1,091,715 research outputs found

    Data assimilation in price formation

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    We consider the problem of estimating the density of buyers and vendors in a nonlinear parabolic price formation model using measurements of the price and the transaction rate. Our approach is based on a work by Puel (Puel J-P 2002 C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 335 (2) 161–166), and results in an optimal control problem. We analyze this problems and provide stability estimates for the controls as well as the unknown density in the presence of measurement errors. Our analytic findings are supported with numerical experiments

    Black-hole binaries: life begins at 40 keV

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    In the study of black-hole transients, an important problem that still needs to be answered is how the high-energy part of the spectrum evolves from the low-hard to the high-soft state, given that they have very different properties. Recent results obtained with RXTE and INTEGRAL have given inconsistent results. With RXTE, we have found that the high-energy cutoff in GX 339-4 during the transition first decreases (during the low-hard state), then increases again across the Hard-Intermediate state, to become unmeasurable in the soft states (possibly because of statistical limitations). We show Simbol-X will be able to determine the spectral shape with superb accuracy. As the high-energy part of the spectrum is relatively less known than the one below 20 keV, Simbol-X will provide important results that will help out understanding of the extreme physical conditions in the vicinity of a stellar-mass black hole.Comment: Proc. "Simbol-X: Focusing on the Hard X-Ray Universe", Paris, 2-5 Dec. 2008, ed. J. Rodriguez and P. Ferrando; 4 pages, 3 figure

    Numerical Evaluation of the Accuracy and Stability Properties of High-order Direct Stokes Solvers with or without Temporal Splitting

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    The temporal stability and effective order of two different direct high-order Stokes solvers are examined. Both solvers start from the primitive variables formulation of the Stokes problem, but are distinct by the numerical uncoupling they apply on the Stokes operator. One of these solvers introduces an intermediate divergence free velocity for performing a temporal splitting (J. Comput. Phys. [1991] 97, 414-443) while the other treats the whole Stokes problem through the evaluation of a divergence free acceleration field (C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris [1994] 319 Serie I, 1455-1461; SIAM J. Scient. Comput. [2000] 22(4), 1386-1410). The second uncoupling is known to be consistent with the harmonicity of the pressure field (SIAM J. Scient. Comput. [2000] 22(4), 1386-1410). Both solvers proceed by two steps, a pressure evaluation based on an extrapolated in time (of theoretical order Je) Neumann condition, and a time implicit (of theoretical order Ji) diffusion step for the final velocity. These solvers are implemented with a Chebyshev mono-domain and a Legendre spectral element collocation schemes. The numerical stability of these four options is investigated for the sixteen combinations of (Je,Ji), 1 ≀ Je, Ji ≀

    An ant colony optimization inspired algorithm for the set packing problem with application to railway infrastructure

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    http://www.emse.fr/~delorme/Papiers/MIC05/MIC05_resume.pdfInternational audienceThe paper concerns an Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) procedure as approximation method for the railway infrastructure capacity (RIC) problem. Railway infrastructure managers now have to deal with operators' requests for increased capacity. Planning the construction or reconstruction of infrastructures must be done very carefully due to the huge required invest- ments and the long term implications. Usually, assessing the capacity of one component of a rail system is done by measuring the maximum number of trains that can be operated on this component within a certain time period. In our work, we deal with two real situations. The first is Pierrefitte-Gonnesse crossing point located at the north of Paris. The second is the Lille-Flandres station which is the largest station in North of France. Measuring the capacity of junctions is a matter of solving an optimisation problem called the saturation problem [1], and which can be formulated as a Set Packing Problem (SPP). Given a finite set I = {1, . . . , n} of items and {Tj}, j 2 J = {1, . . . ,m}, a collection of m subsets of I, a packing is a subset P I such that |Tj \ P| 1, 8j 2 J. The set J can be also seen as a set of exclusive con- straints between some items of I. Each item i 2 I has a positive weight denoted by ci and the aim of the SPP is to calculate the packing which maximises the total weight. This proble

