194 research outputs found

    AI-enhanced diagnosis of challenging lesions in breast MRI: a methodology and application primer

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    Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems have become an important tool in the assessment of breast tumors with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). CAD systems can be used for the detection and diagnosis of breast tumors as a “second opinion” review complementing the radiologist’s review. CAD systems have many common parts such as image pre-processing, tumor feature extraction and data classification that are mostly based on machine learning (ML) techniques. In this review paper, we describe the application of ML-based CAD systems in MRI of the breast covering the detection of diagnostically challenging lesions such as non-mass enhancing (NME) lesions, multiparametric MRI, neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) and radiomics all applied to NME. Since ML has been widely used in the medical imaging community, we provide an overview about the state-ofthe-art and novel techniques applied as classifiers to CAD systems. The differences in the CAD systems in MRI of the breast for several standard and novel applications for NME are explained in detail to provide important examples illustrating: (i) CAD for the detection and diagnosis, (ii) CAD in multi-parametric imaging (iii) CAD in NAC and (iv) breast cancer radiomics. We aim to provide a comparison between these CAD applications and to illustrate a global view on intelligent CAD systems based on ANN in MRI of the breast

    Computer-aided detection and diagnosis of breast cancer in 2D and 3D medical imaging through multifractal analysis

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    This Thesis describes the research work performed in the scope of a doctoral research program and presents its conclusions and contributions. The research activities were carried on in the industry with Siemens S.A. Healthcare Sector, in integration with a research team. Siemens S.A. Healthcare Sector is one of the world biggest suppliers of products, services and complete solutions in the medical sector. The company offers a wide selection of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and information systems. Siemens products for medical imaging and in vivo diagnostics include: ultrasound, computer tomography, mammography, digital breast tomosynthesis, magnetic resonance, equipment to angiography and coronary angiography, nuclear imaging, and many others. Siemens has a vast experience in Healthcare and at the beginning of this project it was strategically interested in solutions to improve the detection of Breast Cancer, to increase its competitiveness in the sector. The company owns several patents related with self-similarity analysis, which formed the background of this Thesis. Furthermore, Siemens intended to explore commercially the computer- aided automatic detection and diagnosis eld for portfolio integration. Therefore, with the high knowledge acquired by University of Beira Interior in this area together with this Thesis, will allow Siemens to apply the most recent scienti c progress in the detection of the breast cancer, and it is foreseeable that together we can develop a new technology with high potential. The project resulted in the submission of two invention disclosures for evaluation in Siemens A.G., two articles published in peer-reviewed journals indexed in ISI Science Citation Index, two other articles submitted in peer-reviewed journals, and several international conference papers. This work on computer-aided-diagnosis in breast led to innovative software and novel processes of research and development, for which the project received the Siemens Innovation Award in 2012. It was very rewarding to carry on such technological and innovative project in a socially sensitive area as Breast Cancer.No cancro da mama a deteção precoce e o diagnóstico correto são de extrema importância na prescrição terapêutica e caz e e ciente, que potencie o aumento da taxa de sobrevivência à doença. A teoria multifractal foi inicialmente introduzida no contexto da análise de sinal e a sua utilidade foi demonstrada na descrição de comportamentos siológicos de bio-sinais e até na deteção e predição de patologias. Nesta Tese, três métodos multifractais foram estendidos para imagens bi-dimensionais (2D) e comparados na deteção de microcalci cações em mamogramas. Um destes métodos foi também adaptado para a classi cação de massas da mama, em cortes transversais 2D obtidos por ressonância magnética (RM) de mama, em grupos de massas provavelmente benignas e com suspeição de malignidade. Um novo método de análise multifractal usando a lacunaridade tri-dimensional (3D) foi proposto para classi cação de massas da mama em imagens volumétricas 3D de RM de mama. A análise multifractal revelou diferenças na complexidade subjacente às localizações das microcalci cações em relação aos tecidos normais, permitindo uma boa exatidão da sua deteção em mamogramas. Adicionalmente, foram extraídas por análise multifractal características dos tecidos que permitiram identi car os casos tipicamente recomendados para biópsia em imagens 2D de RM de mama. A análise multifractal 3D foi e caz na classi cação de lesões mamárias benignas e malignas em imagens 3D de RM de mama. Este método foi mais exato para esta classi cação do que o método 2D ou o método padrão de análise de contraste cinético tumoral. Em conclusão, a análise multifractal fornece informação útil para deteção auxiliada por computador em mamogra a e diagnóstico auxiliado por computador em imagens 2D e 3D de RM de mama, tendo o potencial de complementar a interpretação dos radiologistas

