96 research outputs found

    TFET-Based power management circuit for RF energy harvesting

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    This paper proposes a Tunnel FET (TFET)-based power management circuit (PMC) for ultra-low power RF energy harvesting applications. In contrast with conventional thermionic devices, the band-to-band tunneling mechanism of TFETs allows a better switching performance at sub-0.2 V operation. As a result, improved efficiencies in RF-powered circuits are achieved, thanks to increased rectification performance at low power levels and to the reduced energy required for a proper PMC operation. It is shown by simulations that heterojunction TFET devices designed with III-V materials can improve the rectification process at received power levels below -20 dBm (915 MHz) when compared to the application of homojunction III-V TFETs and Si FinFETs. For an available power of -25 dBm, the proposed converter is able to deliver 1.1 µW of average power (with 0.5 V) to the output load with a boost efficiency of 86%.Postprint (author's final draft

    Sensores passivos alimentados por transmissão de energia sem fios para aplicações de Internet das coisas

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    Nowadays, the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) depend on the battery duration of the sensors and there is a renewed interest in creating a passive sensor network scheme in the area of Internet of Things (IoT) and space oriented WSN systems. The challenges for the future of radio communications have a twofold evolution, one being the low power consumption and, another, the adaptability and intelligent use of the available resources. Specially designed radios should be used to reduce power consumption, and adapt to the environment in a smart and e cient way. This thesis will focus on the development of passive sensors based on low power communication (backscatter) with Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) capabilities used in IoT applications. In that sense, several high order modulations for the communication will be explored and proposed in order to increase the data rate. Moreover, the sensors need to be small and cost e ective in order to be embedded in other technologies or devices. Consequently, the RF front-end of the sensors will be designed and implemented in Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC).Atualmente, as redes de sensores sem fios dependem da duração da bateria e,deste modo, existe um interesse renovado em criar um esquema de rede de sensores passivos na área de internet das coisas e sistemas de redes de sensores sem fios relacionados com o espaço. Os desafios do futuro das comunicações de rádio têm uma dupla evolução, sendo um o baixo consumo de energia e, outro, a adaptação e o uso inteligente dos recursos disponíveis. Rádios diferentes dos convencionais devem ser usados para reduzir o consumo de energia e devem adaptar-se ao ambiente de forma inteligente e eficiente, de modo a que este use a menor quantidade de energia possível para estabelecer a comunicação. Esta tese incide sobre o desenvolvimento de sensores passivos baseados em comunicação de baixo consumo energético (backscatter) com recurso a transmissão de energia sem fios de modo a que possam ser usados em diferentes aplicações inseridas na internet das coisas. Nesse sentido, várias modulações de alta ordem para a comunicação backscatter serão exploradas e propostas com o objectivo de aumentar a taxa de transmissão de dados. Além disso, os sensores precisam de ser reduzidos em tamanho e económicos de modo a serem incorporados em outras tecnologias ou dispositivos. Consequentemente, o front-end de rádio frequência dos sensores será projetado e implementado em circuito integrado de microondas monolítico.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Analysis of the optimum gain of a high-pass l-matching network for rectennas

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    Rectennas, which mainly consist of an antenna, matching network, and rectifier, are used to harvest radiofrequency energy in order to power tiny sensor nodes, e.g., the nodes of the Internet of Things. This paper demonstrates for the first time, the existence of an optimum voltage gain for high-pass L-matching networks used in rectennas by deriving an analytical expression. The optimum gain is that which leads to maximum power efficiency of the rectenna. Here, apart from the L-matching network, a Schottky single-diode rectifier was used for the rectenna, which was optimized at 868 MHz for a power range from -30 dBm to -10 dBm. As the theoretical expression depends on parameters not very well-known a priori, an accurate search of the optimum gain for each power level was performed via simulations. Experimental results show remarkable power efficiencies ranging from 16% at -30 dBm to 55% at -10 dBm, which are for almost all the tested power levels the highest published in the literature for similar designs.Postprint (author's final draft

