8,743 research outputs found

    Finite volume schemes for dispersive wave propagation and runup

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    Finite volume schemes are commonly used to construct approximate solutions to conservation laws. In this study we extend the framework of the finite volume methods to dispersive water wave models, in particular to Boussinesq type systems. We focus mainly on the application of the method to bidirectional nonlinear, dispersive wave propagation in one space dimension. Special emphasis is given to important nonlinear phenomena such as solitary waves interactions, dispersive shock wave formation and the runup of breaking and non-breaking long waves.Comment: 41 pafes, 20 figures. Other author's papers can be downloaded at http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/~dutykh

    Boussinesq/Boussinesq systems for internal waves with a free surface, and the KdV approximation

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    We study here some asymptotic models for the propagation of internal and surface waves in a two-fluid system. We focus on the so-called long wave regime for one dimensional waves, and consider the case of a flat bottom. Starting from the classical Boussinesq/Boussinesq system, we introduce a new family of equivalent symmetric hyperbolic systems. We study the well-posedness of such systems, and the asymptotic convergence of their solutions towards solutions of the full Euler system. Then, we provide a rigorous justification of the so-called KdV approximation, stating that any bounded solution of the full Euler system can be decomposed into four propagating waves, each of them being well approximated by the solutions of uncoupled Korteweg-de Vries equations. Our method also applies for models with the rigid lid assumption, and the precise behavior of the KdV approximations depending on the depth and density ratios is discussed for both rigid lid and free surface configurations. The fact that we obtain {\it simultaneously} the four KdV equations allows us to study extensively the influence of the rigid lid assumption on the evolution of the interface, and therefore its domain of validity. Finally, solutions of the Boussinesq/Boussinesq systems and the KdV approximation are rigorously compared and numerically computed.Comment: To appear in M2A

    On the Galilean invariance of some dispersive wave equations

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    Surface water waves in ideal fluids have been typically modeled by asymptotic approximations of the full Euler equations. Some of these simplified models lose relevant properties of the full water wave problem. One of them is the Galilean symmetry, which is not present in important models such as the BBM equation and the Peregrine (Classical Boussinesq) system. In this paper we propose a mechanism to modify the above mentioned classical models and derive new, Galilean invariant models. We present some properties of the new equations, with special emphasis on the computation and interaction of their solitary-wave solutions. The comparison with full Euler solutions shows the relevance of the preservation of Galilean invariance for the description of water waves.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, 71 references. Other author papers can be downloaded at http://www.denys-dutykh.com

    Visco-potential free-surface flows and long wave modelling

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    In a recent study [DutykhDias2007] we presented a novel visco-potential free surface flows formulation. The governing equations contain local and nonlocal dissipative terms. From physical point of view, local dissipation terms come from molecular viscosity but in practical computations, rather eddy viscosity should be used. On the other hand, nonlocal dissipative term represents a correction due to the presence of a bottom boundary layer. Using the standard procedure of Boussinesq equations derivation, we come to nonlocal long wave equations. In this article we analyse dispersion relation properties of proposed models. The effect of nonlocal term on solitary and linear progressive waves attenuation is investigated. Finally, we present some computations with viscous Boussinesq equations solved by a Fourier type spectral method.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures. Some figures were updated. Revised version for European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids. Other author's papers can be downloaded from http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/~dutyk

    Dissipative Boussinesq equations

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    The classical theory of water waves is based on the theory of inviscid flows. However it is important to include viscous effects in some applications. Two models are proposed to add dissipative effects in the context of the Boussinesq equations, which include the effects of weak dispersion and nonlinearity in a shallow water framework. The dissipative Boussinesq equations are then integrated numerically.Comment: 40 pages, 15 figures, published in C. R. Mecanique 335 (2007) Other author's papers can be downloaded at http://www.cmla.ens-cachan.fr/~dutyk

    Finite volume methods for unidirectional dispersive wave models

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    We extend the framework of the finite volume method to dispersive unidirectional water wave propagation in one space dimension. In particular we consider a KdV-BBM type equation. Explicit and IMEX Runge-Kutta type methods are used for time discretizations. The fully discrete schemes are validated by direct comparisons to analytic solutions. Invariants conservation properties are also studied. Main applications include important nonlinear phenomena such as dispersive shock wave formation, solitary waves and their various interactions.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 51 references. Other authors papers can be downloaded at http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/~dutykh