834 research outputs found

    Interaction of Close-in Planets with the Magnetosphere of their Host Stars I: Diffusion, Ohmic Dissipation of Time Dependent Field, Planetary Inflation, and Mass Loss

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    The unanticipated discovery of the first close-in planet around 51 Peg has rekindled the notion that shortly after their formation outside the snow line, some planets may have migrated to the proximity of their host stars because of their tidal interaction with their nascent disks. If these planets indeed migrated to their present-day location, their survival would require a halting mechanism in the proximity of their host stars. Most T Tauri stars have strong magnetic fields which can clear out a cavity in the innermost regions of their circumstellar disks and impose magnetic induction on the nearby young planets. Here we consider the possibility that a magnetic coupling between young stars and planets could quench the planet's orbital evolution. After a brief discussion of the complexity of the full problem, we focus our discussion on evaluating the permeation and ohmic dissipation of the time dependent component of the stellar magnetic field in the planet's interior. Adopting a model first introduced by C. G. Campbell for interacting binary stars, we determine the modulation of the planetary response to the tilted magnetic field of a non-synchronously spinning star. We first compute the conductivity in the young planets, which indicates that the stellar field can penetrate well into the planet's envelope in a synodic period. For various orbital configurations, we show that the energy dissipation rate inside the planet is sufficient to induce short-period planets to inflate. This process results in mass loss via Roche lobe overflow and in the halting of the planet's orbital migration.Comment: 47 pages, 12 figure

    Three-Dimensional Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Current-Driven Instability with A Sub-Alfvenic Jet: Temporal Properties

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    We have investigated the influence of a velocity shear surface on the linear and non-linear development of the CD kink instability of force-free helical magnetic equilibria in 3D. In this study we follow the temporal development within a periodic computational box and concentrate on flows that are sub-Alfvenic on the cylindrical jet's axis. Displacement of the initial force-free helical magnetic field leads to the growth of CD kink instability. We find that helically distorted density structure propagates along the jet with speed and flow structure dependent on the radius of the velocity shear surface relative to the characteristic radius of the helically twisted force-free magnetic field. At small velocity shear surface radius the plasma flows through the kink with minimal kink propagation speed. The kink propagation speed increases as the velocity shear radius increases and the kink becomes more embedded in the plasma flow. A decreasing magnetic pitch profile and faster flow enhance the influence of velocity shear. Simulations show continuous transverse growth in the nonlinear phase of the instability. The growth rate of the CD kink instability and the nonlinear behavior also depend on the velocity shear surface radius and flow speed, and the magnetic pitch radial profile. Larger velocity shear radius leads to slower linear growth, makes a later transition to the nonlinear stage, and with larger maximum amplitude than occur for a static plasma column. However, when the velocity shear radius is much greater than the characteristic radius of the helical magnetic field, linear and non-linear development can be similar to the development of a static plasma column.Comment: 38 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Modelling of plasma-antenna coupling and non-linear radio frequency wave-plasma-wall interactions in the magnetized plasma device under ion cyclotron range of frequencies

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    Study of ergodic divertor edge density regimes on the tokamaks Tore Supra and TEXTOR, and sensitivity of tunnel probe electron temperature measurements to a suprathermal electron component

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    Controlled thermonuclear fusion offers one possible option to meet our future energy needs in a sustainable way. Magnetic confinement in a so-called 'tokamak'-machine is a possible approach towards the achievement of a burning plasma. An important issue in this tokamak research is the transition of the plasma edge to the inner wall. A first topic that is addressed in this thesis, is the ergodic divertor (ED) configuration. An ED achieves the transition between the confined plasma and the wall in a layer where the flux lines have been ergodized by a proper resonant magnetic perturbation. The connection between up- and downstream plasma parameters during ED operation in the tokamaks Tore Supra en TEXTOR has been investigated experimentally by means of Langmuir probes. As an important first step in the theoretical interpretation of those experiments, a Hamiltonian field line mapping code, which had been previously developed for the TEXTOR dynamic ergodic divertor, has been adapted to the geometry of the Tore Supra ED. Subsequently, this adapted code has been used to study some of the properties of the Tore Supra ED magnetic field line structure, as well as to make a qualitative comparison of the sensitivity of the TEXTOR and Tore Supra ergodic divertor magnetic topology to changes in the central density. A second topic of this thesis concerns certain interpretation issues regarding the current-voltage characteristics obtained by a newly developed type of Langmuir probe for the investigation of edge plasmas. More in particular, the sensitivity of the TP to a small population of nonthermal electrons has been investigated in addition to the influence of suprathermal electrons on the scaling and structure of the Debye and the magnetic sheath at the inside of the tunnel probe

    Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the Interaction between Interplanetary Strong Shock and Magnetic Cloud and its Consequent Geoeffectiveness

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    Numerical studies have been performed to interpret the observed "shock overtaking magnetic cloud (MC)" event by a 2.5 dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model in heliospheric meridional plane. Results of an individual MC simulation show that the MC travels with a constant bulk flow speed. The MC is injected with very strong inherent magnetic field over that in the ambient flow and expands rapidly in size initially. Consequently, the diameter of MC increases in an asymptotic speed while its angular width contracts gradually. Meanwhile, simulations of MC-shock interaction are also presented, in which both a typical MC and a strong fast shock emerge from the inner boundary and propagate along heliospheric equator, separated by an appropriate interval. The results show that the shock firstly catches up with the preceding MC, then penetrates through the MC, and finally merges with the MC-driven shock into a stronger compound shock. The morphologies of shock front in interplanetary space and MC body behave as a central concave and a smooth arc respectively. The compression and rotation of magnetic field serve as an efficient mechanism to cause a large geomagnetic storm. The MC is highly compressed by the the overtaking shock. Contrarily, the transport time of incidental shock influenced by the MC depends on the interval between their commencements. Maximum geoeffectiveness results from that when the shock enters the core of preceding MC, which is also substantiated to some extent by a corresponding simplified analytic model. Quantified by DstDst index, the specific result gives that the geoeffectiveness of an individual MC is largely enhanced with 80% increment in maximum by an incidental shock.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figure