1,484 research outputs found

    Energy performance forecasting of residential buildings using fuzzy approaches

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    The energy consumption used for domestic purposes in Europe is, to a considerable extent, due to heating and cooling. This energy is produced mostly by burning fossil fuels, which has a high negative environmental impact. The characteristics of a building are an important factor to determine the necessities of heating and cooling loads. Therefore, the study of the relevant characteristics of the buildings, regarding the heating and cooling needed to maintain comfortable indoor air conditions, could be very useful in order to design and construct energy-efficient buildings. In previous studies, different machine-learning approaches have been used to predict heating and cooling loads from the set of variables: relative compactness, surface area, wall area, roof area, overall height, orientation, glazing area and glazing area distribution. However, none of these methods are based on fuzzy logic. In this research, we study two fuzzy logic approaches, i.e., fuzzy inductive reasoning (FIR) and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), to deal with the same problem. Fuzzy approaches obtain very good results, outperforming all the methods described in previous studies except one. In this work, we also study the feature selection process of FIR methodology as a pre-processing tool to select the more relevant variables before the use of any predictive modelling methodology. It is proven that FIR feature selection provides interesting insights into the main building variables causally related to heating and cooling loads. This allows better decision making and design strategies, since accurate cooling and heating load estimations and correct identification of parameters that affect building energy demands are of high importance to optimize building designs and equipment specifications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Adaptive Non-singleton Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems: A Way Forward for Handling Numerical Uncertainties in Real World Applications

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    Real world environments are characterized by high levels of linguistic and numerical uncertainties. A Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) is recognized as an adequate methodology to handle the uncertainties and imprecision available in real world environments and applications. Since the invention of fuzzy logic, it has been applied with great success to numerous real world applications such as washing machines, food processors, battery chargers, electrical vehicles, and several other domestic and industrial appliances. The first generation of FLSs were type-1 FLSs in which type-1 fuzzy sets were employed. Later, it was found that using type-2 FLSs can enable the handling of higher levels of uncertainties. Recent works have shown that interval type-2 FLSs can outperform type-1 FLSs in the applications which encompass high uncertainty levels. However, the majority of interval type-2 FLSs handle the linguistic and input numerical uncertainties using singleton interval type-2 FLSs that mix the numerical and linguistic uncertainties to be handled only by the linguistic labels type-2 fuzzy sets. This ignores the fact that if input numerical uncertainties were present, they should affect the incoming inputs to the FLS. Even in the papers that employed non-singleton type-2 FLSs, the input signals were assumed to have a predefined shape (mostly Gaussian or triangular) which might not reflect the real uncertainty distribution which can vary with the associated measurement. In this paper, we will present a new approach which is based on an adaptive non-singleton interval type-2 FLS where the numerical uncertainties will be modeled and handled by non-singleton type-2 fuzzy inputs and the linguistic uncertainties will be handled by interval type-2 fuzzy sets to represent the antecedents’ linguistic labels. The non-singleton type-2 fuzzy inputs are dynamic and they are automatically generated from data and they do not assume a specific shape about the distribution associated with the given sensor. We will present several real world experiments using a real world robot which will show how the proposed type-2 non-singleton type-2 FLS will produce a superior performance to its singleton type-1 and type-2 counterparts when encountering high levels of uncertainties.</jats:p

    Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks Fuzzy Inference System

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    This paper presents a novel fuzzy inference model based on artificial hydrocarbon networks, a computational algorithm for modeling problems based on chemical hydrocarbon compounds. In particular, the proposed fuzzy-molecular inference model (FIM-model) uses molecular units of information to partition the output space in the defuzzification step. Moreover, these molecules are linguistic units that can be partially understandable due to the organized structure of the topology and metadata parameters involved in artificial hydrocarbon networks. In addition, a position controller for a direct current (DC) motor was implemented using the proposed FIM-model in type-1 and type-2 fuzzy inference systems. Experimental results demonstrate that the fuzzy-molecular inference model can be applied as an alternative of type-2 Mamdani’s fuzzy control systems because the set of molecular units can deal with dynamic uncertainties mostly present in real-world control applications

