1,243,398 research outputs found

    Letter from Origen Sibley to George Sibley, January 25, 1852

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    Letter from Origen Sibley to George Sibley, January 25, 1852. Origen Sibley discusses with his cousin George, family genealogy

    Letter from Origen Sibley to George Sibley, January 20, 1840

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    Transcript of Letter from Origen Sibley to George Sibley, May 20, 1840. Origen discusses family matters; raising silk worms

    Letter from Origen Sibley to George Sibley, July 7, 1858

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    Letter from Origen Sibley to George Sibley, July 7, 1858. Origen discusses family genealogy

    Letter from Origen Sibley to George Sibley, July 26, 1840

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    Transcript of Letter from Origen Sibley to George Sibley, July 26, 1840. Discussion of family genealogy


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the description of cluster rice farming in Warna Sari Village; analyzing the effectiveness of assistance to increase the cropping index through clusters to increase rice farming income in Warna Sari Village, Tamban Catur, Kapuas Regency. The research was conducted in the Warna Sari village subdistrict Tamban Catur Kapuas District, sampling methods intentionally that farmers who are members and actively participate in the program. To answer the research objectives, direct interviews were conducted with farmers who were equipped with a questionnaire that had been provided. The analysis used is the analysis of farm income; descriptive statistical analysis; paired sample t-test. The results of this study indicate that after the cluster program farmers can carry out two planting seasons in one year. The types of seeds used were Karang Dukuh local siam rice and Inpara 3 superior rice. The use of production facilities after the cluster was more efficient than before the cluster. The average income before the cluster was IDR. 16,060,893 and after the cluster was IDR. 35,833,943 with a difference of IDR. 19,773,050. Sig value. obtained is 0.02 <0.05, which states that the cluster is effective in increasing rice farming income in Warna Sari Village. Keywords: Income, Farming, Paddy Cluster, Effectiveness, Plantation Index

    Origen, taxonomía, anatomía y morfología de la planta de arroz (Oryza sativa L.)

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    Origin, taxonomy, anatomy, and morphology of the rice plant (Oryza sativa L.) Information is presented on the origin, development, taxonomy, anatomy, and morphology of rice. Historic aspects of the origin of Oryza sativa are examined and discussed based on an extensive literature review. Although rice cultivation dates back to prehistoric times, there are discrepancies regarding the origin of rice and the relationship between the genus Oryza and other grasses. The taxonomy of the species is detailed, focusing on the Oryzae tribe and its two subtribes (Oryzinae and Zizaniinae), the Oryza genus and its different sections, and the different types of O. sativa (indica, japonica, and javanica or bulu). The anatomy of the roots, internodes, leaves, panicle, and seed of the rice plant is also described and illustrated. Regarding the morphology of this annual grass, the form and structure of its main organs, which are grouped into vegetative organs (root, culm, leaves) and reproductive organs (panicle, rachis, spikelet, flower, seed), are described and illustrated. Distinctive characteristics are its hollow cylindrical culms formed by nodes and internodes, its flat leaf blades joined to the leaf sheath, an inflorescence called a panicle, and its plant height, which ranges from 0.4 m (dwarf varieties) to 7.0 m (floating varieties). The process of rice seed germination is also explained in detail.Se presenta información sobre el origen, el desarrollo, la taxonomía, la anatomía y la morfología del arroz. Partiendo de la literatura, se revisan y discuten aspectos históricos del origen de Oryza sativa. Aunque el cultivo del arroz data de tiempos prehistóricos, existen discrepancias entre especialistas en cuanto al origen y relación evolucionaria entre el género Oryza y otros géneros de la familia Gramíneas. Se explica en detalle la taxonomía de la especie, haciendo énfasis en la tribu Oryzae y sus dos subtribus (las oryzíneas y las zizaníneas), en el género Oryza y sus diferentes secciones, y en los diferentes tipos de O. sativa (índica, japónica y javánica o bulú). Se describen e ilustran la anatomía de la raíz, de los entrenudos, de las hojas, de la panícula y de la semilla del arroz. Respecto a la morfología de esta gramínea anual, se describen e ilustran la forma y la estructura de sus principales órganos, que se agrupan en órganos vegetativos (raíz, tallo y hojas) y órganos reproductores (panícula, raquis, espiguilla, flor y semilla). Se destacan ciertas características de la planta, como sus tallos cilíndricos y huecos, constituidos por nudos y entrenudos; sus hojas de lámina plana y vainas largas; y su inflorescencia en panícula. La altura de la planta puede variar desde 0.4 m (variedades enanas) hasta 7.0 m (variedades flotantes). Finalmente se explica en detalle la germinación de la semilla de arroz

