76 research outputs found

    Speech quality prediction for voice over Internet protocol networks

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/878 on 03.01.2017 by CS (TIS). Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/1657 on 15.03.2017 by CS (TIS)This is a digitised version of a thesis that was deposited in the University Library. If you are the author please contact PEARL Admin ([email protected]) to discuss options.IP networks are on a steep slope of innovation that will make them the long-term carrier of all types of traffic, including voice. However, such networks are not designed to support real-time voice communication because their variable characteristics (e.g. due to delay, delay variation and packet loss) lead to a deterioration in voice quality. A major challenge in such networks is how to measure or predict voice quality accurately and efficiently for QoS monitoring and/or control purposes to ensure that technical and commercial requirements are met. Voice quality can be measured using either subjective or objective methods. Subjective measurement (e.g. MOS) is the benchmark for objective methods, but it is slow, time consuming and expensive. Objective measurement can be intrusive or non-intrusive. Intrusive methods (e.g. ITU PESQ) are more accurate, but normally are unsuitable for monitoring live traffic because of the need for a reference data and to utilise the network. This makes non-intrusive methods(e.g. ITU E-model) more attractive for monitoring voice quality from IP network impairments. However, current non-intrusive methods rely on subjective tests to derive model parameters and as a result are limited and do not meet new and emerging applications. The main goal of the project is to develop novel and efficient models for non-intrusive speech quality prediction to overcome the disadvantages of current subjective-based methods and to demonstrate their usefulness in new and emerging VoIP applications. The main contributions of the thesis are fourfold: (1) a detailed understanding of the relationships between voice quality, IP network impairments (e.g. packet loss, jitter and delay) and relevant parameters associated with speech (e.g. codec type, gender and language) is provided. An understanding of the perceptual effects of these key parameters on voice quality is important as it provides a basis for the development of non-intrusive voice quality prediction models. A fundamental investigation of the impact of the parameters on perceived voice quality was carried out using the latest ITU algorithm for perceptual evaluation of speech quality, PESQ, and by exploiting the ITU E-model to obtain an objective measure of voice quality. (2) a new methodology to predict voice quality non-intrusively was developed. The method exploits the intrusive algorithm, PESQ, and a combined PESQ/E-model structure to provide a perceptually accurate prediction of both listening and conversational voice quality non-intrusively. This avoids time-consuming subjective tests and so removes one of the major obstacles in the development of models for voice quality prediction. The method is generic and as such has wide applicability in multimedia applications. Efficient regression-based models and robust artificial neural network-based learning models were developed for predicting voice quality non-intrusively for VoIP applications. (3) three applications of the new models were investigated: voice quality monitoring/prediction for real Internet VoIP traces, perceived quality driven playout buffer optimization and perceived quality driven QoS control. The neural network and regression models were both used to predict voice quality for real Internet VoIP traces based on international links. A new adaptive playout buffer and a perceptual optimization playout buffer algorithms are presented. A QoS control scheme that combines the strengths of rate-adaptive and priority marking control schemes to provide a superior QoS control in terms of measured perceived voice quality is also provided. (4) a new methodology for Internet-based subjective speech quality measurement which allows rapid assessment of voice quality for VoIP applications is proposed and assessed using both objective and traditional MOS test methods

    Enhancement of perceived quality of service for voice over internet protocol systems

