64 research outputs found

    Taylor expansion for Call-By-Push-Value

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    The connection between the Call-By-Push-Value lambda-calculus introduced by Levy and Linear Logic introduced by Girard has been widely explored through a denotational view reflecting the precise ruling of resources in this language. We take a further step in this direction and apply Taylor expansion introduced by Ehrhard and Regnier. We define a resource lambda-calculus in whose terms can be used to approximate terms of Call-By-Push-Value. We show that this approximation is coherent with reduction and with the translations of Call-By-Name and Call-By-Value strategies into Call-By-Push-Value

    Algebraic totality, towards completeness

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    Finiteness spaces constitute a categorical model of Linear Logic (LL) whose objects can be seen as linearly topologised spaces, (a class of topological vector spaces introduced by Lefschetz in 1942) and morphisms as continuous linear maps. First, we recall definitions of finiteness spaces and describe their basic properties deduced from the general theory of linearly topologised spaces. Then we give an interpretation of LL based on linear algebra. Second, thanks to separation properties, we can introduce an algebraic notion of totality candidate in the framework of linearly topologised spaces: a totality candidate is a closed affine subspace which does not contain 0. We show that finiteness spaces with totality candidates constitute a model of classical LL. Finally, we give a barycentric simply typed lambda-calculus, with booleans B{\mathcal{B}} and a conditional operator, which can be interpreted in this model. We prove completeness at type BnB{\mathcal{B}}^n\to{\mathcal{B}} for every n by an algebraic method

    Glueability of Resource Proof-Structures: Inverting the Taylor Expansion

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    A Multiplicative-Exponential Linear Logic (MELL) proof-structure can be expanded into a set of resource proof-structures: its Taylor expansion. We introduce a new criterion characterizing those sets of resource proof-structures that are part of the Taylor expansion of some MELL proof-structure, through a rewriting system acting both on resource and MELL proof-structures

    The Sum-Product Algorithm For Quantitative Multiplicative Linear Logic

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    We consider an extension of multiplicative linear logic which encompasses bayesian networks and expresses samples sharing and marginalisation with the polarised rules of contraction and weakening. We introduce the necessary formalism to import exact inference algorithms from bayesian networks, giving the sum-product algorithm as an example of calculating the weighted relational semantics of a multiplicative proof-net improving runtime performance by storing intermediate results

    Banach spaces in various positions

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    AbstractWe formulate a general theory of positions for subspaces of a Banach space: we define equivalent and isomorphic positions, study the automorphy index a(Y,X) that measures how many non-equivalent positions Y admits in X, and obtain estimates of a(Y,X) for X a classical Banach space such as ℓp,Lp,L1,C(ωω) or C[0,1]. Then, we study different aspects of the automorphic space problem posed by Lindenstrauss and Rosenthal; namely, does there exist a separable automorphic space different from c0 or ℓ2? Recall that a Banach space X is said to be automorphic if every subspace Y admits only one position in X; i.e., a(Y,X)=1 for every subspace Y of X. We study the notion of extensible space and uniformly finitely extensible space (UFO), which are relevant since every automorphic space is extensible and every extensible space is UFO. We obtain a dichotomy theorem: Every UFO must be either an L∞-space or a weak type 2 near-Hilbert space with the Maurey projection property. We show that a Banach space all of whose subspaces are UFO (called hereditarily UFO spaces) must be asymptotically Hilbertian; while a Banach space for which both X and X∗ are UFO must be weak Hilbert. We then refine the dichotomy theorem for Banach spaces with some additional structure. In particular, we show that an UFO with unconditional basis must be either c0 or a superreflexive weak type 2 space; that a hereditarily UFO Köthe function space must be Hilbert; and that a rearrangement invariant space UFO must be either L∞ or a superreflexive type 2 Banach lattice

    Tangent Categories from the Coalgebras of Differential Categories

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    Following the pattern from linear logic, the coKleisli category of a differential category is a Cartesian differential category. What then is the coEilenberg-Moore category of a differential category? The answer is a tangent category! A key example arises from the opposite of the category of Abelian groups with the free exponential modality. The coEilenberg-Moore category, in this case, is the opposite of the category of commutative rings. That the latter is a tangent category captures a fundamental aspect of both algebraic geometry and Synthetic Differential Geometry. The general result applies when there are no negatives and thus encompasses examples arising from combinatorics and computer science

