47,694 research outputs found

    Evolutionary optimization using equitable fuzzy sorting genetic algorithm (EFSGA)

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    https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8598717This paper presents a fuzzy dominance-based analytical sorting method as an advancement to the existing multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEA). Evolutionary algorithms (EAs), on account of their sorting schemes, may not establish clear discrimination amongst solutions while solving many-objective optimization problems. Moreover, these algorithms are also criticized for issues such as uncertain termination criterion and difficulty in selecting a final solution from the set of Pareto optimal solutions for practical purposes. An alternate approach, referred here as equitable fuzzy sorting genetic algorithm (EFSGA), is proposed in this paper to address these vital issues. Objective functions are defined as fuzzy objectives and competing solutions are provided an overall activation score (OAS) based on their respective fuzzy objective values. Subsequently, OAS is used to assign an explicit fuzzy dominance ranking to these solutions for improved sorting process. Benchmark optimization problems, used as case studies, are optimized using proposed algorithm with three other prevailing methods. Performance indices are obtained to evaluate various aspects of the proposed algorithm and present a comparison with existing methods. It is shown that the EFSGA exhibits strong discrimination ability and provides unambiguous termination criterion. The proposed approach can also help user in selecting final solution from the set of Pareto optimal solutions

    Segmentation of articular cartilage and early osteoarthritis based on the fuzzy soft thresholding approach driven by modified evolutionary ABC optimization and local statistical aggregation

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    Articular cartilage assessment, with the aim of the cartilage loss identification, is a crucial task for the clinical practice of orthopedics. Conventional software (SW) instruments allow for just a visualization of the knee structure, without post processing, offering objective cartilage modeling. In this paper, we propose the multiregional segmentation method, having ambitions to bring a mathematical model reflecting the physiological cartilage morphological structure and spots, corresponding with the early cartilage loss, which is poorly recognizable by the naked eye from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The proposed segmentation model is composed from two pixel's classification parts. Firstly, the image histogram is decomposed by using a sequence of the triangular fuzzy membership functions, when their localization is driven by the modified artificial bee colony (ABC) optimization algorithm, utilizing a random sequence of considered solutions based on the real cartilage features. In the second part of the segmentation model, the original pixel's membership in a respective segmentation class may be modified by using the local statistical aggregation, taking into account the spatial relationships regarding adjacent pixels. By this way, the image noise and artefacts, which are commonly presented in the MR images, may be identified and eliminated. This fact makes the model robust and sensitive with regards to distorting signals. We analyzed the proposed model on the 2D spatial MR image records. We show different MR clinical cases for the articular cartilage segmentation, with identification of the cartilage loss. In the final part of the analysis, we compared our model performance against the selected conventional methods in application on the MR image records being corrupted by additive image noise.Web of Science117art. no. 86

    Artificial table testing dynamically adaptive systems

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    Dynamically Adaptive Systems (DAS) are systems that modify their behavior and structure in response to changes in their surrounding environment. Critical mission systems increasingly incorporate adaptation and response to the environment; examples include disaster relief and space exploration systems. These systems can be decomposed in two parts: the adaptation policy that specifies how the system must react according to the environmental changes and the set of possible variants to reconfigure the system. A major challenge for testing these systems is the combinatorial explosions of variants and envi-ronment conditions to which the system must react. In this paper we focus on testing the adaption policy and propose a strategy for the selection of envi-ronmental variations that can reveal faults in the policy. Artificial Shaking Table Testing (ASTT) is a strategy inspired by shaking table testing (STT), a technique widely used in civil engineering to evaluate building's structural re-sistance to seismic events. ASTT makes use of artificial earthquakes that simu-late violent changes in the environmental conditions and stresses the system adaptation capability. We model the generation of artificial earthquakes as a search problem in which the goal is to optimize different types of envi-ronmental variations

    FCS-MBFLEACH: Designing an Energy-Aware Fault Detection System for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) include large-scale sensor nodes that are densely distributed over a geographical region that is completely randomized for monitoring, identifying, and analyzing physical events. The crucial challenge in wireless sensor networks is the very high dependence of the sensor nodes on limited battery power to exchange information wirelessly as well as the non-rechargeable battery of the wireless sensor nodes, which makes the management and monitoring of these nodes in terms of abnormal changes very difficult. These anomalies appear under faults, including hardware, software, anomalies, and attacks by raiders, all of which affect the comprehensiveness of the data collected by wireless sensor networks. Hence, a crucial contraption should be taken to detect the early faults in the network, despite the limitations of the sensor nodes. Machine learning methods include solutions that can be used to detect the sensor node faults in the network. The purpose of this study is to use several classification methods to compute the fault detection accuracy with different densities under two scenarios in regions of interest such as MB-FLEACH, one-class support vector machine (SVM), fuzzy one-class, or a combination of SVM and FCS-MBFLEACH methods. It should be noted that in the study so far, no super cluster head (SCH) selection has been performed to detect node faults in the network. The simulation outcomes demonstrate that the FCS-MBFLEACH method has the best performance in terms of the accuracy of fault detection, false-positive rate (FPR), average remaining energy, and network lifetime compared to other classification methods