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    Voice over Internet Protocol (WIP) applications are becoming more and more popular in the telecommunication market. Packet switched V61P systems have many technical advantages over conventional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), including its efficient and flexible use of the bandwidth, lower cost and enhanced security. However, due to the IP network's "Best Effort" nature, voice quality are not naturally guaranteed in the VoIP services. In fact, most current Vol]P services can not provide as good a voice quality as PSTN. IP Network impairments such as packet loss, delay and jitter affect perceived speech quality as do application layer impairment factors, such as codec rate and audio features. Current perceived Quality of Service (QoS) methods are mainly designed to be used in a PSTN/TDM environment and their performance in V6IP environment is unknown. It is a challenge to measure perceived speech quality correctly in V61P system and to enhance user perceived speech quality for VoIP system. The main goal of this project is to evaluate the accuracy of the existing ITU-T speech quality measurement method (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality - PESQ) in mobile wireless systems in the context of V61P, and to develop novel and efficient methods to enhance the user perceived speech quality for emerging V61P services especially in mobile V61P environment. The main contributions of the thesis are threefold: (1) A new discovery of PESQ errors in mobile VoIP environment. A detailed investigation of PESQ performance in mobile VoIP environment was undertaken and included setting up a PESQ performance evaluation platform and testing over 1800 mobile-to-mobile and mobileto- PSTN calls over a period of three months. The accuracy issues of PESQ algorithm was investigated and main problems causing inaccurate PESQ score (improper time-alignment in the PESQ algorithm) were discovered . Calibration issues for a safe and proper PESQ testing in mobile environment were also discussed in the thesis. (2) A new, simple-to-use, V611Pjit ter buffer algorithm. This was developed and implemented in a commercial mobile handset. The algorithm, called "Play Late Algorithm", adaptively alters the playout delay inside a speech talkspurt without introducing unnecessary extra end-to-end delay. It can be used as a front-end to conventional static or adaptive jitter buffer algorithms to provide improved performance. Results show that the proposed algorithm can increase user perceived quality without consuming too much processing power when tested in live wireless VbIP networks. (3) A new QoS enhancement scheme. The new scheme combines the strengths of adaptive codec bit rate (i. e. AMR 8-modes bit rate) and speech priority marking (i. e. giving high priority for the beginning of a voiced segment). The results gathered on a simulation and emulation test platform shows that the combined method provides a better user perceived speech quality than separate adaptive sender bit rate or packet priority marking methods

    Quality aspects of Internet telephony

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    Internet telephony has had a tremendous impact on how people communicate. Many now maintain contact using some form of Internet telephony. Therefore the motivation for this work has been to address the quality aspects of real-world Internet telephony for both fixed and wireless telecommunication. The focus has been on the quality aspects of voice communication, since poor quality leads often to user dissatisfaction. The scope of the work has been broad in order to address the main factors within IP-based voice communication. The first four chapters of this dissertation constitute the background material. The first chapter outlines where Internet telephony is deployed today. It also motivates the topics and techniques used in this research. The second chapter provides the background on Internet telephony including signalling, speech coding and voice Internetworking. The third chapter focuses solely on quality measures for packetised voice systems and finally the fourth chapter is devoted to the history of voice research. The appendix of this dissertation constitutes the research contributions. It includes an examination of the access network, focusing on how calls are multiplexed in wired and wireless systems. Subsequently in the wireless case, we consider how to handover calls from 802.11 networks to the cellular infrastructure. We then consider the Internet backbone where most of our work is devoted to measurements specifically for Internet telephony. The applications of these measurements have been estimating telephony arrival processes, measuring call quality, and quantifying the trend in Internet telephony quality over several years. We also consider the end systems, since they are responsible for reconstructing a voice stream given loss and delay constraints. Finally we estimate voice quality using the ITU proposal PESQ and the packet loss process. The main contribution of this work is a systematic examination of Internet telephony. We describe several methods to enable adaptable solutions for maintaining consistent voice quality. We have also found that relatively small technical changes can lead to substantial user quality improvements. A second contribution of this work is a suite of software tools designed to ascertain voice quality in IP networks. Some of these tools are in use within commercial systems today

