39 research outputs found

    Data-driven model-based approaches to condition monitoring and improving power output of wind turbines

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    The development of the wind farm has grown dramatically in worldwide over the past 20 years. In order to satisfy the reliability requirement of the power grid, the wind farm should generate sufficient active power to make the frequency stable. Consequently, many methods have been proposed to achieve optimizing wind farm active power dispatch strategy. In previous research, it assumed that each wind turbine has the same health condition in the wind farm, hence the power dispatch for healthy and sub-healthy wind turbines are treated equally. It will accelerate the sub-healthy wind turbines damage, which may leads to decrease generating efficiency and increases operating cost of the wind farm. Thus, a novel wind farm active power dispatch strategy considering the health condition of wind turbines and wind turbine health condition estimation method are the proposed. A modelbased CM approach for wind turbines based on the extreme learning machine (ELM) algorithm and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) are used to estimate health condition of the wind turbine. Essentially, the aim of the proposed method is to make the healthy wind turbines generate power as much as possible and reduce fatigue loads on the sub-healthy wind turbines. Compared with previous methods, the proposed methods is able to dramatically reduce the fatigue loads on subhealthy wind turbines under the condition of satisfying network operator active power demand and maximize the operation efficiency of those healthy turbines. Subsequently, shunt active power filters (SAPFs) are used to improve power quality of the grid by mitigating harmonics injected from nonlinear loads, which is further to increase the reliability of the wind turbine system

    Real time observer and control scheme for a wind turbine system based on a high order sliding modes

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    The introduction of advanced control algorithms may improve considerably the efficiency of wind turbine systems. This work proposes a high order sliding mode (HOSM) control scheme based on the super twisting algorithm for regulating the wind turbine speed in order to obtain the maximum power from the wind. A robust aerodynamic torque observer, also based on the super twisting algorithm, is included in the control scheme in order to avoid the use of wind speed sensors. The presented robust control scheme ensures good performance under system uncertainties avoiding the chattering problem, which may appear in traditional sliding mode control schemes. The stability analysis of the proposed HOSM observer is provided by means of the Lyapunov stability theory. Experimental results show that the proposed control scheme, based on HOSM controller and observer, provides good performance and that this scheme is robust with respect to system uncertainties and external disturbances.The authors are very grateful to the Basque Government by its support through the project EKOHEGAZ (ELKARTEK KK-2021/00092), to the Diputacion Foral de Alava (DFA) by its support through the project CONAVANTER, to Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia by its support through the project Etorkizuna Eraikiz 2019, and to the UPV/EHU by its support through the project GIU20/063

    Internal Model Control (IMC) design for a stall-regulated variable-speed wind turbine system

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    A stall-regulated wind turbine with fixed-speed operation provides a configuration which is one of the cheapest and simplest forms of wind generation and configurations. This type of turbine, however, is non-optimal at low winds, stresses the component structure and gives rise to significant power peaks during early stall conditions at high wind speeds. These problems can be overcome by having a properly designed generator speed control. Therefore, to track the maximum power locus curve at low winds, suppress the power peaks at medium winds, limit the power at a rated level at high winds and obtain a satisfactory power-wind speed curve performance (that closely resembles the ideal power-wind speed curve) with minimum stress torque simultaneously over the whole range of the wind speed variations, the availability of active control is vital. The main purpose of this study is to develop an internal model control (IMC) design for the squirrel-cage induction generator (SCIG), coupled with a full-rated power converter of a small (25 kW), stall-regulated, variable-speed wind-turbine (SRVSWT) system, which is subject to variations in the generator speed, electromagnetic torque and rotor flux. The study was done using simulations only. The objective of the controller was to optimise the generator speed to maximise the active power generated during the partial load region and maintain or restrict the generator speed to reduce/control the torque stress and the power-peaking between the partial and full load regions, before power was limited at the rated value of 25 kW at the full load region. The considered investigation involved estimating the proportional-integral (PI) and integral-proportional (IP) controllers parameter values used to track the stator-current producing torque, the rotor flux and the angular mechanical generator speed, before being used in the indirect vector control (IVC) and the sensorless indirect vector control (SLIVC) model algorithms of the SCIG system. The design of the PI and IP controllers was based on the fourth-order model of the SCIG, which is directly coupled to the full-rated power converter through the machine stator, whereas the machine rotor is connected to the turbine rotor via a gearbox. Both step and realistic wind speed profiles were considered. The IMC-based PI and IP controllers (IMC-PI-IP) tuning rule was proven to have smoothened the power curve and shown to give better estimation results compared to the IMC-based PI controllers (IMC-PI), Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) and Tyreus-Luyben (ZN) tuning rules. The findings also showed that for the SRVSWT system that employed the IVC model algorithm with the IMC-PI-IP tuning rule, considering the application of a maintained/constant speed (CS) strategy at the intermediate load region is more profitable than utilizing SRVSWT with the modified power tracking (MoPT) strategy. Besides that, the finding also suggested that, for the IMC-PI-IP approach, the IVC does provide better power tracking performance than the SLIVC model algorithm

