1,673 research outputs found

    Deep Quantum Circuit Simulations of Low-Energy Nuclear States

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    Numerical simulation is an important method for verifying the quantum circuits used to simulate low-energy nuclear states. However, real-world applications of quantum computing for nuclear theory often generate deep quantum circuits that place demanding memory and processing requirements on conventional simulation methods. Here, we present advances in high-performance numerical simulations of deep quantum circuits to efficiently verify the accuracy of low-energy nuclear physics applications. Our approach employs several novel methods for accelerating the numerical simulation including 1- and 2-qubit gate fusion techniques as well as management of simulated mid-circuit measurements to verify state preparation circuits. We test these methods across a variety of high-performance computing systems and our results show that circuits up to 21 qubits and more than 115,000,000 gates can be efficiently simulated

    Computational Methods in Science and Engineering : Proceedings of the Workshop SimLabs@KIT, November 29 - 30, 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany

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    In this proceedings volume we provide a compilation of article contributions equally covering applications from different research fields and ranging from capacity up to capability computing. Besides classical computing aspects such as parallelization, the focus of these proceedings is on multi-scale approaches and methods for tackling algorithm and data complexity. Also practical aspects regarding the usage of the HPC infrastructure and available tools and software at the SCC are presented

    Fast algorithm for real-time rings reconstruction

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    The GAP project is dedicated to study the application of GPU in several contexts in which real-time response is important to take decisions. The definition of real-time depends on the application under study, ranging from answer time of ÎĽs up to several hours in case of very computing intensive task. During this conference we presented our work in low level triggers [1] [2] and high level triggers [3] in high energy physics experiments, and specific application for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) [4] [5] and cone-beam CT [6]. Apart from the study of dedicated solution to decrease the latency due to data transport and preparation, the computing algorithms play an essential role in any GPU application. In this contribution, we show an original algorithm developed for triggers application, to accelerate the ring reconstruction in RICH detector when it is not possible to have seeds for reconstruction from external trackers

    QMCPACK: Advances in the development, efficiency, and application of auxiliary field and real-space variational and diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo

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    We review recent advances in the capabilities of the open source ab initio Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) package QMCPACK and the workflow tool Nexus used for greater efficiency and reproducibility. The auxiliary field QMC (AFQMC) implementation has been greatly expanded to include k-point symmetries, tensor-hypercontraction, and accelerated graphical processing unit (GPU) support. These scaling and memory reductions greatly increase the number of orbitals that can practically be included in AFQMC calculations, increasing accuracy. Advances in real space methods include techniques for accurate computation of band gaps and for systematically improving the nodal surface of ground state wavefunctions. Results of these calculations can be used to validate application of more approximate electronic structure methods including GW and density functional based techniques. To provide an improved foundation for these calculations we utilize a new set of correlation-consistent effective core potentials (pseudopotentials) that are more accurate than previous sets; these can also be applied in quantum-chemical and other many-body applications, not only QMC. These advances increase the efficiency, accuracy, and range of properties that can be studied in both molecules and materials with QMC and QMCPACK

    XcalableMP PGAS Programming Language

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    XcalableMP is a directive-based parallel programming language based on Fortran and C, supporting a Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model for distributed memory parallel systems. This open access book presents XcalableMP language from its programming model and basic concept to the experience and performance of applications described in XcalableMP.  XcalableMP was taken as a parallel programming language project in the FLAGSHIP 2020 project, which was to develop the Japanese flagship supercomputer, Fugaku, for improving the productivity of parallel programing. XcalableMP is now available on Fugaku and its performance is enhanced by the Fugaku interconnect, Tofu-D. The global-view programming model of XcalableMP, inherited from High-Performance Fortran (HPF), provides an easy and useful solution to parallelize data-parallel programs with directives for distributed global array and work distribution and shadow communication. The local-view programming adopts coarray notation from Coarray Fortran (CAF) to describe explicit communication in a PGAS model. The language specification was designed and proposed by the XcalableMP Specification Working Group organized in the PC Consortium, Japan. The Omni XcalableMP compiler is a production-level reference implementation of XcalableMP compiler for C and Fortran 2008, developed by RIKEN CCS and the University of Tsukuba. The performance of the XcalableMP program was used in the Fugaku as well as the K computer. A performance study showed that XcalableMP enables a scalable performance comparable to the message passing interface (MPI) version with a clean and easy-to-understand programming style requiring little effort

    Advances in Grid Computing

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    This book approaches the grid computing with a perspective on the latest achievements in the field, providing an insight into the current research trends and advances, and presenting a large range of innovative research papers. The topics covered in this book include resource and data management, grid architectures and development, and grid-enabled applications. New ideas employing heuristic methods from swarm intelligence or genetic algorithm and quantum encryption are considered in order to explain two main aspects of grid computing: resource management and data management. The book addresses also some aspects of grid computing that regard architecture and development, and includes a diverse range of applications for grid computing, including possible human grid computing system, simulation of the fusion reaction, ubiquitous healthcare service provisioning and complex water systems
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