108 research outputs found

    Learning Obstacle Representations for Neural Motion Planning

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    Motion planning and obstacle avoidance is a key challenge in robotics applications. While previous work succeeds to provide excellent solutions for known environments, sensor-based motion planning in new and dynamic environments remains difficult. In this work we address sensor-based motion planning from a learning perspective. Motivated by recent advances in visual recognition, we argue the importance of learning appropriate representations for motion planning. We propose a new obstacle representation based on the PointNet architecture and train it jointly with policies for obstacle avoidance. We experimentally evaluate our approach for rigid body motion planning in challenging environments and demonstrate significant improvements of the state of the art in terms of accuracy and efficiency.Comment: CoRL 2020. See the project webpage at https://www.di.ens.fr/willow/research/nmp_repr

    Learning Obstacle Representations for Neural Motion Planning

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    International audienceMotion planning and obstacle avoidance is a key challenge in robotics applications. While previous work succeeds to provide excellent solutions for known environments, sensor-based motion planning in new and dynamic environments remains difficult. In this work we address sensor-based motion planning from a learning perspective. Motivated by recent advances in visual recognition, we argue the importance of learning appropriate representations for motion planning. We propose a new obstacle representation based on the PointNet architecture [1] and train it jointly with policies for obstacle avoidance. We experimentally evaluate our approach for rigid body motion planning in challenging environments and demonstrate significant improvements of the state of the art in terms of accuracy and efficiency

    Path planning and collision avoidance for autonomous surface vehicles II: a comparative study of algorithms

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    Artificial intelligence is an enabling technology for autonomous surface vehicles, with methods such as evolutionary algorithms, artificial potential fields, fast marching methods, and many others becoming increasingly popular for solving problems such as path planning and collision avoidance. However, there currently is no unified way to evaluate the performance of different algorithms, for example with regard to safety or risk. This paper is a step in that direction and offers a comparative study of current state-of-the art path planning and collision avoidance algorithms for autonomous surface vehicles. Across 45 selected papers, we compare important performance properties of the proposed algorithms related to the vessel and the environment it is operating in. We also analyse how safety is incorporated, and what components constitute the objective function in these algorithms. Finally, we focus on comparing advantages and limitations of the 45 analysed papers. A key finding is the need for a unified platform for evaluating and comparing the performance of algorithms under a large set of possible real-world scenarios

