3,283 research outputs found

    Gradient System Modelling of Matrix Converters with Input and Output Filters

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    Due to its complexity, the dynamics of matrix converters are usually neglected in controller design. However, increasing demands on reduced harmonic generation and higher bandwidths makes it necessary to study large-signal dynamics. A unified methodology that considers matrix converters, including input and output filters, as gradient systems is presented.

    Energy Shaping Control for Stabilization of Interconnected Voltage Source Converters in Weakly-Connected AC Microgrid Systems

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    With the ubiquitous installations of renewable energy resources such as solar and wind, for decentralized power applications across the United States, microgrids are being viewed as an avenue for achieving this goal. Various independent system operators and regional transmission operators such as Southwest Power Pool (SPP), Midcontinent System Operator (MISO), PJM Interconnection and Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) manage the transmission and generation systems that host the distributed energy resources (DERs). Voltage source converters typically interconnect the DERs to the utility system and used in High voltage dc (HVDC) systems for transmitting power throughout the United States. A microgrid configuration is built at the 13.8kV 4.75MVA National Center for Reliable Energy Transmission (NCREPT) testing facility for performing grid-connected and islanded operation of interconnected voltage source converters. The interconnected voltage source converters consist of a variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF) drive, which powers a regenerative (REGEN) load bench acting as a distributed energy resource emulator. Due to the weak-grid interface in islanded mode testing, a voltage instability occurs on the VVVF dc link voltage causing the system to collapse. This dissertation presents a new stability theorem for stabilizing interconnected voltage source converters in microgrid systems with weak-grid interfaces. The new stability theorem is derived using the concepts of Dirac composition in Port-Hamiltonian systems, passivity in physical systems, eigenvalue analysis and robust analysis based on the edge theorem for parametric uncertainty. The novel stability theorem aims to prove that all members of the classes of voltage source converter-based microgrid systems can be stabilized using an energy-shaping control methodology. The proposed theorems and stability analysis justifies the development of the Modified Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control (Modified IDA-PBC) method to be utilized in stabilizing the microgrid configuration at NCREPT for mitigating system instabilities. The system is simulated in MATLAB/SimulinkTM using the Simpower toolbox to observe the system’s performance of the designed controller in comparison to the decoupled proportional intergral controller. The simulation results verify that the Modified-IDA-PBC is a viable option for dc bus voltage control of interconnected voltage source converters in microgrid systems

    Multi - objective sliding mode control of active magnetic bearing system

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    Active Magnetic Bearing (AMB) system is known to inherit many nonlinearity effects due to its rotor dynamic motion and the electromagnetic actuators which make the system highly nonlinear, coupled and open-loop unstable. The major nonlinearities that are associated with AMB system are gyroscopic effect, rotor mass imbalance and nonlinear electromagnetics in which the gyroscopics and imbalance are dependent to the rotational speed of the rotor. In order to provide satisfactory system performance for a wide range of system condition, active control is thus essential. The main concern of the thesis is the modeling of the nonlinear AMB system and synthesizing a robust control method based on Sliding Mode Control (SMC) technique such that the system can achieve robust performance under various system nonlinearities. The model of the AMB system is developed based on the integration of the rotor and electromagnetic dynamics which forms nonlinear time varying state equations that represent a reasonably close description of the actual system. Based on the known bound of the system parameters and state variables, the model is restructured to become a class of uncertain system by using a deterministic approach. In formulating the control algorithm to control the system, SMC theory is adapted which involves the formulation of the sliding surface and the control law such that the state trajectories are driven to the stable sliding manifold. The surface design involves the transformation of the system into a special canonical representation such that the sliding motion can be characterized by a convex representation of the desired system performances. Optimal Linear Quadratic (LQ) characteristics and regional pole-clustering of the closed-loop poles are designed to be the objectives to be fulfilled in the surface design where the formulation is represented as a set of Linear Matrix Inequality optimization problem. For the control law design, a new continuous SMC controller is proposed in which asymptotic convergence of the system’s state trajectories in finite time is guaranteed. This is achieved by adapting the equivalent control approach with the exponential decaying boundary layer technique. The newly designed sliding surface and control law form the complete Multi-objective SMC (MO-SMC) and the proposed algorithm is applied into the nonlinear AMB in which the results show that robust system performance is achieved for various system conditions. The findings also demonstrate that the MO-SMC gives better system response than the reported ideal SMC (I-SMC) and continuous SMC (C-SMC)

    Hybrid Integrator-Gain Systems:Analysis, Design, and Applications

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    Energy-Based Control for the Cart-Pole System in Implicit Port-Hamiltonian Representation

