17 research outputs found

    On Termination of Integer Linear Loops

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    A fundamental problem in program verification concerns the termination of simple linear loops of the form x := u ; while Bx >= b do {x := Ax + a} where x is a vector of variables, u, a, and c are integer vectors, and A and B are integer matrices. Assuming the matrix A is diagonalisable, we give a decision procedure for the problem of whether, for all initial integer vectors u, such a loop terminates. The correctness of our algorithm relies on sophisticated tools from algebraic and analytic number theory, Diophantine geometry, and real algebraic geometry. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first substantial advance on a 10-year-old open problem of Tiwari (2004) and Braverman (2006).Comment: Accepted to SODA1

    Reachability problems for PAMs

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    Piecewise affine maps (PAMs) are frequently used as a reference model to show the openness of the reachability questions in other systems. The reachability problem for one-dimentional PAM is still open even if we define it with only two intervals. As the main contribution of this paper we introduce new techniques for solving reachability problems based on p-adic norms and weights as well as showing decidability for two classes of maps. Then we show the connections between topological properties for PAM's orbits, reachability problems and representation of numbers in a rational base system. Finally we show a particular instance where the uniform distribution of the original orbit may not remain uniform or even dense after making regular shifts and taking a fractional part in that sequence.Comment: 16 page

    On the Termination of Linear and Affine Programs over the Integers

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    The termination problem for affine programs over the integers was left open in\cite{Braverman}. For more that a decade, it has been considered and cited as a challenging open problem. To the best of our knowledge, we present here the most complete response to this issue: we show that termination for affine programs over Z is decidable under an assumption holding for almost all affine programs, except for an extremely small class of zero Lesbegue measure. We use the notion of asymptotically non-terminating initial variable values} (ANT, for short) for linear loop programs over Z. Those values are directly associated to initial variable values for which the corresponding program does not terminate. We reduce the termination problem of linear affine programs over the integers to the emptiness check of a specific ANT set of initial variable values. For this class of linear or affine programs, we prove that the corresponding ANT set is a semi-linear space and we provide a powerful computational methods allowing the automatic generation of these ANTANT sets. Moreover, we are able to address the conditional termination problem too. In other words, by taking ANT set complements, we obtain a precise under-approximation of the set of inputs for which the program does terminate.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1407.455

    Vector Reachability Problem in SL(2,Z)\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})

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    The decision problems on matrices were intensively studied for many decades as matrix products play an essential role in the representation of various computational processes. However, many computational problems for matrix semigroups are inherently difficult to solve even for problems in low dimensions and most matrix semigroup problems become undecidable in general starting from dimension three or four. This paper solves two open problems about the decidability of the vector reachability problem over a finitely generated semigroup of matrices from SL(2,Z)\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z}) and the point to point reachability (over rational numbers) for fractional linear transformations, where associated matrices are from SL(2,Z)\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z}). The approach to solving reachability problems is based on the characterization of reachability paths between points which is followed by the translation of numerical problems on matrices into computational and combinatorial problems on words and formal languages. We also give a geometric interpretation of reachability paths and extend the decidability results to matrix products represented by arbitrary labelled directed graphs. Finally, we will use this technique to prove that a special case of the scalar reachability problem is decidable

    Termination of Triangular Integer Loops is Decidable

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    We consider the problem whether termination of affine integer loops is decidable. Since Tiwari conjectured decidability in 2004, only special cases have been solved. We complement this work by proving decidability for the case that the update matrix is triangular.Comment: Full version (with proofs) of a paper published in the Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV '19), New York, NY, USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 201

    Decidability of the Membership Problem for 2×22\times 2 integer matrices

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    The main result of this paper is the decidability of the membership problem for 2×22\times 2 nonsingular integer matrices. Namely, we will construct the first algorithm that for any nonsingular 2×22\times 2 integer matrices M1,,MnM_1,\dots,M_n and MM decides whether MM belongs to the semigroup generated by {M1,,Mn}\{M_1,\dots,M_n\}. Our algorithm relies on a translation of the numerical problem on matrices into combinatorial problems on words. It also makes use of some algebraical properties of well-known subgroups of GL(2,Z)\mathrm{GL}(2,\mathbb{Z}) and various new techniques and constructions that help to limit an infinite number of possibilities by reducing them to the membership problem for regular languages

    A Calculus for Modular Loop Acceleration

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    A Calculus for Modular Loop Acceleration

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    Loop acceleration can be used to prove safety, reachability, runtime bounds, and (non-)termination of programs operating on integers. To this end, a variety of acceleration techniques has been proposed. However, all of them are monolithic: Either they accelerate a loop successfully or they fail completely. In contrast, we present a calculus that allows for combining acceleration techniques in a modular way and we show how to integrate many existing acceleration techniques into our calculus. Moreover, we propose two novel acceleration techniques that can be incorporated into our calculus seamlessly. An empirical evaluation demonstrates the applicability of our approach

    A Calculus for Modular Loop Acceleration

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    Loop acceleration can be used to prove safety, reachability, runtime bounds, and (non-)termination of programs operating on integers. To this end, a variety of acceleration techniques has been proposed. However, all of them are monolithic: Either they accelerate a loop successfully or they fail completely. In contrast, we present a calculus that allows for combining acceleration techniques in a modular way and we show how to integrate many existing acceleration techniques into our calculus. Moreover, we propose two novel acceleration techniques that can be incorporated into our calculus seamlessly. An empirical evaluation demonstrates the applicability of our approach