    Breast dynamic contrast-enhanced-magnetic resonance imaging and radiomics: State of art

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    Breast cancer represents the most common malignancy in women, being one of the most frequent cause of cancer-related mortality. Ultrasound, mammography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) play a pivotal role in the diagnosis of breast lesions, with different levels of accuracy. Particularly, dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI has shown high diagnostic value in detecting multifocal, multicentric, or contralateral breast cancers. Radiomics is emerging as a promising tool for quantitative tumor evaluation, allowing the extraction of additional quantitative data from radiological imaging acquired with different modalities. Radiomics analysis may provide novel information through the quantification of lesions heterogeneity, that may be relevant in clinical practice for the characterization of breast lesions, prediction of tumor response to systemic therapies and evaluation of prognosis in patients with breast cancers. Several published studies have explored the value of radiomics with good-to-excellent diagnostic and prognostic performances for the evaluation of breast lesions. Particularly, the integrations of radiomics data with other clinical and histopathological parameters have demonstrated to improve the prediction of tumor aggressiveness with high accuracy and provided precise models that will help to guide clinical decisions and patients management. The purpose of this article in to describe the current application of radiomics in breast dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI

    Radiomic and Artificial Intelligence Analysis with Textural Metrics, Morphological and Dynamic Perfusion Features Extracted by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Classification of Breast Lesions

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    The aim of the study was to estimate the diagnostic accuracy of textural, morpho- logical and dynamic features, extracted by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) images, by carrying out univariate and multivariate statistical analyses including artificial intelligence approaches. Methods: In total, 85 patients with known breast lesion were enrolled in this retrospective study according to regulations issued by the local Institutional Review Board. All patients underwent DCE-MRI examination. The reference standard was pathology from a surgical specimen for malignant lesions and pathology from a surgical specimen or fine needle aspiration cytology, core or Tru-Cut needle biopsy for benign lesions. In total, 91 samples of 85 patients were ana- lyzed. Furthermore, 48 textural metrics, 15 morphological and 81 dynamic parameters were extracted by manually segmenting regions of interest. Statistical analyses including univariate and multivari- ate approaches were performed: non-parametric Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test; receiver operating characteristic (ROC), linear classifier (LDA), decision tree (DT), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), and support vector machine (SVM) were utilized. A balancing approach and feature selection methods were used. Results: The univariate analysis showed low accuracy and area under the curve (AUC) for all considered features. Instead, in the multivariate textural analysis, the best performance (accuracy (ACC) = 0.78; AUC = 0.78) was reached with all 48 metrics and an LDA trained with balanced data. The best performance (ACC = 0.75; AUC = 0.80) using morphological features was reached with an SVM trained with 10-fold cross-variation (CV) and balanced data (with adaptive synthetic (ADASYN) function) and a subset of five robust morphological features (circularity, rectangularity, sphericity, gleaning and surface). The best performance (ACC = 0.82; AUC = 0.83) using dynamic features was reached with a trained SVM and balanced data (with ADASYN function). Conclusion: Multivariate analyses using pattern recognition approaches, including all morphological, textural and dynamic features, optimized by adaptive synthetic sampling and feature selection operations obtained the best results and showed the best performance in the discrimination of benign and malignant lesions

    Integrated Multiparametric Radiomics and Informatics System for Characterizing Breast Tumor Characteristics with the OncotypeDX Gene Assay

