20 research outputs found

    Digital modems for mobile systems

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    Digital modems for mobile system

    Modem design for digital satellite communications

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    The thesis is concerned with the design of a phase-shift keying system for a digital modem, operating over a satellite link. Computer simulation tests and theoretical analyses are used to assess the proposed design. The optimum design of both transmitter and receiver filters for the system to be used in the modem are discussed. Sinusoidal roll-off spectrum with different roll-off factor and optimum truncation lengths of the sample impulse response are designed for the proposed scheme to approximate to the theoretical ideal. It has used an EF bandpass filter to band limit the modulated signal, which forms part of the satellite channel modelling. The high power amplifier (HPA) at the earth station has been used in the satellite channel modelling due to its effect in introducing nonlinear AMAM and AM-PM conversion effects and distortion on the transmitted signal from the earth station. The satellite transponder is assumed to be operating in a linear mode. Different phase-shift keying signals such as differentially encoded quaternary phase-shift keying (DEQPSK), offset quaternary phase-shift keying (OQPSK) and convolutionally encoded 8PSK (CE8PSK) signals are analysed and discussed in the thesis, when the high power amplifier (HPA) at the earth station is operating in a nonlinear mode. Convolutional encoding is discussed when applied to the system used in the modem, and a Viterbi -algorithm decoder at the receiver has been used, for CE8PSK signals for a nonlinear satellite channel. A method of feed-forward synchronisation scheme is designed for carrier recovery in CE8PSK receiver. The thesis describes a method of baseband linearizing the baseband signal in order to reduce the nonlinear effects caused by the HPA at the earth station. The scheme which compensates for the nonlinear effects of the HPA by predistorting the baseband signal prior to modulation as opposed to correcting the distortion after modulation, thus reducing the effects of nonlinear distortion introduced by the HPA. The results of the improvement are presented. The advanced technology of digital signal processors (DSPs) has been used in the implementation of the demodulation and digital filtering parts of the modem replacing large parts of conventional circuits. The Viterbi-algorithm decoder for CE8PSK signals has been implemented using a digital signal processor chip, giving excellent performance and is a cost effective and easy way for future developments and any modifications, The results showed that, by using the various studied techniques, as well as the implementation of digital signal processor chip in parts of the modem, a potentially more cost effective modem can be obtained

    Investigation into PRS-precoded, constant-envelope, continuous-phase digital modulation schemes

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    Bibliography: leaves 78-79.Partial response signaling ( PRS) has been used successfully to improve the spectral properties of Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) digital transmission systems. This thesis investigation studied the effect of PRS on frequency- and phase-modulated carrier systems, in particular on their spectral performance and their maintenance of constant envelope

    M-ary Chirp Modulation for Data Transmission

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    M-ary chirp modulations, both discontinuous- and continuous-phase, for M-ary data transmission are proposed and examined for their error rate performances in additive, white, Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. These chirp modulated signals are described and illustrated as a function of time and modulation parameters. M-ary chirp modula­ tion with discontinuous phase is first proposed and then the M-ary Continuous Phase Chirp Modulation (MCPCM) is considered. General descriptions of these modula­ tion systems are given and properties of signals representing these modulations are given and illustrated. Optimum algorithms for detection of these signals in AWGN are derived and structures of optimum receivers are identified. Using the minimum Euclidean distance criterion in signal-space; upper bounds on Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) gain relative to Multiple Phase Shift Keying (MPSK) are established for 2-. *4-, and 8-ary MCPCM systems. It is observed that the maximum likelihood coherent and non-coherent receivers for MCPCM are non-linear and require multiple-symbol observations. Since symbol error probability performance analyses of these receivers are too complex to perform, union upper bounds on their performances are derived and illustrated as a function of SNR, number of observation symbols, and modulation parameters for MCPCM. Optimum 2-, 4-, and 8-ary modulation schemes that mini­ mize union upper bound on symbol error rates have been determined and illustrated. Our results show that 2-, 4-, and 8-ary optimum coherent MCPCM systems, with 5-symbol observation length, offer 1.6 dB, 3.6 dB, and 8 dB improvements relative to 2-ary, 4-ary, and 8-ary PSK systems, respectively. Also, it is shown that opti­ mum 2-ary and 4-ary non-coherent MCPCM systems can outperform 2-ary and 4-ary coherent PSK systems, respectively

    Advanced Equalization Techniques for Digital Coherent Optical Receivers

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    Study of efficient transmission and reception of image-type data using millimeter waves

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    Evaluation of signal processing and modulation techniques for transmission and reception of image type data via millimeter wave relay satellite

