13 research outputs found

    On an unconditionally convergent stabilized finite element approximation of resistive magnetohydrodynamics

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    In this work, we propose a new stabilized finite element formulation for the approximation of the resistive magnetohydrodynamics equations. The novelty of this formulation with respect to existing ones is the fact that it always converges to the physical solution, even for singular ones. We have performed a detailed stability and convergence analysis of the formulation in a simplified setting. From the convergence analysis, we infer that a particular type of meshes with a macro-element structure is needed, which can be easily obtained after a straight modification of any original mesh. A detailed set of numerical experiments have been performed in order to validate our approach.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    On stabilized finite element methods based on the Scott-Zhang projector: circumventing the inf-sup condition for the Stokes problem

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    In this work we propose a stabilized nite element method that permits us to circumvent discrete inf-sup conditions, e.g. allowing equal order interpolation. The type of method we propose belongs to the family of symmetric stabilization techniques, which are based on the introduction of additional terms that penalize the di erence between some quantities, i.e. the pressure gradient in the Stokes problem, and their nite element projections. The key feature of the formulation we propose is the de nition of the projection to be used, a non-standard Scott-Zhang projector that is well-de ned for L1() functions. The resulting method has some appealing features: the projector is local and nested meshes or enriched spaces are not required

    A nodal-based finite element approximation of the Maxwell problem suitable for singular solutions

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    A new mixed finite element approximation of Maxwell’s problem is proposed, its main features being that it is based on a novel augmented formulation of the continuous problem and the introduction of a mesh dependent stabilizing term, which yields a very weak control on the divergence of the unknown. The method is shown to be stable and convergent in the natural H(curl; ) norm for this unknown. In particular, convergence also applies to singular solutions, for which classical nodal based interpolations are known to suffer from spurious convergence upon mesh refinement.Postprint (published version

    Block recursive LU preconditioners for the thermally coupled incompressible inductionless MHD problem

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    The thermally coupled incompressible inductionless magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) problem models the ow of an electrically charged fuid under the in uence of an external electromagnetic eld with thermal coupling. This system of partial di erential equations is strongly coupled and highly nonlinear for real cases of interest. Therefore, fully implicit time integration schemes are very desirable in order to capture the di erent physical scales of the problem at hand. However, solving the multiphysics linear systems of equations resulting from such algorithms is a very challenging task which requires e cient and scalable preconditioners. In this work, a new family of recursive block LU preconditioners is designed and tested for solving the thermally coupled inductionless MHD equations. These preconditioners are obtained after splitting the fully coupled matrix into one-physics problems for every variable (velocity, pressure, current density, electric potential and temperature) that can be optimally solved, e.g., using preconditioned domain decomposition algorithms. The main idea is to arrange the original matrix into an (arbitrary) 2 2 block matrix, and consider a LU preconditioner obtained by approximating the corresponding Schur complement. For every one of the diagonal blocks in the LU preconditioner, if it involves more than one type of unknown, we proceed the same way in a recursive fashion. This approach is stated in an abstract way, and can be straightforwardly applied to other multiphysics problems. Further, we precisely explain a fexible and general software design for the code implementation of this type of preconditioners.Preprin

    On an unconditionally convergent stabilized finite element approximation of resistive magnetohydrodynamics

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    In this work, we propose a new stabilized finite element formulation for the approximation of the resistive magnetohydrodynamics equations. The novelty of this formulation with respect to existing ones is the fact that it always converges to the physical solution, even for singular ones. We have performed a detailed stability and convergence analysis of the formulation in a simplified setting. From the convergence analysis, we infer that a particular type of meshes with a macro-element structure is needed, which can be easily obtained after a straight modification of any original mesh. A detailed set of numerical experiments have been performed in order to validate our approach.Peer Reviewe

    On an unconditionally convergent stabilized finite element approximation of resistive magnetohydrodynamics

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    In this work, we propose a new stabilized finite element formulation for the approximation of the resistive magnetohydrodynamics equations. The novelty of this formulation with respect to existing ones is the fact that it always converges to the physical solution, even for singular ones. We have performed a detailed stability and convergence analysis of the formulation in a simplified setting. From the convergence analysis, we infer that a particular type of meshes with a macro-element structure is needed, which can be easily obtained after a straight modification of any original mesh. A detailed set of numerical experiments have been performed in order to validate our approach.Peer Reviewe

    On an unconditionally convergent stabilized finite element approximation of resistive magnetohydrodynamics

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    In this work, we propose a new stabilized finite element formulation for the approximation of the resistive magnetohydrodynamics equations. The novelty of this formulation is the fact that it always converges to the physical solution, even for singular ones. A detailed set of numerical experiments have been performed in order to validate our approach