433 research outputs found

    Aerial Vehicle Tracking by Adaptive Fusion of Hyperspectral Likelihood Maps

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    Hyperspectral cameras can provide unique spectral signatures for consistently distinguishing materials that can be used to solve surveillance tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel real-time hyperspectral likelihood maps-aided tracking method (HLT) inspired by an adaptive hyperspectral sensor. A moving object tracking system generally consists of registration, object detection, and tracking modules. We focus on the target detection part and remove the necessity to build any offline classifiers and tune a large amount of hyperparameters, instead learning a generative target model in an online manner for hyperspectral channels ranging from visible to infrared wavelengths. The key idea is that, our adaptive fusion method can combine likelihood maps from multiple bands of hyperspectral imagery into one single more distinctive representation increasing the margin between mean value of foreground and background pixels in the fused map. Experimental results show that the HLT not only outperforms all established fusion methods but is on par with the current state-of-the-art hyperspectral target tracking frameworks.Comment: Accepted at the International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 201

    Target Trailing With Safe Navigation With Colregs for Maritime Autonomous Surface Vehicles

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    Systems and methods for operating autonomous waterborne vessels in a safe manner. The systems include hardware for identifying the locations and motions of other vessels, as well as the locations of stationary objects that represent navigation hazards. By applying a computational method that uses a maritime navigation algorithm for avoiding hazards and obeying COLREGS using Velocity Obstacles to the data obtained, the autonomous vessel computes a safe and effective path to be followed in order to accomplish a desired navigational end result, while operating in a manner so as to avoid hazards and to maintain compliance with standard navigational procedures defined by international agreement. The systems and methods have been successfully demonstrated on water with radar and stereo cameras as the perception sensors, and integrated with a higher level planner for trailing a maneuvering target

    A Nature inspired guidance system for unmanned autonomous vehicles employed in a search role.

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    Since the very earliest days of the human race, people have been studying animal behaviours. In those early times, being able to predict animal behaviour gave hunters the advantages required for success. Then, as societies began to develop this gave way, to an extent, to agriculture and early studies, much of it trial and error, enabled farmers to successfully breed and raise livestock to feed an ever growing population. Following the advent of scientific endeavour, more rigorous academic research has taken human understanding of the natural world to much greater depth. In recent years, some of this understanding has been applied to the field of computing, creating the more specialised field of natural computing. In this arena, a considerable amount of research has been undertaken to exploit the analogy between, say, searching a given problem space for an optimal solution and the natural process of foraging for food. Such analogies have led to useful solutions in areas such as numerical optimisation and communication network management, prominent examples being ant colony systems and particle swarm optimisation; however, these solutions often rely on well-defined fitness landscapes that may not always be available. One practical application of natural computing may be to create behaviours for the control of autonomous vehicles that would utilise the findings of ethological research, identifying the natural world behaviours that have evolved over millennia to surmount many of the problems that autonomous vehicles find difficult; for example, long range underwater navigation or obstacle avoidance in fast moving environments. This thesis provides an exploratory investigation into the use of natural search strategies for improving the performance of autonomous vehicles operating in a search role. It begins with a survey of related work, including recent developments in autonomous vehicles and a ground breaking study of behaviours observed within the natural world that highlights general cooperative group behaviours, search strategies and communication methods that might be useful within a wider computing context beyond optimisation, where the information may be sparse but new paradigms could be developed that capitalise on research into biological systems that have developed over millennia within the natural world. Following this, using a 2-dimensional model, novel research is reported that explores whether autonomous vehicle search can be enhanced by applying natural search behaviours for a variety of search targets. Having identified useful search behaviours for detecting targets, it then considers scenarios where detection is lost and whether natural strategies for re-detection can improve overall systemic performance in search applications. Analysis of empirical results indicate that search strategies exploiting behaviours found in nature can improve performance over random search and commonly applied systematic searches, such as grids and spirals, across a variety of relative target speeds, from static targets to twice the speed of the searching vehicles, and against various target movement types such as deterministic movement, random walks and other nature inspired movement. It was found that strategies were most successful under similar target-vehicle relationships as were identified in nature. Experiments with target occlusion also reveal that natural reacquisition strategies could improve the probability oftarget redetection

    SeaVipers - Computer Vision and Inertial Position Reference Sensor System (CVIPRSS)

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    This work describes the design and development of an optical, Computer Vision (CV) based sensor for use as a Position Reference System (PRS) in Dynamic Positioning (DP). Using a combination of robotics and CV techniques, the sensor provides range and heading information to a selected reference object. The proposed optical system is superior to existing ones because it does not depend upon special reflectors nor does it require a lengthy set-up time. This system, the Computer Vision and Inertial Position Reference Sensor System (CVIPRSS, pronounced \nickname), combines a laser rangefinder, infrared camera, and a pan--tilt unit with the robust TLD (Tracking--Learning--Detection) object tracker. In this work, a \nickname ~prototype is evaluated, showing promising results as viable PRS with research, commercial, and industrial applications

