100 research outputs found

    A comprehensive analytical mathematic model for permanent-magnet synchronous machines incorporating structural and saturation saliencies

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    We introduce a new method to model permanent-magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) with saliencies due to the salient structure and magnetic saturation. We define two parameters to indicate these saliencies, i.e., the structural saliency ratio (Kstr) and the saturation saliency ratio (K sat). To verify the nonlinear model, we tested a real PMSM and numerically simulated it. The nonlinear inductance matrix is deduced and expressed by a nonlinear function regressed from the experimental data. The simulation and experimental results agree well with each other. © 2010 IEEE

    An adaptive observer with signal injection for interior permanent magnet synchronous motors

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    This thesis deals with methods for the sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous motors. The methods are investigated by means of theoretical analysis, simulations, and laboratory experiments with a 2.2-kW interior-magnet motor. To expand the operating range and to improve the estimation dynamics, two hybrid speed and position estimation methods are proposed. In the methods, high-frequency signal injection is used for stabilizing a modified voltage model and an adaptive observer at low speeds. The hybrid methods allow sustained operation at low speeds, yet preserve good dynamic properties. For the adaptive observer, an observer gain is selected such that the estimation dynamics are improved. To reduce the sensitivity of the adaptive observer to the motor parameter errors, a method is developed where two electrical parameters are estimated on-line. A model for the spatial harmonics in the permanent magnet motors is included in the adaptive observer for the reduction of estimation errors, and the signal injection method is modified to improve position estimation accuracy when inductance harmonics are present. In addition, a method is proposed for suppressing the electromagnetic torque ripple caused by the spatial harmonics. A control system and a full-order observer are also developed for drives equipped with an LC filter at the inverter output. It is also shown that signal injection can be used with the filter if the injection frequency is suitably chosen. For drives equipped with DC-link current measurement, a method is proposed that also uses high-frequency signal injection at low speeds

    Field weakening and sensorless control solutions for synchronous machines applied to electric vehicles.

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    184 p.La polución es uno de los mayores problemas en los países industrializados. Por ello, la electrificación del transporte por carretera está en pleno auge, favoreciendo la investigación y el desarrollo industrial. El desarrollo de sistemas de propulsión eficientes, fiables, compactos y económicos juega un papel fundamental para la introducción del vehículo eléctrico en el mercado.Las máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes son, a día de hoy la tecnología más empleada en vehículos eléctricos e híbridos por sus características. Sin embargo, al depender del uso de tierras raras, se están investigando alternativas a este tipo de máquina, tales como las máquinas de reluctancia síncrona asistidas por imanes. Para este tipo de máquinas síncronas es necesario desarrollar estrategias de control eficientes y robustas. Las desviaciones de parámetros son comunes en estas máquinas debido a la saturación magnética y a otra serie de factores, tales como tolerancias de fabricación, dependencias en función de la temperatura de operación o envejecimiento. Las técnicas de control convencionales, especialmente las estrategias de debilitamiento de campo dependen, en general, del conocimiento previo de dichos parámetros. Si no son lo suficientemente robustos, pueden producir problemas de control en las regiones de debilitamiento de campo y debilitamiento de campo profundo. En este sentido, esta tesis presenta dos nuevas estrategias de control de debilitamiento de campo híbridas basadas en LUTs y reguladores VCT.Por otro lado, otro requisito indispensable para la industria de la automoción es la detección de faltas y la tolerancia a fallos. En este sentido, se presenta una nueva estrategia de control sensorless basada en una estructura PLL/HFI híbrida que permite al vehículo continuar operando de forma pseudo-óptima ante roturas en el sensor de posición y velocidad de la máquina eléctrica. En esta tesis, ambas propuestas se validan experimentalmente en un sistema de propulsión real para vehículo eléctrico que cuenta con una máquina de reluctancia síncrona asistidas por imanes de 51 kW

    Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors

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    On-line Temperature Monitoring of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines

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    Torque Control

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    This book is the result of inspirations and contributions from many researchers, a collection of 9 works, which are, in majority, focalised around the Direct Torque Control and may be comprised of three sections: different techniques for the control of asynchronous motors and double feed or double star induction machines, oriented approach of recent developments relating to the control of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors, and special controller design and torque control of switched reluctance machine

    Design optimization and performance analysis methodology for PMSMs to improve efficiency in hydraulic applications