    Parallel task in Subjective Audio Quality and Speech Intelligibility Assessments

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    Tato disertační práce se zabývá subjektivním testováním jak kvality řeči, tak i srozumitelnosti řeči, prozkoumává existující metody, určuje jejich základní principy a podstaty a porovnává jejich výhody a nevýhody. Práce také porovnává testy z hlediska různých parametrů a poskytuje moderní řešení pro již existující metody testování. První část práce se zabývá opakovatelností subjektivních testování provedených v ideálních laboratorních podmínkách. Takové úlohy opakovatelnosti se provádí použitím Pearsonové korelace, porovnání po párech a jinými matematickými analýzami. Tyto úlohy dokazují správnost postupů provedených subjektivních testů. Z tohoto důvodu byly provedeny čtyři subjektivní testy kvality řeči ve třech různých laboratořích. Získané výsledky potvrzují, že provedené testy byly vysoce opakovatelné a testovací požadavky byly striktně dodrženy. Dále byl proveden výzkum pro ověření významnosti subjektivních testování kvality řeči a srozumitelnosti řeči v komunikačních systémech. Za tímto účelem bylo analyzováno více než 16 miliónů záznamů živých hovorů přes VoIP telekomunikační sítě. Výsledky potvrdily základní předpoklad, že lepší uživatelská zkušenost působí delší trvání hovorů. Kromě dosažených hlavních výsledků však byly učiněny další důležité závěry. Dalším krokem disertační práce bylo prozkoumat techniku paralelních zátěží, existující přístupy a jejich výhody a nevýhody. Ukázalo se, že většina paralelních zátěží používaných v testech byla buď fyzicky, nebo mentálně orientovaná. Jelikož subjekty ve většině případů nejsou stejně fyzicky nebo mentálně zdatní, jejich výkony během úkolů nejsou stejné, takže výsledky nelze správně porovnat. V této disertační práci je navržen nový přístup, kdy jsou podmínky pro všechny subjekty stejné. Tento přístup představuje celou řadu úkolů, které zahrnují kombinaci mentálních a fyzických zátěží (simulátor laserové střelby, simulátor řízení auta, třídění předmětů apod.). Tyto metody byly použity v několika subjektivních testech kvality řeči a srozumitelnosti řeči. Závěry naznačují, že testy s paralelními zátěží mají realističtější výsledky než ty, které jsou prováděny v laboratorních podmínkách. Na základě výzkumu, zkušeností a dosažených výsledků byl Evropskému institutu pro normalizaci v telekomunikacích předložen nový standard s přehledem, příklady a doporučeními pro zajištění subjektivních testování kvality řeči a srozumitelnosti řeči. Standard byl přijat a publikován pod číslem ETSI TR 103 503.This thesis deals with the subjective testing of both speech quality and speech intelligibility, investigates the existing methods, record their main features, as well as advantages and disadvantages. The work also compares different tests in terms of various parameters and provides a modern solution for existing subjective testing methods. The first part of the research deals with the repeatability of subjective speech quality tests provided in perfect laboratory conditions. Such repeatability tasks are performed using Pearson correlations, pairwise comparison, and other mathematical analyses, and are meant to prove the correctness of procedures of provided subjective tests. For that reason, four subjective speech quality tests were provided in three different laboratories. The obtained results confirmed that the provided tests were highly repeatable, and the test requirements were strictly followed. Another research was done to verify the significance of speech quality and speech intelligibility tests in communication systems. To this end, more than 16 million live call records over VoIP telecommunications networks were analyzed. The results confirmed the primary assumption that better user experience brings longer call durations. However, alongside the main results, other valuable conclusions were made. The next step of the thesis was to investigate the parallel task technique, existing approaches, their advantages, and disadvantages. It turned out that the majority of parallel tasks used in tests were either physically or mentally oriented. As the subjects in most cases are not equally trained or intelligent, their performances during the tasks are not equal either, so the results could not be compared correctly. In this thesis, a novel approach is proposed where the conditions for all subjects are equal. The approach presents a variety of tasks, which include a mix of mental and physical tasks (laser-shooting simulator, car driving simulator, objects sorting, and others.). Afterward, the methods were used in several subjective speech quality and speech intelligibility tests. The results indicate that the tests with parallel tasks have more realistic values than the ones provided in laboratory conditions. Based on the research, experience, and achieved results, a new standard was submitted to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute with an overview, examples, and recommendations for providing subjective speech quality and speech intelligibility tests. The standard was accepted and published under the number ETSI TR 103 503

    Flow control of real-time unicast multimedia applications in best-effort networks

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    One of the fastest growing segments of Internet applications are real-time mul- timedia applications, like Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Real-time multimedia applications use the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol because of the inherent conservative nature of the congestion avoidance schemes of Transmis- sion Control Protocol (TCP). The e®ects of uncontrolled °ows on the Internet have not yet been felt because UDP tra±c frequently constitutes only » 20% of the total Internet tra±c. It is pertinent that real-time multimedia applications become better citizens of the Internet, while at the same time deliver acceptable Quality of Service (QoS). Traditionally, packet losses and the increase in the end-to-end delay experienced by some of the packets characterizes congestion in the network. These two signals have been used to develop most known °ow control schemes. The current research considers the °ow accumulation in the network as the signal for use in °ow control. The most signi¯cant contribution of the current research is to propose novel end- to-end °ow control schemes for unicast real-time multimedia °ows transmitting over best-e®ort networks. These control schemes are based on predictive control of the accumulation signal. The end-to-end control schemes available in the literature are based on reactive control that do not take into account the feedback delay existing between the sender and the receiver nor the forward delay in the °ow dynamics. The performance of the proposed control schemes has been evaluated using the ns-2 simulation environment. The research concludes that active control of hard real- time °ows delivers the same or somewhat better QoS as High Bit Rate (HBR, no control), but with a lower average bit rate. Consequently, it helps reduce bandwidth use of controlled real-time °ows by anywhere between 31:43% to 43:96%. Proposed reactive control schemes deliver good QoS. However, they do not scale up as well as the predictive control schemes. Proposed predictive control schemes are e®ective in delivering good quality QoS while using up less bandwidth than even the reactive con- trol schemes. They scale up well as more real-time multimedia °ows start employing them