    Development of a Remotely Operated Autonomous Satellite Tracking System

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    AFIT is currently developing a capability to remotely and autonomously track LEO satellites using commercial telescopes. Currently, the system is capable of open-loop tracking based on Two-Line Element sets (TLEs) downloaded from NORAD’s space object catalog. The ability to actively track using a closed-loop control system would allow tracking of satellites which deviated from the published TLEs along with providing some information about the object’s new orbital elements. To accomplish closed-loop tracking, the object is imaged by a digital camera connected to a wide field-of-view (WFOV) spotting scope. Software was developed to provide azimuth and elevation inputs in order to center the object within the WFOV. Pixel centroid location along with telescope azimuth and elevation commands can be recorded for use in estimating updated orbital elements. This thesis documents the current efforts towards achieving a remotely operated autonomous tracking optical system. Future application could include networking to other geographically-separated telescopes to allow simultaneous observation of the same space objects to accurately document orbital maneuvers

    Shuttle relative navigation of a tethered satellite mission with current on board software

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    A Shuttle mission planned in 1991 will test the feasibility of tethers in space. This mission, a joint effort between Italy and the United States, will connect a satellite (built by the Italians) to the Shuttle with a 20 km long tether. This mission poses unique navigation problems. The flight software on the Shuttle was never designed to account for the low level acceleration that is generated by the gravity gradient. IMUs on the Shuttle was never designed to account for the low level acceleration that is generated by the gravity gradient. Inertial Maneuvering Units on the shuttle will sense the acceleration of the tether but it turns out that incorporating the continuous accelerometer noise also generates large error growth. Relative navigation is another important issue since the majority of the mission will be conducted while the satellite is out of the visual range of the crew. Some kind of feedback on the motion of the satellite will be desirable. Feedback of the satellite motion can be generated by using the rendezvous radar. To process the radar measurements, the flight software uses a 13 state Kalman Filter, but unfortunately with the filter currently tuned as it is, valid measurements tend to be ignored. This is due to the constraint of the tether on the satellite, which is an unmodeled force. Analysis shows that with proper tuning, relative navigation is possible

    Space programs summary no. 37-33, volume vi for the period march 1, 1965 to april 30, 1965. space exploration programs and space sciences

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    Space explorations and space science summary report - March - April 196

    Gaussian mixture model classifiers for detection and tracking in UAV video streams.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Manual visual surveillance systems are subject to a high degree of human-error and operator fatigue. The automation of such systems often employs detectors, trackers and classifiers as fundamental building blocks. Detection, tracking and classification are especially useful and challenging in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based surveillance systems. Previous solutions have addressed challenges via complex classification methods. This dissertation proposes less complex Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based classifiers that can simplify the process; where data is represented as a reduced set of model parameters, and classification is performed in the low dimensionality parameter-space. The specification and adoption of GMM based classifiers on the UAV visual tracking feature space formed the principal contribution of the work. This methodology can be generalised to other feature spaces. This dissertation presents two main contributions in the form of submissions to ISI accredited journals. In the first paper, objectives are demonstrated with a vehicle detector incorporating a two stage GMM classifier, applied to a single feature space, namely Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HoG). While the second paper demonstrates objectives with a vehicle tracker using colour histograms (in RGB and HSV), with Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) classifiers and a Kalman filter. The proposed works are comparable to related works with testing performed on benchmark datasets. In the tracking domain for such platforms, tracking alone is insufficient. Adaptive detection and classification can assist in search space reduction, building of knowledge priors and improved target representations. Results show that the proposed approach improves performance and robustness. Findings also indicate potential further enhancements such as a multi-mode tracker with global and local tracking based on a combination of both papers