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    Optimal use of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) can identify key MRI parameters and provide unique tissue signatures defining phenotypes of breast cancer. We have developed and implemented a new machine-learning informatic system, termed Informatics Radiomics Integration System (IRIS) that integrates clinical variables, derived from imaging and electronic medical health records (EHR) with multiparametric radiomics (mpRad) for identifying potential risk of local or systemic recurrence in breast cancer patients. We tested the model in patients (n = 80) who had Estrogen Receptor positive disease and underwent OncotypeDX gene testing, radiomic analysis, and breast mpMRI. The IRIS method was trained using the mpMRI, clinical, pathologic, and radiomic descriptors for prediction of the OncotypeDX risk score. The trained mpRad IRIS model had a 95% and specificity was 83% with an Area Under the Curve (AUC) of 0.89 for classifying low risk patients from the intermediate and high-risk groups. The lesion size was larger for the high-risk group (2.9 ± 1.7 mm) and lower for both low risk (1.9 ± 1.3 mm) and intermediate risk (1.7 ± 1.4 mm) groups. The lesion apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map values for high- and intermediate-risk groups were significantly (p \u3c 0.05) lower than the low-risk group (1.14 vs. 1.49 × 10−3 mm2/s). These initial studies provide deeper insight into the clinical, pathological, quantitative imaging, and radiomic features, and provide the foundation to relate these features to the assessment of treatment response for improved personalized medicine


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    Reading medical images to detect and diagnose diseases is often difficult and has large inter-reader variability. To address this issue, developing computer-aided detection and diagnosis (CAD) schemes or systems of medical images has attracted broad research interest in the last several decades. Despite great effort and significant progress in previous studies, only limited CAD schemes have been used in clinical practice. Thus, developing new CAD schemes is still a hot research topic in medical imaging informatics field. In this dissertation, I investigate the feasibility of developing several new innovative CAD schemes for different application purposes. First, to predict breast tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and reduce unnecessary aggressive surgery, I developed two CAD schemes of breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to generate quantitative image markers based on quantitative analysis of global kinetic features. Using the image marker computed from breast MRI acquired pre-chemotherapy, CAD scheme enables to predict radiographic complete response (CR) of breast tumors to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, while using the imaging marker based on the fusion of kinetic and texture features extracted from breast MRI performed after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, CAD scheme can better predict the pathologic complete response (pCR) of the patients. Second, to more accurately predict prognosis of stroke patients, quantifying brain hemorrhage and ventricular cerebrospinal fluid depicting on brain CT images can play an important role. For this purpose, I developed a new interactive CAD tool to segment hemorrhage regions and extract radiological imaging marker to quantitatively determine the severity of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage at presentation and correlate the estimation with various homeostatic/metabolic derangements and predict clinical outcome. Third, to improve the efficiency of primary antibody screening processes in new cancer drug development, I developed a CAD scheme to automatically identify the non-negative tissue slides, which indicate reactive antibodies in digital pathology images. Last, to improve operation efficiency and reliability of storing digital pathology image data, I developed a CAD scheme using optical character recognition algorithm to automatically extract metadata from tissue slide label images and reduce manual entry for slide tracking and archiving in the tissue pathology laboratories. In summary, in these studies, we developed and tested several innovative approaches to identify quantitative imaging markers with high discriminatory power. In all CAD schemes, the graphic user interface-based visual aid tools were also developed and implemented. Study results demonstrated feasibility of applying CAD technology to several new application fields, which has potential to assist radiologists, oncologists and pathologists improving accuracy and consistency in disease diagnosis and prognosis assessment of using medical image

    Quantification of tumour heterogenity in MRI

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    Cancer is the leading cause of death that touches us all, either directly or indirectly. It is estimated that the number of newly diagnosed cases in the Netherlands will increase to 123,000 by the year 2020. General Dutch statistics are similar to those in the UK, i.e. over the last ten years, the age-standardised incidence rate1 has stabilised at around 355 females and 415 males per 100,000. Figure 1 shows the cancer incidence per gender. In the UK, the rise in lifetime risk of cancer is more than one in three and depends on many factors, including age, lifestyle and genetic makeup