    Radio frequency energy harvesting for autonomous systems

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyRadio Frequency Energy Harvesting (RFEH) is a technology which enables wireless power delivery to multiple devices from a single energy source. The main components of this technology are the antenna and the rectifying circuitry that converts the RF signal into DC power. The devices which are using Radio Frequency (RF) power may be integrated into Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), biomedical implants, Internet of Things (IoT), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), smart meters, telemetry systems and may even be used to charge mobile phones. Aside from autonomous systems such as WSNs and RFID, the multi-billion portable electronics market – from GSM phones to MP3 players – would be an attractive application for RF energy harvesting if the power requirements are met. To investigate the potential for ambient RFEH, several RF site surveys were conducted around London. Using the results from these surveys, various harvesters were designed and tested for different frequency bands from the RF sources with the highest power density within the Medium Wave (MW), ultra- and super-high (UHF and SHF) frequency spectrum. Prototypes were fabricated and tested for each of the bands and proved that a large urban area around Brookmans park radio centre is suitable location for harvesting ambient RF energy. Although the RFEH offers very good efficiency performance, if a single antenna is considered, the maximum power delivered is generally not enough to power all the elements of an autonomous system. In this thesis we present techniques for optimising the power efficiency of the RFEH device under demanding conditions such as ultra-low power densities, arbitrary polarisation and diverse load impedances. Subsequently, an energy harvesting ferrite rod rectenna is designed to power up a wireless sensor and its transmitter, generating dedicated Medium Wave (MW) signals in an indoor environment. Harvested power management, application scenarios and practical results are also presented

    Sistemas eficientes de transmissão de energia sem-fios e identificação por radiofrequência

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrotécnicaIn the IoT context, where billions of connected objects are expected to be ubiquitously deployed worldwide, the frequent battery maintenance of ubiquitous wireless nodes is undesirable or even impossible. In these scenarios, passive-backscatter radios will certainly play a crucial role due to their low cost, low complexity and battery-free operation. However, as passive-backscatter devices are chiefly limited by the WPT link, its efficiency optimization has been a major research concern over the years, gaining even more emphasis in the IoT context. Wireless power transfer has traditionally been carried out using CW signals, and the efficiency improvement has commonly been achieved through circuit design optimization. This thesis explores a fundamentally different approach, in which the optimization is focused on the powering waveforms, rather than the circuits. It is demonstrated through theoretical analysis, simulations and measurements that, given their greater ability to overcome the built-in voltage of rectifying devices, high PAPR multi-sine (MS) signals are capable of more efficiently exciting energy harvesting circuits when compared to CWs. By using optimal MS signals to excite rectifying devices, remarkable RF-DC conversion efficiency gains of up to 15 dB with respect to CW signals were obtained. In order to show the effectiveness of this approach to improve the communication range of passive-backscatter systems, a MS front-end was integrated in a commercial RFID reader and a significant range extension of 25% was observed. Furthermore, a software-defined radio RFID reader, compliant with ISO18000-6C standard and with MS capability, was constructed from scratch. By interrogating passive RFID transponders with MS waveforms, a transponder sensitivity improvement higher than 3 dB was obtained for optimal MS signals. Since the amplification and transmission of high PAPR signals is critical, this work also proposes efficient MS transmitting architectures based on space power combining techniques. This thesis also addresses other not less important issues, namely self-jamming in passive RFID readers, which is the second limiting factor of passive-backscatter systems. A suitable self-jamming suppression scheme was first used for CW signals and then extended to MS signals, yielding a CW isolation up to 50 dB and a MS isolation up 60 dB. Finally, a battery-less remote control system was developed and integrated in a commercial TV device with the purpose of demonstrating a practical application of wireless power transfer and passive-backscatter concepts. This allowed battery-free control of four basic functionalities of the TV (CH+,CH-,VOL+,VOL-).No contexto da internet das coisas (IoT), onde são esperados bilhões de objetos conectados espalhados pelo planeta de forma ubíqua, torna-se impraticável uma frequente manutenção e troca de baterias dos dispositivos sem fios ubíquos. Nestes cenários, os sistemas radio backscatter passivos terão um papel preponderante dado o seu baixo custo, baixa complexidade e não necessidade de baterias nos nós móveis. Uma vez que a transmissão de energia sem fios é o principal aspeto limitativo nestes sistemas, a sua otimização tem sido um tema central de investigação, ganhando ainda mais ênfase no contexto IoT. Tradicionalmente, a transferência de energia sem-fios é feita através de sinais CW e a maximização da eficiência é conseguida através da otimização dos circuitos recetores. Neste trabalho explora-se uma abordagem fundamentalmente diferente, em que a otimização foca-se nas formas de onda em vez dos circuitos. Demonstra-se, teoricamente e através de simulações e medidas que, devido à sua maior capacidade em superar a barreira de potencial intrínseca dos dispositivos retificadores, os sinais multi-seno (MS) de elevado PAPR são capazes de excitar os circuitos de colheita de energia de forma mais eficiente quando comparados com o sinal CW tradicional. Usando sinais MS ótimos em circuitos retificadores, foram verificadas experimentalmente melhorias de eficiência de conversão RF-DC notáveis de até 15 dB relativamente ao sinal CW. A fim de mostrar a eficácia desta abordagem na melhoria da distância de comunicação de sistemas backscatter passivos, integrou-se um front-end MS num leitor RFID comercial e observou-se um aumento significativo de 25% na distância de leitura. Além disso, desenvolveu-se de raiz um leitor RFID baseado em software rádio, compatível com o protocolo ISO18000-6C e capaz de gerar sinais MS, com os quais interrogou-se transponders passivos, obtendo-se ganhos de sensibilidade dos transponders maiores que 3 dB. Uma vez que a amplificação de sinais de elevado PAPR é uma operação crítica, propôs-se também novas arquiteturas eficientes de transmissão baseadas na combinação de sinais em espaço livre. Esta tese aborda também outros aspetos não menos importantes, como o self-jamming em leitores RFID passivos, tido como o segundo fator limitativo neste tipo de sistemas. Estudou-se técnicas de cancelamento de self-jamming CW e estendeu-se o conceito a sinais MS, tendo-se obtido isolamentos entre o transmissor e o recetor de até 50 dB no primeiro caso e de até 60 dB no segundo. Finalmente, com o objetivo de demonstrar uma aplicação prática dos conceitos de transmissão de energia sem fios e comunicação backscatter, desenvolveu-se um sistema de controlo remoto sem pilhas, cujo protótipo foi integrado num televisor comercial a fim de controlar quatro funcionalidades básicas (CH+,CH-,VOL+,VOL-)