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    This master thesis is devoted to the design, analysis, and experimental validation of an energy-based control strategy for the well-known benchmark cart-pole system in implicit Port-Hamiltonian (PH) representation. The control scheme performs two tasks: swingup and (local) stabilization. The swing-up controller is carried out on the basis of a generalized energy function and consists of bringing the pendulum trajectories from the lower (stable) position to a limit cycle (homoclinic orbit), which passes by the upright (unstable) position, as well as the cart trajectories to the desired point. The (local) stabilizing controller is designed under a novel algebraic Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control (IDA-PBC) technique and ensures the upright (asymptotic) stabilization of the pendulum as well as the cart at a desired position. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme, this work presents simulations and real-time experiments considering physical damping, i.e., viscous friction. The results are additionally contrasted with another energy-based control strategy for the cart-pole system in explicit Euler-Lagrange (EL) representation.Diese Masterarbeit widmet sich dem Entwurf, der Analyse und der experimentellen Validierung einer energiebasierten Regelstrategie fĂŒr das bekannte Benchmarksystem des inversen Pendels auf einem Wagen in impliziter Port-Hamiltonscher (PH) Darstellung. Das Regelungssystem erfĂŒllt zwei Aufgaben: das Aufschwingen und (lokale) Stabilisierung. Das Aufschwingen erfolgt auf Grundlage der generalisierten Energiefunktion und besteht darin, sowohl die Trajektorien des Pendels von der unteren (stabilen) Position in einen Grenzzyklus (homokliner Orbit) zu bringen, wobei die (instabile) aufrechte Lage passiert wird, als auch den Wagen in einer gewĂŒnschten Position einzustellen. Die (lokale) Regelung zur Stabilisierung ist nach einer neuartigen algebraischen Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control (IDA-PBC) Methode konzipiert und gewĂ€hrleistet die aufrechte (asymptotische) Stabilisierung des Pendels sowie die Positionierung des Wagens an einem gewĂŒnschten Referenzpunkt. Um die FunktionalitĂ€t des entworfenen Regelungssystems zu veranschaulichen, werden in dieser Masterarbeit Simulationen und Echtzeit-Experimente unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der physikalischen DĂ€mpfung, d.h. der viskosen Reibung, vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse werden zusĂ€tzlich mit einem weiteren energiebasierten Regelungsansatz fĂŒr das System des inversen Pendels auf einem Wagen in expliziter Euler-Lagrange (EL) Darstellung verglichen.Tesi

    Control of Systems with Limited Capacity

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    Virtually all real life systems are such that they present some kind of limitation on one or many of its variables, physical quantities. These systems are designated in this thesis as systems with limited capacity. This work is treating control related problems of a subclass of such systems, where the limitation is a critical factor. The thesis is composed of four parts. The first part is treating the control of tire slip in a braking car. The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is an important component of a complex steering system for the modern car. In the latest generation of brake-by-wire systems, the controllers have to maintain a specified tire slip for each wheel during braking. This thesis proposes a design model and based on that a hybrid controller that regulates the tire-slip. Simulation and results from drive tests are presented. In the second part, a design method for robust PID controllers is presented for a class of systems with limited capacity. Robustness is ensured with respect to a cone bounded static nonlinearity acting on the plant. Additional constraints on maximum sensitivity are also considered. The design procedure has been successfully applied in the synthesis of the proposed ABS controller. The third part studies the trajectory convergence for a general class of nonlinear systems. The servo problem for piecewise linear systems is presented. Convex optimization is used to describe the behavior of system trajectories of a piecewise linear system with respect to some input signals. The obtained results are then applied for the study of anti-windup compensators. The last part of the thesis is treating the problem of voltage stability in power systems. Voltage at the load end of a power system has to be controlled within prescribed tolerances. In case of emergencies such as sudden line failures, this task ca n be very challenging. The main contribution of this chapter is a method for improving the stability properties of the power system by dynamic compensation of the reference load voltage. Moreover, a complete compensation scheme is proposed where load shedding is the secondary control variable. This control scheme is shown to stabilize different power system models

    Integrated chaos generators

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    This paper surveys the different design issues, from mathematical model to silicon, involved on the design of integrated circuits for the generation of chaotic behavior.ComisiĂłn Interministerial de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a 1FD97-1611(TIC)European Commission ESPRIT 3110

    Hybrid modeling and control of mechatronic systems using a piecewise affine dynamics approach

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    This thesis investigates the topic of modeling and control of PWA systems based on two experimental cases of an electrical and hydraulic nature with varying complexity that were also built, instrumented and evaluated. A full-order model has been created for both systems, including all dominant system dynamics and non-linearities. The unknown parameters and characteristics have been identi ed via an extensive parameter identi cation. In the following, the non-linear characteristics are linearized at several points, resulting in PWA models for each respective setup. Regarding the closed loop control of the generated models and corresponding experimental setups, a linear control structure comprised of integral error, feed-forward and state-feedback control has been used. Additionally, the hydraulic setup has been controlled in an autonomous hybrid position/force control mode, resulting in a switched system with each mode's dynamics being de ned by the previously derived PWA-based model in combination with the control structure and respective mode-dependent controller gains. The autonomous switch between control modes has been de ned by a switching event capable of consistently switching between modes in a deterministic manner despite the noise-a icted measurements. Several methods were used to obtain suitable controller gains, including optimization routines and pole placement. Validation of the system's fast and accurate response was obtained through simulations and experimental evaluation. The controlled system's local stability was proven for regions in state-space associated with operational points by using pole-zero analysis. The stability of the hybrid control approach was proven by using multiple Lyapunov functions for the investigated test scenarios.publishedVersio