    AI-based hybrid optimisation of multi-megawatt scale permanent magnet synchronous generators for offshore wind energy capture

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    The finite nature of earth’s natural resources has become a post-industrial reality. Despite their alarming depletion, fossil fuels still dominated the global final energy landscape. Technological advances and rapid deployment of various renewable energy technologies have demonstrated their potential at reducing the worlds dependency on fossil fuels and their negative impacts. Presently, wind energy is the most cost-effective means of renewable energy conversion in the developed world and has currently has a price point that is in direct competition with fossil fuel. Coupled with the low price, the adoption of wind power has seen capacity increases in excess of 650% over the last ten years. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators (PMSGs) have become prominent in large wind energy system applications. The Radial Flux machine topology has become particularly attractive. In order to improve the competitiveness of large wind energy systems, the main focal point of current research is toward reducing the Levelised Cost of Energy (LCOE) of the systems. A proven method of reducing the LCOE of wind power generation is by upscaling RF-PMSGs to the multi mega-watt (MW) range. For the much wider adoption of wind power generation, the cost of energy (price/MWh) needs to be driven down further, by the development of more efficient and cost-effective ways to harvest the vast amounts of energy. The main objective of this dissertation is the drive-train selection, detailed design, sizing and optimisation of a 10.8 MW permanent magnet radial flux synchronous generator (RF-PMSG) to be used in the next generation of offshore wind farms. From an analytical viewpoint, the results suggested the use of a medium speed RF-PMSG utilizing a single-stage geared drivetrain, together with a MV voltage rating (3.3kV) for the 10.8 MW RF-PMSG designed in the thesis. Finally, this dissertation proposes a promising hybrid, analytical-numerical optimisation of a 10.8 MW RF-PMSG to be used for offshore Wind Energy Conversion. The hybrid optimisation utilises a two-stage optimisation strategy that incorporates both an analytical and a numerical (FEA) optimisation; using the DE algorithm and the Taguchi method respectively. Although the permanent magnet losses are neglected in the analytical loss calculations, they are included in the numerical FE portion of the hybrid optimisation. The initial stage (STAGE I) of the hybrid optimisation utilised the DE algorithm. The objective function was set to reduce the initial cost (!"#"%&) of the RF-PMSG, by reducing the active material mass ('()"*+) in the generator, i.e. NdFeB PM mass (',-), copper mass (').), and active steel in the stator lamination and rotor core ('/0%&1++&), while maintaining a pmsg efficiency (23456 ≥ 97%). The initial stage saw a reduction in initial cost by 25.5%, while maintaining an efficiency of 23456 = 97.8%. The final stage (STAGE II) of the hybrid optimisation utilising the Taguchi method, to make improvements on the performance of the machine, by optimising the Torque and back EMF characteristics while further reducing the NdFeB PM mass. The Magnet Fill Factor (APM), the Slot opening (bs0), the thickness of the permanent magnet poles (ℎ34) and the equivalent length of the air gap (?6) were used as optimisation variables. The final stage saw a decrease in cogging torque (@)06) by 53.4%, an increase in average torque (@%*) by 1.1%, a reduction in the total harmonic distortion of the back EMF (@AB) by 8.0%, a reduction in the required mass of the NdFeB permanent magnet material by 12.43%, while maintaining a torque ripple (@C"3) < 10%. The RF-PMSG characteristics optimised using the hybrid analytical-numerical optimisation were hypothesised to contribute in a reduction of the LCOE of offshore wind energy both in terms of Operational expenditure (OPEX) and Capital expenditure (CAPEX)

    First Order Dynamic Sliding Mode Control of a Wind Turbine with Optimized Tip Speed Ratio

