100 research outputs found

    Data-driven visual quality estimation using machine learning

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    Heutzutage werden viele visuelle Inhalte erstellt und sind zugĂ€nglich, was auf Verbesserungen der Technologie wie Smartphones und das Internet zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist. Es ist daher notwendig, die von den Nutzern wahrgenommene QualitĂ€t zu bewerten, um das Erlebnis weiter zu verbessern. Allerdings sind nur wenige der aktuellen QualitĂ€tsmodelle speziell fĂŒr höhere Auflösungen konzipiert, sagen mehr als nur den Mean Opinion Score vorher oder nutzen maschinelles Lernen. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, solche maschinellen Modelle fĂŒr höhere Auflösungen mit verschiedenen DatensĂ€tzen zu trainieren und zu evaluieren. Als Erstes wird eine objektive Analyse der BildqualitĂ€t bei höheren Auflösungen durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Bilder wurden mit Video-Encodern komprimiert, hierbei weist AV1 die beste QualitĂ€t und Kompression auf. Anschließend werden die Ergebnisse eines Crowd-Sourcing-Tests mit einem Labortest bezĂŒglich BildqualitĂ€t verglichen. Weiterhin werden auf Deep Learning basierende Modelle fĂŒr die Vorhersage von Bild- und VideoqualitĂ€t beschrieben. Das auf Deep Learning basierende Modell ist aufgrund der benötigten Ressourcen fĂŒr die Vorhersage der VideoqualitĂ€t in der Praxis nicht anwendbar. Aus diesem Grund werden pixelbasierte VideoqualitĂ€tsmodelle vorgeschlagen und ausgewertet, die aussagekrĂ€ftige Features verwenden, welche Bild- und Bewegungsaspekte abdecken. Diese Modelle können zur Vorhersage von Mean Opinion Scores fĂŒr Videos oder sogar fĂŒr anderer Werte im Zusammenhang mit der VideoqualitĂ€t verwendet werden, wie z.B. einer Bewertungsverteilung. Die vorgestellte Modellarchitektur kann auf andere Videoprobleme angewandt werden, wie z.B. Videoklassifizierung, Vorhersage der QualitĂ€t von Spielevideos, Klassifikation von Spielegenres oder der Klassifikation von Kodierungsparametern. Ein wichtiger Aspekt ist auch die Verarbeitungszeit solcher Modelle. Daher wird ein allgemeiner Ansatz zur Beschleunigung von State-of-the-Art-VideoqualitĂ€tsmodellen vorgestellt, der zeigt, dass ein erheblicher Teil der Verarbeitungszeit eingespart werden kann, wĂ€hrend eine Ă€hnliche Vorhersagegenauigkeit erhalten bleibt. Die Modelle sind als Open Source veröffentlicht, so dass die entwickelten Frameworks fĂŒr weitere Forschungsarbeiten genutzt werden können. Außerdem können die vorgestellten AnsĂ€tze als Bausteine fĂŒr neuere Medienformate verwendet werden.Today a lot of visual content is accessible and produced, due to improvements in technology such as smartphones and the internet. This results in a need to assess the quality perceived by users to further improve the experience. However, only a few of the state-of-the-art quality models are specifically designed for higher resolutions, predict more than mean opinion score, or use machine learning. One goal of the thesis is to train and evaluate such machine learning models of higher resolutions with several datasets. At first, an objective evaluation of image quality in case of higher resolutions is performed. The images are compressed using video encoders, and it is shown that AV1 is best considering quality and compression. This evaluation is followed by the analysis of a crowdsourcing test in comparison with a lab test investigating image quality. Afterward, deep learning-based models for image quality prediction and an extension for video quality are proposed. However, the deep learning-based video quality model is not practically usable because of performance constrains. For this reason, pixel-based video quality models using well-motivated features covering image and motion aspects are proposed and evaluated. These models can be used to predict mean opinion scores for videos, or even to predict other video quality-related information, such as a rating distributions. The introduced model architecture can be applied to other video problems, such as video classification, gaming video quality prediction, gaming genre classification or encoding parameter estimation. Furthermore, one important aspect is the processing time of such models. Hence, a generic approach to speed up state-of-the-art video quality models is introduced, which shows that a significant amount of processing time can be saved, while achieving similar prediction accuracy. The models have been made publicly available as open source so that the developed frameworks can be used for further research. Moreover, the presented approaches may be usable as building blocks for newer media formats

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    Bitstream-based video quality modeling and analysis of HTTP-based adaptive streaming

