22 research outputs found

    On flows of graphs

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    Tutte\u27s 3-flow Conjecture, 4-flow Conjecture, and 5-flow Conjecture are among the most fascinating problems in graph theory. In this dissertation, we mainly focus on the nowhere-zero integer flow of graphs, the circular flow of graphs and the bidirected flow of graphs. We confirm Tutte\u27s 3-flow Conjecture for the family of squares of graphs and the family of triangularly connected graphs. In fact, we obtain much stronger results on this conjecture in terms of group connectivity and get the complete characterization of such graphs in those families which do not admit nowhere-zero 3-flows. For the circular flows of graphs, we establish some sufficient conditions for a graph to have circular flow index less than 4, which generalizes a new known result to a large family of graphs. For the Bidirected Flow Conjecture, we prove it to be true for 6-edge connected graphs

    Integer flows and cycle covers

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    AbstractResults related to integer flows and cycle covers are presented. A cycle cover of a graph G is a collection C of cycles of G which covers all edges of G; C is called a cycle m-cover of G if each edge of G is covered exactly m times by the members of C. By using Seymour's nowhere-zero 6-flow theorem, we prove that every bridgeless graph has a cycle 6-cover associated to covering of the edges by 10 even subgraphs (an even graph is one in which each vertex is of even degree). This result together with the cycle 4-cover theorem implies that every bridgeless graph has a cycle m-cover for any even number m ≥ 4. We also prove that every graph with a nowhere-zero 4-flow has a cycle cover C such that the sum of lengths of the cycles in C is at most |E(G)| + |V(G)| − 2, unless G belongs to a very special class of graphs

    Combinatorially Thin Trees and Spectrally Thin Trees in Structured Graphs

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    Given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), finding simpler estimates of GG with possibly fewer edges or vertices while capturing some of its specific properties has been used in order to design efficient algorithms. The concept of estimating a graph with a simpler graph is known as graph sparsification. Spanning trees are an important family of graph sparsifiers that maintain connectivity of graphs, and have been utilized in many applications. However, spanning trees are a wide family, and for some applications one might need the spanning tree to have specific properties. Combinatorially thin trees are a type of spanning trees that show up in applications such as Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem (ATSP). A spanning tree TT of GG is combinatorially thin if there is no cut U⊂VU\subset V such that TT contains all the edges in δ(U)\delta(U), and the thinness parameter αG(T)\alpha_G(T) measures the maximum fraction of edges in E(T)∩δ(U)E(T)\cap \delta(U) compared to δ(U)\delta(U) over all cuts U⊂VU\subset V. Intuitively, combinatorial thinness measures how much edge-connectivity we lose while removing the spanning tree TT from GG. It is easy to verify that if GG has connectivity kk, then 1k\frac{1}{k} lower bounds αG\alpha_G. On the other hand, Goddyn conjectured that αG\alpha_G can also be upper bounded as a function of connectivity αG=f(1k)\alpha_G = f(\frac{1}{k}). This conjecture which is known as thin tree conjecture, was proved for the special case of graphs with bounded genus by Oveis-Gharan and Saberi, in 2011. However, the general case is still open. In the first part of this thesis, we study some of the known connections between edge-connectivity and αG\alpha_{G} and investigate the result of Oveis-Gharan and Saberi for the special case of planar graphs. For a general graph GG and spanning tree TT, even verifying the combinatorial thinness αG(T)\alpha_{G}(T) of TT is an NP\text{NP}-hard problem. A natural more efficiently computable relaxation of combinatorial thinness is the notion of spectral thinness. For a graph GG and a spanning tree TT in GG the spectral thinness θG(T)\theta_{G}(T) is the smallest value of θ\theta such that \theta\L_G - \L_T is a positive semidefinite matrix where \L_G and \L_T are Laplacian matrices of GG and TT. Additionally, we define θG\theta_G to be the minimum value of θG(T)\theta_{G}(T) over all spanning trees TT of GG. Similar to combinatorial thinness and connectivity, θG(T)\theta_{G}(T) can be lower bounded by the maximum effective resistance of edges in TT. It was also proven by Harvey and Olver in 2014 that the maximum effective resistance of edges in GG asymptotically upper bounds θG\theta_{G}. However, finding a mathematical characterization of θG(T)\theta_{G}(T), even for structured graphs, is still a challenge. In the second part of this thesis, we will give general lower bound and upper bound certificates for θG(T)\theta_{G}(T) and utilize these certificates for circulant matrices to estimate spectral thinness of graphs such as complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs, and prism graphs

    Integer Flows and Circuit Covers of Graphs and Signed Graphs

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    The work in Chapter 2 is motivated by Tutte and Jaeger\u27s pioneering work on converting modulo flows into integer-valued flows for ordinary graphs. For a signed graphs (G, sigma), we first prove that for each k ∈ {lcub}2, 3{rcub}, if (G, sigma) is (k -- 1)-edge-connected and contains an even number of negative edges when k = 2, then every modulo k-flow of (G, sigma) can be converted into an integer-valued ( k + 1)-ow with a larger or the same support. We also prove that if (G, sigma) is odd-(2p+1)-edge-connected, then (G, sigma) admits a modulo circular (2 + 1/ p)-flows if and only if it admits an integer-valued circular (2 + 1/p)-flows, which improves all previous result by Xu and Zhang (DM2005), Schubert and Steffen (EJC2015), and Zhu (JCTB2015).;Shortest circuit cover conjecture is one of the major open problems in graph theory. It states that every bridgeless graph G contains a set of circuits F such that each edge is contained in at least one member of F and the length of F is at most 7/5∥E(G)∥. This concept was recently generalized to signed graphs by Macajova et al. (JGT2015). In Chapter 3, we improve their upper bound from 11∥E( G)∥ to 14/3 ∥E(G)∥, and if G is 2-edgeconnected and has even negativeness, then it can be further reduced to 11/3 ∥E(G)∥.;Tutte\u27s 3-flow conjecture has been studied by many graph theorists in the last several decades. As a new approach to this conjecture, DeVos and Thomassen considered the vectors as ow values and found that there is a close relation between vector S1-flows and integer 3-NZFs. Motivated by their observation, in Chapter 4, we prove that if a graph G admits a vector S1-flow with rank at most two, then G admits an integer 3-NZF.;The concept of even factors is highly related to the famous Four Color Theorem. We conclude this dissertation in Chapter 5 with an improvement of a recent result by Chen and Fan (JCTB2016) on the upperbound of even factors. We show that if a graph G contains an even factor, then it contains an even factor H with.;∥E(H)∥ ≥ 4/7 (∥ E(G)∥+1)+ 1/7 ∥V2 (G)∥, where V2( G) is the set of vertices of degree two

    Decomposing highly edge-connected graphs into homomorphic copies of a fixed tree

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    The Tree Decomposition Conjecture by Bar\'at and Thomassen states that for every tree TT there exists a natural number k(T)k(T) such that the following holds: If GG is a k(T)k(T)-edge-connected simple graph with size divisible by the size of TT, then GG can be edge-decomposed into subgraphs isomorphic to TT. So far this conjecture has only been verified for paths, stars, and a family of bistars. We prove a weaker version of the Tree Decomposition Conjecture, where we require the subgraphs in the decomposition to be isomorphic to graphs that can be obtained from TT by vertex-identifications. We call such a subgraph a homomorphic copy of TT. This implies the Tree Decomposition Conjecture under the additional constraint that the girth of GG is greater than the diameter of TT. As an application, we verify the Tree Decomposition Conjecture for all trees of diameter at most 4.Comment: 18 page