81 research outputs found

    A uniform framework for modelling nondeterministic, probabilistic, stochastic, or mixed processes and their behavioral equivalences

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    Labeled transition systems are typically used as behavioral models of concurrent processes, and the labeled transitions define the a one-step state-to-state reachability relation. This model can be made generalized by modifying the transition relation to associate a state reachability distribution, rather than a single target state, with any pair of source state and transition label. The state reachability distribution becomes a function mapping each possible target state to a value that expresses the degree of one-step reachability of that state. Values are taken from a preordered set equipped with a minimum that denotes unreachability. By selecting suitable preordered sets, the resulting model, called ULTraS from Uniform Labeled Transition System, can be specialized to capture well-known models of fully nondeterministic processes (LTS), fully probabilistic processes (ADTMC), fully stochastic processes (ACTMC), and of nondeterministic and probabilistic (MDP) or nondeterministic and stochastic (CTMDP) processes. This uniform treatment of different behavioral models extends to behavioral equivalences. These can be defined on ULTraS by relying on appropriate measure functions that expresses the degree of reachability of a set of states when performing single-step or multi-step computations. It is shown that the specializations of bisimulation, trace, and testing equivalences for the different classes of ULTraS coincide with the behavioral equivalences defined in the literature over traditional models

    Bisimulation of Labelled State-to-Function Transition Systems Coalgebraically

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    Labeled state-to-function transition systems, FuTS for short, are characterized by transitions which relate states to functions of states over general semirings, equipped with a rich set of higher-order operators. As such, FuTS constitute a convenient modeling instrument to deal with process languages and their quantitative extensions in particular. In this paper, the notion of bisimulation induced by a FuTS is addressed from a coalgebraic point of view. A correspondence result is established stating that FuTS-bisimilarity coincides with behavioural equivalence of the associated functor. As generic examples, the equivalences underlying substantial fragments of major examples of quantitative process algebras are related to the bisimilarity of specific FuTS. The examples range from a stochastic process language, PEPA, to a language for Interactive Markov Chains, IML, a (discrete) timed process language, TPC, and a language for Markov Automata, MAL. The equivalences underlying these languages are related to the bisimilarity of their specific FuTS. By the correspondence result coalgebraic justification of the equivalences of these calculi is obtained. The specific selection of languages, besides covering a large variety of process interaction models and modelling choices involving quantities, allows us to show different classes of FuTS, namely so-called simple FuTS, combined FuTS, nested FuTS, and general FuTS

    Bisimulation of Labeled State-to-Function Transition Systems of Stochastic Process Languages

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    Labeled state-to-function transition systems, FuTS for short, admit multiple transition schemes from states to functions of finite support over general semirings. As such they constitute a convenient modeling instrument to deal with stochastic process languages. In this paper, the notion of bisimulation induced by a FuTS is proposed and a correspondence result is proven stating that FuTS-bisimulation coincides with the behavioral equivalence of the associated functor. As generic examples, the concrete existing equivalences for the core of the process algebras ACP, PEPA and IMC are related to the bisimulation of specific FuTS, providing via the correspondence result coalgebraic justification of the equivalences of these calculi.Comment: In Proceedings ACCAT 2012, arXiv:1208.430

    Weak Markovian Bisimulation Congruences and Exact CTMC-Level Aggregations for Concurrent Processes

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    We have recently defined a weak Markovian bisimulation equivalence in an integrated-time setting, which reduces sequences of exponentially timed internal actions to individual exponentially timed internal actions having the same average duration and execution probability as the corresponding sequences. This weak Markovian bisimulation equivalence is a congruence for sequential processes with abstraction and turns out to induce an exact CTMC-level aggregation at steady state for all the considered processes. However, it is not a congruence with respect to parallel composition. In this paper, we show how to generalize the equivalence in a way that a reasonable tradeoff among abstraction, compositionality, and exactness is achieved for concurrent processes. We will see that, by enhancing the abstraction capability in the presence of concurrent computations, it is possible to retrieve the congruence property with respect to parallel composition, with the resulting CTMC-level aggregation being exact at steady state only for a certain subset of the considered processes.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2012, arXiv:1207.055

