10 research outputs found

    Contracts for Systems Design: Theory

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    Aircrafts, trains, cars, plants, distributed telecommunication military or health care systems,and more, involve systems design as a critical step. Complexity has caused system design times and coststo go severely over budget so as to threaten the health of entire industrial sectors. Heuristic methods andstandard practices do not seem to scale with complexity so that novel design methods and tools based on astrong theoretical foundation are sorely needed. Model-based design as well as other methodologies suchas layered and compositional design have been used recently but a unified intellectual framework with acomplete design flow supported by formal tools is still lacking.Recently an “orthogonal” approach has been proposed that can be applied to all methodologies introducedthus far to provide a rigorous scaffolding for verification, analysis and abstraction/refinement: contractbaseddesign. Several results have been obtained in this domain but a unified treatment of the topic that canhelp in putting contract-based design in perspective is missing. This paper intends to provide such treatmentwhere contracts are precisely defined and characterized so that they can be used in design methodologiessuch as the ones mentioned above with no ambiguity. In addition, the paper provides an important linkbetween interface and contract theories to show similarities and correspondences.This paper is complemented by a companion paper where contract based design is illustrated throughuse cases

    Transduction sémantique pour la modélisation de système

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    National audienceThe system design is a challenge for engineers. The cost of an error is sometimes considerable, and their detection is an important issue. Formal verification methods have been developed to address this. However, there is a significant gap between the theoretical promise of these methods and their practical integration, a gap that this article intends to reduce. The automatic formalization of statements expressed in natural language is explored. Our proposal is a method using abstract representation and associating statistical and symbolic approaches.La conception d'un système est un défi pour les ingénieurs. Le coût d'une erreur s'avère parfois considérable. De fait, leurs détections est un enjeu important. Des méthodes de vérification formelles ont été élaborées pour y répondre. Cependant, l'écart est important entre la promesse théo-rique de ces méthodes et leur intégration pratique, un écart que cet article vise à réduire. La formalisation automatique d'énoncés exprimés en langue naturelle est explorée par la proposition d'une méthode associant des approches statis-tiques et symboliques

    A Generalised Theory of Interface Automata, Component Compatibility and Error

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    Interface theories allow systems designers to reason about the composability and compatibility of concurrent system components. Such theories often extend both de Alfaro and Henzinger’s Interface Automata and Larsen’s Modal Transition Systems, which leads, however, to several issues that are undesirable in practice: an unintuitive treatment of specified unwanted behaviour, a binary compatibility concept that does not scale to multi-component assemblies, and compatibility guarantees that are insufficient for software product lines. In this paper we show that communication mismatches are central to all these problems and, thus, the ability to represent such errors semantically is an important feature of an interface theory. Accordingly, we present the error-aware interface theory EMIA, where the above shortcomings are remedied by introducing explicit fatal error states. In addition, we prove via a Galois insertion that EMIA is a conservative generalisation of the established MIA (Modal Interface Automata) theory

    Contracts for System Design

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    Systems design has become a key challenge and differentiating factor over the last decades for system companies. Aircrafts, trains, cars, plants, distributed telecommunication military or health care systems, and more, involve systems design as a critical step. Complexity has caused system design times and costs to go severely over budget so as to threaten the health of entire industrial sectors. Heuristic methods and standard practices do not seem to scale with complexity so that novel design methods and tools based on a strong theoretical foundation are sorely needed. Model-based design as well as other methodologies such as layered and compositional design have been used recently but a unified intellectual framework with a complete design flow supported by formal tools is still lacking albeit some attempts at this framework such as Platform-based Design have been successfully deployed. Recently an "orthogonal" approach has been proposed that can be applied to all methodologies proposed thus far to provide a rigorous scaffolding for verification, analysis and abstraction/refinement: contractbased design. Several results have been obtained in this domain but a unified treatment of the topic that can help in putting contract-based design in perspective is still missing. This paper intends to provide such treatment where contracts are precisely defined and characterized so that they can be used in design methodologies such as the ones mentioned above with no ambiguity. In addition, the paper provides an important link between interfaces and contracts to show similarities and correspondences. Examples of the use of contracts in design are provided as well as in depth analysis of existing literature.Cet article fait le point sur le concept de contrat pour la conception de systèmes. Les contrats que nous proposons portent, non seulement sur des propriétés de typage de leurs interfaces, mais incluent une description abstraite de comportements. Nous proposons une méta-théorie, ou, si l'on veut, une théorie générique des contrats, qui permet le développement séparé de sous-systèmes. Nous montrons que cette méta-théorie se spécialise en l'une ou l'autre des théories connues

