2,247 research outputs found


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    A group decision problem is set in environments where there is a common issue to solve, a set of possible options to choose, and a set of individuals who are experts and express their opinions about the set of possible alternatives with the intention to reach a collective decision as the unique solution of the problem in question. The modeling of the preferences of the decision-maker is an essential stage in the construction of models used in the theory of decision, operations research, economics, etc. On decision problems experts use models of representation of preferences that are close to their disciplines or fields of work. The structures of information most commonly used for the representation of the preferences of experts are vectors of utility, orders of preference and preference relations. In decision problems, the expression of preferences domain is the domain of information used by the experts to express their preferences, the main are numerical, linguistic, and intervalar stressing the multi-granular linguistic. This paper is a review of these concepts. Its purpose is to provide a guide of bibliographic references for these concepts, which are briefly discussed in this document

    Distributed Linguistic Representations in Decision Making: Taxonomy, Key Elements and Applications, and Challenges in Data Science and Explainable Artificial Intelligence

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    Distributed linguistic representations are powerful tools for modelling the uncertainty and complexity of preference information in linguistic decision making. To provide a comprehensive perspective on the development of distributed linguistic representations in decision making, we present the taxonomy of existing distributed linguistic representations. Then, we review the key elements and applications of distributed linguistic information processing in decision making, including the distance measurement, aggregation methods, distributed linguistic preference relations, and distributed linguistic multiple attribute decision making models. Next, we provide a discussion on ongoing challenges and future research directions from the perspective of data science and explainable artificial intelligence.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 71971039 71421001,71910107002,71771037,71874023 71871149Sichuan University sksyl201705 2018hhs-5

    Integrating Ontologies and Fuzzy Logic to Represent User-Trustworthiness in Recommender Systems

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    Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2015)Recommender systems can be used to assist users in the process of accessing to relevant information. In the literature we can find sundry approaches for generating personalized recommendations and all of them make use of different users’ and/or items’ features. Building accurate profiles plays an essential role in this context, so that the system's success depend to a large extent on the ability of the learned profiles to represent the user's preferences. An ontology works very well to characterize the users profiles. In this paper we develop an ontology to characterize the trust between users using the fuzzy linguistic modelling, this way in the recommendation generation process we do not take into account users with similar ratings history but users in which each user can trust. We present our ontology and provide a method to aggregate the trust information captured in the trust-ontology and to update the user profiles based on the feedback.Projects UJA2013/08/41TIN2013-40658-PTIC5299TIC-5991TIN2012-36951 co-financed by FEDER and TIC610

    Measurements of Consensus in Multi-granular Linguistic Group Decision-making

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    The reaching of consensus in group decision-making (GDM) problems is a common task in group decision processes. In this contribution, we consider GDM with linguistic information. Different experts may have different levels of knowledge about a problem and, therefore, different linguistic term sets (multi-granular linguistic information) can be used to express their opinions. The aim of this paper is to present different ways of measuring consensus in order to assess the level of agreement between the experts in multi-granular linguistic GDM problems. To make the measurement of consensus in multi-granular GDM problems possible and easier, it is necessary to unify the information assessed in different linguistic term sets into a single one. This is done using fuzzy sets defined on a basic linguistic term set (BLTS). Once the information is uniformed, two types of measurement of consensus are carried out: consensus degrees and proximity measures. The first type assesses the agreement among all the experts' opinions, while the second type is used to find out how far the individual opinions are from the group opinion. The proximity measures can be used by a moderator in the consensus process to suggest to the experts the necessary changes to their opinions in order to be able to obtain the highest degree of consensus possible. Both types of measurements are computed in the three different levels of representation of information: pair of alternatives, alternatives and experts.TIC2002-0334

    Using Multi-granular Fuzzy Linguistic Modelling Methods to Represent Social Networks Related Information in an Organized Way

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    Social networks are the preferred mean for experts to share their knowledge and provide information. Therefore, it is one of the best sources that can be used for obtaining data that can be used for a high amount of purposes. For instance, determining social needs, identifying problems, getting opinions about certain topics, ... Nevertheless, this kind of information is difficult for a computational system to interpret due to the fact that the text is presented in free form and that the information that represents is imprecise. In this paper, a novel method for extracting information from social networks and represent it in a fuzzy ontology is presented. Sentiment analysis procedures are used in order to extract information from free text. Moreover, multi-granular fuzzy linguistic modelling methods are used for converting the information into the most suitable representation mean.This work has been supported by the ’Juan de la Cierva Incorporación’ grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and by the Grant from the FEDER funds provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (No. TIN2016-75850-R)

    Using clustering methods to deal with high number of alternatives on Group Decision Making

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    Novel Group Decision Making methods and Web 2.0 have augmented the quantity of data that experts have to discuss about. Nevertheless, experts are only capable of dealing with a reduced set of information. In this paper, a novel method for dealing with decision environments that include a large set of alternatives is presented. By the use of clustering methods, the available alternatives are combined into clusters according to their similarity. Afterwards, one Group Decision Making process is employed for choosing a cluster and another one for selecting the final alternative.The authors would like to thank the FEDER financial support for the Project TIN2016-75850-P by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
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