42 research outputs found

    Non-Eliminative Structuralism, Fregean Abstraction, and Non-Rigid Structures

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    The Structuralist Thesis Reconsidered

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    Øystein Linnebo and Richard Pettigrew ([2014]) have recently developed a version of non-eliminative mathematical structuralism based on Fregean abstraction principles. They argue that their theory of abstract structures proves a consistent version of the structuralist thesis that positions in abstract structures only have structural properties. They do this by defining a subset of the properties of positions in structures, so-called fundamental properties, and argue that all fundamental properties of positions are structural. In this paper, we argue that the structuralist thesis, even when restricted to fundamental properties, does not follow from the theory of structures that Linnebo and Pettigrew have developed. To make their account work, we propose a formal framework in terms of Kripke models that makes structural abstraction precise. The formal framework allows us to articulate a revised definition of fundamental properties, understood as intensional properties. Based on this revised definition, we show that the restricted version of the structuralist thesis holds

    The Structuralist Thesis Reconsidered

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    Øystein Linnebo and Richard Pettigrew ([2014]) have recently developed a version of non-eliminative mathematical structuralism based on Fregean abstraction principles. They argue that their theory of abstract structures proves a consistent version of the structuralist thesis that positions in abstract structures only have structural properties. They do this by defining a subset of the properties of positions in structures, so-called fundamental properties, and argue that all fundamental properties of positions are structural. In this paper, we argue that the structuralist thesis, even when restricted to fundamental properties, does not follow from the theory of structures that Linnebo and Pettigrew have developed. To make their account work, we propose a formal framework in terms of Kripke models that makes structural abstraction precise. The formal framework allows us to articulate a revised definition of fundamental properties, understood as intensional properties. Based on this revised definition, we show that the restricted version of the structuralist thesis holds

    The Structuralist Thesis Reconsidered

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    Structuralism, indiscernibility, and physical computation

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    Structuralism about mathematical objects and structuralist accounts of physical computation both face indeterminacy objections. For the former, the problem arises for cases such as the complex roots i and -i, for which a (non-trivial) automorphism can be defined, thus establishing the structural identity of these importantly distinct mathematical objects (see e.g. Keranen in Philos Math 3:308-330, 2001). In the case of the latter, the problem arises for logical duals such as AND and OR, which have invertible structural profiles (see e.g. Shagrir in Mind 110(438):369-400, 2001). This makes their physical implementations indeterminate, in the sense that their structural profiles alone cannot establish whether a given physical component is an AND-gate or an OR-gate. Doherty (PhilPapers, https:// philpapers.org/ rec/DOHCI-3, 2021) has recently shown both problems to be analogous, and has argued that computational structuralism is threatened with the absurd conclusion that computational digits might be indiscernible, such that, if structural properties are all that we have to go on, the binary digit 0 must be treated as identical to the binary digit 1 (rendering pure structuralism absurd). However, we think that a solution to the indiscernibility problem for mathematical structuralists, drawing on the work of David Hilbert, can be adapted for the analogous problem in the computational case, thereby rescuing the structuralist approach to physical computation

    What Are Structural Properties?†

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    Informally, structural properties of mathematical objects are usually characterized in one of two ways: either as properties expressible purely in terms of the primitive relations of mathematical theories, or as the properties that hold of all structurally similar mathematical objects. We present two formal explications corresponding to these two informal characterizations of structural properties. Based on this, we discuss the relation between the two explications. As will be shown, the two characterizations do not determine the same class of mathematical properties. From this observation we draw some philosophical conclusions about the possibility of a ‘correct’ analysis of structural properties

    Anti-Foundational Categorical Structuralism

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    The aim of this dissertation is to outline and defend the view here dubbed “anti-foundational categorical structuralism” (henceforth AFCS). The program put forth is intended to provide an answer the question “what is mathematics?”. The answer here on offer adopts the structuralist view of mathematics, in that mathematics is taken to be “the science of structure” expressed in the language of category theory, which is argued to accurately capture the notion of a “structural property”. In characterizing mathematical theorems as both conditional and schematic in form, the program is forced to give up claims to securing the truth of its theorems, as well as give up a semantics which involves reference to special, distinguished “mathematical objects”, or which involves quantification over a fixed domain of such objects. One who wishes—contrary to the AFCS view—to inject mathematics with a “standard” semantics, and to provide a secure epistemic foundation for the theorems of mathematics, in short, one who wishes for a foundation for mathematics, will surely find this view lacking. However, I argue that a satisfactory development of the structuralist view, couched in the language of category theory, accurately represents our best understanding of the content of mathematical theorems and thereby obviates the need for any foundational program

