103 research outputs found

    Design, Fabrication, and Run-time Strategies for Hardware-Assisted Security

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    Today, electronic computing devices are critically involved in our daily lives, basic infrastructure, and national defense systems. With the growing number of threats against them, hardware-based security features offer the best chance for building secure and trustworthy cyber systems. In this dissertation, we investigate ways of making hardware-based security into a reality with primary focus on two areas: Hardware Trojan Detection and Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). Hardware Trojans are malicious modifications made to original IC designs or layouts that can jeopardize the integrity of hardware and software platforms. Since most modern systems critically depend on ICs, detection of hardware Trojans has garnered significant interest in academia, industry, as well as governmental agencies. The majority of existing detection schemes focus on test-time because of the limited hardware resources available at run-time. In this dissertation, we explore innovative run-time solutions that utilize on-chip thermal sensor measurements and fundamental estimation/detection theory to expose changes in IC power/thermal profile caused by Trojan activation. The proposed solutions are low overhead and also generalizable to many other sensing modalities and problem instances. Simulation results using state-of-the-art tools on publicly available Trojan benchmarks verify that our approaches can detect Trojans quickly and with few false positives. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are circuits that rely on IC fabrication variations to generate unique signatures for various security applications such as IC authentication, anti-counterfeiting, cryptographic key generation, and tamper resistance. While the existence of variations has been well exploited in PUF design, knowledge of exactly how variations come into existence has largely been ignored. Yet, for several decades the Design-for-Manufacturability (DFM) community has actually investigated the fundamental sources of these variations. Furthermore, since manufacturing variations are often harmful to IC yield, the existing DFM tools have been geared towards suppressing them (counter-intuitive for PUFs). In this dissertation, we make several improvements over current state-of-the-art work in PUFs. First, our approaches exploit existing DFM models to improve PUFs at physical layout and mask generation levels. Second, our proposed algorithms reverse the role of standard DFM tools and extend them towards improving PUF quality without harming non-PUF portions of the IC. Finally, since our approaches occur after design and before fabrication, they are applicable to all types of PUFs and have little overhead in terms of area, power, etc. The innovative and unconventional techniques presented in this dissertation should act as important building blocks for future work in cyber security

    FPGA-Based PUF Designs: A Comprehensive Review and Comparative Analysis

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    Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have firmly established themselves as dynamic platforms for the implementation of physical unclonable functions (PUFs). Their intrinsic reconfigurability and profound implications for enhancing hardware security make them an invaluable asset in this realm. This groundbreaking study not only dives deep into the universe of FPGA-based PUF designs but also offers a comprehensive overview coupled with a discerning comparative analysis. PUFs are the bedrock of device authentication and key generation and the fortification of secure cryptographic protocols. Unleashing the potential of FPGA technology expands the horizons of PUF integration across diverse hardware systems. We set out to understand the fundamental ideas behind PUF and how crucially important it is to current security paradigms. Different FPGA-based PUF solutions, including static, dynamic, and hybrid systems, are closely examined. Each design paradigm is painstakingly examined to reveal its special qualities, functional nuances, and weaknesses. We closely assess a variety of performance metrics, including those related to distinctiveness, reliability, and resilience against hostile threats. We compare various FPGA-based PUF systems against one another to expose their unique advantages and disadvantages. This study provides system designers and security professionals with the crucial information they need to choose the best PUF design for their particular applications. Our paper provides a comprehensive view of the functionality, security capabilities, and prospective applications of FPGA-based PUF systems. The depth of knowledge gained from this research advances the field of hardware security, enabling security practitioners, researchers, and designers to make wise decisions when deciding on and implementing FPGA-based PUF solutions.publishedVersio

    A Physical Unclonable Function Based on Inter-Metal Layer Resistance Variations and an Evaluation of its Temperature and Voltage Stability