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    This thesis explores a novel sliding mode control method to boost power from wind turbines, focusing on the power optimization region. The controller, designed for a 3rd-order system with generator torque input and rotor torque disturbance, is tested using a simple wind turbine model and FAST for validation. The first objective is to identify the optimal tip-speed-ratio (TSR) for maximum power using the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) method. The RLS generates a polynomial connecting the TSR and power coefficient, defining the wind turbine's operating point. A forgetting factor is incorporated in the RLS method for system adaptability to changing conditions. The other objective utilizes a first-order dynamic sliding mode controller with integration (FODSMCI) to control the wind turbine, keeping it at the optimal TSR for maximum power without chattering. The study revealed the RLS's effectiveness in determining optimal TSR on wind turbine models. The FODSMCI enables a balance between controller performance and rotor speed tracking, yielding a chatter-free response

    Multi-Objective Control Strategies and Prognostic-Based Lifetime Extension of Utility-Scale Wind Turbines

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    Windenergie wird zunehmend als erneuerbare Energiequellen attraktiv, da Wind nachhaltig genutzt werden kann. In vielen Ländern gibt es umfangreiche Anstrengungen, die Produktion von elektrischer Energie aus Wind zu steigern. Im Vergleich zu anderen erneuerbaren Energiequellen wie Sonne, Gezeiten, Wasserkraft o.ä. ist die Energiegewinnung aus Wind technologisch ausgereifter. Daher ist die Energiegewinnung aus Wind stärker gewachsen ist als andere Technologien. Windkraft verursacht weniger nachteilige Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt als konventionelle Energiequellen. Aufgrund der vergleichsweise hohen Investitions-, Betriebs- und Wartungskosten sind trotz einer weltweit starken Verbreitung von Windenergieanlagen die Produktionskosten von Windenergie im Vergleich mit anderen alternativen Energiequellen hoch. Um die wachsende Nachfrage nachWindkraft zu befriedigen, werdenWindkraftanlagen in Größe und Leistung zunehmend skaliert. Bei zunehmender Größe dominieren die strukturellen Lasten der Turbine. Dies führt vermehrt zu Materialermüdung und Ausfällen. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt in der Entwicklung von Windtechologie ist die Forderung nach Senkung der Produktionskosten, um einen Wettbewerbsvorteil gegenüber anderen alternativen Energiequellen zu schaffen. Im Bereich der Steuerung können niedrigere Produktionskosten durch den Betrieb der Windturbine am/oder in der Nähe der optimalen Energieeffizienz im Teillastbetrieb erreicht werden. Dies erhöht die Zuverlässigkeit durch Verringerung des Verschleißes und die erzeugte Nennleistung auf ihrem Nennwert im hohen Windregime. Häufig ist es schwierig, einen Steueralgorithmus zu realisieren, der sowohl Effizienz als auch Zuverlässigkeit gewährleistet, da diese beiden Ziele widersprechen. In dieser Arbeit werden Mehrzielsteuerungsstrategien sowohl für den Teillastbereich als auch für hohe Windgeschwindigkeits bereiche vorgestellt. Im Bereich geringer Windgeschwindigkeiten ist eine Steuerungsstrategie so zu konzipieren, dass die Stromerzeugung sowie die strukturelle Belastung im Sinne einer Balance zwischen maximalen Stromproduktion und verlängerter Lebensdauer der Windturbine optimal ist. Für den Bereich hoher Windgeschwindigkeiten wird ein multivariates Steuerungsverfahren vorgeschlagen, um das Verhältnis von Leistung/Geschwindigkeit und struktureller Lastreduzierung zu optimieren. Es wird ein Regler zur Einzelblattverstellung entworfen, um sowohl die unausgewogene Strukturlasten als auch durch die Variation des Windgeschwindigkeit verursachte Rotorscheibe, vertikale Windscherung und Gierversatz fehler zu reduzieren. Um die Zuverlässigkeit derWindturbine zu gewährleisten, ist ein Online-Schadensbewertungsmodell in den Hauptwindturbinenregelkreis integriert, so dass die Windturbine entsprechend ihres aktuellen Verschleißzustandes betrieben wird. In Abhängigkeit von der akkumulierten Schadenshöhe werden Regler zur Einzelblattverstellung mit unterschiedlichen Lastreduktionen und Kompromissen bei der Stromerzeugung eingesetzt, um zwischen den beiden Zielen verlängerte Lebensdauer und Leistungsregelung einen geeigneten Kompromiss zu erzielten. Aufgrund der Herausforderungen die mit Offshore-Windpark Standorten verbunden sind, ist diese Art von prognose-basierter Regelung im Windturbinenbetrieb vor allem im