236,158 research outputs found

    Introducing Object Oriented Programming to Engineering Technology Students with an App Development Tool

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    Object oriented programming concepts are frequently a difficult topic for Engineering Technology educators to teach to students that have no previous object oriented programming experience. With the recent rise of mobile computing, a powerful and robust tool is now available to easily develop software for the Android mobile device operating system. Through “App” development with a highly interactive interface and real-time device feedback, difficult programming concepts are conveyed in a highly visual and tactile learning environment

    EDOC: meeting the challenges of enterprise computing

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    An increasing demand for interoperable applications exists, sparking the real-time exchange of data across borders, applications, and IT platforms. To perform these tasks, enterprise computing now encompasses a new class of groundbreaking technologies such as Web services and service-oriented architecture (SOA); business process integration and management; and middleware support, like that for utility, grid, peer-to-peer, and autonomic computing. Enterprise computing also influences the processes for business modeling, consulting, and service delivery; it affects the design, development, and deployment of software architecture, as well as the monitoring and management of such architecture. As enterprises demand increasing levels of networked information and services to carry out business processes, IT professionals need conferences like EDOC to discuss emerging technologies and issues in enterprise computing. For these reasons, what started out as the Enterprise Distributed Object Computing (EDOC) conference has come to encompass much more than just distributed objects. So this event now used the name International EDOC Enterprise Computing Conference, to recognize this broader scope yet also retain the initial conference's name recognition

    Speedes: A Case Study Of Space Operations

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    This thesis describes the application of parallel simulation techniques to represent the structured functional parallelism present within the Space Shuttle Operations Flow using the Synchronous Parallel Environment for Emulation and Discrete-Event Simulation (SPEEDES), an object-oriented multi-computing architecture. SPEEDES is a unified parallel simulation environment, which allocates events over multiple processors to get simulation speed up. Its optimistic processing capability minimizes simulation lag time behind wall clock time, or multiples of real-time. SPEEDES accommodates an increase in process complexity with additional parallel computing nodes to allow sharing of processing loads. This thesis focuses on the process of translating a model of Space Shuttle Operations from a procedural oriented and single processor approach to one represented in a process-driven, object-oriented, and distributed processor approach. The processes are depicted by several classes created to represent the operations at the space center. The reference model used is the existing Space Shuttle Model created in ARENA by NASA and UCF in the year 2001. A systematic approach was used for this translation. A reduced version of the ARENA model was created, and then used as the SPEEDES prototype using C++. The prototype was systematically augmented to reflect the entire Space Shuttle Operations Flow. It was then verified, validated, and implemented

    Optical processing for distributed sensors in control of flexible spacecraft

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    A recent potential of distributed image processing is discussed. Applications in the control of flexible spacecraft are emphasized. Devices are currently being developed at NASA and in universities and industries that allow the real-time processing of holographic images. Within 5 years, it is expected that, in real-time, one may add or subtract holographic images at optical accuracy. Images are stored and processed in crystal mediums. The accuracy of their storage and processing is dictated by the grating level of laser holograms. It is far greater than that achievable using current analog-to-digital, pixel oriented, image digitizing and computing techniques. Processors using image processing algebra can conceptually be designed to mechanize Fourier transforms, least square lattice filters, and other complex control system operations. Thus, actuator command inputs derived from complex control laws involving distributed holographic images can be generated by such an image processor. Plans are revealed for the development of a Conjugate Optics Processor for control of a flexible object

    Library of Distributed Computing using Object Oriented Language

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    Currently, there are Java based solutions for real time distributed computing system especially in industrial automation domain. Imagine how beneficial to extend yet adapt Java platform into automation and user can monitor yet control anything at anywhere by only using a Java based hand-held devices. This research has been done on creating a new library of distributed computing using object oriented language

    Library of Distributed Computing using Object Oriented Language

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    Currently, there are Java based solutions for real time distributed computing system especially in industrial automation domain. Imagine how beneficial to extend yet adapt Java platform into automation and user can monitor yet control anything at anywhere by only using a Java based hand-held devices. This research has been done on creating a new library of distributed computing using object oriented language

    Automatic Parameter Optimisation of Service Quality and Resource Usage

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    Developers use models to design real world distributed applications that often are subject to Service Level Agreements to find a good balance between the quality of the service and its resource usage. Executable models has been used to observe and study such applications using, e.g., the Real Time ABS language, an executable and object-oriented modelling language.For complex models, due to the high number and dependencies between the parameters, it is very difficult to understand the best possible setting that leads the system towards a desired quality of service, while minimising the usage of computing resources. In this work we present POPT, a parameter optimiser tool that starting from Real Time ABS models, by using AI techniques, searches in an automatic way for the best possible setting to satisfy the developer’s expectations

    The Role of Operating Systems in Object-Oriented Distributed Multimedia Platforms

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    Considerable progress has been madein# the development of technologies tosupport# distributed multimedia computing, but applicationplatforms# are needed to make such technology accessible# to application programmers. This papersets# out requirements for such platforms and discusses the role of operating systems in object-oriented# platform support. We describe an initial approach to providing such a platform which attempted to factor out all realtime aspects of multimedia support ontoa# hardware based multimedia network interface unit. This solution has been partially successful but lacks the flexibility and level of integration subsequentlydemanded# by application programmers. Our response has been to redesign the multimedia network interface unit, placing more emphasis on the provision ofdynamic# services which require real-time operating system support. The new design described in this paper exploits and extends features of a distributed object-oriented micro-kernel to provide the n..
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