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    Keying material for encryption is stored as digital bistrings in non-volatile memory (NVM) on FPGAs and ASICs in current technologies. However, secrets stored this way are not secure against a determined adversary, who can use probing attacks to steal the secret. Physical Unclonable functions (PUFs) have emerged as an alternative. PUFs leverage random manufacturing variations as the source of entropy for generating random bitstrings, and incorporate an on-chip infrastructure for measuring and digitizing the corresponding variations in key electrical parameters, such as delay or voltage. PUFs are designed to reproduce a bitstring on demand and therefore eliminate the need for on-chip storage. In this dissertation, I propose a kind of PUF that measures resistance variations in inter-metal layers that define the power grid of the chip and evaluate its temperature and voltage stability. First, I introduce two implementations of a power grid-based PUF (PG-PUF). Then, I analyze the quality of bit strings generated without considering environmental variations from the PG-PUFs that leverage resistance variations in: 1) the power grid metal wires in 60 copies of a 90 nm chip and 2) in the power grid metal wires of 58 copies of a 65 nm chip. Next, I carry out a series of experiments in a set of 63 chips in IBM\u27s 90 nm technology at 9 TV corners, i.e., over all combination of 3 temperatures: -40oC, 25oC and 85oC and 3 voltages: nominal and +/-10% of the nominal supply voltage. The randomness, uniqueness and stability characteristics of bitstrings generated from PG-PUFs are evaluated. The stability of the PG-PUF and an on-chip voltage-to-digital (VDC) are also evaluated at 9 temperature-voltage corners. I introduce several techniques that have not been previously described, including a mechanism to eliminate voltage trends or \u27bias\u27 in the power grid voltage measurements, as well as a voltage threshold, Triple-Module-Redundancy (TMR) and majority voting scheme to identify and exclude unstable bits

    Energy Harvesting and Sensor Based Hardware Security Primitives for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    The last few decades have seen a large proliferation in the prevalence of cyber-physical systems. Although cyber-physical systems can offer numerous advantages to society, their large scale adoption does not come without risks. Internet of Things (IoT) devices can be considered a significant component within cyber-physical systems. They can provide network communication in addition to controlling the various sensors and actuators that exist within the larger cyber-physical system. The adoption of IoT features can also provide attackers with new potential avenues to access and exploit a system\u27s vulnerabilities. Previously, existing systems could more or less be considered a closed system with few potential points of access for attackers. Security was thus not typically a core consideration when these systems were originally designed. The cumulative effect is that these systems are now vulnerable to new security risks without having native security countermeasures that can easily address these vulnerabilities. Even just adding standard security features to these systems is itself not a simple task. The devices that make up these systems tend to have strict resource constraints in the form of power consumption and processing power. In this dissertation, we explore how security devices known as Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) could be used to address these concerns. PUFs are a class of circuits that are unique and unclonable due to inherent variations caused by the device manufacturing process. We can take advantage of these PUF properties by using the outputs of PUFs to generate secret keys or pseudonyms that are similarly unique and unclonable. Existing PUF designs are commonly based around transistor level variations in a special purpose integrated circuit (IC). Integrating these designs within a system would still require additional hardware along with system modification to interact with the device. We address these concerns by proposing a novel PUF design methodology for the creation of PUFs whose integration within these systems would minimize the cost of redesigning the system by reducing the need to add additional hardware. This goal is achieved by creating PUF designs from components that may already exist within these systems. A PUF designed from existing components creates the possibility of adding a PUF (and thus security features) to the system without actually adding any additional hardware. This could allow PUFs to become a more attractive security option for integration with resource constrained devices. Our proposed approach specifically targets sensors and energy harvesting devices since they can provide core functions within cyber-physical systems such as power generation and sensing capabilities. These components are known to exhibit variations due to the manufacturing process and could thus be utilized to design a PUF. Our first contribution is the proposal of a novel PUF design methodology based on using components which are already commonly found within cyber-physical systems. The proposed methodology uses eight sensors or energy harvesting devices along with a microcontroller. It is unlikely that single type of sensor or energy harvester will exist in all possible cyber-physical systems. Therefore, it is important to create a range of designs in order to reach a greater portion of cyber-physical systems. The second contribution of this work is the design of a PUF based on piezo sensors. Our third contribution is the design of a PUF that utilizes thermistor temperature sensors. The fourth contribution of this work is a proposed solar cell based PUF design. Furthermore, as a fifth contribution of this dissertation we evaluate a selection of common solar cell materials to establish which type of solar cell would be best suited to the creation of a PUF based on the operating conditions. The viability of the proposed designs is evaluated through testing in terms of reliability and uniformity. In addition, Monte Carlo simulations are performed to evaluate the uniqueness property of the designs. For our final contribution we illustrate the security benefits that can be achieved through the adoption of PUFs by cyber-physical systems. For this purpose we chose to highlight vehicles since they are a very popular example of a cyber-physical system and they face unique security challenges which are not readily solvable by standard solutions. Our contribution is the proposal of a novel controller area network (CAN) security framework that is based on PUFs. The framework does not require any changes to the underlying CAN protocol and also minimizes the amount of additional message passing overhead needed for its operation. The proposed framework is a good example of how the cost associated with implementing such a framework could be further reduced through the adoption of our proposed PUF designs. The end result is a method which could introduce security to an inherently insecure system while also making its integration as seamless as possible by attempting to minimize the need for additional hardware