Offshore-Einsatz vorteilhaft. Insbesondere im Kontext output-basierter Vertragsformen z.B. power purchase agreement (PPA) kann dieser Ansatz zur Optimierung der Wartungsplanung genutzt werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die vorgeschlagenen Strategien die Auflast auf Windturbinen reduzieren kann ohne sich auf andere Ziele wie die Leistungsoptimierung und Leistung/Drehzahlregelung auszuwirken. Es konnte außerdem gezeigt werden, dass eine prognostisch basierte Steuerung effektiv die Lebensdauer von Windenergieanalagen verlängern kann, ohne das Ziel der Leistungsregelung einzuschränken.Wind energy is one of the rapidly growing renewable sources of energy due to the fact that wind is abundantly available and unlikely to be exhausted like fossil fuel. Additionally, there are deliberate effort to sensitize many countries to develop polices that support production of electrical power from wind. Maturity of wind energy technology has made power production from wind grow significantly compared to other renewable energy sources such as solar, tidal, hydro among others. Like many other renewable energy sources, production of power from wind has less adverse effects on the environment. Despite the growth of global cumulative installed wind capacity, its cost of production is still higher compared to other alternative energy sources due to high initial investment cost and high operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. To meet the growing demand of wind power, wind turbines are being scaled up both in size and power rating. However, as the size increases, the structural loads of the turbine become more dominant, causing increased fatigue stress on the turbine components and consequent loss of functionality before the end of lifetime. Another area of focus in wind power production is lowering its production cost; hence, making it more competitive compared to other alternative power sources. From the control point of view, low production cost of wind energy can be achieved by operating wind turbine at/or near the optimum power efficiency during partial load regime, regulating generated power to its rated value in the high wind regime as well as mitigating structural loads so as to guarantee extended lifetime. Often, it is difficult to realize a control algorithm that can effectively guarantee both efficiency and reliability because these two aspects involve conflicting objective. Therefore, it is important to optimize the trade-off between these competing control objectives. In this thesis, multi-objective control strategies for both the partial load region and high wind speed region are presented. During low wind speed, a control strategy that optimizes power production as well as mitigating structural load is designed to balance between power production maximization and extended lifetime of wind turbine. On the other hand, a multivariate control method to balance between power/speed regulation and structural load reduction is proposed for high wind speed region. More specifically, an individual blade pitch controller is designed to eliminate the unbalanced deterministic structural loads across rotor disc caused by variation in wind speed, vertical wind shear, and yaw misalignment error. To guarantee reliability in wind turbine, an online damage evaluation model is also integrated into the main wind turbine control loop such that wind turbine is operated accordance to its structural health status in order to tolerate fault or to extend its service lifetime by a given period of time. Depending on the accumulated damage level, individual pitch controllers with different degrees of load reduction and power production compromise are employed to balance between extended lifetime and power regulation objective. This kind of prognostic-based control is useful in wind turbine operation, especially in offshore application due to challenges associated with offshore wind farm sites. Additionally, in wind farms that are managed through output-based contracts such as power purchase agreement (PPA), this approach can be utilized to optimize maintenance scheduling to avoid unscheduled downtime. The results demonstrated that the proposed multi-objective control strategies can reduce structural load on wind turbine without adversely affecting other objectives of power optimization and power/speed regulation. It has also be shown that a prognostic-based control can be effectively used to extend the lifetime of wind turbine without sacrificing the objective of power regulation

    Design, validation and application of wave-to-wire models for heaving point absorber wave energy converters