    A Definition Scheme for Quantitative Bisimulation

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    FuTS, state-to-function transition systems are generalizations of labeled transition systems and of familiar notions of quantitative semantical models as continuous-time Markov chains, interactive Markov chains, and Markov automata. A general scheme for the definition of a notion of strong bisimulation associated with a FuTS is proposed. It is shown that this notion of bisimulation for a FuTS coincides with the coalgebraic notion of behavioral equivalence associated to the functor on Set given by the type of the FuTS. For a series of concrete quantitative semantical models the notion of bisimulation as reported in the literature is proven to coincide with the notion of quantitative bisimulation obtained from the scheme. The comparison includes models with orthogonal behaviour, like interactive Markov chains, and with multiple levels of behavior, like Markov automata. As a consequence of the general result relating FuTS bisimulation and behavioral equivalence we obtain, in a systematic way, a coalgebraic underpinning of all quantitative bisimulations discussed.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2015, arXiv:1509.0816

    Forward and Backward Bisimulations for Chemical Reaction Networks

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    We present two quantitative behavioral equivalences over species of a chemical reaction network (CRN) with semantics based on ordinary differential equations. Forward CRN bisimulation identifies a partition where each equivalence class represents the exact sum of the concentrations of the species belonging to that class. Backward CRN bisimulation relates species that have the identical solutions at all time points when starting from the same initial conditions. Both notions can be checked using only CRN syntactical information, i.e., by inspection of the set of reactions. We provide a unified algorithm that computes the coarsest refinement up to our bisimulations in polynomial time. Further, we give algorithms to compute quotient CRNs induced by a bisimulation. As an application, we find significant reductions in a number of models of biological processes from the literature. In two cases we allow the analysis of benchmark models which would be otherwise intractable due to their memory requirements.Comment: Extended version of the CONCUR 2015 pape

    Reverse Bisimilarity vs. Forward Bisimilarity

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    Reversibility is the capability of a system of undoing its own actions starting from the last performed one, in such a way that a past consistent state is reached. This is not trivial for concurrent systems, as the last performed action may not be uniquely identifiable. There are several approaches to address causality-consistent reversibility, some including a notion of forward-reverse bisimilarity. We introduce a minimal process calculus for reversible systems to investigate compositionality properties and equational characterizations of forward-reverse bisimilarity as well as of its two components, i.e., forward bisimilarity and reverse bisimilarity, so as to highlight their differences. The study is conducted not only in a nondeterministic setting, but also in a stochastic one where time reversibility and lumpability for Markov chains are exploited

    Syntactic Markovian Bisimulation for Chemical Reaction Networks

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    In chemical reaction networks (CRNs) with stochastic semantics based on continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs), the typically large populations of species cause combinatorially large state spaces. This makes the analysis very difficult in practice and represents the major bottleneck for the applicability of minimization techniques based, for instance, on lumpability. In this paper we present syntactic Markovian bisimulation (SMB), a notion of bisimulation developed in the Larsen-Skou style of probabilistic bisimulation, defined over the structure of a CRN rather than over its underlying CTMC. SMB identifies a lumpable partition of the CTMC state space a priori, in the sense that it is an equivalence relation over species implying that two CTMC states are lumpable when they are invariant with respect to the total population of species within the same equivalence class. We develop an efficient partition-refinement algorithm which computes the largest SMB of a CRN in polynomial time in the number of species and reactions. We also provide an algorithm for obtaining a quotient network from an SMB that induces the lumped CTMC directly, thus avoiding the generation of the state space of the original CRN altogether. In practice, we show that SMB allows significant reductions in a number of models from the literature. Finally, we study SMB with respect to the deterministic semantics of CRNs based on ordinary differential equations (ODEs), where each equation gives the time-course evolution of the concentration of a species. SMB implies forward CRN bisimulation, a recently developed behavioral notion of equivalence for the ODE semantics, in an analogous sense: it yields a smaller ODE system that keeps track of the sums of the solutions for equivalent species.Comment: Extended version (with proofs), of the corresponding paper published at KimFest 2017 (http://kimfest.cs.aau.dk/

    On the Expressiveness of Markovian Process Calculi with Durational and Durationless Actions

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    Several Markovian process calculi have been proposed in the literature, which differ from each other for various aspects. With regard to the action representation, we distinguish between integrated-time Markovian process calculi, in which every action has an exponentially distributed duration associated with it, and orthogonal-time Markovian process calculi, in which action execution is separated from time passing. Similar to deterministically timed process calculi, we show that these two options are not irreconcilable by exhibiting three mappings from an integrated-time Markovian process calculus to an orthogonal-time Markovian process calculus that preserve the behavioral equivalence of process terms under different interpretations of action execution: eagerness, laziness, and maximal progress. The mappings are limited to classes of process terms of the integrated-time Markovian process calculus with restrictions on parallel composition and do not involve the full capability of the orthogonal-time Markovian process calculus of expressing nondeterministic choices, thus elucidating the only two important differences between the two calculi: their synchronization disciplines and their ways of solving choices
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