    Expert Systems and Advanced Algorithms in Mobile Robots Path Planning

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    Metody plánování pohybu jsou významnou součástí robotiky, resp. mobilních robotických platforem. Technicky je realizace plánování pohybu z globální úrovně převedena do posloupnosti akcí na úrovni specifické robotické platformy a definovaného prostředí, včetně omezení. V rámci této práce byla provedena recenze mnoha metod určených pro plánování cest, přičemž hlavním těžištěm byly metody založené na tzv. rychle rostoucích stromech (RRT), prostorovém rozkladu (CD) a využití fuzzy expertních systémů (FES). Dosažené výsledky, resp. prezentované algoritmy, využívají dostupné informace z pracovního prostoru mobilního robotu a jsou aplikovatelné na řešení globální pohybové trajektorie mobilních robotů, resp. k řešení specifických problémů plánování cest s omezením typu úzké koridory či překážky s proměnnou polohou v čase. V práci jsou představeny nové plánovací postupy využívající výhod algoritmů RRT a CD. Navržené metody jsou navíc efektivně rozšířeny s využitím fuzzy expertního systému, který zlepšuje jejich chování. Práce rovněž prezentuje řešení pro plánovací problémy typu identifikace úzkých koridorů, či významných oblastí prostoru řešení s využitím přístupů na bázi dekompozice prostoru. V řešeních jsou částečně zahrnuty sub-optimalizace nalezených cest založené na zkracování nalezené cesty a vyhlazování cesty, resp. nahrazení trajektorie hladkou křivkou, respektující lépe předpokládanou dynamiku mobilního zařízení. Všechny prezentované metody byly implementovány v prostředí Matlab, které sloužilo k simulačnímu ověření efektivnosti vlastních i převzatých metod a k návrhu prostoru řešení včetně omezení (překážky). Získané výsledky byly vyhodnoceny s využitím statistických přístupů v prostředí Minitab a Matlab.Motion planning is an active field in robotics domain, it is responsible for translating high-level specifications of a motion task into low-level sequences of motion commands, which respect the robot and the environments constraints. In this work many path-planning approaches have been reviewed, mainly, the rapidly exploring random tree algorithm (RRT), the cell decomposition approaches (CD), and the application of fuzzy expert system (FES) in motion planning. These approaches have been adapted to solve some of mobile robots motion-planning problems efficiently, i.e. motion planning in small and narrow areas, the global path planning in dynamic workspace, and the improvement of planning efficiency using available information about the working environments. New planning approaches have been introduced based on exploiting and combining the advantages of cell-decomposition, and RRT, in addition to use other tools i.e. fuzzy expert system, to increase the efficiency and completeness of finding a solution. This thesis also proposed solutions for other motion-planning problems, for example the identification of narrow area and the important regions when using sampling-based algorithms, the path shortening for RRT, and the problem of planning a safe path. All proposed methods were implemented and simulated in Matlab to compare them with other methods, in different workspaces and under different conditions. Moreover, the results are evaluated by statistical methods using Matlab and Minitab environments.

    People flor maps for socially conscious robot navigation

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    With robots becoming increasingly common in human occupied spaces, there has been a growing body of research into the problem of socially conscious robot navigation. A robot must be able to predict and anticipate the movements of people around it in order to navigate in a way that is socially acceptable, or it may face rejection and therefore failure. Often this motion prediction is achieved using neural networks or artificial intelligence to predict the trajectories or flow of people, requiring large amounts of expensive and time-consuming real-world data collection. Therefore, many recent studies have attempted to find a way to create simulated human trajectory data. A variety of methods have been used to achieve this, the main ones being path planning algorithms and pedestrian simulators, but no study has evaluated these methods against each other and real-world data. This thesis compares the ability of two path planning algorithms (A* and RRT*) and a pedestrian simulator (PTV Vissim) to make realistic maps of dynamics. It concludes that A*-based path planners are the best choice when balancing the ability to replicate realistic people flow with the ease of generating large amounts of data

    Learning Probabilistic Generative Models For Fast Sampling-Based Planning

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    Due to their simplicity and efficiency in high dimensional space, sampling-based motion planners have been gaining interest for robotic manipulation in recent years. We present several new learning approaches using probabilistic generative models for fast sampling-based planning. First, we propose fast collision detection in high dimensional configuration spaces based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) for Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT). In addition, we introduce a new probabilistically safe local steering primitive based on the probabilistic model. Our local steering procedure is based on a new notion of a convex probabilistically safety corridor that is constructed around a configuration using tangent hyperplanes of confidence ellipsoids of GMMs learned from prior collision history. For efficient sampling, we suggest a sampling method with a learned Q-function with linear function approximation based on feature representations such as Radial Basis Functions. This sampling method chooses the optimal node from which to extend the search tree via the softmax function of learned state values. We also discuss a novel constrained sampling-based motion planning method for grasp and transport tasks with redundant robotic manipulators, which allows the best grasp configuration and approach direction to be automatically determined. Since these approaches with the learned probabilistic models require large size data and time for training, it is essential that they are able to be adapted to environmental change in an online manner. The suggested online learning approach with the Dirichlet Process Mixture Model (DPMM) can adapt the complexity to the data and learn new Gaussian clusters with streaming data in newly explored areas without batch learning. We have applied these approaches in a number of robot arm planning scenarios and have shown their utility and effectiveness in simulation and on a physical 7-DoF robot manipulator