238 research outputs found

    Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems of Finite Index Working in Hybrid Modes

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    We study cooperating distributed grammar systems working in hybrid modes in connection with the finite index restriction in two different ways: firstly, we investigate cooperating distributed grammar systems working in hybrid modes which characterize programmed grammars with the finite index restriction; looking at the number of components of such systems, we obtain surprisingly rich lattice structures for the inclusion relations between the corresponding language families. Secondly, we impose the finite index restriction on cooperating distributed grammar systems working in hybrid modes themselves, which leads us to new characterizations of programmed grammars of finite index.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2014, arXiv:1405.527

    Controlled Rewriting Using Productions and Reductions

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    We investigate context-free grammars the rules of which can be used in a productive and in a reductive fashion, while the application of these rules is controlled by a regular language. We distinguish several modes of derivation for this kind of grammar. The resulting language families (properly) extend the family of context-free languages. We establish some closure properties of these language families and some grammatical transformations which yield a few normal forms for this type of grammar. Finally, we consider some special cases (viz. the context-free grammar is linear or left-linear), and generalizations, in particular, the use of arbitrary rather than regular control languages

    Controlled Bidirectional Grammars

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    We investigate context-free grammars the rules of which can be used in a productive and in a reductive fashion, while the application of these rules is controlled by a regular language. We distinguish several modes of derivation for this kind of grammar. The resulting language families (properly) extend the family of context-free languages. We establish some closure properties of these language families and some grammatical transformations which yield a few normal forms for this type of grammar. Finally, we consider some special cases (viz. the context-free grammar is linear or left-linear), and generalizations, in particular, the use of arbitrary rather than regular control languages

    Automating the teaching of artificial language using production systems

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    The work to be described here is an investigation into the means whereby the learning of programming languages may be made easier. The role of formal definitions of programming languages is studied and a system is described which utilises production systems as the basis for generating an environment in which students may test their understanding of programming languages. This system for automating the teaching of programming languages provides an experimental testbed for carrying out further investigations into programming behaviour

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 12. Number 4.

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    On Erasing Rules in Regulated Grammars

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    V této práci je diskutován vliv vymazávacích pravidel na generativní sílu řízených gramatik, což je velký otevřený problém teorie řízeného přepisování. Tato práce studuje možnost odstranění vymazávacích pravidel z těchto gramatik tak, že shromažďuje aktuální výsledky na toto téma a přináší novou podmínku, nazvanou k-limitované vymazávání, která zaručuje, že jsme bez vlivu na generovaný jazyk schopni odstranit všechna vymazávací pravidla z libovolné bezkontextové gramatiky řízené regulárním jazykem splňující tuto podmínku. Tento výsledek je částečným řešením výše zmíněného problému. Mimoto je prezentován nový algoritmus k odstranění vymazávacích pravidel z bezkontextových gramatik, který nepotřebuje předurčovat tzv. epsilon-neterminály (na rozdíl od standardního algoritmu používaného v učebnicích). V závěru je zhodnocen přínos těchto výsledků pro syntaktickou analýzu.This work discusses the effect of erasing rules to the generative power of regulated grammars, which is a big open problem in the theory of regulated rewriting. It studies the possibility of removal of erasing rules from regulated grammars by aggregation of current, up-to-date results concerning this elimination and by presentation of a new condition, called k-limited erasing, under which all erasing rules can be always removed from regularly controlled context-free grammars without affecting their generative power. This result partially solves the abovementioned problem. Moreover, a new algorithm for elimination of erasing rules from context-free grammars is presented. This algorithm does not require any predetermination of so called epsilon-nonterminals (in contrast to the standard algorithm used in textbooks). In the conclusion, a significance of these results concerning syntactical analysis is discussed.

    Descriptional Succinctness of Some Grammatical Formalisms for Natrual Language

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    We investigate the problem of describing languages compactly in different grammatical formalisms for natural languages. In particular, the problem is studied from the point of view of some newly developed natural language formalisms like linear control grammars (LCGs) and tree adjoining grammars (TAGs); these formalisms not only generate non-context-free languages that capture a wide variety of syntactic phenomena found in natural language, but also have computationally efficient polynomial time recognition algorithms. We prove that the formalisms enjoy the property of unbounded succinctness over the family of context-grammars, i.e. they are, in general, able to provide more compact representations of natural languages as compared to standard context-free grammars