    The development of an ore pass level indicator

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    Bibliography: 126-127.All open cast mines have a limited economic life which is usually dictated ·by the so called economic depth, where the costs of hauling the ore via large diesel trucks becomes prohibitive. A mine that is about to reach its .economic depth is the Finsch mine. In order to prolong its life mining will now take place underground [1.1]. Ore passes, vertical storage shafts, will form the backbone of the new mine. Safe and efficient mining calls for the depth of ore in these ore passes to be monitored accurately [1.2]. This thesis is concerned with the design and construction of such an instrument. The ore pass could in theory propagate a number of waveguide modes. However, with the particular frequency chosen for the instrument reported here, the mode of propagation was the same mode as free-space. A FMCW radar system was designed for this specific application but had the advantage that testing could take place in freespace. Two prototype systems were constructed and tested down the ore pass which proved the instrument concept satisfactorily. The instrument has definite commercial viability


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    On-chip microwave pulse-power detectors are promising devices for many electrical systems of both military and commercial applications. Most research in microwave power detector design have been focused on thermal power detectors, such as thermistors or thermocouples, due to their wide dynamic range and high frequency operation. However, due to their slow thermal response time, it is impossible to detect microwave pulses with a few micro or sub-micro seconds of pulse width. Schottky diode power detectors are the best candidates for this purpose due to their fast pulse response time and small size. We have developed a means for fabricating Schottky diodes as part of any Complementary-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) process by modifying the layout file. CMOS Schottky diodes were added at pre-selected locations through a CMOS process. We have also developed a process for adding or deleting Schottky diodes on a CMOS fabricated chip by using Focused Ion Beam (FIB). FIB milling and ion induced deposition were used for adding or deleting Schottky diodes at any desired location on a CMOS-fabricated chip as a post-CMOS process. Spice models of CMOS Schottky diodes were developed and used for designing the RF front end circuits in passive RF circuits. MOSFET based RF pulsed power detector circuits were also designed and fabricated. Fabricated power detectors were tested under direct injection and radiation of microwave pulse signals. Measured results for fabricated CMOS Schottky diodes, FIB Schottky diodes and MOSFET half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuits are summarized in a table with the pulse response time, the dynamic range, the sensitivity, and the frequency response to determine which power detector is the best choice for detecting a specific source signal

    Exploration of Nonlinear Devices and Nonlinear Transmission Line Techniques for Microwaves Applications