    Magnetic field frustration of the metal-insulator transition in V2 O3

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    Despite decades of efforts, the origin of metal-insulator transitions (MITs) in strongly correlated materials remains one of the main long-standing problems in condensed-matter physics. An archetypal example is V2O3, which undergoes simultaneous electronic, structural, and magnetic phase transitions. This remarkable feature highlights the many degrees of freedom at play in this material. In this work, acting solely on the magnetic degree of freedom, we reveal an anomalous feature in the electronic transport of V2O3: On cooling, the magnetoresistance changes from positive to negative values well above the MIT temperature, and shows divergent behavior at the transition. The effects are attributed to the magnetic field quenching antiferromagnetic fluctuations above the Néel temperature TN, and preventing long-range antiferromagnetic ordering below TN. In both cases, suppressing the antiferromagnetic ordering prevents the opening of the incipient electronic gap. This interpretation is supported by Hubbard model calculations which fully reproduce the experimental behavior. Our study sheds light on this classic problem providing a clear and physical interpretation of the nature of the metal-insulator transition.Fil: Trastoy, J.. University of California at San Diego; Estados UnidosFil: Camjayi, Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Del Valle, J.. University of California at San Diego; Estados UnidosFil: Kalcheim, Y.. University of California at San Diego; Estados UnidosFil: Crocombette, J. P.. Université Paris-Saclay; FranciaFil: Gilbert, D.A.. University of Tennessee; Estados UnidosFil: Borchers, J.A.. Nist Center For Neutron Research; Estados UnidosFil: Villegas, J.E.. Université Paris-Saclay; FranciaFil: Ravelosona, D.. Center For Nanoscience And Nanotechnology; FranciaFil: Rozenberg, M.J.. Université Paris-Saclay; FranciaFil: Schuller, Ivan K.. University of California at San Diego; Estados Unido