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    Die Verbreitung erschwinglicher Videoaufnahmetechnologie und verbesserte Internetbandbreiten ermöglichen das Streaming von hochwertigen Videos (Auflösungen > 1080p, Bildwiederholraten ≄ 60fps) online. HTTP-basiertes adaptives Streaming ist die bevorzugte Methode zum Streamen von Videos, bei der Videoparameter an die verfĂŒgbare Bandbreite angepasst wird, was sich auf die VideoqualitĂ€t auswirkt. Adaptives Streaming reduziert Videowiedergabeunterbrechnungen aufgrund geringer Netzwerkbandbreite, wirken sich jedoch auf die wahrgenommene QualitĂ€t aus, weswegen eine systematische Bewertung dieser notwendig ist. Diese Bewertung erfolgt ĂŒblicherweise fĂŒr kurze Abschnitte von wenige Sekunden und wĂ€hrend einer Sitzung (bis zu mehreren Minuten). Diese Arbeit untersucht beide Aspekte mithilfe perzeptiver und instrumenteller Methoden. Die perzeptive Bewertung der kurzfristigen VideoqualitĂ€t umfasst eine Reihe von Labortests, die in frei verfĂŒgbaren DatensĂ€tzen publiziert wurden. Die QualitĂ€t von lĂ€ngeren Sitzungen wurde in Labortests mit menschlichen Betrachtern bewertet, die reale Betrachtungsszenarien simulieren. Die Methodik wurde zusĂ€tzlich außerhalb des Labors fĂŒr die Bewertung der kurzfristigen VideoqualitĂ€t und der GesamtqualitĂ€t untersucht, um alternative AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die perzeptive QualitĂ€tsbewertung zu erforschen. Die instrumentelle QualitĂ€tsevaluierung wurde anhand von bitstrom- und hybriden pixelbasierten VideoqualitĂ€tsmodellen durchgefĂŒhrt, die im Zuge dieser Arbeit entwickelt wurden. Dazu wurde die Modellreihe AVQBits entwickelt, die auf den Labortestergebnissen basieren. Es wurden vier verschiedene Modellvarianten von AVQBits mit verschiedenen Inputinformationen erstellt: Mode 3, Mode 1, Mode 0 und Hybrid Mode 0. Die Modellvarianten wurden untersucht und schneiden besser oder gleichwertig zu anderen aktuellen Modellen ab. Diese Modelle wurden auch auf 360°- und Gaming-Videos, HFR-Inhalte und Bilder angewendet. DarĂŒber hinaus wird ein Langzeitintegrationsmodell (1 - 5 Minuten) auf der Grundlage des ITU-T-P.1203.3-Modells prĂ€sentiert, das die verschiedenen Varianten von AVQBits mit sekĂŒndigen QualitĂ€tswerten als VideoqualitĂ€tskomponente des vorgeschlagenen Langzeitintegrationsmodells verwendet. Alle AVQBits-Varianten, das Langzeitintegrationsmodul und die perzeptiven Testdaten wurden frei zugĂ€nglich gemacht, um weitere Forschung zu ermöglichen.The pervasion of affordable capture technology and increased internet bandwidth allows high-quality videos (resolutions > 1080p, framerates ≄ 60fps) to be streamed online. HTTP-based adaptive streaming is the preferred method for streaming videos, adjusting video quality based on available bandwidth. Although adaptive streaming reduces the occurrences of video playout being stopped (called “stalling”) due to narrow network bandwidth, the automatic adaptation has an impact on the quality perceived by the user, which results in the need to systematically assess the perceived quality. Such an evaluation is usually done on a short-term (few seconds) and overall session basis (up to several minutes). In this thesis, both these aspects are assessed using subjective and instrumental methods. The subjective assessment of short-term video quality consists of a series of lab-based video quality tests that have resulted in publicly available datasets. The overall integral quality was subjectively assessed in lab tests with human viewers mimicking a real-life viewing scenario. In addition to the lab tests, the out-of-the-lab test method was investigated for both short-term video quality and overall session quality assessment to explore the possibility of alternative approaches for subjective quality assessment. The instrumental method of quality evaluation was addressed in terms of bitstream- and hybrid pixel-based video quality models developed as part of this thesis. For this, a family of models, namely AVQBits has been conceived using the results of the lab tests as ground truth. Based on the available input information, four different instances of AVQBits, that is, a Mode 3, a Mode 1, a Mode 0, and a Hybrid Mode 0 model are presented. The model instances have been evaluated and they perform better or on par with other state-of-the-art models. These models have further been applied to 360° and gaming videos, HFR content, and images. Also, a long-term integration (1 - 5 mins) model based on the ITU-T P.1203.3 model is presented. In this work, the different instances of AVQBits with the per-1-sec scores output are employed as the video quality component of the proposed long-term integration model. All AVQBits variants as well as the long-term integration module and the subjective test data are made publicly available for further research

    AVQBits-adaptive video quality model based on bitstream information for various video applications