    A Pipelined Tracer-Aware Approach for Lesion Segmentation in Breast DCE-MRI

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    The recent spread of Deep Learning (DL) in medical imaging is pushing researchers to explore its suitability for lesion segmentation in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic-Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI), a complementary imaging procedure increasingly used in breast-cancer analysis. Despite some promising proposed solutions, we argue that a “naive” use of DL may have limited effectiveness as the presence of a contrast agent results in the acquisition of multimodal 4D images requiring thorough processing before training a DL model. We thus propose a pipelined approach where each stage is intended to deal with or to leverage a peculiar characteristic of breast DCE-MRI data: the use of a breast-masking pre-processing to remove non-breast tissues; the use of Three-Time-Points (3TP) slices to effectively highlight contrast agent time course; the application of a motion-correction technique to deal with patient involuntary movements; the leverage of a modified U-Net architecture tailored on the problem; and the introduction of a new “Eras/Epochs” training strategy to handle the unbalanced dataset while performing a strong data augmentation. We compared our pipelined solution against some literature works. The results show that our approach outperforms the competitors by a large margin (+9.13% over our previous solution) while also showing a higher generalization ability

    Emerging Techniques in Breast MRI

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    As indicated throughout this chapter, there is a constant effort to move to more sensitive, specific, and quantitative methods for characterizing breast tissue via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the present chapter, we focus on six emerging techniques that seek to quantitatively interrogate the physiological and biochemical properties of the breast. At the physiological scale, we present an overview of ultrafast dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and magnetic resonance elastography which provide remarkable insights into the vascular and mechanical properties of tissue, respectively. Moving to the biochemical scale, magnetization transfer, chemical exchange saturation transfer, and spectroscopy (both “conventional” and hyperpolarized) methods all provide unique, noninvasive, insights into tumor metabolism. Given the breadth and depth of information that can be obtained in a single MRI session, methods of data synthesis and interpretation must also be developed. Thus, we conclude the chapter with an introduction to two very different, though complementary, methods of data analysis: (1) radiomics and habitat imaging, and (2) mechanism-based mathematical modeling

    Computational Imaging Biomarkers For Precision Medicine: Characterizing Heterogeneity In Breast Cancer

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    In the United States, 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast tumor heterogeneity is well-established, with intratumor heterogeneity manifesting spatially and temporally. Increased heterogeneity is associated with adverse clinical outcomes. Current critical disease treatment decisions are made on the basis of biomarkers acquired from tissue samples, largely under sampling the heterogeneous disease burden. In order to drive precision medicine treatment strategies for cancer, personalized biomarkers are needed to truly characterize intratumor heterogeneity. Medical imaging can provide anon-invasive, whole tumor sampling of disease burden at the time of diagnosis and allows for longitudinal monitoring of disease progression. The studies outlined in this thesis introduce analytical tools developed through computer vision, bioinformatics, and machine learning and use diagnostic and longitudinal clinical images of breast cancer to develop computational imaging biomarkers characterizing intratumor heterogeneity. Intrinsic imaging phenotypes of spatial heterogeneity, identified in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) images at the time of diagnosis, were identified and validated, demonstrating improved prognostic value over conventional histopathologic biomarkers when predicting 10-year recurrence free survival. Intrinsic phenotypes of longitudinal change in spatial heterogeneity in response to neoadjuvant treatment, identified in DCE-MRI were identified and leveraged as prognostic and predictive biomarkers, demonstrating augmented prognostic value when added to conventional histopathologic and personalized molecular biomarkers. To better characterize 4-D spatial and temporal heterogeneity, illuminated through dynamic positron emission tomography imaging, a novel 4-D segmentation algorithm was developed to identify spatially constrained, functionally discrete intratumor sub-regions. Quantifying the identified sub-regions through a novel imaging signature demonstrated the prognostic value of characterizing intratumor heterogeneity when predicting recurrence free survival, demonstrating prognostic improvement over established histopathologic biomarkers and conventional kinetic model derived parameters. Collectively, the studies in this thesis demonstrate the value of leveraging computational imaging biomarkers to characterize intratumor heterogeneity. Such biomarkers have the potential to be utilized towards precision medicine for cancer care