    Responsibility for Sin in Ezekiel 18:21-28

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    This article discusses the problem of responsibility in Ezekiel 18:21-28. In the first part of the article, the author presents the principle of collective responsibility in ancient Israel. The second part shows the teaching of the prophet Ezekiel, who contrasts the former universally applicable principle of collective responsibility with his completely novel concept of individual responsibility. According to this new principle, everyone is personally responsible for his own behavior. A sinner can save his life by converting and entering on the path of a real spiritual life. For centuries the Catholic Church has interpreted Ezekiel’s encouragement to convert as an indirect invitation for the modern listener to be open to Christ.REV. KRZYSZTOF RUDZIƃSKI was born in Suchowola in 1965. After being ordained to the priesthood in Bialystok in 1990, he served within different parishes in the Archdiocese of Bialystok. In 1995, he began biblical and pastoral studies at the Faculty of Theology ATK in Warsaw. In 1999, he successfully defended his Master’s thesis under the direction of Rev. Prof. Ryszard Rumianek and obtained a Master’s Degree in Theology and a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies. Rev. Rudzinski subsequently pursued doctoral studies at the Faculty of Theology at UKSW in Warsaw, where he is currently continuing his studies. In 2000, he was sent as a missionary to France where he serves as a priest “fidei donum” in the Diocese of Nice.Asurmendi, J. M. “Le prophĂšte EzĂ©chiel,” Cahiers Evangile 38(1981).Bedd, Ch. T. “Księga Ezechiela.” In SƂownik Wiedzy Biblijnej (Prymasowska Seria Biblijna 5). Edited by B. M. Metzger, M. D. Coogan. Consultant for the Polish edition W. Chrostowski. Translated by P. Pachciarek, B. Olszewska, Warsaw 1996, pgs. 339-341.Cylkow, I. Księga Ezechiela. TƂumaczenie I. Cylkow, Cracow 2010 (Reprinted edition of: Księga Ezechiela, tƂomaczyƂ i podƂug najlepszych ĆșrĂłdeƂ objaƛniƂ Dr. J. Cylkow. Issued by the translator of the J. Fischer printing house in Cracow, Cracow1900).Dictionnaire d’hĂ©breu et d’aramĂ©en biblique. Edited by P. Raymond, Paris-Villiers-le Bel, 1991.Dictionnaire HĂ©breu-Français. Edited by N. P. Sander, I. Trenel. A presentation by G. Weil, GenĂšve 2005 (rĂ©imp. de l’édition de Paris, 1859).Dubreucq, M. “EzĂ©chiel. A qui la faute? La responsabilitĂ© personnelle en Ez 18,” Les Dossiers de la Bible 63(1996).Fournier-Bidoz, A. “Le livre EzĂ©chiel.” In J. M. Assurmendi, J. Ferry, A. Fournier-Bidoz, Les livres des ProphĂštes. EzĂ©chiel, Daniel, les douze prophĂštes, Vol. 2, Paris 1999, pgs. 17-84.Gelin, A. “Les livres prophĂ©tiques postĂ©rieurs.” In Introduction Ă  la Bible. Introduction gĂ©nĂ©rale, Ancien Testament, red. A. Robert, A. Feuillet, Vol. 1, Tournai 1959ÂČ, pgs. 465-582.Homerski, J. Księga Ezechiela. TƂumaczenie, wstęp i komentarz, Lublin 1998, p. 10-12 [Biblia Lubelska].Homerski, J. “Komentarz do Księgi Ezechiela.” In Pismo ƚwięte Starego i Nowego Testamentu w przekƂadzie z językĂłw oryginalnych ze wstępami i komentarzami. Edited by M. Petrer, M. Wolniewicz, Vol. 3, Poznan 1992Âł, pgs. 395-484 [Biblia PoznaƄska].Homerski, J. “Wstęp do Księgi Ezechiela.” In Pismo ƚwięte Starego i Nowego Testamentu w przekƂadzie z językĂłw oryginalnych ze wstępami i komentarzami. Edited by M. Petrer, M. Wolniewicz, Vol. 3, Poznan 1992Âł, pgs. 390-394 [Biblia PoznaƄska].JasiƄski, A. S. Księga Proroka Ezechiela. Ez 16-20, Vol. 5, Opole 2018.“Księga Ezechiela.” Translated by J. Drozd. In: Pismo ƚwięte Starego i Nowego Testamentu w przekƂadzie z językĂłw oryginalnych. Compiled by a team of biblical scholars at the request of the Benedictines at Tyniec. Edited by. A. Jankowski et al., 5th Edition, PoznaƄ 2014, pgs. 998-1044 [Biblia Tysiąclecia].Langkammer, H. SƂownik biblijny, Katowice 1989.Rumianek, R. Księga Ezechiela. TƂumaczenie i komentarz, Warsaw 2009.Rumianek, R. Orędzie Księgi Ezechiela, Warsaw 1999.Rumianek, R. “Problem odpowiedzialnoƛci wedƂug Ez 18,2,” in MiƂoƛć jest z Boga. WokóƂ zagadnieƄ biblijno-moralnych. Studium ofiarowane ks. prof. dr. hab. Janowi Ɓachowi, Warsaw 1997, pgs. 359-366.Rumianek, R. Z rozwaĆŒaƄ nad Starym i Nowym Testamentem, Warsaw 2001.“Repentir,” Dictionnaire encyclopĂ©dique du JudaĂŻsme. Esquisse de l’histoire du peuple Juif. Calendrier. Edited by G. Wigoder. Compiled by S. A. Goldberg et al., Paris 1993, pgs. 960-963.Rose, A. “Introductions aux lectures de l’annĂ©e liturgique.” In: Missel de la Semaine prĂ©sentĂ© par P. Jounel. Texte liturgique officiel, Paris 1973.Strong, J. Hebrajsko-polski i aramejsko-polski sƂownik Stronga z lokalizacją sƂów hebrajskich i aramejskich oraz kodami Baumgartnera (Prymasowska Seria Biblijna 45). Translated by A. Czwojdrak, Warsaw 2017.Tidiman, B. Le livre d’EzĂ©chiel, Vol. 1, Vaux-sur-Seine 2007.Wilson, R. “Ezekiel.” In Harper’s Bible Commentary. Edited by J. L. Mays, San Francisco 1988, pgs. 652-693.Witaszek, G. Myƛl spoƂeczna prorokĂłw, Lublin 1998.Weingreen, J. HĂ©breu Biblique. MĂ©thode Ă©lĂ©mentaire. Nouvelle Ă©dition revue et corrigĂ©e. Translated by P. Hebert, J. Morgain, Paris 1984.Zimmerli, W. Ezechiel (Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament. Ezechiel 1-24, Vol. 13/1), Vluyn 1979ÂČ.Zimmerli, W. “Le message du prophĂšte EzĂ©chiel,” Compiled, arranged, and translated by S. de DiĂ©trich, Cahiers Bibliques 11(1972), pgs. 3-25.P., Editor. “50 mots de la Bible,” Cahiers Evangile 123(2003).1811312

