359 research outputs found

    Graphical modeling of stochastic processes driven by correlated errors

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    We study a class of graphs that represent local independence structures in stochastic processes allowing for correlated error processes. Several graphs may encode the same local independencies and we characterize such equivalence classes of graphs. In the worst case, the number of conditions in our characterizations grows superpolynomially as a function of the size of the node set in the graph. We show that deciding Markov equivalence is coNP-complete which suggests that our characterizations cannot be improved upon substantially. We prove a global Markov property in the case of a multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process which is driven by correlated Brownian motions.Comment: 43 page

    Quantum Algorithm for Variant Maximum Satisfiability

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    In this paper, we proposed a novel quantum algorithm for the maximum satisfiability problem. Satisfiability (SAT) is to find the set of assignment values of input variables for the given Boolean function that evaluates this function as TRUE or prove that such satisfying values do not exist. For a POS SAT problem, we proposed a novel quantum algorithm for the maximum satisfiability (MAX-SAT), which returns the maximum number of OR terms that are satisfied for the SAT-unsatisfiable function, providing us with information on how far the given Boolean function is from the SAT satisfaction. We used Grover’s algorithm with a new block called quantum counter in the oracle circuit. The proposed circuit can be adapted for various forms of satisfiability expressions and several satisfiability-like problems. Using the quantum counter and mirrors for SAT terms reduces the need for ancilla qubits and realizes a large Toffoli gate that is then not needed. Our circuit reduces the number of ancilla qubits for the terms T of the Boolean function from T of ancilla qubits to ≈⌈log2⁡T⌉+1. We analyzed and compared the quantum cost of the traditional oracle design with our design which gives a low quantum cost

    Recognition and Exploitation of Gate Structure in SAT Solving

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    In der theoretischen Informatik ist das SAT-Problem der archetypische Vertreter der Klasse der NP-vollstĂ€ndigen Probleme, weshalb effizientes SAT-Solving im Allgemeinen als unmöglich angesehen wird. Dennoch erzielt man in der Praxis oft erstaunliche Resultate, wo einige Anwendungen Probleme mit Millionen von Variablen erzeugen, die von neueren SAT-Solvern in angemessener Zeit gelöst werden können. Der Erfolg von SAT-Solving in der Praxis ist auf aktuelle Implementierungen des Conflict Driven Clause-Learning (CDCL) Algorithmus zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren, dessen LeistungsfĂ€higkeit weitgehend von den verwendeten Heuristiken abhĂ€ngt, welche implizit die Struktur der in der industriellen Praxis erzeugten Instanzen ausnutzen. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir einen neuen generischen Algorithmus zur effizienten Erkennung der Gate-Struktur in CNF-Encodings von SAT Instanzen vor, und außerdem drei AnsĂ€tze, in denen wir diese Struktur explizit ausnutzen. Unsere BeitrĂ€ge umfassen auch die Implementierung dieser AnsĂ€tze in unserem SAT-Solver Candy und die Entwicklung eines Werkzeugs fĂŒr die verteilte Verwaltung von Benchmark-Instanzen und deren Attribute, der Global Benchmark Database (GBD)

    The complexity of verifying loop-free programs as differentially private

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    We study the problem of verifying differential privacy for loop-free programs with probabilistic choice. Programs in this class can be seen as randomized Boolean circuits, which we will use as a formal model to answer two different questions: first, deciding whether a program satisfies a prescribed level of privacy; second, approximating the privacy parameters a program realizes. We show that the problem of deciding whether a program satisfies Δ-differential privacy is coNP#P-complete. In fact, this is the case when either the input domain or the output range of the program is large. Further, we show that deciding whether a program is (Δ,Ύ)-differentially private is coNP#P-hard, and in coNP#P for small output domains, but always in coNP#P#P. Finally, we show that the problem of approximating the level of differential privacy is both NP-hard and coNP-hard. These results complement previous results by Murtagh and Vadhan showing that deciding the optimal composition of differentially private components is #P-complete, and that approximating the optimal composition of differentially private components is in P