    The fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius

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    Reviewed Book: Widdicombe, Peter. The fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius. Oxford: Clarendon Pr; [S.l.]: Oxford Univ Pr, 1994. Oxford theological monographs

    Origen on the Christological Significance of Psalm 45 (44)

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    Origen del Alineamiento Submarino de Pascua: morfología y lineamientos estructurales

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.ABSTRACT. The Easter submarine alignment corresponds to a sequence of seamounts and oceanic islands which runs from the Ahu-Umu volcanic fields in the west to its intersection with the Nazca Ridge in the east, with a total length of about 2.900 km and a strike of N85°E. Recent bathymetric compilations that include combined satellite derived and shipboard data (Global Topography) and multibeam bathymetric data (from NGDC-NOAA) are interpreted both qualitatively and quantitatively by using a morphological analysis, which was comprised of the determination of bathymetric patterns, trends in lineations and structures; height measurements, computation of basal areas and volumes of seamounts, in order to establish clues on the origin of this seamount chain and to establish relationships with the regional tectonics. In the study region 514 seamounts were counted, of which 334 had a basal area less than the reference seamount (Moai). In general, the largest seamounts (>1000 m in height) tend to align and to have a larger volume, with an elongation of their bases along the seamount chain. On the other hand, smaller seamounts tend to be distributed more randomly with more circular bases. As a consequence of the morphological analysis, the best possible mechanism that explains the origin of the seamount chain is the existence of a localized hotspot to the west of the Salas y Gómez Island. The corresponding plume would contribute additional magmatic material towards the East Pacific Rise through canalizations, whose secondary branches would feed intermediate volcanoes. It is possible that within the Easter Island region there would be another minor contribution through fractures in the crust, due to the crustal weakening that was produced by the Easter Fracture Zone.RESUMEN. El alineamiento submarino de Pascua es un cordón de montes submarinos e islas que comprende, por el W, desde los campos volcánicos Ahu-Umu y, hasta el E, su intersección con la elevación de Nazca, con una extensión total de ca. 2900 km y un rumbo de ~N85°E. Compilaciones recientes de batimetría que incluyen datos derivados de satélites y obtenidos por buques (Global Topography) y datos batimétricos de ecosondas multihaz (NGDC-NOAA), se interpretaron cualitativa y cuantitativamente mediante análisis morfológico que consistió en la determinación de patrones batimétricos; tendencias de los lineamientos y estructuras; mediciones de alturas, áreas basales y cálculo de volúmenes de montes submarinos; para establecer indicios sobre el origen del alineamiento y asociaciones con la tectónica regional. Se contabilizaron 514 montes submarinos en la región de estudio, de los cuales 334 tuvieron un área basal menor que el monte de referencia (Moai). En general, los montes más grandes (>1000 m de altura) tienden a alinearse y a tener un mayor volumen, con un alargamiento de sus bases en el sentido de la tendencia, en cambio los menores, tienden a distribuirse más aleatoriamente, siendo sus bases más redondeadas. Como consecuencia del análisis morfológico, el mejor mecanismo que explicaría el origen de las cadenas volcánicas, sería por la existencia de un punto caliente localizado al W de la isla Salas y Gómez. Esta pluma también aportaría material magmático adicional hacia la dorsal del Pacífico oriental a través de canalizaciones, cuyas ramas secundarias alimentarían volcanes intermedios. Es posible que en el área de la Isla de Pascua exista otro aporte menor por fracturas de la corteza dado el debilitamiento cortical que produjo la Zona de Fractura de Pascua.http://ref.scielo.org/sdjcy