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    Ocean waves represent an untapped source of renewable energy which can significantly contribute to the energy transition towards a sustainable energy mix. Despite the significant potential of this energy source and the multiple solutions suggested for the extraction of energy from ocean waves, some of which have demonstrated to be technically viable, no commercial wave energy farm has yet been connected to the electricity grid. This means that none of the technologies suggested in the literature has achieved economic viability. In order to make wave energy converters economically viable, it is essential to accurately understand and evaluate the holistic behaviour and performance of wave energy converters, including all the different conversion stages from ocean waves to the electricity grid. This can be achieved through wave tank or open ocean testing campaigns, which are extremely expensive and, thus, can critically determine the financial sustainability of the developing organisation, due to the risk of such large investments. Therefore, precise mathematical models that consider all the important dynamics, losses and constraints of the different conversion stages (including wave-structure hydrodynamic interaction and power take-off system), known as wave-to-wire models, are crucial in the development of successful wave energy converters. Hence, a comprehensive literature review of the different mathematical approaches suggested for modelling the different conversion stages and existing wave-to-wire models is presented, defining the foundations of parsimonious wave-to-wire models and their potential applications. As opposed to other offshore applications, wave energy converters need to exaggerate their motion to maximise energy absorption from ocean waves, which breaks the assumption of small body motion upon which linear models are based. An extensive investigation on the suitability of linear models and the relevance of different nonlinear effects is carried out, where control conditions are shown to play an important role. Hence, a computationally efficient mathematical model that incorporates nonlinear Froude-Krylov forces and viscous effects is presented. In the case of the power take-off system, mathematical models for different hydraulic transmission system configurations and electric generator topologies are presented, where the main losses are included using specific loss models with parameters identified via manufacturers’ data. In order to gain confidence in the mathematical models, the models corresponding to the different conversion stages are validated separately against either high-fidelity well-established software or experimental results, showing very good agreement. The main objective of this thesis is the development of a comprehensive wave-to-wire model. This comprehensive wave-to-wire model is created by adequately combining the subsystems corresponding to the different components or conversion stages. However, time-step requirements vary significantly depending on the dynamics included in each subsystem. Hence, if the time-step required for capturing the fastest dynamics is used in all the subsystems, unnecessary computation is performed in the subsystems with slower dynamics. Therefore, a multi-rate time-integration scheme is implemented, meaning that each subsystem uses the sample period required to adequately capture the dynamics of the components included in that conversion stage, which significantly reduces the overall computational requirements. In addition, the relevance of using a high-fidelity comprehensive wave-to-wire model in accurately designing wave energy converters and assessing their capabilities is demonstrated. For example, energy maximising controllers based on excessively simplified mathematical models result in dramatic consequences, such as negative average generated power or situations where the device remains stuck at one of the end-stops of the power take-off system. Despite the reasonably high-fidelity of the results provided by this comprehensive wave-towire model, some applications require the highest possible fidelity level and have no limitation with respect to computational cost. Hence, the simulation platform HiFiWEC, which couples a numerical wave tank based on computational fluid dynamics to the high-fidelity power take-off model, is created. In contrast, low computational cost is the main requirement for other applications and, thus, a systematic complexity reduction approach is suggested in this thesis, significantly reducing the computational cost of the HiFiWEC platform, while retaining the adequate fidelity level for each application. Due to the relevance of the nonlinearity degree when evaluating the complexity of a mathematical model, two nonlinearity measures to quantify this nonlinearity degree are defined. Hence, wave-to-wire models specifically created for each application are generated via the systematic complexity reduction approach, which provide the adequate trade-off between computational cost and fidelity level required for each application

    Wind Power Integration into Power Systems: Stability and Control Aspects

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    Power network operators are rapidly incorporating wind power generation into their power grids to meet the widely accepted carbon neutrality targets and facilitate the transition from conventional fossil-fuel energy sources to clean and low-carbon renewable energy sources. Complex stability issues, such as frequency, voltage, and oscillatory instability, are frequently reported in the power grids of many countries and regions (e.g., Germany, Denmark, Ireland, and South Australia) due to the substantially increased wind power generation. Control techniques, such as virtual/emulated inertia and damping controls, could be developed to address these stability issues, and additional devices, such as energy storage systems, can also be deployed to mitigate the adverse impact of high wind power generation on various system stability problems. Moreover, other wind power integration aspects, such as capacity planning and the short- and long-term forecasting of wind power generation, also require careful attention to ensure grid security and reliability. This book includes fourteen novel research articles published in this Energies Special Issue on Wind Power Integration into Power Systems: Stability and Control Aspects, with topics ranging from stability and control to system capacity planning and forecasting

