15 research outputs found

    Mathematical programming embeddings of logic

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    "February 20th, 1998"--T.p. -- "June, 1998"--Cover.Includes bibliographical references (p. 21-23).Supported in part by the U.S. Army. DAAL03-92-G-0115 Supported in part by a Center for Intelligent Control Systems grant from Siemens AG.Vivek S. Borker ... [et al.

    The Role of Term Symmetry in E-Unification and E-Completion

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    A major portion of the work and time involved in completing an incomplete set of reductions using an E-completion procedure such as the one described by Knuth and Bendix [070] or its extension to associative-commutative equational theories as described by Peterson and Stickel [PS81] is spent calculating critical pairs and subsequently testing them for coherence. A pruning technique which removes from consideration those critical pairs that represent redundant or superfluous information, either before, during, or after their calculation, can therefore make a marked difference in the run time and efficiency of an E-completion procedure to which it is applied. The exploitation of term symmetry is one such pruning technique. The calculation of redundant critical pairs can be avoided by detecting the term symmetries that can occur between the subterms of the left-hand side of the major reduction being used, and later between the unifiers of these subterms with the left-hand side of the minor reduction. After calculation, and even after reduction to normal form, the observation of term symmetries can lead to significant savings. The results in this paper were achieved through the development and use of a flexible E-unification algorithm which is currently written to process pairs of terms which may contain any combination of Null-E, C (Commutative), AC (Associative-Commutative) and ACI (Associative-Commutative with Identity) operators. One characteristic of this E-unification algorithm that we have not observed in any other to date is the ability to process a pair of terms which have different ACI top-level operators. In addition, the algorithm is a modular design which is a variation of the Yelick model [Ye85], and is easily extended to process terms containing operators of additional equational theories by simply plugging in a unification module for the new theory

    A Survey of Automated Deduction

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    We survey research in the automation of deductive inference, from its beginnings in the early history of computing to the present day. We identify and describe the major areas of research interest and their applications. The area is characterised by its wide variety of proof methods, forms of automated deduction and applications

    Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Edition 2021

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    Textbook for students in mathematical logic. Part 1. Total formalization is possible! Formal theories. First order languages. Axioms of constructive and classical logic. Proving formulas in propositional and predicate logic. Glivenko's theorem and constructive embedding. Axiom independence. Interpretations, models and completeness theorems. Normal forms. Tableaux method. Resolution method. Herbrand's theorem

    Formal Methods Specification and Analysis Guidebook for the Verification of Software and Computer Systems

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    This guidebook, the second of a two-volume series, is intended to facilitate the transfer of formal methods to the avionics and aerospace community. The 1st volume concentrates on administrative and planning issues [NASA-95a], and the second volume focuses on the technical issues involved in applying formal methods to avionics and aerospace software systems. Hereafter, the term "guidebook" refers exclusively to the second volume of the series. The title of this second volume, A Practitioner's Companion, conveys its intent. The guidebook is written primarily for the nonexpert and requires little or no prior experience with formal methods techniques and tools. However, it does attempt to distill some of the more subtle ingredients in the productive application of formal methods. To the extent that it succeeds, those conversant with formal methods will also nd the guidebook useful. The discussion is illustrated through the development of a realistic example, relevant fragments of which appear in each chapter. The guidebook focuses primarily on the use of formal methods for analysis of requirements and high-level design, the stages at which formal methods have been most productively applied. Although much of the discussion applies to low-level design and implementation, the guidebook does not discuss issues involved in the later life cycle application of formal methods

    Automated proof search in non-classical logics : efficient matrix proof methods for modal and intuitionistic logics

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    In this thesis we develop efficient methods for automated proof search within an important class of mathematical logics. The logics considered are the varying, cumulative and constant domain versions of the first-order modal logics K, K4, D, D4, T, S4 and S5, and first-order intuitionistic logic. The use of these non-classical logics is commonplace within Computing Science and Artificial Intelligence in applications in which efficient machine assisted proof search is essential. Traditional techniques for the design of efficient proof methods for classical logic prove to be of limited use in this context due to their dependence on properties of classical logic not shared by most of the logics under consideration. One major contribution of this thesis is to reformulate and abstract some of these classical techniques to facilitate their application to a wider class of mathematical logics. We begin with Bibel's Connection Calculus: a matrix proof method for classical logic comparable in efficiency with most machine orientated proof methods for that logic. We reformulate this method to support its decomposition into a collection of individual techniques for improving the efficiency of proof search within a standard cut-free sequent calculus for classical logic. Each technique is presented as a means of alleviating a particular form of redundancy manifest within sequent-based proof search. One important result that arises from this anaylsis is an appreciation of the role of unification as a tool for removing certain proof-theoretic complexities of specific sequent rules; in the case of classical logic: the interaction of the quantifier rules. All of the non-classical logics under consideration admit complete sequent calculi. We anaylse the search spaces induced by these sequent proof systems and apply the techniques identified previously to remove specific redundancies found therein. Significantly, our proof-theoretic analysis of the role of unification renders it useful even within the propositional fragments of modal and intuitionistic logic

    Subsumption in Modal Logic

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    Subsumption has long been known as a technique to detect redundant clauses in the search space of automated deduction systems for classical first order logic. In recent years several automated deduction methods for non-classical modal logics have been developed. This thesis explores, how subsumption can be made to work in the context of these modal logic deduction methods. Many modern modal logic deduction methods follow an indirect approach. They translate the modal sentences into some other target language, and then determine whether there exists a proof in that language, rather than doing deduction in the modal language itself. Consequently, subsumption then needs to focus on the target language, in which the actual proof is done. World Path Logic (WPL) is introduced as a possible target language. Deduction in WPL works very much like in ordinary logic, the only significant difference is the need for a special purpose unification, which unifies world paths under an equational theory (E-unification). Relating WPL to a well understood first order logic of restricted quantification, the properties of WPL, that make deduction work, are examined. The obtained theoretical results are the basis for the following treatment of subsumption in WPL. Subsumption is analyzed treating a clause as a scheme standing for the set of its ground instances. Although the notion of ground instances in WPL is different from ordinary logic, it turns out that - just like in ordinary logic - a clause Cl subsumes another clause C2, if there exists a substitution 6 such that C10 £ C2. Once the special purpose unification has been implemented into a theorem prover to allow for deduction in WPL, existing subsumption tests then work without any further changes