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    Pla de Doctorats Industrials de la Generalitat de CatalunyaIn the recent years, water pumping and other hydraulic applications are increasingly demanding motors capable to operate under different working conditions, including variable pressure and volumetric flow demands. Moreover, the technical evolution trend of pumping components is to minimize the size, offering compact and adaptable hydraulic units. Hence, the need to optimize the electric motor part to reduce the volume according this trend, maximizing the efficiency, decreasing material and fabrication costs, reducing noise and improving thermal dissipation have originated the research field of this project. So far different methodologies have been focused on designing electrical machines considering few aspects, such as the rated conditions with some size limitations. In addition, the optimization strategies have been based on single operation conditions, improving multiple aspects but not considering the overall performance of the machine and its influence with the working system. This research changes the design and optimization paradigm, focusing on defining beforehand the desired performance of the electrical machine in relation with the application system. The customization is not limited to an operating point but to the whole performance space, which in this case is the torque-speed area. Thus, the designer has plenty of freedom to study the system, and define the desired motor performance establishing the size, thermal and mechanical limitations from the beginning of the process. Moreover, when designing and optimizing electrical machines, the experimental validation is of major importance. From an industrial scope so far, the testing methodologies are focused on evaluating point by point the electrical machine performance, being a robust and trustable way to measure and validate the electrical machine characteristics. Nevertheless,this method requires a large time to prepare the experimental setup and to evaluate the whole motor performance. For this reason, there is a special interest on improving parameter estimation and performance evaluation techniques for electrical machines to reduce evaluation time, setup complexity and increase the number of physical magnitudes to measure in order to have deeper information. This research also develops methodologies to extend the electrical machine experimental validation providing information to evaluate the motor performance. This doctoral thesis has been developed with a collaboration agreement between UPC and the company MIDTAL TALENTOS S.L. The thesis is included within the Industrial Doctorates program 2018 DI 019 promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya.En los últimos años, el bombeo de agua, entre otras aplicaciones hidráulicas, exige cada vez más motores capaces de operar en diferentes condiciones de trabajo, incluyendo las demandas variables de presión y caudal volumétrico. Además, la evolución técnica de los componentes de bombeo está cada vez más minimizando el tamaño ofreciendo unidades hidráulicas compactas y adaptables. De ahí la necesidad de optimizar la parte del motor eléctrico para reducir el volumen de acuerdo con esta tendencia, maximizando la eficiencia, disminuyendo los costos de material y fabricación, reduciendo el ruido y mejorando la disipación térmica. Todos estos factores han creado el campo de investigación sobre el cual se desarrolla este proyecto. Hasta ahora las metodologías se han centrado en diseñar las máquinas eléctricas considerando unos pocos aspectos técnicos, como las condiciones nominales con algunas limitaciones de tamaño. Además, las estrategias de optimización se han basado en condiciones de operación única, mejorando múltiples aspectos sin considerar el rendimiento general de la máquina y su influencia en el sistema de trabajo. Esta investigación cambia el paradigma de diseño y optimización centrándose en definir de antemano el rendimiento deseado de la máquina eléctrica en relación con el sistema de aplicación. La personalización no se limita a un punto de funcionamiento sino a todo el espacio de operación, que en este caso se expresa en el espacio par-velocidad. Así, el diseñador tiene libertad para estudiar el sistema, definir el rendimiento deseado del motor estableciendo el tamaño, limitaciones térmicas y mecánicas desde el inicio del proceso. Además, a la hora de diseñar y optimizar máquinas eléctricas, la validación experimental es de gran importancia. En el ámbito industrial hasta ahora, las metodologías de ensayo han sido enfocadas a evaluar punto por punto la máquina eléctrica, siendo una forma robusta y confiable de medir y validar sus características. Sin embargo, este método requiere mucho tiempo para preparar la configuración experimental y evaluar el motor en toda su zona de operación. Por esta razón, existe un interés especial en mejorar la estimación de parámetros y las técnicas de evaluación de la operación de las máquinas eléctricas reduciendo tiempo, complejidad y aumentando el número de magnitudes físicas a medir teniendo más información sobre la máquina. Esta investigación también desarrolla metodologías para extender la validación experimental de la máquina eléctrica proporcionando información para evaluar el rendimiento del motor. Esta tesis doctoral ha sido desarrollada con un convenio de colaboración entre la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña UPC y la empresa MIDTAL TALENTOS S.L. La tesis se engloba dentro del plan de Doctorados Industriales 2018 DI 019 impulsado por la Generalitat de Catalunya.Postprint (published version

    Mathematical Approaches to Modeling, Optimally Designing, and Controlling Electric Machine

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    Optimal performance of the electric machine/drive system is mandatory to improve the energy consumption and reliability. To achieve this goal, mathematical models of the electric machine/drive system are necessary. Hence, this motivated the editors to instigate the Special Issue “Mathematical Approaches to Modeling, Optimally Designing, and Controlling Electric Machine”, aiming to collect novel publications that push the state-of-the art towards optimal performance for the electric machine/drive system. Seventeen papers have been published in this Special Issue. The published papers focus on several aspects of the electric machine/drive system with respect to the mathematical modelling. Novel optimization methods, control approaches, and comparative analysis for electric drive system based on various electric machines were discussed in the published papers

    Recent Advances in Robust Control

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    Robust control has been a topic of active research in the last three decades culminating in H_2/H_\infty and \mu design methods followed by research on parametric robustness, initially motivated by Kharitonov's theorem, the extension to non-linear time delay systems, and other more recent methods. The two volumes of Recent Advances in Robust Control give a selective overview of recent theoretical developments and present selected application examples. The volumes comprise 39 contributions covering various theoretical aspects as well as different application areas. The first volume covers selected problems in the theory of robust control and its application to robotic and electromechanical systems. The second volume is dedicated to special topics in robust control and problem specific solutions. Recent Advances in Robust Control will be a valuable reference for those interested in the recent theoretical advances and for researchers working in the broad field of robotics and mechatronics

    Torque Estimation of Synchronous Reluctance Machine using High Frequency Signal Injection

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    Il lavoro analizza due metodi per la stima della coppia prodotta da un motore sincrono a riluttanza, entrambi basati sull'iniezione di un segnale rotante di tensione ad alta frequenza sovrapposto al segnale sincrono alimentante il motore. A partire dal processo dei segnali ad alta frequenza si ottengono le induttanze ad alta freq e attraverso l'equazione di coppia si ottiene la sua stima. Sono state effettuate una simulazione in Simulink e un test sperimentale su un motore commerciale dell'ABB.ope