18,658 research outputs found

    Norms as products of linear polynomials

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    Let F be a number field, and let F\subset K be a field extension of degree n. Suppose that we are given 2r sufficiently general linear polynomials in r variables over F. Let X be the variety over F such that the F-points of X bijectively correspond to the representations of the product of these polynomials by a norm from K to F. Combining the circle method with descent we prove that the Brauer-Manin obstruction is the only obstruction to the Hasse principle and weak approximation on any smooth and projective model of X.Comment: 25 page

    The symmetric Radon-Nikod\'ym property for tensor norms

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    We introduce the symmetric-Radon-Nikod\'ym property (sRN property) for finitely generated s-tensor norms β\beta of order nn and prove a Lewis type theorem for s-tensor norms with this property. As a consequence, if β\beta is a projective s-tensor norm with the sRN property, then for every Asplund space EE, the canonical map ~βn,sE(~βn,sE)\widetilde{\otimes}_{\beta}^{n,s} E' \to \Big(\widetilde{\otimes}_{\beta'}^{n,s} E \Big)' is a metric surjection. This can be rephrased as the isometric isomorphism Qmin(E)=Q(E)\mathcal{Q}^{min}(E) = \mathcal{Q}(E) for certain polynomial ideal \Q. We also relate the sRN property of an s-tensor norm with the Asplund or Radon-Nikod\'{y}m properties of different tensor products. Similar results for full tensor products are also given. As an application, results concerning the ideal of nn-homogeneous extendible polynomials are obtained, as well as a new proof of the well known isometric isomorphism between nuclear and integral polynomials on Asplund spaces.Comment: 17 page

    Unconditionality in tensor products and ideals of polynomials, multilinear forms and operators

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    We study tensor norms that destroy unconditionality in the following sense: for every Banach space EE with unconditional basis, the nn-fold tensor product of EE (with the corresponding tensor norm) does not have unconditional basis. We establish an easy criterion to check weather a tensor norm destroys unconditionality or not. Using this test we get that all injective and projective tensor norms different from ε\varepsilon and π\pi destroy unconditionality, both in full and symmetric tensor products. We present applications to polynomial ideals: we show that many usual polynomial ideals never enjoy the Gordon-Lewis property. We also consider the unconditionality of the monomial basic sequence. Analogous problems for multilinear and operator ideals are addressed.Comment: 23 page

    Geometry of integral polynomials, MM-ideals and unique norm preserving extensions

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    We use the Aron-Berner extension to prove that the set of extreme points of the unit ball of the space of integral polynomials over a real Banach space XX is {±ϕk:ϕX,ϕ=1}\{\pm \phi^k: \phi \in X^*, \| \phi\|=1\}. With this description we show that, for real Banach spaces XX and YY, if XX is a non trivial MM-ideal in YY, then ^ϵk,sk,sX\hat\bigotimes^{k,s}_{\epsilon_{k,s}} X (the kk-th symmetric tensor product of XX endowed with the injective symmetric tensor norm) is \emph{never} an MM-ideal in ^ϵk,sk,sY\hat\bigotimes^{k,s}_{\epsilon_{k,s}} Y. This result marks up a difference with the behavior of non-symmetric tensors since, when XX is an MM-ideal in YY, it is known that ^ϵkkX\hat\bigotimes^k_{\epsilon_k} X (the kk-th tensor product of XX endowed with the injective tensor norm) is an MM-ideal in ^ϵkkY\hat\bigotimes^k_{\epsilon_k} Y. Nevertheless, if XX is Asplund, we prove that every integral kk-homogeneous polynomial in XX has a unique extension to YY that preserves the integral norm. We explicitly describe this extension. We also give necessary and sufficient conditions (related with the continuity of the Aron-Berner extension morphism) for a fixed kk-homogeneous polynomial PP belonging to a maximal polynomial ideal \Q(^kX) to have a unique norm preserving extension to \Q(^kX^{**}). To this end, we study the relationship between the bidual of the symmetric tensor product of a Banach space and the symmetric tensor product of its bidual and show (in the presence of the BAP) that both spaces have `the same local structure'. Other applications to the metric and isomorphic theory of symmetric tensor products and polynomial ideals are also given.Comment: 25 page

    Non-linear Plank Problems and polynomial inequalities

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    We study lower bounds for the norm of the product of polynomials and their applications to the so called \emph{plank problem.} We are particularly interested in polynomials on finite dimensional Banach spaces, in which case our results improve previous works when the number of polynomials is large.Comment: 19 page

    Polynomial Norms

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    In this paper, we study polynomial norms, i.e. norms that are the dthd^{\text{th}} root of a degree-dd homogeneous polynomial ff. We first show that a necessary and sufficient condition for f1/df^{1/d} to be a norm is for ff to be strictly convex, or equivalently, convex and positive definite. Though not all norms come from dthd^{\text{th}} roots of polynomials, we prove that any norm can be approximated arbitrarily well by a polynomial norm. We then investigate the computational problem of testing whether a form gives a polynomial norm. We show that this problem is strongly NP-hard already when the degree of the form is 4, but can always be answered by testing feasibility of a semidefinite program (of possibly large size). We further study the problem of optimizing over the set of polynomial norms using semidefinite programming. To do this, we introduce the notion of r-sos-convexity and extend a result of Reznick on sum of squares representation of positive definite forms to positive definite biforms. We conclude with some applications of polynomial norms to statistics and dynamical systems

    A Lindenstrauss theorem for some classes of multilinear mappings

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    Under some natural hypotheses, we show that if a multilinear mapping belongs to some Banach multlinear ideal, then it can be approximated by multilinear mappings belonging to the same ideal whose Arens extensions simultaneously attain their norms. We also consider the class of symmetric multilinear mappings.Comment: 11 page