    Two-parameter homogenization for a Ginzburg-Landau problem in a perforated domain

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    International audienceLet AA be an annular type domain in R2{\mathbb R}^2. Let AÎŽA_\delta be a perforated domain obtained by punching periodic holes of size ÎŽ\delta in AA; here, ÎŽ\delta is sufficiently small. Let JJ be the class of complex-valued maps in AÎŽA_\delta, of modulus 11 on ∂AÎŽ\partial A_\delta and of degrees 11 on the components of ∂A\partial A, respectively 00 on the boundaries of the holes. We consider the existence of a minimizer of the Ginzburg-Landau energy Eλ(u)E_\lambda (u) among all maps u∈Ju\in J. ïżŒIt turns out that, under appropriate assumptions on the large parameter λ=λ(ÎŽ)\lambda=\lambda(\delta), existence is governed by the asymptotic behavior of the H1H^1-capacity of AÎŽA_\delta. When the limit of the capacities is > π\,\pi, we show that minimizers exist and that they are, when ή→0\delta\to 0, equivalent to minimizers of the same problem in the subclass of JJ formed by the S1{\mathbb S}^1-valued maps. This result parallels the one obtained, for a fixed domain, by the same authors (J. Funct. Anal. 2006), and reduces homogenization of the Ginzburg-Landau functional to the one of harmonic maps, already performed by the first author and Khruslov (SIAM J. Appl. Math. 1999). When the limit is < π\, \pi, we prove that, for small ÎŽ\delta, the minimum is not attained, and that minimizing sequences develop vortices. In the case of a fixed domain, this was proved by the first author, Golovaty and Rybalko (C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 2006)

    Study of errors in the integration of the two-body problem using generalized Sundman's anomalies

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    [EN] As is well known, the numerical integration of the two body problem with constant step presents problems depending on the type of coordinates chosen. It is usual that errors in Runge-Lenz's vector cause an artificial and secular precession of the periaster although the form remains symplectic, theoretically, even when using symplectic methods. Provided that it is impossible to preserve the exact form and all the constants of the problem using a numerical method, a possible option is to make a change in the variable of integration, enabling the errors in the position of the periaster and in the speed in the apoaster to be minimized for any eccentricity value between 0 and 1. The present work considers this casuistry. We provide the errors in norm infinite, of different quantities such as the Energy, the module of the Angular Moment vector and the components of Runge-Lenz's vector, for a large enough number of orbital revolutions.Lopez Orti, JA.; Marco Castillo, FJ.; MartĂ­nez Uso, MJ. (2014). Study of errors in the integration of the two-body problem using generalized Sundman's anomalies. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series. 4:105-112. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-06953-1_11S1051124Brower, D., Clemence, G.M.: Celestial Mechanics. Academic, New York (1965)Brumberg, E.V.: Length of arc as independent argument for highly eccentric orbits. Celest. Mech. 53, 323–328 (1992)Fehlberg, E., Marsall, G.C.: Classical fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth Runge–Kutta formulas with stepsize control. Technical report, NASA, R-287 (1968)FerrĂĄndiz, J.M., Ferrer, S., Sein-Echaluce, M.L.: Generalized elliptic anomalies. Celest. Mech. 40, 315–328 (1987)Gragg, W.B.: Repeated extrapolation to the limit in the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 2, 384–403 (1965)Janin, G.: Accurate computation of highly eccentric satellite orbits. Celest. Mech. 10, 451–467 (1974)Janin, G., Bond, V.R.: The elliptic anomaly. Technical memorandum, NASA, n. 58228 (1980)Levallois, J.J., Kovalevsky, J.: GĂ©odĂ©sie GĂ©nĂ©rale, vol. 4. Eyrolles, Paris (1971)LĂłpez, J.A., Agost, V., Barreda, M.: A note on the use of the generalized Sundman transformations as temporal variables in celestial mechanics. Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, 433–442 (2012)LĂłpez, J.A., Marco, F.J., MartĂ­nez, M.J.: A study about the integration of the elliptical orbital motion based on a special one-parametric family of anomalies. Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014, ID 162060, 1–11 (2014)Nacozy, P.: The intermediate anomaly. Celest. Mech. 16, 309–313 (1977)Sundman, K.: Memoire sur le probleme des trois corps. Acta Math. 36, 105–179 (1912)Tisserand, F.F.: TraitĂ© de Mecanique Celeste. Gauthier-Villars, Paris (1896)Velez, C.E., Hilinski, S.: Time transformation and Cowell’s method. Celest. Mech. 17, 83–99 (1978

