2,356 research outputs found

    Chameleon: A Hybrid Secure Computation Framework for Machine Learning Applications

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    We present Chameleon, a novel hybrid (mixed-protocol) framework for secure function evaluation (SFE) which enables two parties to jointly compute a function without disclosing their private inputs. Chameleon combines the best aspects of generic SFE protocols with the ones that are based upon additive secret sharing. In particular, the framework performs linear operations in the ring Z2l\mathbb{Z}_{2^l} using additively secret shared values and nonlinear operations using Yao's Garbled Circuits or the Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson protocol. Chameleon departs from the common assumption of additive or linear secret sharing models where three or more parties need to communicate in the online phase: the framework allows two parties with private inputs to communicate in the online phase under the assumption of a third node generating correlated randomness in an offline phase. Almost all of the heavy cryptographic operations are precomputed in an offline phase which substantially reduces the communication overhead. Chameleon is both scalable and significantly more efficient than the ABY framework (NDSS'15) it is based on. Our framework supports signed fixed-point numbers. In particular, Chameleon's vector dot product of signed fixed-point numbers improves the efficiency of mining and classification of encrypted data for algorithms based upon heavy matrix multiplications. Our evaluation of Chameleon on a 5 layer convolutional deep neural network shows 133x and 4.2x faster executions than Microsoft CryptoNets (ICML'16) and MiniONN (CCS'17), respectively

    Privacy-Preserving Shortest Path Computation

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    Navigation is one of the most popular cloud computing services. But in virtually all cloud-based navigation systems, the client must reveal her location and destination to the cloud service provider in order to learn the fastest route. In this work, we present a cryptographic protocol for navigation on city streets that provides privacy for both the client's location and the service provider's routing data. Our key ingredient is a novel method for compressing the next-hop routing matrices in networks such as city street maps. Applying our compression method to the map of Los Angeles, for example, we achieve over tenfold reduction in the representation size. In conjunction with other cryptographic techniques, this compressed representation results in an efficient protocol suitable for fully-private real-time navigation on city streets. We demonstrate the practicality of our protocol by benchmarking it on real street map data for major cities such as San Francisco and Washington, D.C.Comment: Extended version of NDSS 2016 pape

    Symbolic verification of timed asynchronous hardware protocols

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    pre-printCorrect interaction of asynchronous protocols re- quires verification. Timed asynchronous protocols add another layer of complexity to the verification challenge. A methodology and automated tool flow have been developed for verifying systems of timed asynchronous circuits through compositional model checking of formal models with symbolic methods. The approach uses relative timing constraints to model timing in asynchronous hardware protocols - a novel mapping of timing into the verification flow. Relative timing constraints are enforced at the interface external to the protocol component. SAT based and BDD based methods are explored employing both interleaving and simultaneous compositions. We present our representation of relative timing constraints, its mapping to a formal model, and results obtained using NuSMV on several moderate sized asynchronous protocol examples. The results show that the capability of previous methods is enhanced to enable the hierarchical verification of substantially larger timed systems

    Multiparty computations in varying contexts

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    Recent developments in the automatic transformation of protocols into Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) interactions, and the selection of appropriate schemes for their implementation have improved usabililty of SMC. Poor performance along with data leakage or errors caused by coding mistakes and complexity had hindered SMC usability. Previous practice involved integrating the SMC code into the application being designed, and this tight integration meant the code was not reusable without modification. The progress that has been made to date towards the selection of different schemes focuses solely on the two-party paradigm in a static set-up, and does not consider changing contexts. Contexts, for secure multiparty computation, include the number of participants, link latency, trust and security requirements such as broadcast, dishonest majority etc. Variable Interpretation is a concept we propose whereby specific domain constructs, such as multiparty computation descriptions, are explicitly removed from the application code and expressed in SMC domain representation. This mirrors current practice in presenting a language or API to hide SMC complexity, but extends it by allowing the interpretation of the SMC to be adapted to the context. It also decouples SMC from human co-ordination by introducing a rule-based dynamic negotiation of protocols. Experiments were carried out to validate the method, running a multiparty computation on a variable interpreter for SMC using different protocols in different contexts

    Manticore: Efficient Framework for Scalable Secure Multiparty Computation Protocols

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    We propose a novel MPC framework, Manticore, in the multiparty setting, with full threshold and semi-honest security model, supporting a combination of real number arithmetic (arithmetic shares), Boolean arithmetic (Boolean shares) and garbled circuits (Yao shares). In contrast to prior work [MZ17, MR18], Manticore never overflows, an important feature for machine learning applications. It achieves this without compromising efficiency or security. Compared to other overflow-free recent techniques such as MP-SPDZ [EGKRS20] that convert arithmetic to Boolean shares, we introduce a novel highly efficient modular lifting/truncation method that stays in the arithmetic domain. We revisit some of the basic MPC operations such as real-valued polynomial evaluation, division, logarithm, exponential and comparison by employing our modular lift in combination with existing efficient conversions between arithmetic, Boolean and Yao shares. Furthermore, we provide a highly efficient and scalable implementation supporting logistic regression models with real-world training data sizes and high numerical precision through PCA and blockwise variants (for memory and runtime optimizations). On a dataset of 50 million rows and 50 columns distributed among two players, it completes in one day with at least 10 decimal digits of precision.Our logistic regression solution placed first at Track 3 of the annual iDASH’2020 Competition. Finally, we mention a novel oblivious sorting algorithm built using Manticore