3,781 research outputs found

    Dynamic Conflict-Free Colorings in the Plane

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    We study dynamic conflict-free colorings in the plane, where the goal is to maintain a conflict-free coloring (CF-coloring for short) under insertions and deletions. - First we consider CF-colorings of a set S of unit squares with respect to points. Our method maintains a CF-coloring that uses O(log n) colors at any time, where n is the current number of squares in S, at the cost of only O(log n) recolorings per insertion or deletion We generalize the method to rectangles whose sides have lengths in the range [1, c], where c is a fixed constant. Here the number of used colors becomes O(log^2 n). The method also extends to arbitrary rectangles whose coordinates come from a fixed universe of size N, yielding O(log^2 N log^2 n) colors. The number of recolorings for both methods stays in O(log n). - We then present a general framework to maintain a CF-coloring under insertions for sets of objects that admit a unimax coloring with a small number of colors in the static case. As an application we show how to maintain a CF-coloring with O(log^3 n) colors for disks (or other objects with linear union complexity) with respect to points at the cost of O(log n) recolorings per insertion. We extend the framework to the fully-dynamic case when the static unimax coloring admits weak deletions. As an application we show how to maintain a CF-coloring with O(sqrt(n) log^2 n) colors for points with respect to rectangles, at the cost of O(log n) recolorings per insertion and O(1) recolorings per deletion. These are the first results on fully-dynamic CF-colorings in the plane, and the first results for semi-dynamic CF-colorings for non-congruent objects

    Coloring half-planes and bottomless rectangles

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    We prove lower and upper bounds for the chromatic number of certain hypergraphs defined by geometric regions. This problem has close relations to conflict-free colorings. One of the most interesting type of regions to consider for this problem is that of the axis-parallel rectangles. We completely solve the problem for a special case of them, for bottomless rectangles. We also give an almost complete answer for half-planes and pose several open problems. Moreover we give efficient coloring algorithms

    Coloring Hypergraphs Induced by Dynamic Point Sets and Bottomless Rectangles

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    We consider a coloring problem on dynamic, one-dimensional point sets: points appearing and disappearing on a line at given times. We wish to color them with k colors so that at any time, any sequence of p(k) consecutive points, for some function p, contains at least one point of each color. We prove that no such function p(k) exists in general. However, in the restricted case in which points appear gradually, but never disappear, we give a coloring algorithm guaranteeing the property at any time with p(k)=3k-2. This can be interpreted as coloring point sets in R^2 with k colors such that any bottomless rectangle containing at least 3k-2 points contains at least one point of each color. Here a bottomless rectangle is an axis-aligned rectangle whose bottom edge is below the lowest point of the set. For this problem, we also prove a lower bound p(k)>ck, where c>1.67. Hence for every k there exists a point set, every k-coloring of which is such that there exists a bottomless rectangle containing ck points and missing at least one of the k colors. Chen et al. (2009) proved that no such function p(k)p(k) exists in the case of general axis-aligned rectangles. Our result also complements recent results from Keszegh and Palvolgyi on cover-decomposability of octants (2011, 2012).Comment: A preliminary version was presented by a subset of the authors to the European Workshop on Computational Geometry, held in Assisi (Italy) on March 19-21, 201

    Making Octants Colorful and Related Covering Decomposition Problems

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    We give new positive results on the long-standing open problem of geometric covering decomposition for homothetic polygons. In particular, we prove that for any positive integer k, every finite set of points in R^3 can be colored with k colors so that every translate of the negative octant containing at least k^6 points contains at least one of each color. The best previously known bound was doubly exponential in k. This yields, among other corollaries, the first polynomial bound for the decomposability of multiple coverings by homothetic triangles. We also investigate related decomposition problems involving intervals appearing on a line. We prove that no algorithm can dynamically maintain a decomposition of a multiple covering by intervals under insertion of new intervals, even in a semi-online model, in which some coloring decisions can be delayed. This implies that a wide range of sweeping plane algorithms cannot guarantee any bound even for special cases of the octant problem.Comment: version after revision process; minor changes in the expositio

    Conflict-Free Coloring Made Stronger

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    In FOCS 2002, Even et al. showed that any set of nn discs in the plane can be Conflict-Free colored with a total of at most O(logn)O(\log n) colors. That is, it can be colored with O(logn)O(\log n) colors such that for any (covered) point pp there is some disc whose color is distinct from all other colors of discs containing pp. They also showed that this bound is asymptotically tight. In this paper we prove the following stronger results: \begin{enumerate} \item [(i)] Any set of nn discs in the plane can be colored with a total of at most O(klogn)O(k \log n) colors such that (a) for any point pp that is covered by at least kk discs, there are at least kk distinct discs each of which is colored by a color distinct from all other discs containing pp and (b) for any point pp covered by at most kk discs, all discs covering pp are colored distinctively. We call such a coloring a {\em kk-Strong Conflict-Free} coloring. We extend this result to pseudo-discs and arbitrary regions with linear union-complexity. \item [(ii)] More generally, for families of nn simple closed Jordan regions with union-complexity bounded by O(n1+α)O(n^{1+\alpha}), we prove that there exists a kk-Strong Conflict-Free coloring with at most O(knα)O(k n^\alpha) colors. \item [(iii)] We prove that any set of nn axis-parallel rectangles can be kk-Strong Conflict-Free colored with at most O(klog2n)O(k \log^2 n) colors. \item [(iv)] We provide a general framework for kk-Strong Conflict-Free coloring arbitrary hypergraphs. This framework relates the notion of kk-Strong Conflict-Free coloring and the recently studied notion of kk-colorful coloring. \end{enumerate} All of our proofs are constructive. That is, there exist polynomial time algorithms for computing such colorings

    Conflict-Free Coloring of Intersection Graphs of Geometric Objects

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    In FOCS'2002, Even et al. introduced and studied the notion of conflict-free colorings of geometrically defined hypergraphs. They motivated it by frequency assignment problems in cellular networks. This notion has been extensively studied since then. A conflict-free coloring of a graph is a coloring of its vertices such that the neighborhood (pointed or closed) of each vertex contains a vertex whose color differs from the colors of all other vertices in that neighborhood. In this paper we study conflict-colorings of intersection graphs of geometric objects. We show that any intersection graph of n pseudo-discs in the plane admits a conflict-free coloring with O(\log n) colors, with respect to both closed and pointed neighborhoods. We also show that the latter bound is asymptotically sharp. Using our methods, we also obtain a strengthening of the two main results of Even et al. which we believe is of independent interest. In particular, in view of the original motivation to study such colorings, this strengthening suggests further applications to frequency assignment in wireless networks. Finally, we present bounds on the number of colors needed for conflict-free colorings of other classes of intersection graphs, including intersection graphs of axis-parallel rectangles and of \rho-fat objects in the plane.Comment: 18 page

    Making Triangles Colorful

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    We prove that for any point set P in the plane, a triangle T, and a positive integer k, there exists a coloring of P with k colors such that any homothetic copy of T containing at least ck^8 points of P, for some constant c, contains at least one of each color. This is the first polynomial bound for range spaces induced by homothetic polygons. The only previously known bound for this problem applies to the more general case of octants in R^3, but is doubly exponential.Comment: 6 page