    Hydrostatic Stokes Equations With Non-smooth Date For Mixed Boundary Conditions

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    The main subject of this work is to study the concept of very weak solution for the hydrostatic Stokes system with mixed boundary conditions (non-smooth Neumann conditions on the rigid surface and homogeneous Dirichlet conditions elsewhere on the boundary). In the Stokes framework, this concept has been studied by Conca [Rev. Mat. Apl. 10 (1989)] imposing non-smooth Dirichlet boundary conditions. In this paper, we introduce the dual problem that turns out to be a hydrostatic Stokes system with non-free divergence condition. First, we obtain strong regularity for this dual problem (which can be viewed as a generalisation of the regularity results for the hydrostatic Stokes system with free divergence condition obtained by Ziane [Appl. Anal. 58 (1995)]). Afterwards, we prove existence and uniqueness of very weak solution for the (primal) problem. As a consequence of this result, the existence of strong solution for the non-stationary hydrostatic Navier-Stokes equations is proved, weakening the hypothesis over the time derivative of the wind stress tensor imposed by Guillén-Gonzålez, Masmoudi and Rodríguez-Bellido [Differential Integral Equations 50 (2001)]. © 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.216807826Amrouche, C., Girault, V., Decomposition of vector spaces and application to the Stokes problem in arbitrary dimension (1994) Czechoslovak Math. J., 44 (119), pp. 109-140Azérad, P., Guillén, F., Mathematical justification of the hydrostatic approximation in the Primitive Equations of qeophysical fluid dynamics (2001) SIAM J. Math. Anal., 33 (4), pp. 847-859Besson, O., Laydi, M.R., Some estimates for the anisotropic Navier-Stokes equations and for the hydrostatic approximation (1992) M2AN-Mod. Math. Ana. Nume., 7, pp. 855-865Cattabriga, L., Sur un problema al contorno relativo al sistema di equazioni di Stokes (1961) Rend. Mat. Sem. Univ. Padova, 31, pp. 308-340Chacón, T., Guillén, F., An intrinsic analysis of existence of solutions for the hydrostatic approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations (2000) C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I, 330, pp. 841-846Conca, C., Stokes equations with non-smooth data (1989) Revista de Matemåticas Aplicadas, 10, pp. 115-122Girault, V., Raviart, P.A., (1986) Finite Element Methods for Navier-Stokes Equations, , Berlin: Springer-VerlagGuillén-Gonzålez, F., Rodríguez-Bellido, M.A., On the strong solutions of the Primitive Equations in 2D domains (2002) Nonlin. Anal., 50, pp. 621-646Guillén-Gonzålez, F., Masmoudi, N., Rodríguez-Bellido, M.A., Anisotropic estimates and strong solutions of the Primitive Equations (2001) Differential Integral Equations, 14 (11), pp. 1381-1408Lewandowski, R., (1997) Analyse Mathématique et Océanographie, , MassonLions, J.L., Magenes, E., (1969) ProblÚmes aux Limites Non HomogÚnes et Applications, 1. , Paris: DunodLions, J.L., Temam, R., Wang, S., New formulation of the primitive equations of the atmosphere and applications (1992) Nonlinearity, 5, pp. 237-288Lions, J.L., Temam, R., Wang, S., On the equations of the large scale ocean (1992) Nonlinearity, 5, pp. 1007-1053Pedlosky, J., (1987) Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, , Berlin: Springer-VerlagTemam, R., (1977) Navier-Stokes Equations: Theory and Numerical Analysis, , Amsterdam: North HollandZiane, M., Regularity results for Stokes type systems (1995) Appl. Anal., 58, pp. 263-29