    Rigour, Proof and Soundness

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    Carnap's early semantics

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    In jĂŒngerer Zeit hat sich ein verstĂ€rktes Interesse an den historischen und technischen Details von Carnaps Philosophie der Logik und Mathematik entwickelt. Meine Dissertation knĂŒpft an diese Entwicklung an und untersucht dessen frĂŒhe und formative BeitrĂ€ge aus den spĂ€ten 1920er Jahren zu einer Theorie der formalen Semantik. Carnaps zu Lebzeiten unveröffentlichtes Manuskript Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Axiomatik (Carnap 2000) beinhaltet ein Reihe von erstmals formal entwickelten Definitionen der Begriffe ‚Modell’, ‚Modellerweiterung’, und ‚logischer Folgerung’. Die vorliegende Dissertation entwickelt eine logische und philosophische Analyse dieser semantischen Begriffsbildungen. DarĂŒber hinaus wird Carnaps frĂŒhe Semantik in ihrem historisch-intellektuellen Entwicklungskontext diskutiert. Der Fokus der Arbeit liegt in der Thematisierung einiger interpretatorischer Fragen zu dessen implizit gehaltenen Annahmen bezĂŒglich der VariabilitĂ€t des Diskursuniversums von Modellen sowie zur Interpretation seiner typen-theoretischen logischen Sprache. Mit Bezug auf eine Reihe von historischen Dokumenten aus Carnaps Nachlass, insbesondere zu dem geplanten zweiten Teil der Untersuchungen wird erstens gezeigt, dass dessen VerstĂ€ndnis von Modellen in wesentlichen Punkten heterodox gegenĂŒber dem modernen BegriffsverstĂ€ndnis ist. Zweitens, dass Carnap von einer ‚nonstandard’ Interpretation der logischen Hintergrundtheorie fĂŒr seine Axiomatik ausgeht. Die Konsequenzen dieser semantischen Annahmen fĂŒr dessen Konzeptualisierung von metatheoretischen Begriffen werden nĂ€her diskutiert. Das erste Kapitel entwickelt eine kritische Analyse von Carnaps Versuch, die axiomatische Definition von Klassen von mathematischen Strukturen mittels des Begriffs von ‚Explizitbegriffen’ formal zu rekonstruieren. Im zweiten Kapitel werden die Implikationen von Carnaps frĂŒhem Modellbegriff fĂŒr seine Theorie von Extremalaxiomen nĂ€her beleuchtet. Das letzte Kapitel bildet eine Diskussion der konkreten historischen EinflĂŒsse, insbesondere durch den Mengentheoretiker Abraham Fraenkel, auf Carnaps formale Theorie von Minimalaxiomen.In recent years one was able to witness an intensified interest in the technical and historical details of Carnap’s philosophy of logic and mathematics. In my thesis I will take up this line and focus on his early, formative contributions to a theory of semantics around 1928. Carnap’s unpublished manuscript Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Axiomatik (Carnap 2000) includes some of the first formal definitions of the genuinely semantic concepts of a model, model extensions, and logical consequence. In the dissertation, I provide a detailed conceptual analysis of their technical details and contextualize Carnap’s results in their historic and intellectual environment. Certain interpretative issues related to his tacit assumptions concerning the domain of a model and the semantics of type theory will be addressed. By referring to unpublished material from Carnap’s Nachlass I will present archival evidence as well as more systematic arguments to the view that Carnap holds a heterodox conception of models and a nonstandard semantics for his type-theoretic logic. Given these semantic background assumptions, their impact on Carnap’s conceptualization of certain aspects of the metatheory of axiomatic theories will be evaluated. The first chapter critically discusses Carnap’s attempt to explicate one of the crucial semantic innovations of formal axiomatics, i.e. the definition of classes of structures, via his notion of ‘Explizitbegriffe’. The second chapter analyses the impact of Carnap’s early theory of model for his theory of extremal axioms. The final chapter reviews the mathematical influences, most importantly by the set theoretician Abraham Fraenkel on Carnap’s specific formalization of minimal axioms