7 research outputs found

    Adaptive Human-Aware Robot Navigation in Close Proximity to Humans

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    For robots to be able coexist with people in future everyday human environments, they must be able to act in a safe, natural and comfortable way. This work addresses the motion of a mobile robot in an environment, where humans potentially want to interact with it. The designed system consists of three main components: a Kalman filter-based algorithm that derives a person's state information (position, velocity and orientation) relative to the robot; another algorithm that uses a Case-Based Reasoning approach to estimate if a person wants to interact with the robot; and, finally, a navigation system that uses a potential field to derive motion that respects the person's social zones and perceived interest in interaction. The operation of the system is evaluated in a controlled scenario in an open hall environment. It is demonstrated that the robot is able to learn to estimate if a person wishes to interact, and that the system is capable of adapting to changing behaviours of the humans in the environment

    Mobile Robots in Human Environments:towards safe, comfortable and natural navigation

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    Advances in Robot Navigation

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    Robot navigation includes different interrelated activities such as perception - obtaining and interpreting sensory information; exploration - the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; mapping - the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; localization - the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; path planning - the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. This book integrates results from the research work of authors all over the world, addressing the abovementioned activities and analyzing the critical implications of dealing with dynamic environments. Different solutions providing adaptive navigation are taken from nature inspiration, and diverse applications are described in the context of an important field of study: social robotics

    Stochastic optimization and interactive machine learning for human motion analysis

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    The analysis of human motion from visual data is a central issue in the computer vision research community as it enables a wide range of applications and it still remains a challenging problem when dealing with unconstrained scenarios and general conditions. Human motion analysis is used in the entertainment industry for movies or videogame production, in medical applications for rehabilitation or biomechanical studies. It is also used for human computer interaction in any kind of environment, and moreover, it is used for big data analysis from social networks such as Youtube or Flickr, to mention some of its use cases. In this thesis we have studied human motion analysis techniques with a focus on its application for smart room environments. That is, we have studied methods that will support the analysis of people behavior in the room, allowing interaction with computers in a natural manner and in general, methods that introduce computers in human activity environments to enable new kind of services but in an unobstrusive mode. The thesis is structured in two parts, where we study the problem of 3D pose estimation from multiple views and the recognition of gestures using range sensors. First, we propose a generic framework for hierarchically layered particle filtering (HPF) specially suited for motion capture tasks. Human motion capture problem generally involve tracking or optimization of high-dimensional state vectors where also one have to deal with multi-modal pdfs. HPF allow to overcome the problem by means of multiple passes through substate space variables. Then, based on the HPF framework, we propose a method to estimate the anthropometry of the subject, which at the end allows to obtain a human body model adjusted to the subject. Moreover, we introduce a new weighting function strategy for approximate partitioning of observations and a method that employs body part detections to improve particle propagation and weight evaluation, both integrated within the HPF framework. The second part of this thesis is centered in the detection of gestures, and we have focused the problem of reducing annotation and training efforts required to train a specific gesture. In order to reduce the efforts required to train a gesture detector, we propose a solution based on online random forests that allows training in real-time, while receiving new data in sequence. The main aspect that makes the solution effective is the method we propose to collect the hard negatives examples while training the forests. The method uses the detector trained up to the current frame to test on that frame, and then collects samples based on the response of the detector such that they will be more relevant for training. In this manner, training is more effective in terms of the number of annotated frames required.L'anàlisi del moviment humà a partir de dades visuals és un tema central en la recerca en visió per computador, per una banda perquè habilita un ampli espectre d'aplicacions i per altra perquè encara és un problema no resolt quan és aplicat en escenaris no controlats. L'analisi del moviment humà s'utilitza a l'indústria de l'entreteniment per la producció de pel·lícules i videojocs, en aplicacions mèdiques per rehabilitació o per estudis bio-mecànics. També s'utilitza en el camp de la interacció amb computadors o també per l'analisi de grans volums de dades de xarxes socials com Youtube o Flickr, per mencionar alguns exemples. En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat tècniques per l'anàlisi de moviment humà enfocant la seva aplicació en entorns de sales intel·ligents. És a dir, s'ha enfocat a mètodes que puguin permetre l'anàlisi del comportament de les persones a la sala, que permetin la interacció amb els dispositius d'una manera natural i, en general, mètodes que incorporin les computadores en espais on hi ha activitat de persones, per habilitar nous serveis de manera que no interfereixin en la activitat. A la primera part, es proposa un marc genèric per l'ús de filtres de partícules jeràrquics (HPF) especialment adequat per tasques de captura de moviment humà. La captura de moviment humà generalment implica seguiment i optimització de vectors d'estat de molt alta dimensió on a la vegada també s'han de tractar pdf's multi-modals. Els HPF permeten tractar aquest problema mitjançant multiples passades en subdivisions del vector d'estat. Basant-nos en el marc dels HPF, es proposa un mètode per estimar l'antropometria del subjecte, que a la vegada permet obtenir un model acurat del subjecte. També proposem dos nous mètodes per la captura de moviment humà. Per una banda, el APO es basa en una nova estratègia per les funcions de cost basada en la partició de les observacions. Per altra, el DD-HPF utilitza deteccions de parts del cos per millorar la propagació de partícules i l'avaluació de pesos. Ambdós mètodes són integrats dins el marc dels HPF. La segona part de la tesi es centra en la detecció de gestos, i s'ha enfocat en el problema de reduir els esforços d'anotació i entrenament requerits per entrenar un detector per un gest concret. Per tal de reduir els esforços requerits per entrenar un detector de gestos, proposem una solució basada en online random forests que permet l'entrenament en temps real, mentre es reben noves dades sequencialment. El principal aspecte que fa la solució efectiva és el mètode que proposem per obtenir mostres negatives rellevants, mentre s'entrenen els arbres de decisió. El mètode utilitza el detector entrenat fins al moment per recollir mostres basades en la resposta del detector, de manera que siguin més rellevants per l'entrenament. D'aquesta manera l'entrenament és més efectiu pel que fa al nombre de mostres anotades que es requereixen

    Object Pose Detection in Range Scan Data

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    We address the problem of detecting complex articulated objects and their pose in 3D range scan data. This task is very difficult when the orientation of the object is unknown, and occlusion and clutter are present in the scene. To address the problem, we design an efficient probabilistic framework, based on the articulated model of an object, which combines multiple information sources. Our framework enforces that the surfaces and edge discontinuities of model parts are matched well in the scene while respecting the rules of occlusion, that joint constraints and angles are maintained, and that object parts don’t intersect. Our approach starts by using low-level detectors to suggest part placement hypotheses. In a hypothesis enrichment phase, these original hypotheses are used to generate likely placement suggestions for their neighboring parts. The probabilities over the possible part placement configurations are computed using efficient OpenGL rendering. Loopy belief propagation is used to optimize the resulting Markov network to obtain the most likely object configuration, which is additionally refined using an Iterative Closest Point algorithm adapted for articulated models. Our model is tested on several datasets, where we demonstrate successful pose detection for models consisting of 15 parts or more, even when the object is seen from different viewpoints, and various occluding objects and clutter are present in the scene. 1