680 research outputs found

    The Individuals Control Chart in Case of Non-Normality

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    This article examines the effects of non-normality as measured by skewness and provides an alternative method of designing individuals control chart with non-normal distributions. A skewness correction method for constructing the individuals control chart is provided. An example of thickness of biscuit process is presented to illustrate the individuals control chart limits

    Economic Design of X-bar control chart using particle swarm optimization

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    Control chart is the most widely used tools for statistical process control. For detecting shift in process mean, chart is the simplest and most commonly used. Control chart should be designed economically in order to achieve minimum quality control costs. The major function of control chart is to detect the occurrence of assignable causes so that the necessary corrective action can be taken before a large quantity of nonconforming product is manufactured. The control chart dominates the use of any other control chart technique if quality is measured on a continuous scale. The design of a control chart refers to the selection of three parameters i.e., sample size, width of control limit, and interval between samples. Economic design of control chart has gained considerable importance in providing better quality of end products to customer at less cost. In the present work, a computer programme in C language based on a non-traditional optimization technique namely particle swarm optimization has been developed for the economic design of the control chart giving the optimum values of the sample size, sampling interval and width of control limits such that the expected total cost per hour is minimized. The results obtained are found to be better compared to that reported in the literature

    Modelo de apoio à decisão para a manutenção condicionada de equipamentos produtivos

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    Doctoral Thesis for PhD degree in Industrial and Systems EngineeringIntroduction: This thesis describes a methodology to combine Bayesian control chart and CBM (Condition-Based Maintenance) for developing a new integrated model. In maintenance management, it is a challenging task for decision-maker to conduct an appropriate and accurate decision. Proper and well-performed CBM models are beneficial for maintenance decision making. The integration of Bayesian control chart and CBM is considered as an intelligent model and a suitable strategy for forecasting items failures as well as allow providing an effectiveness maintenance cost. CBM models provides lower inventory costs for spare parts, reduces unplanned outage, and minimize the risk of catastrophic failure, avoiding high penalties associated with losses of production or delays, increasing availability. However, CBM models need new aspects and the integration of new type of information in maintenance modeling that can improve the results. Objective: The thesis aims to develop a new methodology based on Bayesian control chart for predicting failures of item incorporating simultaneously two types of data: key quality control measurement and equipment condition parameters. In other words, the project research questions are directed to give the lower maintenance costs for real process control. Method: The mathematical approach carried out in this study for developing an optimal Condition Based Maintenance policy included the Weibull analysis for verifying the Markov property, Delay time concept used for deterioration modeling and PSO and Monte Carlo simulation. These models are used for finding the upper control limit and the interval monitoring that minimizes the (maintenance) cost function. Result: The main contribution of this thesis is that the proposed model performs better than previous models in which the hypothesis of using simultaneously data about condition equipment parameters and quality control measurements improve the effectiveness of integrated model Bayesian control chart for Condition Based Maintenance.Introdução: Esta tese descreve uma metodologia para combinar Bayesian control chart e CBM (Condition- Based Maintenance) para desenvolver um novo modelo integrado. Na gestão da manutenção, é importante que o decisor possa tomar decisões apropriadas e corretas. Modelos CBM bem concebidos serão muito benéficos nas tomadas de decisão sobre manutenção. A integração dos gráficos de controlo Bayesian e CBM é considerada um modelo inteligente e uma estratégica adequada para prever as falhas de componentes bem como produzir um controlo de custos de manutenção. Os modelos CBM conseguem definir custos de inventário mais baixos para as partes de substituição, reduzem interrupções não planeadas e minimizam o risco de falhas catastróficas, evitando elevadas penalizações associadas a perdas de produção ou atrasos, aumentando a disponibilidade. Contudo, os modelos CBM precisam de alterações e a integração de novos tipos de informação na modelação de manutenção que permitam melhorar os resultados.Objetivos: Esta tese pretende desenvolver uma nova metodologia baseada Bayesian control chart para prever as falhas de partes, incorporando dois tipos de dados: medições-chave de controlo de qualidade e parâmetros de condição do equipamento. Por outras palavras, as questões de investigação são direcionadas para diminuir custos de manutenção no processo de controlo.Métodos: Os modelos matemáticos implementados neste estudo para desenvolver uma política ótima de CBM incluíram a análise de Weibull para verificação da propriedade de Markov, conceito de atraso de tempo para a modelação da deterioração, PSO e simulação de Monte Carlo. Estes modelos são usados para encontrar o limite superior de controlo e o intervalo de monotorização para minimizar a função de custos de manutenção.Resultados: A principal contribuição desta tese é que o modelo proposto melhora os resultados dos modelos anteriores, baseando-se na hipótese de que, usando simultaneamente dados dos parâmetros dos equipamentos e medições de controlo de qualidade. Assim obtém-se uma melhoria a eficácia do modelo integrado de Bayesian control chart para a manutenção condicionada