    Quality of Service optimisation framework for Next Generation Networks

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    Within recent years, the concept of Next Generation Networks (NGN) has become widely accepted within the telecommunication area, in parallel with the migration of telecommunication networks from traditional circuit-switched technologies such as ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) towards packet-switched NGN. In this context, SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), originally developed for Internet use only, has emerged as the major signalling protocol for multimedia sessions in IP (Internet Protocol) based NGN. One of the traditional limitations of IP when faced with the challenges of real-time communications is the lack of quality support at the network layer. In line with NGN specification work, international standardisation bodies have defined a sophisticated QoS (Quality of Service) architecture for NGN, controlling IP transport resources and conventional IP QoS mechanisms through centralised higher layer network elements via cross-layer signalling. Being able to centrally control QoS conditions for any media session in NGN without the imperative of a cross-layer approach would result in a feasible and less complex NGN architecture. Especially the demand for additional network elements would be decreased, resulting in the reduction of system and operational costs in both, service and transport infrastructure. This thesis proposes a novel framework for QoS optimisation for media sessions in SIP-based NGN without the need for cross-layer signalling. One key contribution of the framework is the approach to identify and logically group media sessions that encounter similar QoS conditions, which is performed by applying pattern recognition and clustering techniques. Based on this novel methodology, the framework provides functions and mechanisms for comprehensive resource-saving QoS estimation, adaptation of QoS conditions, and support of Call Admission Control. The framework can be integrated with any arbitrary SIP-IP-based real-time communication infrastructure, since it does not require access to any particular QoS control or monitoring functionalities provided within the IP transport network. The proposed framework concept has been deployed and validated in a prototypical simulation environment. Simulation results show MOS (Mean Opinion Score) improvement rates between 53 and 66 percent without any active control of transport network resources. Overall, the proposed framework comes as an effective concept for central controlled QoS optimisation in NGN without the need for cross-layer signalling. As such, by either being run stand-alone or combined with conventional QoS control mechanisms, the framework provides a comprehensive basis for both the reduction of complexity and mitigation of issues coming along with QoS provision in NGN

    Quality of experience characterization and provisioning in mobile cellular networks

