9 research outputs found

    The support of a recognizable series over a zero-sum free, commutative semiring is recognizable

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    We show that the support of a recognizable series over a zero-sum free, commutative semiring is a recognizable language. We also give a sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of an effective transformation of a weighted automaton recognizing a series S over a zero-sum free, commutative semiring into an automaton recognizing the support of S

    Survey : Weighted extended top-down tree transducers part I. : basics and expressive power

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    Weighted extended top-down tree transducers (transducteurs généralisés descendants [Arnold, Dauchet: Bi-transductions de forêts. ICALP'76. Edinburgh University Press, 1976]) received renewed interest in the field of Natural Language Processing, where they are used in syntax-based machine translation. This survey presents the foundations for a theoretical analysis of weighted extended top-down tree transducers. In particular, it discusses essentially complete semirings, which are a novel concept that can be used to lift incomparability results from the unweighted case to the weighted case even in the presence of infinite sums. In addition, several equivalent ways to define weighted extended top-down tree transducers are presented and the individual benefits of each presentation is shown on a small result

    Weighted automata and multi-valued logics over arbitrary bounded lattices

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    AbstractWe show that L-weighted automata, L-rational series, and L-valued monadic second order logic have the same expressive power, for any bounded lattice L and for finite and infinite words. We also prove that aperiodicity, star-freeness, and L-valued first-order and LTL-definability coincide. This extends classical results of Kleene, Büchi–Elgot–Trakhtenbrot, and others to arbitrary bounded lattices, without any distributivity assumption that is fundamental in the theory of weighted automata over semirings. In fact, we obtain these results for large classes of strong bimonoids which properly contain all bounded lattices

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 20. Number 2.

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    Definable transductions and weighted logics for texts

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    AbstractA text is a word together with an additional linear order on it. We study quantitative models for texts, i.e. text series which assign to texts elements of a semiring. We introduce an algebraic notion of recognizability following Reutenauer and Bozapalidis as well as weighted automata for texts combining an automaton model of Lodaya and Weil with a model of Ésik and Németh. After that we show that both formalisms describe the text series definable in a certain fragment of weighted logics as introduced by Droste and Gastin. In order to do so, we study certain definable transductions and show that they are compatible with weighted logics

    Weighted Tree Automata -- May it be a little more?

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    This is a book on weighted tree automata. We present the basic definitions and some of the important results in a coherent form with full proofs. The concept of weighted tree automata is part of Automata Theory and it touches the area of Universal Algebra. It originated from two sources: weighted string automata and finite-state tree automata

    Kleene-SchĂĽtzenberger and BĂĽchi Theorems for Weighted Timed Automata

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    In 1994, Alur and Dill introduced timed automata as a simple mathematical model for modelling the behaviour of real-time systems. In this thesis, we extend timed automata with weights. More detailed, we equip both the states and transitions of a timed automaton with weights taken from an appropriate mathematical structure. The weight of a transition determines the weight for taking this transition, and the weight of a state determines the weight for letting time elapse in this state. Since the weight for staying in a state depends on time, this model, called weighted timed automata, has many interesting applications, for instance, in operations research and scheduling. We give characterizations for the behaviours of weighted timed automata in terms of rational expressions and logical formulas. These formalisms are useful for the specification of real-time systems with continuous resource consumption. We further investigate the relation between the behaviours of weighted timed automata and timed automata. Finally, we present important decidability results for weighted timed automata

    On Rational Series and Rational Languages

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    We study the connections between rational series with coefficients in a semiring and their languages. Keywords: Rational language, rational series, semiring. 1 Introduction Rational languages have been studied in several points of view according to the way a language is considered. For instance, a language can be seen as a subset of a free monoid and the rational languages are strictly related to the finite automata by Kleene theorem, i.e., a language is rational if and only if it can be recognized by a finite automaton, or equivalently, if and only if its syntactic monoid is finite. A language can also be regarded as a formal series with coefficients in the boolean semiring. This leads one to generalize naturally the theory of rational languages to the theory of rational series with coefficients in an arbitrary semiring, whereas considering the nonnegative integers or reals as coefficients allows one to deal with multiplicities and probabilities ( weighted grammars). In this consid..