    Sliding mode control in grid-connected wind farms for stability enhancement

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    Aiming at reducing the rather high percentage of CO2 emissions attributed to the electrical energy production industry, a new generation of power plants has been introduced which produce electricity by using primary energy resources which are said to be renewable, such as wind, solar, geothermal and biomass. This has had not only the benefit of reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere to a trickle, by the new power plants but to also encourage a great deal of technological advance in both the manufacturing sector and in research institutions. Wind power is arguably the most advanced form of renewable energy generation today, from the bulk energy production and economic vantages. This doctoral thesis rigorously deals with the analysis, assessment and description of the impact of double-fed variable speed wind turbine on the dynamic behaviour of both, the wind farm itself and its interconnection with the conventional power generation system. Analytical analysis of the results published in the open literature is used as a tool to gain a solid understanding of the dynamic behaviour of power systems with wind generation. The influence of the characteristics of the electrical system and wind turbines or external parameters on stability is assessed using modal analysis. Studies conducted have focused on the analysis of transient stability and small signal stability for the damping of oscillations in power systems and its enhancement. Analysis of small signal stability and transient stability analysis are carried out using modal analysis and dynamic simulations in the time domain. This thesis proposes the implementation of sliding mode control techniques for the DFIG WT converters, both the Machine-Side Converter (MSC) and the Grid-Side Converter (GSC). The proposed control system is assessed on conventional dynamic power systems with wind power generation under different test case scenarios. The newly developed SMC control scheme demonstrates the importance of employing non-linear control algorithms since they yield good operational performances and network support. This is of the utmost important since in power systems with wind power generation is critically important to ensure the robust operation of the whole system with no interaction of controllers. Sliding Mode Control shows to be more robust and exible than the classical controller, opening the door for a more widespread future participation of DFIG-WECS in the damping of power system oscillations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Con el objetivo de reducir el elevado porcentaje de las emisiones de CO2 atribuidas al sector de la generación de energía eléctrica, se ha introducido una nueva generación de centrales eléctricas cuya fuente primaria de energía es de naturaleza renovable como las eólicas, solares, geotérmicas y de biomasa. Esto no sólo beneficia la reducción de las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera sino que también estimula e impulsa el avance tecnológico, tanto en el sector manufacturero como en los centros de investigación. En la actualidad la energía eólica es probablemente la fuente de energía renovable más avanzada, desde la producción de energía hasta las ventajas económicas. La presente Tesis Doctoral se ha centrado en analizar, evaluar y describir rigurosamente el impacto de los aerogeneradores de velocidad variable doblemente alimentados en el comportamiento dinámico tanto del propio sistema eólico como de su interconexión con el sistema síncrono convencional de generación de energía eléctrica. El análisis analítico de los resultados publicados en la literatura es utilizado como herramienta para una mejor comprensión del comportamiento dinámico de los sistemas de potencia con generación eólica. La influencia de las características del sistema eléctrico y de los aerogeneradores o parámetros externos sobre la estabilidad es evaluada empleando análisis modal. Los estudios realizados se han enfocado en el análisis de estabilidad transitoria y de pequeña señal para la evaluación de la amortiguación de oscilaciones en las redes eléctricas de potencia. Análisis de estabilidad de pequeña señal y análisis de estabilidad transitoria son llevados a cabo usando análisis modal y simulaciones dinámicas en el dominio del tiempo. En esta tesis se propone la aplicación de técnicas de control en modo deslizante en los convertidores de los aerogeneradores doblemente alimentados, tanto en el convertidor de la máquina como en el convertidor de la red. El sistema de control propuesto es evaluado en redes dinámicas de generación convencional con generación eólica, considerando diferentes escenarios. El recientemente desarrollado sistema de control CMD demuestra la importancia de implementar algoritmos de control no lineales, ya que producen un buen rendimiento y dan soporte a la red. Esto es sumamente importante ya que en los sistemas de potencia con generación de energía eólica es vital asegurar el funcionamiento eficiente de todo el sistema sin interacción de los controladores. El Control en modo deslizante demuestra ser más robusto y flexible que el controlador cl asico, abriendo la puerta a un futuro con una mayor participación de generación eólica en la amortiguación de las oscilaciones de potencia

    Design Optimization of Wind Energy Conversion Systems with Applications

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    Modern and larger horizontal-axis wind turbines with power capacity reaching 15 MW and rotors of more than 235-meter diameter are under continuous development for the merit of minimizing the unit cost of energy production (total annual cost/annual energy produced). Such valuable advances in this competitive source of clean energy have made numerous research contributions in developing wind industry technologies worldwide. This book provides important information on the optimum design of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) with a comprehensive and self-contained handling of design fundamentals of wind turbines. Section I deals with optimal production of energy, multi-disciplinary optimization of wind turbines, aerodynamic and structural dynamic optimization and aeroelasticity of the rotating blades. Section II considers operational monitoring, reliability and optimal control of wind turbine components