1,063 research outputs found

    On the confluence of lambda-calculus with conditional rewriting

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    The confluence of untyped \lambda-calculus with unconditional rewriting is now well un- derstood. In this paper, we investigate the confluence of \lambda-calculus with conditional rewriting and provide general results in two directions. First, when conditional rules are algebraic. This extends results of M\"uller and Dougherty for unconditional rewriting. Two cases are considered, whether \beta-reduction is allowed or not in the evaluation of conditions. Moreover, Dougherty's result is improved from the assumption of strongly normalizing \beta-reduction to weakly normalizing \beta-reduction. We also provide examples showing that outside these conditions, modularity of confluence is difficult to achieve. Second, we go beyond the algebraic framework and get new confluence results using a restricted notion of orthogonality that takes advantage of the conditional part of rewrite rules

    Soundness of Unravelings for Conditional Term Rewriting Systems via Ultra-Properties Related to Linearity

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    Unravelings are transformations from a conditional term rewriting system (CTRS, for short) over an original signature into an unconditional term rewriting systems (TRS, for short) over an extended signature. They are not sound w.r.t. reduction for every CTRS, while they are complete w.r.t. reduction. Here, soundness w.r.t. reduction means that every reduction sequence of the corresponding unraveled TRS, of which the initial and end terms are over the original signature, can be simulated by the reduction of the original CTRS. In this paper, we show that an optimized variant of Ohlebusch's unraveling for a deterministic CTRS is sound w.r.t. reduction if the corresponding unraveled TRS is left-linear or both right-linear and non-erasing. We also show that soundness of the variant implies that of Ohlebusch's unraveling. Finally, we show that soundness of Ohlebusch's unraveling is the weakest in soundness of the other unravelings and a transformation, proposed by Serbanuta and Rosu, for (normal) deterministic CTRSs, i.e., soundness of them respectively implies that of Ohlebusch's unraveling.Comment: 49 pages, 1 table, publication in Special Issue: Selected papers of the "22nd International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA'11)

    The 2D Dependency Pair Framework for Conditional Rewrite Systems¿Part II: Advanced Processors and Implementation Techniques

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    [EN] Proving termination of programs in `real-life¿ rewriting-based languages like CafeOBJ, Haskell, Maude, etc., is an important subject of research. To advance this goal, faithfully cap- turing the impact in the termination behavior of the main language features (e.g., conditions in program rules) is essential. In Part I of this work, we have introduced a 2D Dependency Pair Framework for automatically proving termination properties of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems. Our framework relies on the notion of processor as the main practical device to deal with proofs of termination properties of conditional rewrite systems. Processors are used to decompose and simplify the proofs in a divide and conquer approach. With the basic proof framework defined in Part I, here we introduce new processors to further improve the abil- ity of the 2D Dependency Pair Framework to deal with proofs of termination properties of conditional rewrite systems. We also discuss relevant implementation techniques to use such processors in practice.Partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and projects RTI2018-094403-B-C32, PROMETEO/2019/098, SP20180225. Jose Meseguer was supported by grants NSF CNS 13-19109 and NRL N00173-17-1-G002. Salvador Lucas' research was partly developed during a sabbatical year at the UIUC.Lucas Alba, S.; Meseguer, J.; Gutiérrez Gil, R. (2020). The 2D Dependency Pair Framework for Conditional Rewrite Systems¿Part II: Advanced Processors and Implementation Techniques. Journal of Automated Reasoning. 64(8):1611-1662. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10817-020-09542-3S16111662648Arts, T., Giesl, J.: Termination of term rewriting using dependency pairs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 236(1–2), 133–178 (2000)Alarcón, B., Gutiérrez, R., Lucas, S., Navarro-Marset, R.: Proving termination properties with MU-TERM. In: Proceedings of AMAST’10, LNCS, vol. 6486, pp. 201–208 (2011)Baader, F., Nipkow, T.: Term Rewriting and all That. 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In: Selected Papers from LOPSTR’14, LNCS, vol. 8981, pp. 113–130 (2015)Lucas, S., Meseguer, J., Gutiérrez, R.: The 2D dependency pair framework for conditional rewrite systems. Part I: Definition and basic processors. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 96, 74–106 (2018)McCune, W.: Prover9 & Mace4. http://www.cs.unm.edu/~mccune/prover9/ (2005–2010)Ohlebusch, E.: Advanced Topics in Term Rewriting. Springer, New York (2002)Schernhammer, F., Gramlich, B.: Characterizing and proving operational termination of deterministic conditional term rewriting systems. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 79, 659–688 (2010)Sternagel, T., Middeldorp, A.: Conditional confluence (system description). In: Proceedings of RTA-TLCA’14, LNCS, vol. f8560, pp. 456–465 (2014)Sternagel, T., Middeldorp, A.: Infeasible conditional critical pairs. In: Proceedings of IWC’15, pp. 13–18 (2014)Thiemann, R.: The DP Framework for Proving Termination of Term Rewriting. PhD Thesis, RWTH Aachen, Technical Report AIB-2007-17 (2007)Thiemann, R., Giesl, J., Schneider-Kamp, P.: Improved modular termination proofs using dependency pairs. In: Proceedings of IJCAR’04, LNAI, vol. 3097, pp. 75–90 (2004)Wang, H.: Logic of many-sorted theories. J. Symb. Log. 17(2), 105–116 (1952

    Inductive-data-type Systems

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    In a previous work ("Abstract Data Type Systems", TCS 173(2), 1997), the last two authors presented a combined language made of a (strongly normalizing) algebraic rewrite system and a typed lambda-calculus enriched by pattern-matching definitions following a certain format, called the "General Schema", which generalizes the usual recursor definitions for natural numbers and similar "basic inductive types". This combined language was shown to be strongly normalizing. The purpose of this paper is to reformulate and extend the General Schema in order to make it easily extensible, to capture a more general class of inductive types, called "strictly positive", and to ease the strong normalization proof of the resulting system. This result provides a computation model for the combination of an algebraic specification language based on abstract data types and of a strongly typed functional language with strictly positive inductive types.Comment: Theoretical Computer Science (2002

    Termination of rewrite relations on λ\lambda-terms based on Girard's notion of reducibility

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    In this paper, we show how to extend the notion of reducibility introduced by Girard for proving the termination of β\beta-reduction in the polymorphic λ\lambda-calculus, to prove the termination of various kinds of rewrite relations on λ\lambda-terms, including rewriting modulo some equational theory and rewriting with matching modulo β\betaη\eta, by using the notion of computability closure. This provides a powerful termination criterion for various higher-order rewriting frameworks, including Klop's Combinatory Reductions Systems with simple types and Nipkow's Higher-order Rewrite Systems

    Confluence of the disjoint union of conditional term rewriting systems

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