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    The paper presents AVQBits, a versatile, bitstream-based video quality model. It can be applied in several contexts such as video service monitoring, evaluation of video encoding quality, of gaming video QoE, and even of omnidirectional video quality. In the paper, it is shown that AVQBits predictions closely match video quality ratings obained in various subjective tests with human viewers, for videos up to 4K-UHD resolution (Ultra-High Definition, 3840 x 2180 pixels) and framerates up 120 fps. With the different variants of AVQBits presented in the paper, video quality can be monitored either at the client side, in the network or directly after encoding. The no-reference AVQBits model was developed for different video services and types of input data, reflecting the increasing popularity of Video-on-Demand services and widespread use of HTTP-based adaptive streaming. At its core, AVQBits encompasses the standardized ITU-T P.1204.3 model, with further model instances that can either have restricted or extended input information, depending on the application context. Four different instances of AVQBits are presented, that is, a Mode 3 model with full access to the bitstream, a Mode 0 variant using only metadata such as codec type, framerate, resoution and bitrate as input, a Mode 1 model using Mode 0 information and frame-type and -size information, and a Hybrid Mode 0 model that is based on Mode 0 metadata and the decoded video pixel information. The models are trained on the authors’ own AVT-PNATS-UHD-1 dataset described in the paper. All models show a highly competitive performance by using AVT-VQDB-UHD-1 as validation dataset, e.g., with the Mode 0 variant yielding a value of 0.890 Pearson Correlation, the Mode 1 model of 0.901, the hybrid no-reference mode 0 model of 0.928 and the model with full bitstream access of 0.942. In addition, all four AVQBits variants are evaluated when applying them out-of-the-box to different media formats such as 360° video, high framerate (HFR) content, or gaming videos. The analysis shows that the ITU-T P.1204.3 and Hybrid Mode 0 instances of AVQBits for the considered use-cases either perform on par with or better than even state-of-the-art full reference, pixel-based models. Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed Mode 0 and Mode 1 variants outperform commonly used no-reference models for the different application scopes. Also, a long-term integration model based on the standardized ITU-T P.1203.3 is presented to estimate ratings of overall audiovisual streaming Quality of Experience (QoE) for sessions of 30 s up to 5 min duration. In the paper, the AVQBits instances with their per-1-sec score output are evaluated as the video quality component of the proposed long-term integration model. All AVQBits variants as well as the long-term integration module are made publicly available for the community for further research

    Super-Resolution in Still Images and Videos via Deep Learning

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    PhDThe evolution of multimedia systems and technology in the past decade has enabled production and delivery of visual content in high resolution, and the thirst for achieving higher de nition pictures with more detailed visual characteristics continues. This brings attention to a critical computer vision task for spatial up-sampling of still images and videos called super-resolution. Recent advances in machine learning, and application of deep neural networks, have resulted in major improvements in various computer vision applications. Super-resolution is not an exception, and it is amongst the popular topics that have been a ected signi cantly by the emergence of deep learning. Employing modern machine learning solutions has made it easier to perform super-resolution in both images and videos, and has allowed professionals from di erent elds to upgrade low resolution content to higher resolutions with visually appealing picture delity. In spite of that, there remain many challenges to overcome in adopting deep learning concepts for designing e cient super-resolution models. In this thesis, the current trends in super-resolution, as well as the state of the art are presented. Moreover, several contributions for improving the performance of the deep learning-based super-resolution models are described in detail. The contributions include devising theoretical approaches, as well as proposing design choices that can lead to enhancing the existing art in super-resolution. In particular, an e ective approach for training convolutional networks is proposed, that can result in optimized and quick training of complex models. In addition, speci c deep learning architectures with novel elements are introduced that can provide reduction in the complexity of the existing solutions, and improve the super-resolution models to achieve better picture quality. Furthermore, application of super-resolution for handling compressed content, and its functionality as a compression tool are studied and investigated.COGNITUS media AI software fundin

    JSI-GAN: GAN-Based Joint Super-Resolution and Inverse Tone-Mapping with Pixel-Wise Task-Specific Filters for UHD HDR Video

