estimator of the Outage Probability With Equal Gain Combining

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    We evaluate the outage probability (OP) for L-branch equal gain combining (EGC) receivers operating over fading channels, i.e., equivalently the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the sum of the L channel envelopes. In general, closed form expressions of OP values are out of reach. The use of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations is not a good alternative as it requires a large number of samples for small values of OP. In this paper, we use the concept of importance sampling (IS), being known to yield accurate estimates using fewer simulation runs. Our proposed IS scheme is based on sample rejection where the IS density is the truncation of the underlying density over the L dimensional sphere. It assumes the knowledge of the CDF of the sum of the L channel gains in closed-form. Such an assumption is not restrictive since it holds for various challenging fading models. We apply our approach to the case of independent Rayleigh, correlated Rayleigh, and independent and identically distributed Rice fading models. Next, we extend our approach to the interesting scenario of generalised selection combining receivers combined with EGC under the independent Rayleigh environment. For each case, we prove the desired bounded relative error property. Finally, we validate these theoretical results through some selected experiments