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    Παραδοσιακά, οι προηγούμενες γενεές κινητών κυψελωτών δικτύων έχουν σχεδιαστεί με κριτήρια Ποιότητας Υπηρεσίας, έτσι ώστε να πληρούν συγκεκριμένες απαιτήσεις διαφόρων υπηρεσιών. Η «Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας» έχει, ωστόσο, πρόσφατα εμφανιστεί ως έννοια, επηρεάζοντας το σχεδιασμό των μελλοντικών γενεών των δικτύων, δίνοντας σαφή έμφαση στην πραγματικά επιτευχθείσα εμπειρία του τελικού χρήστη. Η εμφάνιση της έννοιας της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας οφείλεται στην αναπόφευκτη, ισχυρή μετάβαση που βιώνει η βιομηχανία των Τηλεπικοινωνιών από συστημο-κεντρικά δίκτυα σε πιο χρηστο-κεντρικές λύσεις και στόχους. Οι πάροχοι κινητών δικτύων, οι πάροχοι υπηρεσιών, οι προγραμματιστές εφαρμογών, αλλά και άλλα ενδιαφερόμενα μέλη που εμπλέκονται στην αλυσίδα παροχής υπηρεσιών προσελκύονται από τις ευκαιρίες που μπορεί να προσφέρει η ενσωμάτωση γνώσης Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας στο επιχειρηματικό τους μοντέλο. Πράγματι, η παρεχόμενη Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας αποτελεί έναν καθοριστικό παράγοντα διαφοροποίησης μεταξύ των διαφόρων παικτών, μία τάση που αναμένεται να γίνει ακόμη πιο έντονη τα επόμενα χρόνια. Υποκινούμενη από αυτή την χρηστο-κεντρική τάση, η έρευνα που διεξάγεται σε αυτή τη διατριβή έχει ως στόχο την διερεύνηση των προκλήσεων και των ευκαιριών που προκύπτουν στα σύγχρονα κινητά κυψελωτά δίκτυα όταν λαμβάνεται υπόψιν η έννοια της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας. Τέτοιες ευκαιρίες αφορούν, καταρχήν, τη δυνατότητα κατανόησης της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας που επιτυγχάνει ένας πάροχος κατά την προσφορά μίας υπηρεσίας. Αυτό μπορεί να επιτευχθεί με την υλοποίηση και ενσωμάτωση μεθόδων αξιολόγησης Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας στην πραγματικού-χρόνου λειτουργία ενός δικτύου. Εν συνεχεία, ακολουθεί η εκμετάλλευση της συλλεγμένης ευφυΐας που σχετίζεται με την Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας, προκειμένου να επανεξεταστούν υφιστάμενοι μηχανισμοί επιπέδου δικτύου (π.χ., χρονο-προγραμματισμός ραδιοπόρων) ή μηχανισμοί επιπέδου εφαρμογής (π.χ., ροή βίντεο), αλλά και να προταθούν καινοτόμες διαστρωματικές προσεγγίσεις προς όφελος της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας. Επιπλέον, υπάρχει η δυνατότητα πρότασης νέων αλγορίθμων που προκύπτουν από τα εγγενή χαρακτηριστικά της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας, όπως η μη γραμμική επίδραση μετρικών Ποιότητας Υπηρεσίας στην Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας, με στόχο την περαιτέρω βελτίωσή της. Σε αυτή την κατεύθυνση, στην παρούσα διατριβή, διερευνώνται και αξιοποιούνται μοντέλα και μετρικές εκτίμησης Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας με στόχο την ποσοτικοποίησή της, έχοντας ως απώτερο στόχο την εισαγωγή βελτιώσεων στους υφιστάμενους μηχανισμούς κινητών κυψελωτών δικτύων. Ο πυρήνας αυτής της διατριβής είναι η πρόταση μίας κυκλικής διεργασίας παροχής Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας που επιτρέπει τον έλεγχο, την παρακολούθηση (ήτοι, τη μοντελοποίηση) και τη διαχείριση της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας σε ένα κυψελωτό δίκτυο. Κάθε μία από αυτές τις λειτουργίες αναλύεται περαιτέρω, ενώ έμφαση δίνεται στις λειτουργίες μοντελοποίησης και διαχείρισης. Όσον αφορά τη μοντελοποίηση, γίνεται περιγραφή και ταξινόμηση των μεθόδων εκτίμησης και των δεικτών επιδόσεων Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας. Η παραμετρική εκτίμηση της ποιότητας αναδεικνύεται ως η πιο ελκυστική κατηγορία μοντελοποίησης Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας σε κινητά κυψελωτά δίκτυα, οπότε και περιγράφεται διεξοδικά για ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενους τύπους υπηρεσιών, όπως η συνομιλία (φωνή) μέσω Internet Protocol (IP) και η μετάδοση βίντεο. Όσον αφορά τη διαχείριση Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας, προτείνονται νέοι μηχανισμοί που επιδεικνύουν βελτιώσεις στην εμπειρία των τελικών χρηστών, και συγκεκριμένα: α) ένα σχήμα ελέγχου των επικοινωνιών συσκευής-προς-συσκευή που λαμβάνει υπόψιν την εμπειρία των χρηστών, β) ένας «συνεπής» αλγόριθμος χρονο-προγραμματισμού ραδιοπόρων που βελτιώνει την Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας του χρήστη μετριάζοντας τις διακυμάνσεις της ρυθμαπόδοσης του δικτύου, και γ) ένας μηχανισμός προσαρμοστικής ροής βίντεο με γνώσεις «πλαισίου», ο οποίος επιτυγχάνει την εξάλειψη διακοπών του βίντεο σε συνθήκες χαμηλού εύρους ζώνης. Επιπλέον, προτείνεται μία εφαρμογή Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας βασισμένη στην αρχιτεκτονική Software-Defined Networking (SDN), ονόματι “QoE-SDN APP”, η οποία επιτρέπει