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    Joint learning of super-resolution (SR) and inverse tone-mapping (ITM) has been explored recently, to convert legacy low resolution (LR) standard dynamic range (SDR) videos to high resolution (HR) high dynamic range (HDR) videos for the growing need of UHD HDR TV/broadcasting applications. However, previous CNN-based methods directly reconstruct the HR HDR frames from LR SDR frames, and are only trained with a simple L2 loss. In this paper, we take a divide-and-conquer approach in designing a novel GAN-based joint SR-ITM network, called JSI-GAN, which is composed of three task-specific subnets: an image reconstruction subnet, a detail restoration (DR) subnet and a local contrast enhancement (LCE) subnet. We delicately design these subnets so that they are appropriately trained for the intended purpose, learning a pair of pixel-wise 1D separable filters via the DR subnet for detail restoration and a pixel-wise 2D local filter by the LCE subnet for contrast enhancement. Moreover, to train the JSI-GAN effectively, we propose a novel detail GAN loss alongside the conventional GAN loss, which helps enhancing both local details and contrasts to reconstruct high quality HR HDR results. When all subnets are jointly trained well, the predicted HR HDR results of higher quality are obtained with at least 0.41 dB gain in PSNR over those generated by the previous methods.Comment: The first two authors contributed equally to this work. Accepted at AAAI 2020. (Camera-ready version

    Efficient Real-Time Architectures and FPGA Implementations of Histogram-Based Median Filters for High Definition Videos

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    Digital filtering plays an important role in many signal processing applications. Filtering is performed to recover the original signal from its corrupted version. Median filter is a non-linear digital filter that replaces a sample in a given window by the median value of the samples in the window. For images corrupted with impulse noise, median filter provides a very high quality of filtered images. Several modifications of median filters have been proposed and implemented to achieve high image quality compared to that provided by conventional median filters. When these filters are implemented on hardware platforms such as FPGAs, the performance parameters, namely, the area, power and operating frequency should be taken into consideration in addition to the quality of the filtered image. Therefore, efficient implementation of median filters on FPGAs for image and video processing algorithms has been a topic of much interest. The existing hardware-based median filters for high definition video formats do not always satisfy the real-time throughput requirements or are inefficient with respect to hardware performance parameters, such as the area and frequency. This is due to the fact that most of the existing techniques use sorting-based median calculation, which results in a low hardware performance. In this thesis, architectures that use histogram-based median computation, which is a non-sorting-based operation, are designed with a view of efficient hardware implementation. This is carried out in two parts. We design and implement efficient architectures that satisfy the real-time throughput requirements of full high definition (FHD) videos in the first part and that of ultra high definition (UHD) videos in the second part. In the first part, an efficient real-time histogram-based median filter that uses the concept of bit-plane-slicing and adaptive switching median filter (ASMF) is designed and implemented on FPGAs. We term this architecture as hybrid architecture for median filtering (HAMF). The proposed HAMF computes an approximate median, since it uses only the most significant B-bits of the pixel values for median calculation. As a result, the algorithmic level implementation of the proposed HAMF results in a slight degradation in the filtered image quality compared to that provided by ASMF. The proposed HAMF provides a significant improvement over ASMF in terms of the area and operating frequency, when implemented on different generation FPGAs. Analysis of the different parameters, such as the number of bit-planes used in the computation of the median and the number of pipelining stages, is carried out to study the trade-off between the quality of the filtered image and hardware performance. Although the FPGA implementation of the proposed HAMF provides a very high operating frequency, the quality of the images filtered by its algorithmic level implementation decreases with increasing window size and noise density. This filter may be suitable for applications that require FHD filtering with cost constraints, but not for applications where the output image quality is as important as the hardware performance. Hence, in the second part, we design an efficient and real-time architecture of the hierarchical histogram-based median filter (HHMF). The proposed architecture is designed using a full synchronous pipeline, a synchronous accumulate-and-compare unit, and is scalable. The FPGA implementation of the proposed architecture of HHMF can perform real-time filtering of 4K and 8K UHD videos. The quality of the image filtered by HHMF is not compromised as in the case of HAMF, since HHMF uses all the bit-planes and computes the actual median. Although the FPGA implementation of HHMF results in more area utilization, the proposed implementation is more economical than a GPU-based HHMF implementation and provides a better throughput

    Super-resolution assessment and detection

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    Super Resolution (SR) techniques are powerful digital manipulation tools that have significantly impacted various industries due to their ability to enhance the resolution of lower quality images and videos. Yet, the real-world adaptation of SR models poses numerous challenges, which blind SR models aim to overcome by emulating complex real-world degradations. In this thesis, we investigate these SR techniques, with a particular focus on comparing the performance of blind models to their non-blind counterparts under various conditions. Despite recent progress, the proliferation of SR techniques raises concerns about their potential misuse. These methods can easily manipulate real digital content and create misrepresentations, which highlights the need for robust SR detection mechanisms. In our study, we analyze the limitations of current SR detection techniques and propose a new detection system that exhibits higher performance in discerning real and upscaled videos. Moreover, we conduct several experiments to gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the detection models, providing a better understanding of their behavior and limitations. Particularly, we target 4K videos, which are rapidly becoming the standard resolution in various fields such as streaming services, gaming, and content creation. As part of our research, we have created and utilized a unique dataset in 4K resolution, specifically designed to facilitate the investigation of SR techniques and their detection