    Transmitter based techniques for ISI and MAI mitigation in CDMA-TDD downlink

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    The third-generation (3G) of mobile communications systems aim to provide enhanced voice, text and data services to the user. These demands give rise to the complexity and power consumption of the user equipment (UE) while the objective is smaller, lighter and power efficient mobiles. This thesis aims to examine ways of reducing the UE receiver’s computational cost while maintaining a good performance. One prominent multiple access scheme selected for 3G is code division multiple access. Receiver based multiuser detection techniques that utilise the knowledge of the downlink channel by the mobile have been extensively studied in the literature, in order to deal with multiple access and intersymbol interference. However, these techniques result in high mobile receiver complexity. Recently, work has been done on algorithms that transfer the complexity from the UE to the base station by exploiting the fact that in time division duplex mode the downlink channel can be known to the transmitter. By linear precoding of the transmitted signal the user equipment can be simplified to a filter matched to the user’s spreading code. In this thesis the problem of generic linear precoding is analysed theoretically and a method for analytical calculation of BER is developed. The most representative of the developed precoding techniques are described under a common framework, compared and classified as bitwise or blockwise. Bitwise demonstrate particular advantages in terms of complexity and implementation but lack in performance. Two novel bitwise algorithms are presented and analysed. They outperform significantly the existing ones, while maintain a reduced computational cost and realisation simplicity. The first, named inverse filters, is the Wiener solution of the problem after applying a minimum mean squared error criterion with power constraints. The second recruits multichannel adaptive algorithms to achieve the same goal. The base station emulates the actual system in a cell to converge iteratively to the pre-filters that precode the transmitted signals before transmission. The advantages and the performance of the proposed techniques, along with a variety of characteristics are demonstrated by means of Monte Carlo simulations

    Spectrally efficient systems for satellite communications

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    In questa Tesi verranno proposte tre diverse soluzioni il cui scopo è l'incremento dell'efficienza spettrale nei sistemi satellitari. Per prima cosa, considereremo uno scenario multi-utente a multiplazione di frequenza, che è uno degli scenari inclusi nello standard DVB-RCS. Useremo modulazioni a fase continua (CPM) concatenate serialmente ad un codificatore tramite un interleaver. La già elevata efficienza spettrale delle CPM può essere ulteriormente aumentata sfruttando la tecnica del "frequency packing". Un tale incremento però rende necessaria un'accurata sincronizzazione affinchÊ il ricevitore funzioni correttamente. Pertanto verranno progettati e testati degli stimatori iterativi di fase e frequenza. In seguito, ci concentreremo su sistemi a divisione di codice basati sulle CPM. Verrà quindi proposta una nuova tecnica di espansione spettrale, progettata ad hoc per le CPM. Mostreremo come ottenere facilmente delle densità spettrali di potenza larghe, piatte e lisce, senza ricorrere a sequenze di spreading, e senza tutte le problematiche di progettazione a queste collegate. Inoltre, ricaveremo degli algoritmi di rivelazione multi-utente subottimi che saranno impiegati per mostrare come il sistema proposto possa superare le prestazioni di tutti gli altri sistemi in letteratura, sia in termini di probabilità d'errore che di efficienza spettrale. Infine, considerando lo scenario previsto dallo standard DVB-S2, proporremo di incrementarne l'efficienza spettrale attraverso la tecnica del "time and frequency packing". Questa tecnica causa l'insorgenza di interferenza intersimbolica e intercanale, che a loro volta provocano l'aumento del numero di simboli pilota necessari per una corretta sincronizzazione di fase e frequenza. Sarà pertanto introdotto un nuovo design dei piloti, e saranno derivati opportuni algoritmi di rivelazione ottimi e subottimi a ridotta complessità. Mostreremo come il sistema proposto possa superare le prestazioni dello standard DVB-S2 sia in termini di probabilità d'errore che di efficienza spettrale.In this Thesis we propose three different solutions aiming at increasing the spectral efficiency in satellite communications. First, we will consider a multi-user scenario with frequency multiplexing, that is one of the scenarios included in the DVB-RCS standard. We will adopt continuous phase modulations (CPMs) serially concatenated with an outer code through an interleaver. The high spectral efficiency of CPMs can be further increased exploiting the frequency packing technique. Such an improvement does not come for free, in fact an accurate synchronization has to be guaranteed to allow the detector to work properly. To this purpose, new iterative frequency and phase estimators will be derived and the synchronization accuracy tested. Then, we will focus on code division multiple access (CDMA) systems employing CPMs. A brand new spectral spreading technique, especially tailored to CPMs, will be presented. We will show how to easily obtain a large, flat, and smooth power spectral density, without resorting to spreading sequences and then getting rid of all the design problems that come with. Moreover, we will derive some suboptimal multi-user detectors that will be employed to show that the proposed system outperforms all the other considered systems, found in the literature, in terms of bit error rate and spectral efficiency. Finally, considering the DVB-S2 scenario, we will propose to increase the spectral efficiency through time and frequency packing. This technique will cause intersymbol and interchannel interferences to arise, requiring a significant increase in the number of pilots used to carry out frequency and phase synchronization. Therefore, new pilot designs will be introduced, and suited optimal and suboptimal reduced-complexity algorithms derived. We will show that the proposed systems may outperform the DVB-S2 standard in terms of bit error rate and spectral efficiency

    Application of adaptive equalisation to microwave digital radio

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