    Physical Unclonable Function Reliability on Reconfigurable Hardware and Reliability Degradation with Temperature and Supply Voltage Variations

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    A hardware security solution using a Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) is a promising approach to ensure security for physical systems. PUF utilizes the inherent instance-specific parameters of physical objects and it is evaluated based on the performance parameters such as uniqueness, reliability, randomness, and tamper evidence of the Challenge and Response Pairs (CRPs). These performance parameters are affected by operating conditions such as temperature and supply voltage variations. In addition, PUF implementation on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform is proven to be more complicated than PUF implementation on Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) technologies. The automatic placement and routing of logic cells in FPGA can affect the performance of PUFs due to path delay imbalance. In this work, the impact of power supply and temperature variations, on the reliability of an arbiter PUF is studied. Simulation results are conducted to determine the effects of these varying conditions on the CRPs. Simulation results show that ± 10% of power supply variation can affect the reliability of an arbiter PUF by about 51%, similarly temperature fluctuation between -40 0C and +60 0C reduces the PUF reliability by 58%. In addition, a new methodology to implement a reliable arbiter PUF on an FPGA platform is presented. Instead of using an extra delay measurement module, the Chip Planner tool for FPGA is used for manually placement to minimize the path delay misalignment to less than 8 ps

    Counterfeit Detection and Prevention in Additive Manufacturing Based on Unique Identification of Optical Fingerprints of Printed Structures

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    Printed Electronics (PE) based on additive manufacturing has a rapidly growing market. Due to large feature sizes and reduced complexity of PE applications compared to silicon counterparts, they are more prone to counterfeiting. Common solutions to detect counterfeiting insert watermarks or extract unique fingerprints based on (irreproducible) process variations of valid components. Commonly, such fingerprints have been extracted through electrical methods, similar to those of physically unclonable functions (PUFs). Hence, they introduce overhead to the production resulting in additional costs. While such costs may be negligible for application domains targeted by silicon-based technologies, they are detrimental to the ultra-low-cost PE applications. In this paper, we propose an optical unique identification, by extracting fingerprints from the optically visible variations of printed inks in the PE components. The images can be obtained from optical cameras, such as cell phones, thanks to large feature sizes of PE, by trusted parties, such as an end user wanting to verify the authenticity of a particular product. Since this approach does not require any additional circuitry, the fingerprint production cost consists of merely acquisition, processing and saving an image of the circuit components, matching the requirements of ultra-low-cost applications of PE. To further decrease the storage costs for the unique fingerprints, we utilize image downscaling resulting in a compression rate between 83– 188× , while preserving the reliability and uniqueness of the fingerprints. The proposed fingerprint extraction methodology is applied to four datasets and the results show that the optical variation printed inks is suitable to prevent counterfeiting in PE
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