138 research outputs found

    Strategy-Stealing Is Non-Constructive

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    In many combinatorial games, one can prove that the first player wins under best play using a simple but non-constructive argument called strategy-stealing. This work is about the complexity behind these proofs: how hard is it to actually find a winning move in a game, when you know by strategy-stealing that one exists? We prove that this problem is PSPACE-Complete already for Minimum Poset Games and Symmetric Maker-Maker Games, which are simple classes of games that capture two of the main types of strategy-stealing arguments in the current literature

    Derandomized Construction of Combinatorial Batch Codes

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    Combinatorial Batch Codes (CBCs), replication-based variant of Batch Codes introduced by Ishai et al. in STOC 2004, abstracts the following data distribution problem: nn data items are to be replicated among mm servers in such a way that any kk of the nn data items can be retrieved by reading at most one item from each server with the total amount of storage over mm servers restricted to NN. Given parameters m,c,m, c, and kk, where cc and kk are constants, one of the challenging problems is to construct cc-uniform CBCs (CBCs where each data item is replicated among exactly cc servers) which maximizes the value of nn. In this work, we present explicit construction of cc-uniform CBCs with Ω(mc1+1k)\Omega(m^{c-1+{1 \over k}}) data items. The construction has the property that the servers are almost regular, i.e., number of data items stored in each server is in the range [ncmn2ln(4m),ncm+n2ln(4m)][{nc \over m}-\sqrt{{n\over 2}\ln (4m)}, {nc \over m}+\sqrt{{n \over 2}\ln (4m)}]. The construction is obtained through better analysis and derandomization of the randomized construction presented by Ishai et al. Analysis reveals almost regularity of the servers, an aspect that so far has not been addressed in the literature. The derandomization leads to explicit construction for a wide range of values of cc (for given mm and kk) where no other explicit construction with similar parameters, i.e., with n=Ω(mc1+1k)n = \Omega(m^{c-1+{1 \over k}}), is known. Finally, we discuss possibility of parallel derandomization of the construction

    Approximation Algorithms for Covering/Packing Integer Programs

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    Given matrices A and B and vectors a, b, c and d, all with non-negative entries, we consider the problem of computing min {c.x: x in Z^n_+, Ax > a, Bx < b, x < d}. We give a bicriteria-approximation algorithm that, given epsilon in (0, 1], finds a solution of cost O(ln(m)/epsilon^2) times optimal, meeting the covering constraints (Ax > a) and multiplicity constraints (x < d), and satisfying Bx < (1 + epsilon)b + beta, where beta is the vector of row sums beta_i = sum_j B_ij. Here m denotes the number of rows of A. This gives an O(ln m)-approximation algorithm for CIP -- minimum-cost covering integer programs with multiplicity constraints, i.e., the special case when there are no packing constraints Bx < b. The previous best approximation ratio has been O(ln(max_j sum_i A_ij)) since 1982. CIP contains the set cover problem as a special case, so O(ln m)-approximation is the best possible unless P=NP.Comment: Preliminary version appeared in IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (2001). To appear in Journal of Computer and System Science

    Polynomial-time Computation of Exact Correlated Equilibrium in Compact Games

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    In a landmark paper, Papadimitriou and Roughgarden described a polynomial-time algorithm ("Ellipsoid Against Hope") for computing sample correlated equilibria of concisely-represented games. Recently, Stein, Parrilo and Ozdaglar showed that this algorithm can fail to find an exact correlated equilibrium, but can be easily modified to efficiently compute approximate correlated equilibria. Currently, it remains unresolved whether the algorithm can be modified to compute an exact correlated equilibrium. We show that it can, presenting a variant of the Ellipsoid Against Hope algorithm that guarantees the polynomial-time identification of exact correlated equilibrium. Our new algorithm differs from the original primarily in its use of a separation oracle that produces cuts corresponding to pure-strategy profiles. As a result, we no longer face the numerical precision issues encountered by the original approach, and both the resulting algorithm and its analysis are considerably simplified. Our new separation oracle can be understood as a derandomization of Papadimitriou and Roughgarden's original separation oracle via the method of conditional probabilities. Also, the equilibria returned by our algorithm are distributions with polynomial-sized supports, which are simpler (in the sense of being representable in fewer bits) than the mixtures of product distributions produced previously; no tractable algorithm has previously been proposed for identifying such equilibria.Comment: 15 page