    Reasoning in Description Logic Ontologies for Privacy Management

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    A rise in the number of ontologies that are integrated and distributed in numerous application systems may provide the users to access the ontologies with different privileges and purposes. In this situation, preserving confidential information from possible unauthorized disclosures becomes a critical requirement. For instance, in the clinical sciences, unauthorized disclosures of medical information do not only threaten the system but also, most importantly, the patient data. Motivated by this situation, this thesis initially investigates a privacy problem, called the identity problem, where the identity of (anonymous) objects stored in Description Logic ontologies can be revealed or not. Then, we consider this problem in the context of role-based access control to ontologies and extend it to the problem asking if the identity belongs to a set of known individuals of cardinality smaller than the number k. If it is the case that some confidential information of persons, such as their identity, their relationships or their other properties, can be deduced from an ontology, which implies that some privacy policy is not fulfilled, then one needs to repair this ontology such that the modified one complies with the policies and preserves the information from the original ontology as much as possible. The repair mechanism we provide is called gentle repair and performed via axiom weakening instead of axiom deletion which was commonly used in classical approaches of ontology repair. However, policy compliance itself is not enough if there is a possible attacker that can obtain relevant information from other sources, which together with the modified ontology still violates the privacy policies. Safety property is proposed to alleviate this issue and we investigate this in the context of privacy-preserving ontology publishing. Inference procedures to solve those privacy problems and additional investigations on the complexity of the procedures, as well as the worst-case complexity of the problems, become the main contributions of this thesis.:1. Introduction 1.1 Description Logics 1.2 Detecting Privacy Breaches in Information System 1.3 Repairing Information Systems 1.4 Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing 1.5 Outline and Contribution of the Thesis 2. Preliminaries 2.1 Description Logic ALC 2.1.1 Reasoning in ALC Ontologies 2.1.2 Relationship with First-Order Logic 2.1.3. Fragments of ALC 2.2 Description Logic EL 2.3 The Complexity of Reasoning Problems in DLs 3. The Identity Problem and Its Variants in Description Logic Ontologies 3.1 The Identity Problem 3.1.1 Description Logics with Equality Power 3.1.2 The Complexity of the Identity Problem 3.2 The View-Based Identity Problem 3.3 The k-Hiding Problem 3.3.1 Upper Bounds 3.3.2 Lower Bound 4. Repairing Description Logic Ontologies 4.1 Repairing Ontologies 4.2 Gentle Repairs 4.3 Weakening Relations 4.4 Weakening Relations for EL Axioms 4.4.1 Generalizing the Right-Hand Sides of GCIs 4.4.2 Syntactic Generalizations 4.5 Weakening Relations for ALC Axioms 4.5.1 Generalizations and Specializations in ALC w.r.t. Role Depth 4.5.2 Syntactical Generalizations and Specializations in ALC 5. Privacy-Preserving Ontology Publishing for EL Instance Stores 5.1 Formalizing Sensitive Information in EL Instance Stores 5.2 Computing Optimal Compliant Generalizations 5.3 Computing Optimal Safe^{\exists} Generalizations 5.4 Deciding Optimality^{\exists} in EL Instance Stores 5.5 Characterizing Safety^{\forall} 5.6 Optimal P-safe^{\forall} Generalizations 5.7 Characterizing Safety^{\forall\exists} and Optimality^{\forall\exists} 6. Privacy-Preserving Ontology Publishing for EL ABoxes 6.1 Logical Entailments in EL ABoxes with Anonymous Individuals 6.2 Anonymizing EL ABoxes 6.3 Formalizing Sensitive Information in EL ABoxes 6.4 Compliance and Safety for EL ABoxes 6.5 Optimal Anonymizers 7. Conclusion 7.1 Main Results 7.2 Future Work Bibliograph

