374 research outputs found

    Homography-based ground plane detection using a single on-board camera

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    This study presents a robust method for ground plane detection in vision-based systems with a non-stationary camera. The proposed method is based on the reliable estimation of the homography between ground planes in successive images. This homography is computed using a feature matching approach, which in contrast to classical approaches to on-board motion estimation does not require explicit ego-motion calculation. As opposed to it, a novel homography calculation method based on a linear estimation framework is presented. This framework provides predictions of the ground plane transformation matrix that are dynamically updated with new measurements. The method is specially suited for challenging environments, in particular traffic scenarios, in which the information is scarce and the homography computed from the images is usually inaccurate or erroneous. The proposed estimation framework is able to remove erroneous measurements and to correct those that are inaccurate, hence producing a reliable homography estimate at each instant. It is based on the evaluation of the difference between the predicted and the observed transformations, measured according to the spectral norm of the associated matrix of differences. Moreover, an example is provided on how to use the information extracted from ground plane estimation to achieve object detection and tracking. The method has been successfully demonstrated for the detection of moving vehicles in traffic environments

    Plane extraction for indoor place recognition

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    In this paper, we present an image based plane extraction method well suited for real-time operations. Our approach exploits the assumption that the surrounding scene is mainly composed by planes disposed in known directions. Planes are detected from a single image exploiting a voting scheme that takes into account the vanishing lines. Then, candidate planes are validated and merged using a region grow- ing based approach to detect in real-time planes inside an unknown in- door environment. Using the related plane homographies is possible to remove the perspective distortion, enabling standard place recognition algorithms to work in an invariant point of view setup. Quantitative Ex- periments performed with real world images show the effectiveness of our approach compared with a very popular method

    What can be done with an embedded stereo-rig in urban environments?

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    International audienceThe development of the Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs) with urban applications are now possible due to the recent solutions (DARPA Grand Challenge) developed to solve the Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) problem: perception, path planning and control. For the last decade, the introduction of GPS systems and vision have been allowed the transposition of SLAM methods dedicated to indoor environments to outdoor ones. When the GPS data are unavailable, the current position of the mobile robot can be estimated by the fusion of data from odometer and/or Inertial Navigation System (INS). We detail in this article what can be done with an uncalibrated stereo-rig, when it is embedded in a vehicle which is going through urban roads. The methodology is based on features extracted on planes: we mainly assume the road at the foreground as the plane common to all the urban scenes but other planes like vertical frontages of buildings can be used if the features extracted on the road are not enough relevant. The relative motions of the coplanar features tracked with both cameras allow us to stimate the vehicle ego-motion with a high precision. Futhermore, the features which don't check the relative motion of the considered plane can be assumed as obstacles

    Vehicle Trajectory from an Uncalibrated Stereo-Rig with Super-Homography

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    International audienceWe present in this article an original manner to estimate the trajectory of a vehicle running in urban-like areas. The method consists in extracting then tracking features (points, lines) with an uncalibrated stereo-rig from the road assumed as a plane to compute homographies relative to the camera(s) motions. The purposed method copes with the dense traffic conditions: the free space required (first ten meters in front of the vehicle) is slightly equivalent to the security distance between two vehicles. Experimental issues from real data are presented and discussed

    LookUP: Vision-Only Real-Time Precise Underground Localisation for Autonomous Mining Vehicles

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    A key capability for autonomous underground mining vehicles is real-time accurate localisation. While significant progress has been made, currently deployed systems have several limitations ranging from dependence on costly additional infrastructure to failure of both visual and range sensor-based techniques in highly aliased or visually challenging environments. In our previous work, we presented a lightweight coarse vision-based localisation system that could map and then localise to within a few metres in an underground mining environment. However, this level of precision is insufficient for providing a cheaper, more reliable vision-based automation alternative to current range sensor-based systems. Here we present a new precision localisation system dubbed "LookUP", which learns a neural-network-based pixel sampling strategy for estimating homographies based on ceiling-facing cameras without requiring any manual labelling. This new system runs in real time on limited computation resource and is demonstrated on two different underground mine sites, achieving real time performance at ~5 frames per second and a much improved average localisation error of ~1.2 metre.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted for IEEE ICRA 201

    Region-Based Epipolar and Planar Geometry Estimation in Low─Textured Environments

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    International audienceGiven two views of the same scene, usual correspondence geometry estimation techniques classically exploit the well-established effectiveness of keypoint descriptors. However, such features have a hard time in poorly textured man-made environments, possibly containing repetitive patterns and/or specularities, such as industrial places. In that paper, we propose a novel method for two-view epipolar and planar geometry estimation that first aims at detecting and matching physical vertical planes frequently present in these environments, before estimating corresponding homographies. Inferred local correspondences are finally used to improve fundamental matrix estimation. The gain in precision is demonstrated on industrial and urban environments.Etant donnĂ©es deux vues d'une mĂȘme scĂšne, les techniques classiques de mise en correspondance gĂ©omĂ©trique s'appuient gĂ©nĂ©ralement sur l'efficacitĂ© maintes fois dĂ©montrĂ©e des descripteurs de points d'intĂ©rĂȘt. Cependant, de tels indices sont mis en difficultĂ© dans des environnements peu texturĂ©s, contenant possiblement des structures rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es et/ou des spĂ©cularitĂ©s, comme les environnements industriels. Dans ce papier, nous proposons une nouvelle mĂ©thode pour l'estimation des gĂ©omĂ©tries Ă©pipolaire et planaire entre deux vues, qui vise tout d'abord Ă  dĂ©tecter et mettre en correspondance les plans verticaux souvent prĂ©sents dans ces environnements, avant d'estimer les homographies correspondantes. Les correspondances locales ainsi gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es sont ensuite utilisĂ©es pour amĂ©liorer l'estimation de la matrice fondamentale. Le gain en prĂ©cision a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© sur des images d'environnements industriel et urbain
