151,033 research outputs found

    Oxygen application to chloride leaching of complex sulfide ores

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    The study investigates leaching of complex sulfide ores with simultaneous regeneration of the leaching solution and removal of dissolved iron to balance the iron concentration in the leaching process. To minimize environmental pollution and obtain high metal extraction from the ores, leaching with a ferric chloride solution is adapted to treat Delta sulfide ores. The experimental results indicate that under high oxygen pressure leaching, oxidation of ferrous ion to ferric ion and partial precipitation of iron from solution can occur simultaneously. However, the findings also indicate that leaching the ores with simultaneous iron precipitation in one operation is difficult. It is better to precipitate excess iron in one stage; then leach the ores in another stage using the regenerated leaching solution

    Ferric chloride leaching of the Delta sulfide ores and gold extraction from the leaching residue

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    Conventional differential and bulk flotation processes have difficulties in achieving high recoveries with acceptable grades far zinc, lead and copper from the complex sulfide ores found at Tok, Alaska. Furthermore, gold and silver, which account for a significant fraction of total value of the ores, are distributed evenly in the flotation tailings and concentrate. Therefore, processing both flotation tailings and concentrate would be necessary to obtain high recoveries of gold and silver. A mineralogical study revealed that the economic sulfide minerals are interstitially associated with a large preponderance of pyrite. The economic sulfide minerals are 10 to 40 microns in size. These mineralogical facts explain the difficulties encountered in the flotation process. A hydrometallurgical method involving ferric chloride leaching and subsequent steps to recover lead, zinc, silver and copper from the leach liquor has been studied at the Mineral Industry Research Laboratory, University of Alaska Fairbanks for the treatment of Delta ores. This alternative is attractive for processing complex sulfide ores which conventional flotation and smelting cannot handle. In addition, the liberation of sulfur in the environmentally acceptable elemental form, rather than as sulfur dioxide, may prove a major advantage of this hydrometallurgical method because of stringent environmental regulations

    Predicting gold ores price

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    It was demonstrated that gold ores price can be predicted at a several year horizon. The prediction consists of three steps. First, we show that the difference between producer price index and the index for gold ores is characterized by the presence of sustainable mid-term trends. Second, the evolution of the difference is predicted at a five to ten-year horizon. Considering the PPI to be practically constant over the next decade, the above difference provides a direct prediction of the price index for gold ores.gold ores, prediction, PPI


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    Ukraine is one of the five countries producing strategic titanium raw materials. Testing of titanium objects from the standpoint of complexity will ensure their rational development and significantly increase profitability. The country has 40 deposits, of which: 1 – unique, 13 – large, 12 – prospected, 5 – developed. The deposits of titanium ores with commercial reserves have been explored since several decades. Other deposits reserve resources have been estimated in advance and constitute, conditionally, the "titanium reserves base of the country". At the same time, the total reserves and the reserve base of titanium ores of Ukraine, according to their estimates, "exceed those of any other country in the world.

    Development of natural underground ore mining technologies in energy distributed massifs

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    The object of research is the technology and facilities for underground mining of ores in the disrupted massifs. One of the most problematic places is the formation of man-made voids; which influence the occurrence and redistribution of stress-strain state (SSS) of the rock massif. Their existence in the earth's crust provokes the influence of geomechanical and seismic phenomena; up to the level of earthquakes. The study used: – data from literature sources and patent documentation in the field of technologies and facilities for underground mining of ores in the energy-disrupted massifs of substantiation of technological parameters of operating units; – laboratory and production experiments; – physical modeling and selection of compositions of solidifying mixtures. Analytical researches; comparative analysis of theoretical and practical results by standard and new methods with the participation of the authors were performed. The questions of seismogeodynamic monitoring of the SSS of the rock massif during the safe development of rock-type ore deposits are considered. The interaction of natural and man-made systems providing geomechanical balance of ore-bearing massifs is shown. Possibilities of controlling the geomechanics of a massif with filling of man-made voids with various solid mixtures and tails of underground leaching of metals from substandard ores are investigated. The typification of processes is given and the distinctive features of underground block leaching of metals from rock ores are formulated in the aspect of controlling the geodynamics of the massif. The principle estimation of the combined technologies with rationalization of use of the SSS of the rock massif for regulation of the sign and magnitude of stresses in natural and artificial conditions is shown. The conclusions about the effectiveness of the controlled interaction of natural and man-made systems; ensuring the geomechanical balance of massifs and the earth's surface in the area of subsoil development over a long period of time. The research results can be used in the underground development of ore deposits of complex structure of Ukraine; the Russian Federation; the Republic of Kazakhstan and other developed mining countries of the world

    Agglomeration of manganese ores and manganese containing wastes of Kazakhstan

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    This article presents the results of a research on the agglomeration of manganese ores and manganese-containing waste in Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, there are huge reserves of manganese ores, most of these ores are not suitable for smelting standard grades of manganese alloys. Manganese ores have undergone agglomeration. Laboratory experiments have established that the use of dolomite in the agglomeration of small manganese ores provides for the formation of more refractory final slags for the production of ferro-silicomanganese, considering the fusibility of manganese in Kazakhstan. Industrial tests were carried out at the Aksu Ferroalloy Plant in the sintering plant for sintering manganese ores and smelting ferrosilicon manganese

    Beneficiation of manganese ores

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    The purpose of this investigation is to study the means of beneficiating domestic manganese ores in order that a marketable product may be made. Within the limits of the paper the term Manganese ores is applied to those ores mined primarily for their manganese content, to the exclusion of manganiferous iron and silver ores --Object, page 1

    Value of Mineralogical Monitoring for the Mining and Minerals Industry In memory of Prof. Dr. Herbert Pöllmann

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    This Special Issue, focusing on the value of mineralogical monitoring for the mining and minerals industry, should include detailed investigations and characterizations of minerals and ores of the following fields for ore and process control: Lithium ores—determination of lithium contents by XRD methods; Copper ores and their different mineralogy; Nickel lateritic ores; Iron ores and sinter; Bauxite and bauxite overburden; Heavy mineral sands. The value of quantitative mineralogical analysis, mainly by XRD methods, combined with other techniques for the evaluation of typical metal ores and other important minerals, will be shown and demonstrated for different minerals. The different steps of mineral processing and metal contents bound to different minerals will be included. Additionally, some processing steps, mineral enrichments, and optimization of mineral determinations using XRD will be demonstrated. Statistical methods for the treatment of a large set of XRD patterns of ores and mineral concentrates, as well as their value for the characterization of mineral concentrates and ores, will be demonstrated. Determinations of metal concentrations in minerals by different methods will be included, as well as the direct prediction of process parameters from raw XRD data