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    RÉSUMÉ Les systèmes de communication modernes dépendent fortement des circuits non linéaires, tels que les amplificateurs de puissance (PA), les mélangeurs, les multiplicateurs, les oscillateurs, les commutateurs, etc., qui sont construits à partir de composants non linéaires passifs (comme des diodes) ou actifs (par exemple des transistors). Cette thèse étudie les dispositifs non linéaires passifs traditionnels et émergents, ainsi que les techniques de lignes de transmission non linéaires (NLTL). Plusieurs de leurs applications micro-ondes ont également été étudiées, y compris la récupération d'énergie sans fil, la synthèse d’impédance électronique et l’adaptation d’impédance bidimensionnelle (inductive et capacitive). Dans le chapitre 1, sont d'abord étudiés les dispositifs non linéaires traditionnels résistifs, capacitifs et inductifs. Les dispositifs non linéaires émergents, y compris les dispositifs MEMS et la spindiode, sont ensuite explorés. La construction physique de base, les principes de fonctionnement, ainsi que les caractéristiques et applications pour divers types de dispositifs non linéaires sont expliqués et comparés. Les lignes de transmission non-linéaires (NLTL) traditionnelles utilisant des dispositifs non linéaires capacitifs (varactor, BST etc.) ou inductifs (ferrite saturée), et la technique hybride NLTL émergente utilisant à la fois des dispositifs non linéaires capacitifs et inductifs sont également étudiées. Le chapitre 2 examine les techniques de conversion d'énergie micro-ondes à courant-continu de faible puissance à la fine pointe de la technologie. Une image complète de l'état de l'art sur cet aspect est donnée graphiquement. Elle compare différentes technologies telles que le transistor, la diode et les technologies CMOS. Depuis le tout début des techniques intégrées RF et micro-ondes et de la récupération d'énergie, les diodes Schottky ont été le plus souvent utilisées dans les circuits de mélange et de redressement. Cependant, dans des applications spécifiques de récupération d'énergie, la technique des diodes Schottky ne parvient pas à fournir une efficacité satisfaisante de conversion RF-dc. Suite aux limitations mises en évidence des dispositifs actuels, ce travail introduit, pour la première fois, un composant non linéaire pour une redressement de faible puissance, basé sur une découverte récente en spintronique, à savoir, la jonction tunnel magnétique, parfois appelée spindiode. Un modèle équivalent de spindiode est développé pour décrire le comportement en fréquence.----------ABSTRACT Modern communication systems are heavily dependent on nonlinear circuits, such as PA, mixer, multiplier, oscillator, switch, etc., the core of which are either passive nonlinear elements and devices (e.g. diodes) or active nonlinear components and devices (e.g. transistors). This thesis aims at investigating a number of traditional and emerging passive nonlinear devices and nonlinear transmission line (NLTL) techniques, and developing four of their microwave applications such as wireless power harvesting, electronic impedance synthesizer, and two-dimensional tuning circuit. In Chapter 1, traditional nonlinear devices in terms of the categories of resistive, capacitive and inductive are firstly investigated. Emerging nonlinear devices including microelectromechanical system (MEMS) devices and spindiodes are then explored. The basic physical constructions, operation principles, and characteristics as well as applications of various types of nonlinear devices are explained and compared. Traditional NLTL techniques make use of either capacitive nonlinear devices (varactor, BST etc.) or inductive nonlinear devices (saturated ferrite), and emerging hybrid NLTL techniques are also studied through the deployment of both nonlinear capacitive and inductive devices. Chapter 2 examines the state-of-the-art low-power microwave-to-dc energy conversion techniques. A comprehensive picture of the state-of-the-art on this aspect is given graphically, which compares different technologies such as transistor, diode, and CMOS schemes. Since the very beginning of RF and microwave integrated techniques and energy harvesting, Schottky diodes as the undisputable dominant choice, have been widely used in mixing and rectifying circuits. However, in specific μW power-harvesting applications, the Schottky diode technique seemingly fails to provide a satisfactory RF–dc conversion. Subsequent to the highlighted limitations of current devices, this work introduces, for the first time, a nonlinear component for low-power rectification based on a recent discovery in spintronics, namely, the Magnetic Tunnel Junction, also called spindiode. An equivalent model of spindiode is developed to describe the frequency behavior. Full parametric studies show that the interfacial capacitance, rather than the geometric capacitance, as it is usually the case for diode, plays a crucial role in the drop of efficiency in microwave frequency applications