279,531 research outputs found

    Local algorithms for independent sets are half-optimal

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    We show that the largest density of factor of i.i.d. independent sets in the d -regular tree is asymptotically at most ( log d ) / d as d → ∞ . This matches the lower bound given by previous constructions. It follows that the largest independent sets given by local algorithms on random d -regular graphs have the same asymptotic density. In contrast, the density of the largest independent sets in these graphs is asymptotically 2 ( log d ) / d . We prove analogous results for Poisson–Galton–Watson trees, which yield bounds for local algorithms on sparse Erdős–Rényi graphs

    Reconstruction Threshold for the Hardcore Model

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    In this paper we consider the reconstruction problem on the tree for the hardcore model. We determine new bounds for the non-reconstruction regime on the k-regular tree showing non-reconstruction when lambda < (ln 2-o(1))ln^2(k)/(2 lnln(k)) improving the previous best bound of lambda < e-1. This is almost tight as reconstruction is known to hold when lambda> (e+o(1))ln^2(k). We discuss the relationship for finding large independent sets in sparse random graphs and to the mixing time of Markov chains for sampling independent sets on trees.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Minimizing the number of independent sets in triangle-free regular graphs

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    Recently, Davies, Jenssen, Perkins, and Roberts gave a very nice proof of the result (due, in various parts, to Kahn, Galvin-Tetali, and Zhao) that the independence polynomial of a dd-regular graph is maximized by disjoint copies of Kd,dK_{d,d}. Their proof uses linear programming bounds on the distribution of a cleverly chosen random variable. In this paper, we use this method to give lower bounds on the independence polynomial of regular graphs. We also give new bounds on the number of independent sets in triangle-free regular graphs

    Statistical Mechanics of maximal independent sets

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    The graph theoretic concept of maximal independent set arises in several practical problems in computer science as well as in game theory. A maximal independent set is defined by the set of occupied nodes that satisfy some packing and covering constraints. It is known that finding minimum and maximum-density maximal independent sets are hard optimization problems. In this paper, we use cavity method of statistical physics and Monte Carlo simulations to study the corresponding constraint satisfaction problem on random graphs. We obtain the entropy of maximal independent sets within the replica symmetric and one-step replica symmetry breaking frameworks, shedding light on the metric structure of the landscape of solutions and suggesting a class of possible algorithms. This is of particular relevance for the application to the study of strategic interactions in social and economic networks, where maximal independent sets correspond to pure Nash equilibria of a graphical game of public goods allocation

    Ferromagnetic Potts Model: Refined #BIS-hardness and Related Results

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    Recent results establish for 2-spin antiferromagnetic systems that the computational complexity of approximating the partition function on graphs of maximum degree D undergoes a phase transition that coincides with the uniqueness phase transition on the infinite D-regular tree. For the ferromagnetic Potts model we investigate whether analogous hardness results hold. Goldberg and Jerrum showed that approximating the partition function of the ferromagnetic Potts model is at least as hard as approximating the number of independent sets in bipartite graphs (#BIS-hardness). We improve this hardness result by establishing it for bipartite graphs of maximum degree D. We first present a detailed picture for the phase diagram for the infinite D-regular tree, giving a refined picture of its first-order phase transition and establishing the critical temperature for the coexistence of the disordered and ordered phases. We then prove for all temperatures below this critical temperature that it is #BIS-hard to approximate the partition function on bipartite graphs of maximum degree D. As a corollary, it is #BIS-hard to approximate the number of k-colorings on bipartite graphs of maximum degree D when k <= D/(2 ln D). The #BIS-hardness result for the ferromagnetic Potts model uses random bipartite regular graphs as a gadget in the reduction. The analysis of these random graphs relies on recent connections between the maxima of the expectation of their partition function, attractive fixpoints of the associated tree recursions, and induced matrix norms. We extend these connections to random regular graphs for all ferromagnetic models and establish the Bethe prediction for every ferromagnetic spin system on random regular graphs. We also prove for the ferromagnetic Potts model that the Swendsen-Wang algorithm is torpidly mixing on random D-regular graphs at the critical temperature for large q.Comment: To appear in SIAM J. Computin
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