6 research outputs found

    Enhanced Channel Estimation Based On Basis Expansion Using Slepian Sequences for Time Varying OFDM Systems

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    The Channel estimation in OFDM has become very important to recover the accurate information from the received data as the next generation of wireless technology has very high data rate along with the very high speed mobile terminals as users. In addition the fast fading channels, ICI, multipath fading channels may completely destroy the data. Also it is required to use less complex method for estimation. We are proposing the method which compares the number of techniques and gives the results in BER Vs SNR graphs. The LS estimation technique is less complex as compared to MMSE estimation but gives fails in accuracy. Using Prolate function we can reduce the complexity in calculation of parameters. If compared with state of art approach where the complexity is O(N)3, the complexity using Prolate function is O(N)2.The function depends upon maximum delay and maximum Doppler frequency spread thus parameter calculation is reduced. The technique dose not calculate particular channel characteristics. Slepian sequences utilizes the bandwidth as the sharp pulses replace the regular rectangular pulses which causes spectral leakage and thus ICI. The simulation of BER Vs SNR using CP and UW with and without Prolate is proposed that increases spectral efficiency with reduced calculations replacing rectangular pulses by Slepian pulses which increase energy concentration by Sharpe pulses thus reduction in inter carrier interference caused by multipath fading. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150513

    Timing synchronization in decode-and-forward cooperative communication systems

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    Cooperative communication systems have attracted much attention recently due to their desirable performance gain while using single antenna terminals. This paper addresses the joint timing and channel estimation problem, and furthermore the resynchronization of multiple timing offsets in a cooperative relay system. The estimations of timing and channel are conducted in two phases and the associated Cramér-Rao bounds (CRB) are derived for both phases. It is demonstrated that the conventional CRB is not valid for timing parameters under fading conditions, and a new bound called Weighted Bayesian CRB is proposed. With the timing and channel estimates, a general framework of the resynchronization filter design is developed in order to compensate the multiple timing offsets at the destination. The proposed methods are applied to different scenarios with varying degrees of timing misalignment and are numerically shown to provide excellent performances that approach the perfectly synchronized case. © 2009 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Channels and parameters acquisition in cooperative OFDM systems

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    CODIV, FP7/ICT/2007/215477CADWIN, PTDC/EEA – TEL/099241/2008Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT

    Nonlinear amplifier distortion in cooperative OFDM systems

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    OFDM (Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) on lupaava langattoman tietoliikenteen teknologia johtuen sen hyvästä suorituskyvystä monitieympäristössä. Yhteistoiminnallisen tiedonvälityksen tekniikka on nykyisin jatkuvan tutkimuksen kohteena. Se hyödyntää muiden päätteiden antenneja virtuaalisen moniantennijärjestelmän luomiseen mahdollistaen moniantennijärjestelmille ominaisia kapasiteettihyötyjä. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan epälineaarista vahvistussäröä, kun näitä molempia tekniikoita käytetään yhdessä. Ensimmäiset kappaleet käsittelevät OFDM-järjestelmien ja epälineaaristen OFDM-järjestelmien särön sekä yhteistoiminnallisen tiedonvälityksen taustoja. Yhteistoiminnallisten OFDM-järjestelmien suorituskykyä mitataan simulaatioiden avulla epälineaarisen särön vaikuttaessa. Suorituskykyä mitataan bittivirhesuhteena käyttäen epäyhteistoiminnallista ja lineaarista yhteistoiminnallista järjestelmää vertailukohteena. Lisäksi särötermi myös analysoidaan. Systeemimalli sisältää epälineaarisen vahvistuksen välittimessä, jota mallinnetaan elektronisella tehovahvistimella. Lopuksi esitellään ja testataan tekniikka järjestelmän suorituskyvyn parantamiseen optimoimalla maksimisuhdeyhdistintä. Se optimoidaan mallintamalla vahvistussäröä normaalijakaumalla. Lisäksi esitellään ja testataan yhteistoiminnallisille järjestelmille sopiva tehovahvistimen epälineaarisuuden poistotekniikan muunnelma, jolla saadaan lähellä lineaarista tapausta olevia tuloksia.Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a promising technique for wireless communications because of its good performance under multipath environments. The concept of cooperative communications is currently under constant research. It uses antennas of other terminals to create virtual multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems, providing capacity gains similar to those of MIMO systems. This thesis studies the issue of nonlinear amplifier distortion when these two techniques are used together. The first chapters give a background on OFDM systems, nonlinear distortion in OFDM systems, and Cooperative Communications. The performance of OFDM cooperative systems under nonlinear distortion are measured by simulations. The performance is measured in terms of BER using a non-cooperative system and a linear cooperative system as references. In addition, the distortion term is also analysed. The system model includes a non-linear amplifier at the relay, modelled as a solid state power amplifier (SSPA). A technique for improving the performance of the system, by optimising the maximum ratio combiner (MRC), is introduced and tested. The MRC is optimised by modelling the distortion noise as Gaussian. Also, a modification to the power amplifier nonlinearity cancellation (PANC) technique, suitable to cooperative systems, is introduced and tested, showing results close to the linear case

    OFDM Channel Estimation for the Amply-and-Forward Cooperative Channel

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