196 research outputs found

    Twin edge coloring of total graph and graphs with twin chromatic index +

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    A twin edge coloring of a graph G is meant a proper edge coloring of G whose colors come from the integers modulo k that induce a proper vertex coloring in which the color of a vertex is the sum of the colors of its incident edges. The minimum k for which G has a twin edge coloring is the twin chromatic index of G. In this paper, I compute twin chromatic index of total graph of path and cycle also construct some special graphs with twin chromatic index is maximum degree plus two

    Group Irregular Labelings of Disconnected Graphs

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    We investigate the \textit{group irregularity strength} (sg(G)s_g(G)) of graphs, i.e. the smallest value of ss such that taking any Abelian group \gr of order ss, there exists a function f:E(G)\rightarrow \gr such that the sums of edge labels at every vertex are distinct. We give the exact values and bounds on sg(G)s_g(G) for chosen families of disconnected graphs. In addition we present some results for the \textit{modular edge gracefulness} k(G)k(G), i.e. the smallest value of ss such that there exists a function f:E(G)\rightarrow \zet_s such that the sums of edge labels at every vertex are distinct

    The integer-antimagic spectra of a disjoint union of Hamiltonian graphs

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    Let A be a nontrivial abelian group. A simple graph G = (V,E) is A-antimagic, if there exists an edge labeling f: E(G) → A\{0} such that the induced vertex labeling (Formula Presented) is a one-to-one map. The integer-antimagic spectrum of a graph G is the set IAM(G) = {k: G is Zk-antimagic and k ≥ 2}. In this paper, we determine the integer-antimagic spectra for a disjoint union of Hamiltonian graphs

    Group-antimagic Labelings of Multi-cyclic Graphs

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    Let AA be a non-trivial abelian group. A connected simple graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E) is AA-\textbf{antimagic} if there exists an edge labeling f:E(G)→A\{0}f: E(G) \to A \backslash \{0\} such that the induced vertex labeling f+:V(G)→Af^+: V(G) \to A, defined by f+(v)=Σf^+(v) = \Sigma {f(u,v):(u,v)∈E(G)}\{f(u,v): (u, v) \in E(G) \}, is a one-to-one map. The \textit{integer-antimagic spectrum} of a graph GG is the set IAM(G)={k:G is Zk-antimagic and k≥2}(G) = \{k: G \textnormal{ is } \mathbb{Z}_k\textnormal{-antimagic and } k \geq 2\}. In this paper, we analyze the integer-antimagic spectra for various classes of multi-cyclic graphs

    The Integer-antimagic Spectra of Graphs with a Chord

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    Let AA be a nontrival abelian group. A connected simple graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E) is AA-antimagic if there exists an edge labeling f:E(G)→A∖{0}f: E(G) \to A \setminus \{0\} such that the induced vertex labeling f+:V(G)→Af^+: V(G) \to A, defined by f+(v)=∑uv∈E(G)f(uv)f^+(v) = \sum_{uv\in E(G)}f(uv), is injective. The integer-antimagic spectrum of a graph GG is the set IAM(G)={k  ∣  G is Zk-antimagic(G) = \{k\;|\; G \textnormal{ is } \mathbb{Z}_k\textnormal{-antimagic} and k≥2}\textnormal{and } k \geq 2\}. In this paper, we determine the integer-antimagic spectra for cycles with a chord, paths with a chord, and wheels with a chord

    On the Integer-antimagic Spectra of Non-Hamiltonian Graphs

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    Let AA be a nontrivial abelian group. A connected simple graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E) is AA-\textbf{antimagic} if there exists an edge labeling f:E(G)→A∖{0}f: E(G) \to A \setminus \{0\} such that the induced vertex labeling f+:V(G)→Af^+: V(G) \to A, defined by f+(v)=Σf^+(v) = \Sigma {f(u,v):(u,v)∈E(G)}\{f(u,v): (u, v) \in E(G) \}, is a one-to-one map. In this paper, we analyze the group-antimagic property for Cartesian products, hexagonal nets and theta graphs

    EUROCOMB 21 Book of extended abstracts

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