143 research outputs found

    Numerically satisfactory solutions of Kummer recurrence relations

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    Pairs of numerically satisfactory solutions as nn\rightarrow \infty for the three-term recurrence relations satisfied by the families of functions _1\mbox{F}_1(a+\epsilon_1 n; b +\epsilon_2 n;z), ϵiZ\epsilon_i \in {\mathbb Z}, are given. It is proved that minimal solutions always exist, except when ϵ2=0\epsilon_2=0 and zz is in the positive or negative real axis, and that _1\mbox{F}_1 (a+\epsilon_1 n; b +\epsilon_2 n;z) is minimal as n+n\rightarrow +\infty whenever ϵ2>0\epsilon_2 >0. The minimal solution is identified for any recurrence direction, that is, for any integer values of ϵ1\epsilon_1 and ϵ2\epsilon_2. When ϵ20\epsilon_2\neq 0 the confluent limit \lim_{b\rightarrow \infty}{}_1\mbox{F}_1(\gamma b;b;z)=e^{\gamma z}, with γC\gamma\in{\mathbb C} fixed, is the main tool for identifying minimal solutions together with a connection formula; for ϵ2=0\epsilon_2=0, \lim_{a\rightarrow +\infty} {}_1\mbox{F}_1(a;b;z) /{}_0\mbox{F}_1(;b;az)=e^{z/2} is the main tool to be considered

    Conical: an extended module for computing a numerically satisfactory pair of solutions of the differential equation for conical functions

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    Conical functions appear in a large number of applications in physics and engineering. In this paper we describe an extension of our module CONICAL for the computation of conical functions. Specifically, the module includes now a routine for computing the function R12+iτm(x){{\rm R}}^{m}_{-\frac{1}{2}+i\tau}(x), a real-valued numerically satisfactory companion of the function P12+iτm(x){\rm P}^m_{-\tfrac12+i\tau}(x) for x>1x>1. In this way, a natural basis for solving Dirichlet problems bounded by conical domains is provided.Comment: To appear in Computer Physics Communication

    Identifying minimal and dominant solutions for Kummer recursions

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    We identify minimal and dominant solutions of three-term recurrence relations for the confluent hypergeometric functions 1F1(a+ϵ1n;c+ϵ2n;z)_1F_1(a+\epsilon_1 n;c+\epsilon_2 n;z) and U(a+ϵ1n,c+ϵ2n,z)U(a+\epsilon_1 n,c+\epsilon_2 n,z), where ϵi=0,±1\epsilon_i=0,\pm 1 (not both equal to 0). The results are obtained by applying Perron's theorem, together with uniform asymptotic estimates derived by T.M. Dunster for Whittaker functions with large parameter values. The approximations are valid for complex values of aa, cc and zz, with argz<π|\arg\,z|<\pi

    Computation of a numerically satisfactory pair of solutions of the differential equation for conical functions of non-negative integer orders

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    We consider the problem of computing satisfactory pairs of solutions of the differential equation for Legendre functions of non-negative integer order μ\mu and degree 12+iτ-\frac12+i\tau, where τ\tau is a non-negative real parameter. Solutions of this equation are the conical functions P12+iτμ(x){\rm{P}}^{\mu}_{-\frac12+i\tau}(x) and Q12+iτμ(x){Q}^{\mu}_{-\frac12+i\tau}(x), x>1x>-1. An algorithm for computing a numerically satisfactory pair of solutions is already available when 1<x<1-1<x<1 (see \cite{gil:2009:con}, \cite{gil:2012:cpc}).In this paper, we present a stable computational scheme for a real valued numerically satisfactory companion of the function P12+iτμ(x){\rm{P}}^{\mu}_{-\frac12+i\tau}(x) for x>1x>1, the function {eiπμQ12+iτμ(x)}\Re\left\{e^{-i\pi \mu} {{Q}}^{\mu}_{-\frac{1}{2}+i\tau}(x) \right\}. The proposed algorithm allows the computation of the function on a large parameter domain without requiring the use of extended precision arithmetic.Comment: To be published in Numerical Algoritm

    Computing hypergeometric functions rigorously

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    We present an efficient implementation of hypergeometric functions in arbitrary-precision interval arithmetic. The functions 0F1{}_0F_1, 1F1{}_1F_1, 2F1{}_2F_1 and 2F0{}_2F_0 (or the Kummer UU-function) are supported for unrestricted complex parameters and argument, and by extension, we cover exponential and trigonometric integrals, error functions, Fresnel integrals, incomplete gamma and beta functions, Bessel functions, Airy functions, Legendre functions, Jacobi polynomials, complete elliptic integrals, and other special functions. The output can be used directly for interval computations or to generate provably correct floating-point approximations in any format. Performance is competitive with earlier arbitrary-precision software, and sometimes orders of magnitude faster. We also partially cover the generalized hypergeometric function pFq{}_pF_q and computation of high-order parameter derivatives.Comment: v2: corrected example in section 3.1; corrected timing data for case E-G in section 8.5 (table 6, figure 2); adjusted paper siz

    Computing the Kummer function U(a,b,z)U(a,b,z) for small values of the arguments

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    We describe methods for computing the Kummer function U(a,b,z)U(a,b,z) for small values of zz, with special attention to small values of bb. For these values of bb the connection formula that represents U(a,b,z)U(a,b,z) as a linear combination of two 1F1{}_1F_1-functions needs a limiting procedure. We use the power series of the 1F1{}_1F_1-functions and consider the terms for which this limiting procedure is needed. We give recursion relations for higher terms in the expansion, and we consider the derivative U(a,b,z)U^\prime(a,b,z) as well. We also discuss the performance for small z\vert z\vert of an asymptotic approximation of the Kummer function in terms of modified Bessel functions

    Basic Methods for Computing Special Functions

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    This paper gives an overview of methods for the numerical evaluation of special functions, that is, the functions that arise in many problems from mathematical physics, engineering, probability theory, and other applied sciences. We consider in detail a selection of basic methods which are frequently used in the numerical evaluation of special functions: converging and asymptotic series, including Chebyshev expansions, linear recurrence relations, and numerical quadrature. Several other methods are available and some of these will be discussed in less detail. We give examples of recent software for special functions where these methods are used. We mention a list of new publications on computational aspects of special functions available on our website

    On the computation and inversion of the cumulative noncentral beta distribution function

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    The computation and inversion of the noncentral beta distribution Bp,q(x, y) (or the noncentral F-distribution, a particular case of Bp,q(x, y)) play an important role in different applications. In this paper we study the stability of recursions satisfied by Bp,q(x, y) and its complementary function and describe asymptotic expansions useful for computing the function when the parameters are large. We also consider the inversion problem of finding x or y when a value of Bp,q(x, y) is given. We provide approximations to x and y which can be used as starting values of methods for solving nonlinear equations (such as Newton) if higher accuracy is needed