    Spatio-Temporal Reasoning About Agent Behavior

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    There are many applications where we wish to reason about spatio-temporal aspects of an agent's behavior. This dissertation examines several facets of this type of reasoning. First, given a model of past agent behavior, we wish to reason about the probability that an agent takes a given action at a certain time. Previous work combining temporal and probabilistic reasoning has made either independence or Markov assumptions. This work introduces Annotated Probabilistic Temporal (APT) logic which makes neither assumption. Statements in APT logic consist of rules of the form "Formula G becomes true with a probability [L,U] within T time units after formula F becomes true'' and can be written by experts or extracted automatically. We explore the problem of entailment - finding the probability that an agent performs a given action at a certain time based on such a model. We study this problem's complexity and develop a sound, but incomplete fixpoint operator as a heuristic - implementing it and testing it on automatically generated models from several datasets. Second, agent behavior often results in "observations'' at geospatial locations that imply the existence of other, unobserved, locations we wish to find ("partners"). In this dissertation, we formalize this notion with "geospatial abduction problems" (GAPs). GAPs try to infer a set of partner locations for a set of observations and a model representing the relationship between observations and partners for a given agent. This dissertation presents exact and approximate algorithms for solving GAPs as well as an implemented software package for addressing these problems called SCARE (the Spatio-Cultural Abductive Reasoning Engine). We tested SCARE on counter-insurgency data from Iraq and obtained good results. We then provide an adversarial extension to GAPs as follows: given a fixed set of observations, if an adversary has probabilistic knowledge of how an agent were to find a corresponding set of partners, he would place the partners in locations that minimize the expected number of partners found by the agent. We examine this problem, along with its complement by studying their computational complexity, developing algorithms, and implementing approximation schemes. We also introduce a class of problems called geospatial optimization problems (GOPs). Here the agent has a set of actions that modify attributes of a geospatial region and he wishes to select a limited number of such actions (with respect to some budget and other constraints) in a manner that maximizes a benefit function. We study the complexity of this problem and develop exact methods. We then develop an approximation algorithm with a guarantee. For some real-world applications, such as epidemiology, there is an underlying diffusion process that also affects geospatial proprieties. We address this with social network optimization problems (SNOPs) where given a weighted, labeled, directed graph we seek to find a set of vertices, that if given some initial property, optimize an aggregate study with respect to such diffusion. We develop and implement a heuristic that obtains a guarantee for a large class of such problems

    Pattern Functional Dependencies for Data Cleaning

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    Patterns (or regex-based expressions) are widely used to constrain the format of a domain (or a column), e.g., a Year column should contain only four digits, and thus a value like "1980-" might be a typo. Moreover, integrity constraints (ICs) defined over multiple columns, such as (conditional) functional dependencies and denial constraints, e.g., a ZIP code uniquely determines a city in the UK, have been widely used in data cleaning. However, a promising, but not yet explored, direction is to combine regex- and IC-based theories to capture data dependencies involving partial attribute values. For example, in an employee ID such as"F-9-107", "F" is sufficient to determine the finance department. Inspired by the above observation, we propose a novel class of ICs, called pattern functional dependencies (PFDs), to model fine-grained data dependencies gleaned from partial attribute values. These dependencies cannot be modeled using traditional ICs, such as (conditional) functional dependencies, which work on entire attribute values. We also present a set of axioms for the inference of PFDs, analogous to Armstrong's axioms for FDs, and study the complexity of consistency and implication analysis of PFDs. Moreover, we devise an effective algorithm to automatically discover PFDs even in the presence of errors in the data. Our extensive experiments on 15 real-world datasets show that our approach can effectively discover valid and useful PFDs over dirty data, which can then be used to detect data errors that are hard to capture by other types of ICs

    Group announcement logic

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    AbstractTwo currently active strands of research on logics for multi-agent systems are dynamic epistemic logic, focusing on the epistemic consequences of actions, and logics of coalitional ability, focusing on what coalitions of agents can achieve by cooperating strategically. In this paper we bridge these topics by considering the question: “what can a coalition achieve by making public announcements?”. We propose an extension of public announcement logic with constructs of the form 〈Gă€‰Ï•, where G is a group of agents, with the intuitive meaning that G can jointly execute a publicly observable action such that ϕ will be true afterwards. Actions here are taken to be truthful public announcements, but turn out also to include sequences of such joint actions as well as protocols with alternating actions by different agents, in response to the actions of others. We also study in detail the difference between ‘knowing how’ (knowing de re) and ‘knowing that’ (knowing de dicto) in our framework: both can elegantly be expressed in the single-agent case. We present several meta-logical properties of this Group Announcement Logic, including a sound and complete axiomatization, expressivity and the complexity of model checking
