64,231 research outputs found

    Distributed Spacecraft Path Planning and Collision Avoidance via Reciprocal Velocity Obstacle Approach

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    This paper presents the development of a combined linear quadratic regulation and reciprocal velocity obstacle (LQR/RVO) control algorithm for multiple satellites during close proximity operations. The linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control effort drives the spacecraft towards their target position while the reciprocal velocity obstacle (RVO) provides collision avoidance capabilities. Each spacecraft maneuvers independently, without explicit communication or knowledge in term of collision avoidance decision making of the other spacecraft in the formation. To assess the performance of this novel controller different test cases are implemented. Numerical results show that this method guarantees safe and collision-free maneuvers for all the satellites in the formation and the control performance is presented in term of Δv and fuel consumption

    Decentralized MPC based Obstacle Avoidance for Multi-Robot Target Tracking Scenarios

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    In this work, we consider the problem of decentralized multi-robot target tracking and obstacle avoidance in dynamic environments. Each robot executes a local motion planning algorithm which is based on model predictive control (MPC). The planner is designed as a quadratic program, subject to constraints on robot dynamics and obstacle avoidance. Repulsive potential field functions are employed to avoid obstacles. The novelty of our approach lies in embedding these non-linear potential field functions as constraints within a convex optimization framework. Our method convexifies non-convex constraints and dependencies, by replacing them as pre-computed external input forces in robot dynamics. The proposed algorithm additionally incorporates different methods to avoid field local minima problems associated with using potential field functions in planning. The motion planner does not enforce predefined trajectories or any formation geometry on the robots and is a comprehensive solution for cooperative obstacle avoidance in the context of multi-robot target tracking. We perform simulation studies in different environmental scenarios to showcase the convergence and efficacy of the proposed algorithm. Video of simulation studies: \url{https://youtu.be/umkdm82Tt0M

    UAV group formation collision avoidance method based on second-order consensus algorithm and improved artificial potential field

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    The problem of collision avoidance of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) group is studied in this paper. A collision avoidance method of UAV group formation based on second-order consensus algorithm and improved artificial potential field is proposed. Based on the method, the UAV group can form a predetermined formation from any initial state and fly to the target position in normal flight, and can avoid collision according to the improved smooth artificial potential field method when encountering an obstacle. The UAV group adopts the "leader-follower" strategy, that is, the leader UAV is the controller and flies independently according to the mission requirements, while the follower UAV follows the leader UAV based on the second-order consensus algorithm and formations gradually form during the flight. Based on the second-order consensus algorithm, the UAV group can achieve formation maintenance easily and the Laplacian matrix used in the algorithm is symmetric for an undirected graph. In the process of obstacle avoidance, the improved artificial potential field method can solve the jitter problem that the traditional artificial potential field method causes for the UAV and avoids violent jitter. Finally, simulation experiments of two scenarios were designed to verify the collision avoidance effect and formation retention effect of static obstacles and dynamic obstacles while the two UAV groups fly in opposite symmetry in the dynamic obstacle scenario. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Collision avoidance strategies for unmanned aerial vehicles in formation flight

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    Collision avoidance strategies for multiple UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) based on geometry are investigated in this study. The proposed strategies allow a group of UAVs to avoid obstacles and separate if necessary through a simple algorithm with low computation by expanding the collision-cone approach to formation of UAVs. The geometric approach uses line-of-sight vectors and relative velocity vectors where dynamic constraints are included in the formation. Each UAV can determine which plane and direction are available for collision avoidance. An analysis is performed to define an envelope for collision avoidance, where angular rate limits and obstacle detection range limits are considered. Based on the collision avoidance envelope, each UAV in a formation determines whether the formation can be maintained or not while avoiding obstacles. Numerical simulations are performed to demonstrate the performance of the proposed strategies

    Cooperative UAV Formation Flying with Obstacle/Collision Avoidance

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    Navigation problems of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) flying in a formation in a free and an obstacle-laden environment are investigated in this brief. when static obstacles popup during the flight, the UAVs are required to steer around them and also avoid collisions between each other. In order to achieve these goals, a new dual-mode control strategy is proposed: a “safe mode” is defined as an operation in an obstacle-free environment and a “danger mode” is activated when there is a chance of collision or when there are obstacles in the path. Safe mode achieves global optimization because the dynamics of all the UAVs participating in the formation are taken into account in the controller formulation. In the danger mode, a novel algorithm using a modified Grossberg neural network (GNN) is proposed for obstacle/collision avoidance. This decentralized algorithm in 2-D uses the geometry of the flight space to generate optimal/suboptimal trajectories. Extension of the proposed scheme for obstacle avoidance in a 3-D environment is shown. In order to handle practical vehicle constraints, a model predictive control-based tracking controller is used to track the references generated. Numerical results are provided to motivate this approach and to demonstrate its potential

    Decentralized Autonomous Navigation Strategies for Multi-Robot Search and Rescue

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    In this report, we try to improve the performance of existing approaches for search operations in multi-robot context. We propose three novel algorithms that are using a triangular grid pattern, i.e., robots certainly go through the vertices of a triangular grid during the search procedure. The main advantage of using a triangular grid pattern is that it is asymptotically optimal in terms of the minimum number of robots required for the complete coverage of an arbitrary bounded area. We use a new topological map which is made and shared by robots during the search operation. We consider an area that is unknown to the robots a priori with an arbitrary shape, containing some obstacles. Unlike many current heuristic algorithms, we give mathematically proofs of convergence of the algorithms. The computer simulation results for the proposed algorithms are presented using a simulator of real robots and environment. We evaluate the performance of the algorithms via experiments with real robots. We compare the performance of our own algorithms with three existing algorithms from other researchers. The results demonstrate the merits of our proposed solution. A further study on formation building with obstacle avoidance for a team of mobile robots is presented in this report. We propose a decentralized formation building with obstacle avoidance algorithm for a group of mobile robots to move in a defined geometric configuration. Furthermore, we consider a more complicated formation problem with a group of anonymous robots; these robots are not aware of their position in the final configuration and need to reach a consensus during the formation process. We propose a randomized algorithm for the anonymous robots that achieves the convergence to a desired configuration with probability 1. We also propose a novel obstacle avoidance rule, used in the formation building algorithm.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1402.5188 by other author