    Object Association Across Multiple Moving Cameras In Planar Scenes

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    In this dissertation, we address the problem of object detection and object association across multiple cameras over large areas that are well modeled by planes. We present a unifying probabilistic framework that captures the underlying geometry of planar scenes, and present algorithms to estimate geometric relationships between different cameras, which are subsequently used for co-operative association of objects. We first present a local1 object detection scheme that has three fundamental innovations over existing approaches. First, the model of the intensities of image pixels as independent random variables is challenged and it is asserted that useful correlation exists in intensities of spatially proximal pixels. This correlation is exploited to sustain high levels of detection accuracy in the presence of dynamic scene behavior, nominal misalignments and motion due to parallax. By using a non-parametric density estimation method over a joint domain-range representation of image pixels, complex dependencies between the domain (location) and range (color) are directly modeled. We present a model of the background as a single probability density. Second, temporal persistence is introduced as a detection criterion. Unlike previous approaches to object detection that detect objects by building adaptive models of the background, the foreground is modeled to augment the detection of objects (without explicit tracking), since objects detected in the preceding frame contain substantial evidence for detection in the current frame. Finally, the background and foreground models are used competitively in a MAP-MRF decision framework, stressing spatial context as a condition of detecting interesting objects and the posterior function is maximized efficiently by finding the minimum cut of a capacitated graph. Experimental validation of the method is performed and presented on a diverse set of data. We then address the problem of associating objects across multiple cameras in planar scenes. Since cameras may be moving, there is a possibility of both spatial and temporal non-overlap in the fields of view of the camera. We first address the case where spatial and temporal overlap can be assumed. Since the cameras are moving and often widely separated, direct appearance-based or proximity-based constraints cannot be used. Instead, we exploit geometric constraints on the relationship between the motion of each object across cameras, to test multiple correspondence hypotheses, without assuming any prior calibration information. Here, there are three contributions. First, we present a statistically and geometrically meaningful means of evaluating a hypothesized correspondence between multiple objects in multiple cameras. Second, since multiple cameras exist, ensuring coherency in association, i.e. transitive closure is maintained between more than two cameras, is an essential requirement. To ensure such coherency we pose the problem of object associating across cameras as a k-dimensional matching and use an approximation to find the association. We show that, under appropriate conditions, re-entering objects can also be re-associated to their original labels. Third, we show that as a result of associating objects across the cameras, a concurrent visualization of multiple aerial video streams is possible. Results are shown on a number of real and controlled scenarios with multiple objects observed by multiple cameras, validating our qualitative models. Finally, we present a unifying framework for object association across multiple cameras and for estimating inter-camera homographies between (spatially and temporally) overlapping and non-overlapping cameras, whether they are moving or non-moving. By making use of explicit polynomial models for the kinematics of objects, we present algorithms to estimate inter-frame homographies. Under an appropriate measurement noise model, an EM algorithm is applied for the maximum likelihood estimation of the inter-camera homographies and kinematic parameters. Rather than fit curves locally (in each camera) and match them across views, we present an approach that simultaneously refines the estimates of inter-camera homographies and curve coefficients globally. We demonstrate the efficacy of the approach on a number of real sequences taken from aerial cameras, and report quantitative performance during simulations

    A nature inspired guidance system for unmanned autonomous vehicles employed in a search role

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    Since the very earliest days of the human race, people have been studying animal behaviours. In those early times, being able to predict animal behaviour gave hunters the advantages required for success. Then, as societies began to develop this gave way, to an extent, to agriculture and early studies, much of it trial and error, enabled farmers to successfully breed and raise livestock to feed an ever growing population. Following the advent of scientific endeavour, more rigorous academic research has taken human understanding of the natural world to much greater depth. In recent years, some of this understanding has been applied to the field of computing, creating the more specialised field of natural computing. In this arena, a considerable amount of research has been undertaken to exploit the analogy between, say, searching a given problem space for an optimal solution and the natural process of foraging for food. Such analogies have led to useful solutions in areas such as numerical optimisation and communication network management, prominent examples being ant colony systems and particle swarm optimisation; however, these solutions often rely on well-defined fitness landscapes that may not always be available. One practical application of natural computing may be to create behaviours for the control of autonomous vehicles that would utilise the findings of ethological research, identifying the natural world behaviours that have evolved over millennia to surmount many of the problems that autonomous vehicles find difficult; for example, long range underwater navigation or obstacle avoidance in fast moving environments. This thesis provides an exploratory investigation into the use of natural search strategies for improving the performance of autonomous vehicles operating in a search role. It begins with a survey of related work, including recent developments in autonomous vehicles and a ground breaking study of behaviours observed within the natural world that highlights general cooperative group behaviours, search strategies and communication methods that might be useful within a wider computing context beyond optimisation, where the information may be sparse but new paradigms could be developed that capitalise on research into biological systems that have developed over millennia within the natural world. Following this, using a 2-dimensional model, novel research is reported that explores whether autonomous vehicle search can be enhanced by applying natural search behaviours for a variety of search targets. Having identified useful search behaviours for detecting targets, it then considers scenarios where detection is lost and whether natural strategies for re-detection can improve overall systemic performance in search applications. Analysis of empirical results indicate that search strategies exploiting behaviours found in nature can improve performance over random search and commonly applied systematic searches, such as grids and spirals, across a variety of relative target speeds, from static targets to twice the speed of the searching vehicles, and against various target movement types such as deterministic movement, random walks and other nature inspired movement. It was found that strategies were most successful under similar target-vehicle relationships as were identified in nature. Experiments with target occlusion also reveal that natural reacquisition strategies could improve the probability oftarget redetection.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
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