    Genereerivate hulkade ja jadade süsteemid

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    Operaatorideaalide teooria sai alguse A. Pietschi monograafiast ning on tänaseks saanud kaasaegse Banachi ruumide teooria lahutamatuks osaks. I. Stephani tõi sisse kaks operaatorideaalidega tihedalt seotud mõistet: genereerivate hulkade süsteem ja genereerivate jadade süsteem. Nimelt, lähtudes kahest etteantud genereerivate hulkade süsteemist, saame me tekitada operaatorideaali, mis koosneb kõigist operaatoritest, mis teisendavad esimesse süsteemi kuuluvad hulgad teise süsteemi kuuluvateks hulkadeks. Genereerivate jadade süsteeme saab omakorda kasutada genereerivate hulkade süsteemide tekitamiseks. Väitekirjas uuritakse genereerivate hulkade ja jadade süsteemide klasse ning nendevahelisi seoseid. Muuhulgas tõestatakse, et leidub Galois' vastavus genereerivate hulkade süsteemide klassi ja teatava genereerivate jadade süsteemide faktorklassi vahel. Lisaks vaadeldakse eelmainitud struktuure ning nendega seotud klasse võreteoreetilisest aspektist. Üks levinud näide genereerivate hulkade süsteemide kohta on kõigi suhteliselt kompaktsete hulkade süsteem. A. Grothendieck tõestas 1955. aastal, et Banachi ruumi alamhulk on suhteliselt kompaktne parajasti siis, kui ta sisaldub nulli koonduva jada kinnises kumeras kattes. Väitekirjas uuritakse mitmeid kirjanduses varasemalt sisse toodud alternatiivseid suhtelise kompaktsuse mõisteid, mis baseeruvad sellel tulemusel. Väitekirjas tuuakse sisse üldine meetod, mis tekitab etteantud normeeritud jadaruumist ja normeeritud jadade süsteemist operaatorideaali ja varustab selle teatava kvaasinormiga. Tõestatakse, et sobivatel eeldustel on tulemuseks kvaasi-Banachi operaatorideaal. Selle konstruktsiooni näidetena saadakse uusi tulemusi eelmainitud alternatiivsete suhtelise kompaktsuse mõistete kohta.A. Pietsch created the theory of operator ideals, which has been widely adopted and permeates the contemporary field of Banach spaces. I. Stephani introduced the related notions of a generating system of sets and a generating system of sequences. Namely, given two generating systems of sets, one obtains an operator ideal by considering all of the operators that map the sets of the first system to the sets of the second system. Generating systems of sequences can be used to obtain generating systems of sets. This thesis studies the classes of generating systems of sets and sequences and the relations between them; in particular, we show that there is a Galois connection between the former and a certain quotient class of the latter. We also study the lattice structure of various classes of operator ideals, generating systems of sets, and generating systems of sequences. A well-known example of a generating system of sets is the system of relatively compact sets. A. Grothendieck proved in 1955 that a subset of a Banach space is relatively compact if and only if it is contained in the closed convex hull of a norm null sequence. Based on this result, various alternative notions of relatively compact sets have been introduced in the literature. Several of these notions are studied thoroughly in this thesis. We propose a general method for constructing generating systems of sets and operator ideals from a normed sequence space and a normed system of sequences. We prove that the constructed operator ideal is always quasi-Banach provided that certain assumptions are met. As examples of this construction, we obtain new results for some aforementioned alternative notions of relative compactnes

    Full abstraction for probabilistic PCF

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    We present a probabilistic version of PCF, a well-known simply typed universal functional language. The type hierarchy is based on a single ground type of natural numbers. Even if the language is globally call-by-name, we allow a call-by-value evaluation for ground type arguments in order to provide the language with a suitable algorithmic expressiveness. We describe a denotational semantics based on probabilistic coherence spaces, a model of classical Linear Logic developed in previous works. We prove an adequacy and an equational full abstraction theorem showing that equality in the model coincides with a natural notion of observational equivalence

    Differential interaction nets

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    AbstractWe introduce interaction nets for a fragment of the differential lambda-calculus and exhibit in this framework a new symmetry between the of course and the why not modalities of linear logic, which is completely similar to the symmetry between the tensor and par connectives of linear logic. We use algebraic intuitions for introducing these nets and their reduction rules, and then we develop two correctness criteria (weak typability and acyclicity) and show that they guarantee strong normalization. Finally, we outline the correspondence between this interaction nets formalism and the resource lambda-calculus