    Compositional circuit design with asynchronous concepts

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    PhD ThesisSynchronous circuits are pervasive in modern digital systems, such as smart-phones, wearable devices and computers. Synchronous circuits are controlled by a global clock signal, which greatly simplifies their design but is also a limitation in some applications. Asynchronous circuits are a logical alternative: they do not use a global clock to synchronise their components. Instead, every component reacts to input events at the rate they occur. Asynchronous circuits are not widely adopted by industry, because they are often harder to design and require more sophisticated tools and formal models. Signal Transition Graphs (STGs) is a well-studied formal model for the specification, verification and synthesis of asynchronous circuits with state-of-the-art tool support. STGs use a graphical notation where vertices and arcs specify the operation of an asynchronous circuit. These graphical specifications can be difficult to describe compositionally, and provide little reusability of useful sections of a graph. In this thesis we present Asynchronous Concepts, a new design methodology for asynchronous circuit design. A concept is a self-contained description of a circuit requirement, which is composable with any other concept, allowing compositional specification of large asynchronous circuits. Concepts can be shared, reused and extended by users, promoting the reuse of behaviours within single or multiple specifications. Asynchronous Concepts can be translated to STGs to benefit from the existing theory and tools developed by the asynchronous circuits community. Plato is a software tool developed for Asynchronous Concepts that supports the presented design methodology, and provides automated methods for translation to STGs. The design flow which utilises Asynchronous Concepts is automated using Plato and the open-source toolsuite Workcraft, which can use the translated STGs in verification and synthesis using integrated tools. The proposed language, the design flow, and the supporting tools are evaluated on real-world case studies