    The viability of Weibull analysis of small samples in process manufacturing

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    This research deals with some Statistical Quality Control (SQC) methods, which are used in quality testing. It investigates the problem encountered with statistical process control (SPC) tools when small sample sizes are used. Small sample size testing is a new area of concern especially when using expensive (or large) products, which are produced in small batches (low volume production). Critical literature review and analysis of current technologies and methods in SPC with small samples testing failed to show a conformance with conventional SPC techniques, as the confidence limits for averages and standard deviation are too wide. Therefore, using such sizes will provide unsecured results with a lack in accuracy. The current research demonstrates such problems in manufacturing by using examples, in order to show the lack and the difficulties faced with conventional SPC tools (control charts). Weibull distribution has always shown a clear and acceptable prediction of failure and life behaviour with small sample size batches. Using such distribution enables the accuracy needed with small sample size to be obtained. With small sample control charts generate inaccurate confidence limits, which are low. On the contrary, Weibull theory suggests that using small samples enable achievement of accurate confidence limits. This research highlights these two aspects and explains their features in more depth. An outline of the overall problem and solution point out success of Weibull analysis when Weibull distribution is modified to overcome the problems encountered when small sample sizes are used. This work shows the viability of Weibull distribution to be used as a quality tool and construct new control charts, which will provide accurate result and detect nonconformance and variability with the use of small sample sizes. Therefore, the new proposed Weibull deduction control charts shows a successful replacement of the conventional control chart, and these new charts will compensate the errors in quality testing when using small size samples

    ISBIS 2016: Meeting on Statistics in Business and Industry

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    This Book includes the abstracts of the talks presented at the 2016 International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics, held at Barcelona, June 8-10, 2016, hosted at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona TECH, by the Department of Statistics and Operations Research. The location of the meeting was at ETSEIB Building (Escola Tecnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial) at Avda Diagonal 647. The meeting organizers celebrated the continued success of ISBIS and ENBIS society, and the meeting draw together the international community of statisticians, both academics and industry professionals, who share the goal of making statistics the foundation for decision making in business and related applications. The Scientific Program Committee was constituted by: David Banks, Duke University Amílcar Oliveira, DCeT - Universidade Aberta and CEAUL Teresa A. Oliveira, DCeT - Universidade Aberta and CEAUL Nalini Ravishankar, University of Connecticut Xavier Tort Martorell, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona TECH Martina Vandebroek, KU Leuven Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi, ESSEC Business Schoo

    Research on Scientific Derivation of Control Limits in Control Charts

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    Control Charts (CC) are the means to “manage the process behaviour” by analysing subsequent samples at regular intervals of time.: good decisions depend on Scientific analysis of data. Often, the data are considered Normally distributed; this is not completely right; data must be analysed according to their distribution: decisions are different with different distributions, because the Control Limits of the CC depend on the distribution. We compare our findings with Shewhart findings; later we extend the ideas to deal with “rare events”, with data not Normally distributed; we compare our results, found by RIT, for various cases in the literature: there is a big difference between the Shewhart CC and the Time Between Events CC; considering that, future decisions of Decision Makers will be both sounder and cheaper, when data are not normally distributed. ARL depends on the data distribution, not only on the “false alarm rate”. The novelty of the paper is due to the Scientific Way of Computing the Control Limits, both for the mean and for the variance

    Detection of changes in the characteristics of oceanographic time-series using changepoint analysis.

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    Changepoint analysis is used to detect changes in variability within GOMOS hindcast time-series for significant wave heights of storm peak events across the Gulf of Mexico for the period 1900–2005. To detect a change in variance, the two-step procedure consists of (1) validating model assumptions per geographic location, followed by (2) application of a penalized likelihood changepoint algorithm. Results suggest that the most important changes in time-series variance occur in 1916 and 1933 at small clusters of boundary locations at which, in general, the variance reduces. No post-war changepoints are detected. The changepoint procedure can be readily applied to other environmental time-series

    Multivariate Statistical Process Control Charts: An Overview

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    In this paper we discuss the basic procedures for the implementation of multivariate statistical process control via control charting. Furthermore, we review multivariate extensions for all kinds of univariate control charts, such as multivariate Shewhart-type control charts, multivariate CUSUM control charts and multivariate EWMA control charts. In addition, we review unique procedures for the construction of multivariate control charts, based on multivariate statistical techniques such as principal components analysis (PCA) and partial lest squares (PLS). Finally, we describe the most significant methods for the interpretation of an out-of-control signal.quality control, process control, multivariate statistical process control, Hotelling's T-square, CUSUM, EWMA, PCA, PLS

    A study of modelling and monitoring time-between-events with control charts

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