    Development of FPGA based Standalone Tunable Fuzzy Logic Controllers

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    Soft computing techniques differ from conventional (hard) computing, in that unlike hard computing, it is tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation. In effect, the role model for soft computing is the human mind and its ability to address day-to-day problems. The principal constituents of Soft Computing (SC) are Fuzzy Logic (FL), Evolutionary Computation (EC), Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). This thesis presents a generic hardware architecture for type-I and type-II standalone tunable Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLCs) in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The designed FLC system can be remotely configured or tuned according to expert operated knowledge and deployed in different applications to replace traditional Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers. This re-configurability is added as a feature to existing FLCs in literature. The FLC parameters which are needed for tuning purpose are mainly input range, output range, number of inputs, number of outputs, the parameters of the membership functions like slope and center points, and an If-Else rule base for the fuzzy inference process. Online tuning enables users to change these FLC parameters in real-time and eliminate repeated hardware programming whenever there is a need to change. Realization of these systems in real-time is difficult as the computational complexity increases exponentially with an increase in the number of inputs. Hence, the challenge lies in reducing the rule base significantly such that the inference time and the throughput time is perceivable for real-time applications. To achieve these objectives, Modified Rule Active 2 Overlap Membership Function (MRA2-OMF), Modified Rule Active 3 Overlap Membership Function (MRA3-OMF), Modified Rule Active 4 Overlap Membership Function (MRA4-OMF), and Genetic Algorithm (GA) base rule optimization methods are proposed and implemented. These methods reduce the effective rules without compromising system accuracy and improve the cycle time in terms of Fuzzy Logic Inferences Per Second (FLIPS). In the proposed system architecture, the FLC is segmented into three independent modules, fuzzifier, inference engine with rule base, and defuzzifier. Fuzzy systems employ fuzzifier to convert the real world crisp input into the fuzzy output. In type 2 fuzzy systems there are two fuzzifications happen simultaneously from upper and lower membership functions (UMF and LMF) with subtractions and divisions. Non-restoring, very high radix, and newton raphson approximation are most widely used division algorithms in hardware implementations. However, these prevalent methods have a cost of more latency. In order to overcome this problem, a successive approximation division algorithm based type 2 fuzzifier is introduced. It has been observed that successive approximation based fuzzifier computation is faster than the other type 2 fuzzifier. A hardware-software co-design is established on Virtex 5 LX110T FPGA board. The MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) acquires the fuzzy (type 1 or type 2) parameters from users and a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) is dedicated to data communication between the hardware and the fuzzy toolbox. This GUI is provided to initiate control, input, rule transfer, and then to observe the crisp output on the computer. A proposed method which can support canonical fuzzy IF-THEN rules, which includes special cases of the fuzzy rule base is included in Digital Fuzzy Logic Controller (DFLC) architecture. For this purpose, a mealy state machine is incorporated into the design. The proposed FLCs are implemented on Xilinx Virtex-5 LX110T. DFLC peripheral integration with Micro-Blaze (MB) processor through Processor Logic Bus (PLB) is established for Intellectual Property (IP) core validation. The performance of the proposed systems are compared to Fuzzy Toolbox of MATLAB. Analysis of these designs is carried out by using Hardware-In-Loop (HIL) test to control various plant models in MATLAB/Simulink environments

    Field programmable gate array hardware in the loop validation of fuzzy direct torque control for induction machine drive

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    Introduction. Currently, the direct torque control is very popular in industry and is of great interest to scientists in the variable speed drive of asynchronous machines. This technique provides decoupling between torque control and flux without the need to use pulse width modulation or coordinate transformation. Nevertheless, this command presents two major importunities: the switching frequency is highly variable on the one hand, and on the other hand, the amplitude of the torque and stator flux ripples remain poorly controlled throughout the considered operating speed range. The novelty of this article proposes improvements in performance of direct torque control of asynchronous machines by development of a fuzzy direct torque control algorithm. This latter makes it possible to provide solutions to the major problems of this control technique, namely: torque ripples, flux ripples, and failure to control switching frequency. Purpose. The emergence of this method has given rise to various works whose objective is to show its performance, or to provide solutions to its limitations. Indeed, this work consists in validation of a fuzzy direct torque control architecture implemented on the ML402 development kit (based on the Xilinx Virtex-4 type field programmable gate array circuit), through hardware description language (VHDL) and Xilinx generator system. The obtained results showed the robustness of the control and sensorless in front of load and parameters variation of induction motor control. The research directions of the model were determined for the subsequent implementation of results with simulation samples.Вступ. В даний час пряме управління моментом дуже популярне в промисловості і викликає великий інтерес у вчених у галузі частотно-регульованого приводу асинхронних машин. Цей метод забезпечує розв'язку між керуванням моментом, що крутить, і магнітним потоком без необхідності використання широтно-імпульсної модуляції або перетворення координат. Тим не менш, ця команда представляє дві основні незручності: з одного боку, частота комутації сильно варіюється, а з іншого боку, амплітуда пульсацій моменту і потоку статора залишається погано контрольованою у всьому діапазоні робочих швидкостей. Новизна цієї статті пропонує поліпшення характеристик прямого керування моментом, що крутить, асинхронних машин шляхом розробки нечіткого алгоритму прямого управління моментом, що крутить. Останнє дозволяє вирішити основні проблеми цього методу управління, а саме: пульсації моменту, що крутить, пульсації потоку і нездатність контролювати частоту перемикання. Мета. Поява цього методу породило різні роботи, метою яких є показати його ефективність чи запропонувати рішення стосовно його обмежень. Дійсно, ця робота полягає у перевірці нечіткої архітектури прямого управління моментом, що крутить, реалізованої в наборі для розробки ML402 (на основі схеми Xilinx Virtex-4 з програмованою користувачем вентильною матрицею), за допомогою мови опису обладнання (VHDL) та генераторної системи Xilinx. Отримані результати показали робастність керування та безсенсорного керування при зміні навантаження та параметрів керування асинхронним двигуном. Визначено напрями дослідження моделі для подальшої реалізації результатів на імітаційних вибірках

    Alone Self-Excited Induction Generators

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    In recent years, some converter structures and analyzing methods for the voltage regulation of stand-alone self-excited induction generators (SEIGs) have been introduced. However, all of them are concerned with the three-phase voltage control of three-phase SEIGs or the single-phase voltage control of single-phase SEIGs for the operation of these machines under balanced load conditions. In this paper, each phase voltage is controlled separately through separated converters, which consist of a full-bridge diode rectifier and one-IGBT. For this purpose, the principle of the electronic load controllers supported by fuzzy logic is employed in the two-different proposed converter structures. While changing single phase consumer loads that are independent from each other, the output voltages of the generator are controlled independently by three-number of separated electronic load controllers (SELCs) in two different mode operations. The aim is to obtain a rated power from the SEIG via the switching of the dump loads to be the complement of consumer load variations. The transient and steady state behaviors of the whole system are investigated by simulation studies from the point of getting the design parameters, and experiments are carried out for validation of the results. The results illustrate that the proposed SELC system is capable of coping with independent consumer load variations to keep output voltage at a desired value for each phase. It is also available for unbalanced consumer load conditions. In addition, it is concluded that the proposed converter without a filter capacitor has less harmonics on the currents