31 research outputs found

    On the Greedy Algorithm for the Shortest Common Superstring Problem with Reversals

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    We study a variation of the classical Shortest Common Superstring (SCS) problem in which a shortest superstring of a finite set of strings SS is sought containing as a factor every string of SS or its reversal. We call this problem Shortest Common Superstring with Reversals (SCS-R). This problem has been introduced by Jiang et al., who designed a greedy-like algorithm with length approximation ratio 44. In this paper, we show that a natural adaptation of the classical greedy algorithm for SCS has (optimal) compression ratio 12\frac12, i.e., the sum of the overlaps in the output string is at least half the sum of the overlaps in an optimal solution. We also provide a linear-time implementation of our algorithm.Comment: Published in Information Processing Letter

    The swap common superstring problem

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    In this paper we consider an approach to solve the swap common superstring problem. this approach is based on an explicit reduction from the problem to the satisfiability problem

    One loop phenomenology of type II string theory: intersecting d-branes and noncommutativity

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    We examine one loop amplitudes for open and closed strings in certain D-brane configurations, and investigate the consequences for phenomenology. Initially we consider open strings at D6-brane intersections. We develop techniques for one-loop diagrams. The one-loop propagator of chiral intersection states is calculated exactly and its finiteness is shown to be guaranteed by RR tadpole cancellation. The result is used to demonstrate the expected softening of power law running of Yukawa couplings at the string scale. We also develop methods to calculate arbitrary TV-point functions at one-loop, including those without gauge bosons in the loop. These techniques are also applicable to heterotic orbifold models. One issue of the intersecting D6-brane models is that the Yukawa couplings of the simpler models suffer from the so-called "rank one" problem - there is only a single non-zero mass and no mixing. We consider the one-loop contribution of E2-instantons to Yukawa couplings on intersecting D6-branes, and show that they can provide a solution. In addition they have the potential to provide a geometric explanation for the hierarchies observed in the Yukawa couplings. In order to do this we provide the necessary quantities for instanton calculus in this class of background. We then explore how the IR pathologies of noncommutative field theory are resolved when the theory is realized as open strings in background B-fields: essentially, since the IR singularities are induced by UV/IR mixing, string theory brings them under control in much the same way as it does the uv singularities. We show that at intermediate scales (where the Selberg-Witten limit is a good approximation) the theory reproduces the noncommutative field theory with all the (un)usual features such as UV/IR mixing, but that outside this regime, in the deep infra-red, the theory flows continuously to the commutative theory and normal Wilsoman behaviour is restored. The resulting low energy physics resembles normal commutative physics, but with additional suppressed Lorentz violating operators. We also show that the phenomenon of UV/IR mixing occurs for the graviton as well, with the result that, in configurations where Planck's constant receives a significant one-loop correction (for example brane-induced gravity), the distance scale below which gravity becomes non-Newtonian can be much greater than any compact dimensions

    The distinguished guests of giants

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, 2016.The convenient pictorial descriptions of the half-BPS and near-BPS sectors of the AdS=CFT equivalent theories of N = 4, D = 4 super Yang-Mills and D = 10 Type IIB superstring theory on AdS5 S5 are exploited in this thesis by using Schur polynomials labelled by Young diagrams as a basis for the gauge invariant operators in the eld theory. We use a \Fourier transform" on these operators to construct asymptotic eigenstates of the dilatation operator, the spectrum of which agrees precisely with the rst two leading order terms in the smallcoupling expansion of the exact result determined by symmetry. Motivated by the geometric description of the systems of open strings with magnon excitations to which the operators are dual, we propose a simple and minimal all-loop expression that interpolates between anomalous dimensions computed in the gauge theory and energies computed in the string theory. The connection to the string theory result provides the insight necessary to understand the interpretation of our Gauss graphs in the magnon language. Symmetry determines the two-body scattering matrix for the magnons up to a phase, and it is demonstrated that integrability is spoiled by the boundary conditions on the open strings. The Schur polynomial construction is then applied to the study of closed strings on a class of half- BPS excitations of the AdS5 S5 background. The string theory predictions for the magnon energies are again reproduced by calculating the anomalous dimensions of particular linear combinations of our operators. Group theoretic quantities which can be read o the Young diagram labels provide the correct modi cation of terms in the dilatation action to account for the energies of magnons at di erent radii on the LLM plane. The representation theory implies a natural splitting of the full symmetry group - the distinction between what is the background and what is the excitation is accomplished in the choice of the subgroup and representations used to construct the operator. Connecting the descriptions utilised in obtaining these results is expected to allow the construction of operators dual to general open string con gurations on the class of backgrounds considered.GR 201

    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum

    Topological Order and Universal Properties of Gapped Quantum Systems

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    Phases of gapped quantum liquids are topologically ordered and have very interesting physical features that are completely robust against any local perturbation that do not close the bulk energy gap. These universal properties are hidden in the ground states of these systems, as different patterns of many-body long-range entanglement. In this thesis we study the universal properties of gapped quantum liquids from various perspectives. We propose the notion of Universal Wavefunction Overlap as a way of extracting almost complete information about the underlying entanglement structure in a system with topological order. We propose an efficient numerical methods to use these universal wavefunction overlaps as topological order parameters and demonstrate their usefulness with concrete numerical computations. In 2 + 1D these overlaps correspond to known quantities and contain information about anyonic particle excitations. We show that in 3 + 1D, these overlaps contain information about linked multi-string braiding processes, in particular three-string braiding. In the second part of this thesis, we study boundary physics of systems with topological order. We investigate the correspondence between edge and entanglement spectra for non-chiral topological systems in general and with the presence of extra symmetries and dualities. We also show that by local deformations of the fixed-point wavefunction on non- chiral topological orders, all possible edge theories can be extracted from its entanglement Hamiltonian. Finally we introduce the notion of fermionic gapped boundaries and see how the phase diagram of the simplest topological orders get significantly enriched

    28th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching : CPM 2017, July 4-6, 2017, Warsaw, Poland

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