    Modal Interface Theories for Specifying Component-based Systems

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    Large software systems frequently manifest as complex, concurrent, reactive systems and their correctness is often crucial for the safety of the application. Hence, modern techniques of software engineering employ incremental, component-based approaches to systems design. These are supported by interface theories which may serve as specification languages and as semantic foundations for software product lines, web-services, the internet of things, software contracts and conformance testing. Interface theories enable a systems designer to express communication requirements of components on their environments and to reason about the mutual compatibility of these requirements in order to guarantee the communication safety of the system. Further, interface theories enrich traditional operational specification theories by declarative aspects such as conjunction and disjunction, which allow one to specify systems heterogeneously. However, substantial practical aspects of software verification are not supported by current interface theories, e.g., reusing components, adapting components to changed operational environments, reasoning about the compatibility of more than two components, modelling software product lines or tracking erroneous behaviour in safety-critical systems. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the theoretical foundations for making interface theories more practical by solving the above issues. Although partial solutions to some of these issues have been presented in the literature, none of them succeeds without sacrificing other desired features. The particular challenge of this thesis is to solve these problems simultaneously within a single interface theory. To this end, the arguably most general interface theory Modal Interface Automata (MIA) is extended, yielding the interface theory Error-preserving Modal Interface Automata (EMIA). The above problems are addressed as follows. Quotient operators are adjoint to composition and, therefore, support component reuse. Such a quotient operator is introduced to both MIA and EMIA. It is the first one that considers nondeterministic dividends and compatibility. Alphabet extension operators for MIA and EMIA allow for the change of operational environment by permitting one to adapt system components to new interactions without breaking previously satisfied requirements. Erroneous behavior is identified as a common source of problems with respect to the compatibility of more than two components, the modelling of software product lines and erroneous behaviour in safety-critical systems. EMIA improves on previous interface theories by providing a more precise semantics with respect to erroneous behaviour based on error-preservation. The relation between error-preservation and the usual error-abstraction employed in previous interface theories is investigated, establishing a Galois insertion from MIA into EMIA that is relevant at the levels of specifications, composition operations and proofs. The practical utility of interface theories is demonstrated by providing a software implementation of MIA and EMIA that is applied to two case studies. Further, an outlook is given on the relation between type checking and refinement checking. As a proof of concept, the simple interface theory Interface Automata is extended to a behavioural type theory where type checking is a syntactic approximation of refinement checking.Große Softwaresysteme bilden häufig komplexe, nebenläufige, reaktive Systeme, deren Korrektheit für die Sicherheit der Anwendung entscheidend ist. Daher setzen moderne Verfahren der Softwaretechnik inkrementelle, komponentenbasierte Ansätze zum Software-Entwurf ein. Diese werden von Interface-Theorien unterstützt, die als Spezifikationssprachen und semantische Grundlagen für Softwareproduktlinien, Web-Services, das Internet der Dinge, Softwarekontrakte und Konformanztests dienen können. Interface-Theorien ermöglichen es, Kommunikationsanforderungen von Komponenten an ihre Umgebung auszudrücken, um die gegenseitige Kompatibilität dieser Anforderungen zu überprüfen und die Kommunikationssicherheit des Systems zu garantieren. Zudem erweitern Interface-Theorien traditionelle operationale Spezifikationstheorien um deklarative Aspekte wie beispielsweise Konjunktion und Disjunktion, die heterogenes Spezifizieren ermöglichen. Allerdings werden wesentliche praktische Aspekte der Softwareverifikation von Interface-Theorien nicht unterstützt, z.B. das Wiederverwenden von Komponenten, das Anpassen von Komponenten an geänderte operationale Umgebungen, die Kompatibilitätsprüfung von mehr als zwei Komponenten, das Modellieren von Softwareproduktlinien oder das Zurückverfolgen von Fehlverhalten sicherheitskritischer Systeme. Diese Arbeit untersucht die theoretischen Grundlagen von Interface-Theorien mit dem Ziel, die oben genannten praktischen Probleme zu lösen. Obwohl es in der Literatur Teillösungen zu manchen dieser Probleme gibt, erreicht keine davon ihr Ziel, ohne andere wünschenswerte Eigenschaften aufzugeben. Die besondere Herausforderung dieser Arbeit besteht darin, diese Probleme innerhalb einer einzigen Interface-Theorie zugleich zu lösen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die wohl allgemeinste Interface-Theorie Modal Interface Automata (MIA) zu der Interface-Theorie Error-preserving Modal Interface Automata (EMIA) weiterentwickelt. Die obigen Probleme werden wie folgt gelöst. Ein zur Komposition adjungierter Quotientenoperator, der das Wiederverwenden von Komponenten ermöglicht, wurde für MIA und EMIA eingeführt. Es handelt sich dabei um den ersten Quotientenoperator, der nichtdeterministische Dividenden und Kompatibilität betrachtet. Alphabeterweiterungsoperatoren erlauben eine Änderung der operationalen Umgebung, indem sie es ermöglichen, Komponenten an neue Interaktionen anzupassen, ohne zuvor erfüllte Anforderungen zu missachten. Fehlerhaftes Verhalten wird als eine gemeinsame Ursache von Problemen bezüglich der Kompatibilität von mehr als zwei Komponenten, der Modellierung von Softwareproduktlinien und des Fehlverhaltens sicherheitskritischer Systeme erkannt. EMIA verbessert bisherige Interface-Theorien durch eine präzisere Fehlersemantik, die auf dem Erhalten von Fehlern beruht. Als Beziehung zwischen diesem Fehlererhalt und der in bisherigen Interface-Theorien üblichen Fehlerabstraktion ergibt sich eine Galois-Einbettung von MIA in EMIA, die auf den Ebenen der Spezifikationen, Operatoren und Beweise relevant ist. Die praktische Anwendbarkeit von Interface-Theorien wird mittels einer Implementierung von MIA und EMIA als Software und deren Anwendung auf zwei Fallstudien demonstriert. Zudem wird das Verhältnis zwischen Verfeinerung und Typprüfung diskutiert. In einer Machbarkeitsstudie wurde die einfache Interface-Theorie Interface Automata zu einer Verhaltenstyptheorie erweitert, bei der die Typprüfung eine syntaktische Approximation der Verfeinerung ist

    Nondeterministic modal interfaces

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    Interface theories are employed in the component-based design of concurrent systems. They often emerge as combinations of Interface Automata (IA) and Modal Transition Systems (MTS), e.g., Nyman et al.'s IOMTS, Bauer et al.'s MIO, Raclet et al.'s MI or our MIA. In this paper, we generalise MI to nondeterministic interfaces, for which we resolve the longstanding conflict between unspecified inputs being allowed in IA but forbidden in MTS. With this solution we achieve, in contrast to related work, an associative parallel composition, a compositional preorder, a conjunction on interfaces with dissimilar alphabets supporting perspective-based specifications, and a quotienting operator for decomposing nondeterministic specifications in a single theory

    Nondeterministic modal interfaces

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    Interface theories are employed in the component-based design of concurrent systems. They often emerge as combinations of Interface Automata (IA) and Modal Transition Systems (MTS), e.g., Nyman et al.’s IOMTS, Bauer et al.’s MIO, Raclet et al.’s MI or our MIA. In this paper, we generalise MI to nondeterministic interfaces, for which we resolve the longstanding conflict between unspecified inputs being allowed in IA but forbidden in MTS. With this solution we achieve, in contrast to related work, an associative parallel composition, a compositional preorder, a conjunction on interfaces with dissimilar alphabets supporting perspective-based specifications, and a quotienting operator for decomposing nondeterministic specifications in a single theory