69 research outputs found

    Applications of Metric Coinduction

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    Metric coinduction is a form of coinduction that can be used to establish properties of objects constructed as a limit of finite approximations. One can prove a coinduction step showing that some property is preserved by one step of the approximation process, then automatically infer by the coinduction principle that the property holds of the limit object. This can often be used to avoid complicated analytic arguments involving limits and convergence, replacing them with simpler algebraic arguments. This paper examines the application of this principle in a variety of areas, including infinite streams, Markov chains, Markov decision processes, and non-well-founded sets. These results point to the usefulness of coinduction as a general proof technique

    Coinduction in Flow: The Later Modality in Fibrations

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    This paper provides a construction on fibrations that gives access to the so-called later modality, which allows for a controlled form of recursion in coinductive proofs and programs. The construction is essentially a generalisation of the topos of trees from the codomain fibration over sets to arbitrary fibrations. As a result, we obtain a framework that allows the addition of a recursion principle for coinduction to rather arbitrary logics and programming languages. The main interest of using recursion is that it allows one to write proofs and programs in a goal-oriented fashion. This enables easily understandable coinductive proofs and programs, and fosters automatic proof search. Part of the framework are also various results that enable a wide range of applications: transportation of (co)limits, exponentials, fibred adjunctions and first-order connectives from the initial fibration to the one constructed through the framework. This means that the framework extends any first-order logic with the later modality. Moreover, we obtain soundness and completeness results, and can use up-to techniques as proof rules. Since the construction works for a wide variety of fibrations, we will be able to use the recursion offered by the later modality in various context. For instance, we will show how recursive proofs can be obtained for arbitrary (syntactic) first-order logics, for coinductive set-predicates, and for the probabilistic modal mu-calculus. Finally, we use the same construction to obtain a novel language for probabilistic productive coinductive programming. These examples demonstrate the flexibility of the framework and its accompanying results

    Language Constructs for Non-Well-Founded Computation

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    Recursive functions defined on a coalgebraic datatype C may not converge if there are cycles in the input, that is, if the input object is not well-founded. Even so, there is often a useful solution; for example, the free variables of an infinitary λ-term, or the expected running time of a finite-state probabilistic protocol. Theoretical models of recursion schemes have been well studied

    Generic Trace Logics

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    We combine previous work on coalgebraic logic with the coalgebraic traces semantics of Hasuo, Jacobs, and Sokolova

    Capsules And Non-Well-Founded Computation

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    Tracing monadic computations and representing effects

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    In functional programming, monads are supposed to encapsulate computations, effectfully producing the final result, but keeping to themselves the means of acquiring it. For various reasons, we sometimes want to reveal the internals of a computation. To make that possible, in this paper we introduce monad transformers that add the ability to automatically accumulate observations about the course of execution as an effect. We discover that if we treat the resulting trace as the actual result of the computation, we can find new functionality in existing monads, notably when working with non-terminating computations.Comment: In Proceedings MSFP 2012, arXiv:1202.240

    Functorial Semantics as a Unifying Perspective on Logic Programming

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    Logic programming and its variations are widely used for formal reasoning in various areas of Computer Science, most notably Artificial Intelligence. In this paper we develop a systematic and unifying perspective for (ground) classical, probabilistic, weighted logic programs, based on categorical algebra. Our departure point is a formal distinction between the syntax and the semantics of programs, now regarded as separate categories. Then, we are able to characterise the various variants of logic program as different models for the same syntax category, i.e. structure-preserving functors in the spirit of Lawvere’s functorial semantics. As a first consequence of our approach, we showcase a series of semantic constructs for logic programming pictorially as certain string diagrams in the syntax category. Secondly, we describe the correspondence between probabilistic logic programs and Bayesian networks in terms of the associated models. Our analysis reveals that the correspondence can be phrased in purely syntactical terms, without resorting to the probabilistic domain of interpretation
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