την ανάδραση πληροφοριών δικτύου από παρόχους κινητής τηλεφωνίας σε παρόχους υπηρεσιών βίντεο, αναδεικνύοντας πλεονεκτήματα ως προς την Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας για τους πελάτες των παρόχων βίντεο αλλά και ως προς την εξοικονόμηση εύρους ζώνης για τους φορείς εκμετάλλευσης δικτύου. Εν κατακλείδι, η παρούσα διατριβή προωθεί την ενοποίηση του ερευνητικού πεδίου της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας με τον τομέα των κινητών επικοινωνιών, καθώς και τη συνεργασία αμοιβαίου ενδιαφέροντος μεταξύ των παρόχων δικτύου (επίπεδο δικτύου) με τους παρόχους υπηρεσιών (επίπεδο εφαρμογής), αναδεικνύοντας την δυναμική από τέτοιου είδους προσεγγίσεις για όλους τους εμπλεκόμενους φορείς.Traditionally, previous generations of mobile cellular networks have been designed with Quality of Service (QoS) criteria in mind, so that they manage to meet specific service requirements. Quality of Experience (QoE) has, however, recently emerged as a concept, disrupting the design of future network generations by giving clear emphasis on the actually achieved user experience. The emergence of the QoE concept has been a result of the inevitable strong transition that the Telecom industry is currently experiencing from system-centric networks to more user-centric solutions and objectives. Mobile network operators, service providers, application developers, as well as other stakeholders involved in the service provisioning chain have been attracted by the opportunities that the integration of the QoE concept could bring to their business; indeed, the provisioned QoE constitutes a determining factor of differentiation among different stakeholders, a tendency which is expected to become even more intense in the years to come. Motivated by this boost towards user-centricity, the objective of the research conducted in this thesis is to explore the challenges and opportunities that arise in modern mobile cellular networks when QoE is considered. Such opportunities concern, first of all, the possibility to comprehend the QoE that a provider achieves when provisioning a service. This can be enabled by the implementation and integration of QoE assessment methods into the real-time operation of a network. Then, the next step is the exploitation of collected QoE-related intelligence in order to re-examine existing network-layer mechanisms (e.g., radio scheduling), or application-layer mechanisms (e.g., video streaming), as well as propose novel cross-layer approaches towards ameliorating the achieved QoE. Moreover, the opportunity emerges to propose novel algorithms that stem from the inherent idiosyncrasies of QoE, such as the non-linear impact of QoS-related parameters on QoE, as a way to further enhance the users’ QoE. In this direction, throughout this thesis, QoE estimation models and metrics are explored and exploited in order to quantify QoE and thus, to improve existing mechanisms of mobile cellular networks. The core of this thesis is the proposal of a QoE provisioning cycle that allows the control, monitoring (i.e., modeling) and management of QoE in a cellular network. Each one of these functions is further analyzed, while emphasis is given on the modeling and management operations. In terms of modeling, QoE assessment methods and QoE-related performance indicators are described and classified. Parametric quality estimation is identified as the most appealing type of QoE estimation in mobile cellular networks, thus, it is thoroughly described for widely used types of services, such as Voice over IP (VoIP) and video streaming. In terms of QoE management, novel QoE-aware mechanisms that demonstrate QoE improvements for the users are proposed, namely: a) a QoE-driven Device-to-Device (D2D) communication management scheme that enhances end-user QoE, b) a “consistent” radio scheduling algorithm that improves the end-user QoE by mitigating throughput fluctuations, and c) a context-aware HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) mechanism that successfully mitigates stallings (i.e., video freezing events) in the context of bandwidth-challenging scenarios. Moreover, a programmable QoE-SDN APP into the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) architecture is introduced, which enables network feedback exposure from mobile network operators to video service providers, revealing QoE benefits for the customers of video providers and bandwidth savings for the network operators. Overall, this thesis promotes the uniting of the domain of QoE with the domain of mobile communications, as well as the collaboration of mutual-interest between mobile network operators (network layer) and service providers (application layer), presenting the high potential from such approaches for all involved stakeholders